Short Report Turings Test Modernization - 1

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The Turing Test and it's possible modernization for 21st century AI

Turing test consists on a person talking to two different entities, one is an AI and another is a
human. It is consider that an AI would pass the Turin test if the interviewer cannot distinguish
between AI and human.
Turing test has been a test of great importance for AI development inspiration. It’s been a reference
for a long time as well as the pragmatic solution for a hard philosophical question.
In spite of the great importance of the test, AI development has catched up to the test, therefore
some people argue that the test needs modernization.
Some of the new approaches for modernizing Turing test are:
- Truly total test: A test where the candidate must be able to do, in the real world, everything that
real people can do
- The reverse Turing test: a test where a machine has to determine if the entity that is talking to is a
human or a machine.
- The visual turing test: It consists of a test where the machine has to answer questions related to
parts of a picture and complex image visualization concepts.
- Google’s Beyond the Imitation Game (BIG): It currently consists of 204 tasks, contributed by 442
authors across 132 institutions. Task topics are diverse, drawing problems from linguistics,
childhood development, math, common-sense reasoning, biology, physics, social bias, software
development, and beyond. BIG-bench focuses on tasks that are believed to be beyond the
capabilities of current language models.
Personal opinion:
Intelligence in machines is hard to describe, maybe even what nowadays we call artificial
intelligence is nothing more than a machine performing tasks with a different way of inputting what
you want, less manual and more verbal. If that’s intelligence then we should focus on measuring
that intelligence, but humans were never good at that. From exams where humans ask for specific
knowledge as if intelligence meant memory, to asking for completion of tasks where the
examination rules is unclear or unfair. To answer if a machine is intelligent we would first have to
dig deep into the term intelligence and then describe how or why a human is intelligent and the
relationship of this definition to machines.

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