Cause and Effect Essay On Bullying

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Cause And Effect Essay On Bullying

Composing an essay on the topic of "Cause And Effect Essay On Bullying" can be a challenging
task that requires careful consideration and thorough research. The complexity of this particular
subject lies in the need to delve into the intricate dynamics of bullying, exploring both its causes
and the subsequent effects on individuals and society as a whole.

To start, one must navigate through a myriad of factors contributing to the onset of bullying
behavior. Understanding the root causes demands a deep analysis of psychological, social, and
environmental elements that create an environment conducive to such negative actions. This
initial phase can be time-consuming, as it requires gathering data from various sources to build a
comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

Moving on to the effects of bullying, the task becomes equally daunting. Attempting to capture
the wide-ranging impact on victims, witnesses, and even the perpetrators demands a delicate
touch. One needs to balance empathy and objectivity, presenting a well-rounded perspective that
highlights the emotional, psychological, and sometimes physical toll of bullying. This involves
not only citing studies and expert opinions but also incorporating real-life examples to make the
essay relatable and impactful.

Crafting a cohesive narrative that seamlessly connects the causes to the effects, while
maintaining a logical flow, adds another layer of difficulty. Striking the right balance between
maintaining an academic tone and engaging the reader emotionally can be challenging. The
writer must carefully structure the essay to ensure clarity and coherence while addressing the
complexities of the topic.

Moreover, addressing potential counterarguments and alternative viewpoints requires a nuanced

approach. Acknowledging the multifaceted nature of bullying and considering opposing
perspectives enhances the essay's credibility and strengthens the overall argument. This,
however, adds an extra layer of complexity to the writing process.

In conclusion, tackling a "Cause And Effect Essay On Bullying" demands a comprehensive

understanding of the subject matter, meticulous research, empathetic writing, and skillful
argumentation. It's an intricate task that goes beyond a surface-level examination of the issue.
However, with dedication and attention to detail, a well-crafted essay can shed light on the
complexities surrounding bullying. For those seeking assistance, it's worth noting that similar
essays and more can be ordered on .
Cause And Effect Essay On Bullying Cause And Effect Essay On Bullying
Comparing My Last Duchess And Porphyria s Lover
Explore the ways in which Browning portrays male characters to powerful effect in
My Last Duchess and Porphyria s Lover ?

Throughout My Last Duchess Browning illustrates the Duke s obsession with

controlling the people around him; both past and present. One way the Duke exerts
his dominance is by not allowing the emissary to talk. The Duke asks him questions
but he does not allow him to answer so they quickly become rhetorical, for instance,
when the Duke states Will t please you sit and look at her? Likewise, Browning uses
the form of a dramatic monologue to portray the Duke s controlling nature by only
allowing himself to speak. By not allowing the emissary to speak he is also
controlling (or trying to) the emissary s perception ... Show more content on ...
He takes a string of Porphyria s hair, winds it around her throat three times, and
strangles her. He feels that no pain she felt he is quite sure she felt no pain When
he unwinds the hair, color returns to her cheeks as he kisses her. He props her up
and puts her head on his shoulder. Now, he thinks, her will is done, and she
guessed not how / Her darling one wish would be heard. Then they sit there all
through the night. All the while, he feels no guilt for killing her, And yet God has
not said a word. When God has not punished him, the narrator believes that it is
because it was the right thing to do. Through this his mental instability is
emphasised. The rhyme pattern of the poem retains an ABABB repetition . This is
an asymmetrical rhyme scheme, this unchanging pattern throughout the poem is an
indication of the lack of empathy the speaker possesses and the instability of the
narrator, which tends of be one of the traits of a psychopath. The regularity of it also
reflects the narrator s calmness in his violence. The extra B at the end of the ABABB
pattern signifies his twisted and cruel nature. Likewise it has an ABABB pattern is
uneven just like the narrator s state of
Coral Bleaching The Great Barrier Reef
The Great Barrier Reef is Australia s natural gifts. The Great Barrier Reef is the
world s largest coral reef. The Reef is located off the coast of Queensland. It is the
largest living thing on Earth and even visible from outer space. The area is 348,000
kmВІ and considered a one of the world s heritage sites. Thousands of reefs and
hundreds of islands made of over 600 types of hard and soft coral. It s home to
countless species of colourful fish, molluscs and marine animals (starfish, dolphins,
turtles etc.). The Great Barrier Reef is a large tourist attraction of Australia and is
important to some cultures such as aboriginals. It reaches from Torres Strait to the
north of Lady Elliot Island. The Australian and Queensland governments are... Show
more content on ...
As global warming continues, corals will not be able to keep up with increasing
ocean temperatures. Coral bleaching has led to increase of un healthy reefs. The
raising of sea temperatures slows down coral growth and loss of coral. Coral
bleaching is expected to occur more often and worse in the future, making it
difficult for corals to recover. Some coral types, such as staghorn corals, are really
sensitive to bleaching, and these will be the most affected. Corals that deal with
the sea temperatures better will dominate the Great Barrier Reef. Some reefs rely
on the animals to help control coral bleaching; climate change has effect some
marine animals such as some of the fish of the Great Barrier Reef. The preferred
temperature range leads them to find a new habitat. Climate change will also affect
the population and sea turtle s e habitat. Storms and creatures that eat through
limestone which wear down reefs. The Great Barrier Reef has adapted to cope with
the impacts of cyclones and severe storms. However, many scientists predict that
intense cyclones (such as cyclone Hamish and cyclone Yasi) will occur more often
due to climate change. Reef recovery from severe storms is slow, because fewer
corals survive to help affected
Target Retailer Analysis
The two types of retailers we chose are a convenience store and a full line discount
store. The full line discount store we visited was Target in Wyomissing, PA. This
Target is located in a shopping center. Target provides a variety of general products
that are of decent quality. They have a large assortment with competitive prices.
The prices are low portraying them as a high volume and low cost full line discount
store. The product quality is of average to good quality. Target provides an average
level atmosphere to its customers. It does not provide specialized customer service,
but rather at a concentrated or focused area. Target promotes its products and its
discount retailer by using newspapers and online advertisements. It also promotes its
products through focus on price and... Show more content on ...
Once you walk into Target you can see many different products. One of the
specialties that Target provides is a food service area. This helps give consumers a
break from shopping while enjoying the shopping experience. Target also offers
optical services, a pharmacy, and a photo lab. These service help the consumer
because then they do not have to go to different stores to obtain these services.
Like most full line discount stores, Target provides shopping carts and easy access
to checkout services. The general merchandise at Target is less chic and meets the
eye of the average consumer. Products are not sold by assistance from employees,
but rather products are sold on a self service outlook. This means that customers
know what they want when they come into Target. The overall atmosphere and
image of Target is of average quality. The lighting and flooring varieties by
emphasis on product. For example, the clothing and shoe departments are carpeted
while the rest of the store is white tile floor. Target is generally well kept and clean,
which brings a positive atmosphere for
The Joint Planning Process With Insight On Operation
Joint Planning Process Operation Anaconda
Today, military action is done as a team, and cooperation is needed between different
military departments, commanders, and staff. This calls for a Joint Planning Process.
The Joint planning process is the process used by planners of any military action so
that they can develop a detailed plan. The joint planning process seeks to identify and
mitigate risks on the battlefield and design options for successfully staging a military
action. Military achieves by shaping events, facing unforeseen contingencies and
responding to unexpected dangers on the battlefield. This paper will examine the
seven steps of the Joint Operation Planning Process with insight on Operation
Operation Anaconda is an operation conducted in the Shai Kot Valley of Afghanistan
at the beginning of the month of March in 2002. The battle was complicated and US
military together with other allied forces fought in a rough terrain, and involved
difficult conditions as most of the ground force found itself in the middle of well
equipped enemy fire. Although the US military won in the joint operation that
involved the US ground and Air forces, it lost eight military personnel and more than
fifty wounded personnel. The initial problems faced during the beginning of the
battle can provide insights on how the joint team tasked planning the operation
process should organize, prepare and strike during military expeditions. The following
are the seven steps, which
Dietary Supplements In America
Diabetes is a common health condition among many Americans today. As of 2014,
29.1 million people or 9.3 percent of the American population have diabetes and 86
million, or one out of three, Americans have pre diabetes which increases one s risk
for developing diabetes1. Since diabetes is a top health concern for a great number of
Americans, many are open to integrative practices including dietary supplementation.
With half of the American population using at least one dietary supplement and as an
increasing number of Americans look to integrative medicine2, it is no surprise many
opt for dietary supplements to aid in diabetes management. Cinnamon is a common
household spice used in many culinary preparations and can be found as a dietary...
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It is also suspected cinnamon may increase the blood concentration and activity of
certain pharmaceutical drugs by impacting enzyme systems in the body7. Caution
should be exercised when taking cinnamon in the presence of any pharmaceutical
drug since there is little data on such interactions. While cinnamon supplementation
can be an option for many, it is important to monitor the dose consumed, the duration
of use, and what other drugs and herbs an individual is
Courtly Love and Mediieval Romance
The familiarity with the love tradition makes it easily mistakable for a natural and
universal phenomenon and even brings a laxity of enquiring into its origins.
However, it is difficult of not impossible to show love to be anything more than an
artistic phenomenon or construct a literary per formative innovation of Middle Ages.
Courtly love was a medieval European formation of nobly, and politely expressing
love and admiration. Courtly love was secret and between members of the nobility.
The term courtly love was first popularized by Gaston Paris in 1883. It has since
come under a wide variety of definitions and uses, even being brushed off as
nineteenth century romantic fiction. Its understanding, beginning, ... Show more
content on ...
In essence, courtly love was an experience between erotic desire and spiritual
attainment that now seems contradictory as a love at once illicit and morally
inspiring, passionate and disciplined, mortifying and exalting, human and
inspirational (Newman).

Many scholars who have believed that courtly love was a historical development rely
on historical literature. Courtly love is believed to have begun in southern France in
the ducal princely courts of Aquitaine, Provence, and Champagne, ducal Burgundy
and the Norman Kingdom of Sicily, a sufficiently peaceful yet isolated region, that
was perfect to birth and develop such a movement from around the time of the First
Crusade in 1099. In fact, many literary giants (Avignon, Toulouse, Nimes under the
domaine of Eleanor, Duchess of Aquitaine) retreated in this region. In addition, the
leisure class, the wealthy, and the self sufficient society discovered a new craze in
this area. The areas courts attracted intellectuals from all over, as the South was more
liberal and pluralistic, with Arabs, Jews and Byzantines being among the residents of
the area. Perhaps, even the men outnumbered the women in South France.
Eleanor of Aquitaine brought the ideals of courtly love from Aquitaine to the court of
France then to England where she was a queen to two kings. Her daughter Marie,
who was the Countess of Champagne, introduced courtly love to the Count of
Industrial Revolution Inventions
The inventions of the Industrial Revolution have helped the people in many ways,
here are some of the ways they worked. It the Inventions helped the 18th century
people out very much. The point of my essay is to show what Inventions helped the
18th century and what the people did with the inventions. The Inventions changed
everything that happened in that time and it changed what would be invented
forever, and that is why it is called the Industrial revolution.

The development of Railroads was one of the most important ideas of the Industrial
Revolution. With their formation across the US, they brought profound social,
economic and political change to a country only 50 years old. Over the next 50
years, America would come to see great bridges
Mathew Brady s Life During The Civil War
Recording history is very important. History tells us about how our ancestors lived,
and knowing it will give you a solid foundation for discerning between right and
wrong. Looking back at our history can prevent us from making the same mistakes
that were made before. God even commanded us to remember the past. Mankind
recorded historythrough books, songs, and stories that were passed on through
generations, but those records can be confusing. Just reading and hearing about
something doesn t give you a clear understanding or view on what happened before.
To actually see history through photos gives you a better understanding. A man who
contributed to making history clearer during the Civil War is Mathew Brady. There
is little record of Mathew... Show more content on ...
People liked them, and critics favored his decorations and galleries in them. Brady
photographed famous people such as Abraham Lincoln, Robert E. Lee, Henry
Clay, Daniel Webster, John C. Calhoun, Zachary Zaylor, and Millard Fillmore.
Brady was the one who took the photo of Abraham Lincoln that was used for the
five dollar bill. He was successful in his studio. As a result, Brady became a famous
and well known photographer. The Civil War was going to take place, and no one
except Brady was willing to document it. He was obstinate to do it because he
believed that it was his job. He said, From the first, I regarded myself under
obligation to my country to preserve the faces of historic men and mothers. Brady
hired a group of photographers and invested $100,000 dollars in his project. Not
only did Brady risk his money, but he also risked his life. While taking the pictures,
Brady came under direct fire at the battlefields, and after photographing one of the
battles, he became lost for three days and almost starved to death. He and his group
managed to stay alive throughout the whole war. They photographed thousands of
photos that included battlefields and camp life. Brady was the first photographer to
ever completely document a
Propaganda In Ancient Egypt
Therefore, propaganda is a really complex term which cannot be defined in absolute
terms. Moreover, Doob, who worked for the Office of War Information in WWII,
argued that a clear cut definition of propaganda is not only impossible, it is also
highly undesirable (1948, p. 375). He believed that posing any types of limitation will
harm the understanding of the term. Since propagandachanges in regard to context
and timing in which it occurs, different countries and different time periods would
experience different types of propaganda. Thus, propaganda occurring in a given
timeframe in a given country will not necessarily contain a propaganda message in
the eyes of a neighboring country, for instance. This notion clarifies the previously
discussed remark by Nicholas O Shaughnessy. Namely, propaganda techniques of
Ancient Egypt did not aim to influence people in the future. That is why we do not
perceive pyramids as... Show more content on ...
8). Hereby the author argues that the source tries to deceive the public by
appealing to emotions and by bypassing the interaction with the common sense.
Sociologist Jacques Ellul, however, rejects the idea of viewing propaganda as a
negative effort of propagandist alone. He believes that propaganda is rather a
sociological phenomenon which cannot exist without public s willingness to
accept the truths presented to it (Ellul, 1965, p. xv). It would be unrealistic to
believe that Hitler on his own managed to convince millions of German people to
follow Nazi ideology. More likely, the German society had Hitler in it and was in a
certain mood which formed a fertile soil for propaganda seeds (Pachter, 1980, p.
The Pros And Cons Of The Post Office
The United States Postal Service opened their doors and started to serve the
community on July 1, 1971. Their main goal was to provide an easier way to
communicate with people around the world at a promising rate. The post office has
fulfilled their obligations to the community, but due to the more efficient ways of
communication, the need for the post office services has drastically gone down. The
government needs to and should eliminate the post office because they are billions of
dollars in debt, there is new technology, and there are other competitors taking over
the business. In the United States Constitution, it is said that it, gave Congress the
power To established Post Offices and post Roads in Article 1, Section 8 ( The
Constitution and the Post Office. ). Therefore, giving them the opportunity to
establish one, but it does not state that it is required by law. Any changes regarding a
part of the Constitution is subjected to go through many channels of government in
order to be approved. Due to Congress running the Post Office, they are unable to
keep up with the changes in society, which has ultimately led to the plummet of the
Post Office. Barbara Dolan attempted to sue the United States Postal Serviceclaiming
that she was injured due to the placement of packages left on her porch. Dolan first
proposed administrative relief from the Postal Service for her injuries, but
unfortunately, her request was denied. She, therefore, tried to sue the United
Fedex E-Commerce
SenseAware information service unveiled by FedEx
TELECOMWORLDWIRE 17 November 2009 SenseAware information service
unveiled by FedEx(C)1994 2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS
Transportation, e commerce and business services provider FedEx Corp
(NYSE:FDX) announced on Tuesday the introduction of SenseAware powered by
FedEx, a next generation information service that combines a GPS sensor device and
a web based collaboration platform.
According to the company, the solution, developed by the FedEx innovation team, is
an open, adaptive sensor information sharing platform. It will serve customers who
need near real time visibility and insight into their shipment and enable business
decision makers to easily collaborate on many types of ... Show more content on ...
In February 2004 Kinko s was bought by FedEx for $2.4 billion and then became
known as FedEx Kinko s Office and Print Centers. Currently, Brian Phillips is the
President and Chief Executive Officer, following Ken May s departure on March 7,
Locations of FedEx Office centers include Australia, Canada, China, Japan, Korea,
Kuwait, Mexico, Netherlands, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and the
United States of America.
FedEx Office s primary competitors include The UPS Store, OfficeMax,
AlphaGraphics, Staples, Sir Speedy, and VistaPrint.
On June 2, 2008, FedEx announced that they were rebranding FedEx Kinko s to be
FedEx Office, with the intent that it would more accurately represent the broader
role the company envisioned for the company. With this change, FedEx Office has
become the retail branch of the FedEx Corporation. As of late 2009, some stores
and branding still show FedEx Kinko s. FedEx Office offers the same services that
FedEx Kinko s Office and Print Center locations did previously.
FedEx Office offers a wide variety of production and finishing services, as well as
FedEx shipping; however they are best known for making photocopies. Most centers
have three distinct sections: self service, shipping, and production.
FedEx Office also offers signs and banners. The prices
Monopoly and Perfect Competition
What is the difference between monopoly and perfect competition?

Firm under perfect competition and the firm under monopoly are similar as the aim
of both the seller is to maximize profit and to minimize loss. The equilibrium position
followed by both the monopoly and perfect competition is MR = MC. Despite their
similarities, these two forms of market organization differ from each other in
respect of price cost output. There are many points of difference which are noted
below. (1)Perfect competition is the market in which there is a large number of
buyers and sellers. The goods sold in this market are identical. A single price prevails
in the market. On the other hand monopoly is a type of ... Show more content on ...
At point F a monopoly firm attains equilibrium producing OM, output at OP, price.
OP competitive price is less than OP, (OP OP,) and OM competitive output is greater
than OM, output (OM OM,).
(7) A monopolist can discriminate prices for his product, a firm working under
perfect competition cannot. The monopolist will be increasing his total profit by
price discrimination if he find? Elastic ties of demand are different in different
As against his a competitive firm cannot change different prices from different
buyers since he faces a perfectly elastic demand at the going market price. If he
increases a slights rise in price he will lose the sellers and makes loss. Thus a
competitive firm cannot discriminate prices which a monopolist can do.

The arguments against monopolies.

A Incentives
1 There is a separation of service and payment. Because monopolies are funded
through taxation, they cannot go bankrupt they can always get more funding from
the public coffers. Therefore, monopolies have little incentive to be efficient.
2 Monopoly by definition means no competition. So, unsatisfied customers have
nowhere else to take their business. Monopolies can treat their customers like scum
and not lose any business. Again, they have little incentive for efficiency.
3 The actual incentives of monopolies are completely backwards compared with
Taliban Newspaper Article
Letter to a Newspaper Editor Concerning the Taliban To the Editor,

As the Taliban has been driven out of Kabul after the September 11 crisis, life over
there has been better, but it is still very poor. After being bombed the Afghan people
have been forced to leave there family, friends, home and even society. Who
determines what people are worth being in a country like Australia. These people are
coming to Australia illegally because they can t afford to get here properly. Back in
the 17th century Australia s population was made up of hard core criminals that came
here on death traps, what s the difference here. ... Show more content on ...
It s worse in there than at home, they came here to escape not be captured.

The afghan people are categorized as the asylum seekers.

Asylum meaning refuge and safety, and Seekers meaning trying to find or obtain.

These definitions are very easy to understand. It means that these Afghan people are
trying to obtain refuge and safety for themselves and their families. As I said before,
who determines what kind of people are worth being in a country like Australia, is it
the government, the media or even the public. These people need to know that they

Excepted. By all this bad publicity towards them, you d think they were rapist s
roaming the streets. Even though they have done absolutely nothing to deserve the
treatment they are getting.

The government knew what kind of boats these people were coming to Australia on
and they chose the ignore it. There were to many people on these sinking boats and
they did nothing about it but leave them to rot. People were being thrown overboard
and were jumping overboard. Mr. John Howard knew every single horrible thing that
was happening on these death traps but because of the happening election he let it
slide. And look at what happened, a lot of innocent people died.
The Link Between Performance and Reward
Do some background reading and carry out some research to explain the link between
organisational success, performance management and motivation and the relationship
between performance management and reward. Write a report of no more than 1000
words, which summarises the outcome of your research and should include: 1. Terms
of Reference 1 This report aims to examine performance and reward management, as
well as the link between the two in terms of motivationand organisational success.

2 The report focuses on: 1 The purpose and components of performance management
systems 2 The link between business objectives and performance management 3
Motivational theories which define the link ... Show more content on
3 Monitoring and feedback is a more hands on approach which signifies a no
surprises working practices. It builds rapport between managers and employee,
prevents issues escalating and can often work well with an open door approach. The
regular and informal feedback that employees should be able to expect throughout the
year keeps employees on track with current business requirements. (Martin and
Jackson, 2005, p154)

3 Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs clearly motivates employees by meeting their self

actualisation needs by offering career progression, introducing new elements to a
role, developing supportive training and personal coaching.

4 Locke s Goal Theory works by setting SMART objectives which are determined in
agreement by the employees to meet the manager s requirements. As the objectives
are determined by the employee it raises the commitment and desire to achieve a
specific goal.

5 Reward links closely to the performance management system as employees expect

to be rewarded for their loyalty, hard work and contribution (Martin and Jackson,
2005, p156). Rewards act as:

1 A means of motivating employees to attain a specific requirement and a PMS

requires the right combination of financial and non financial motivators . (Martin and
Jackson, 2005, p157) The reward can be individualised to the employee giving it
personalised motivation.

2 A means of promoting a culture

Case Study Of Section 176 Of The Companies Act 1965
In 1997, many companies in Malaysia were struggling to survive due to the
economic downturn in Southeast Asia. During the financial crisis, Section 176 of the
Companies Act 1965 was regularly used by various companies so as to buy time to
restructure their finances and to get protection from the creditors by obtaining a
restraining order that ceases the proceedings against them. As a result, the protection
given under the Section 176 of the Companies Act 1965 was abused and exploited by
the debtorcompany in getting the advantage for the sole purpose of deferring the
repayment of debts to the creditors. The occurrence of the abuse was due to the
deficiencies in the pre amended Section 176 of the Companies Act 1965. Before the
amendment of... Show more content on ...
Pursuant to Section 176(10A) of the Companies Act 1965, the conditions that need
to be satisfied before the granting of the restraining order by the court are provided
under the paragraph (a) to (d) of the subsection. The applicant must in first place
prepare a proposal for a scheme of compromise or arrangement between the
company and its creditors or any class of creditors representing at least one half in
value of all the creditors during the time to consider whether should or should not
be made a restraining order . The applicant must also satisfy the court that the
restraining order is necessary to enable the company and its creditors to formalize
the scheme of compromise or arrangement for the approval of the creditors or
members pursuant to section 176(1) of the Companies Act . The applicant seeking
a restraining order is demanded to lodge a statement in the prescribed form as to
the affairs of the company made up to a date not more than three days before the
application is lodged together with the application . The conditions set out in
Section 176(10A) of the Companies Act 1965 are followed by the court approves
the person nominated by a majority of the creditors in the application by the
company under Section 176(10) of the Companies Act 1965 to act as a director or it
that the person is not already a director, notwithstanding the provisions of the Act or
the memorandum and articles of the company, appoints the person to act as a director
The Anatomy Of The Anthropology Department That I
My name is Sean Keefe and I am an intern for the recently deceased Harvey
Manfrenjensenjen. While sorting through samples I came across 6 hominin skulls
that lack analysis. In this project, I am going to explain and talk about the six skulls
in the Anthropology Department that I found. To do this, I will use what I have
learned in lecture, as well as numerous outside sources to describe three defining
characteristics for each skull. Additionally, I will provide necessary information about
each skull if needed. After that, I will put the fossil samples in evolutionary order
form the oldest to the youngest. Lastly, I will include a family tree that shows age
comparison and ancestral relationships between the homonids. The first skull that I
observed in the Anthropology Department belongs to Australopithecusrobustus.
Australopithecus robustus was first named by the eminent Dr. Robert Broom. The A.
robustus leftovers generally come from three different sites: Swartkrans (largest),
Dreimulen, and Kromdraai. One of the major problems with these South African
sites is dating, but generally, robustus remains can be safely placed from 2.0 1.0
myr, and possibly even earlier. Australopithecus robustus has many features that are
specifically distinct to A. robustus. This skull has very thick jaws; small incisors,
canines, large, molar like premolars and very large molars. The height of
Australopithecus robustus is between 1.1 1.3 meters, and the weight is between 40
80 Kg. The
Forensic Investigation
3.) It has been estimated that up to 40 percent of the science shown on CSI does not
exist (Klein, 2004). CSI makes it seem as though forensic tests are invariably
accurate and never spoiled by pollution, mistakes in laboratories, or prejudiced
explanations; problems that impair actual forensic science (Risinger et al., 2002)
Furthermore, Professor Houck states that CSI incorrectly depicts forensic scienceas
this juggernaut of infallibility (Leonard, 2005). In essence, what he is saying in his
complaint is that crimeshows are misleading jurors and tainting jurors with
impractical standards for forensic science. By witnessing court cases constructed on
forensic evidence on T.V. , jurors may assume that court cases are constructed the...
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This research makes clear that there are close relationships between the condition
of the economy, the media s portrayal of this condition, and people s opinions about
the economy. Put simply: The media play an important role in shaping public
opinion about the economy. This has been well established in the literatures on
public opinion and political communication (e.g., Blood and Phillips 1995, 1997;
Boomgaarden et al. 2011; De Boef and Kellstedt 2004; Glynn, Huge, and Hoffman
2008; Goidel et al. 2010); it has been illustrated in work by economists as well
(e.g., Carroll 2003; Doms and Morin 2004; Hollanders and Vliegenthart 2011).
Additionally, the political importance of the effects of media coverage on public
opinion is made readily clear in the literatures (cited above) on policy preferences and
Wasted Green on Going Green Essay
The amount of energy it takes to produce a car can actually offset the amount of
emissions emitted throughout a car s lifetime. When thinking about energy
efficiency, the ultimate green car , the Prius, is actually one of the sources of the
worse pollution in North America! (Demorro). The Toyota Prius, known as the most
iconic green car, earns itself the most miles per gallon with the efficiency of using
two engines, one of them being an electric. Controversially, the electric engine
heavily relies on the use of rare earth elements which production comes almost
exclusively from China. Alongside with China s hazardous mining techniques and
careless refining practices, the top two rare earth elements used for hybrids are seen
also as... Show more content on ...
Pooling together all of the accumulated energy it takes to drive and build a Toyota
Prius, the head honcho of the green movement, the Hummer H1 takes fifty percent
less energy to manufacture and maintain (Demorro). Adding onto the Hummer H1
s durability, the added production costs, and maintenance, the Toyota Prius is
nonexistent in the green efficiency standards. The fragility of the Toyota Prius, in
comparison, reveals that the technology for hybrid cars are still in the infant
stages, requiring attention to detail on the efficient electric engine. Hybrid cars,
such as the Toyota Prius and the Honda Insight, offer two engines instead of one, a
fuel efficient gas engine and an electric engine that produces no emissions.
Hybrids are the most gasoline efficient of all cars they typically get 48 to 60 miles
per gallon (claimed). Not bad, but only about twenty to thirty five percent better
than a fuel efficient gasoline powered vehicle like the Honda Civic, for example,
that gets 36 miles per gallon (Dunn). In comparison to regular gasoline fueled
vehicles, hybrid cars only boast a measly twenty five percent increase in fuel
economy with the standard Honda Civics cutting the closest with an average thirty
six miles per gallon. Although manufacture s miles per gallon boasts great numbers,
the actual claimed mileage by drivers is reduced roughly ten
Cupp Versus Murphy Brief Essay
Criminal Justice

I.Brief Cupp v. Murphy

412 U.S. 291, 93 S.Ct. 2000, 36 L.Ed.2d 900 (1973)

Merits: The respondent, Daniel Murphy, was convicted by a jury in an Oregon

court of the second degree murder of his wife. The victim died by strangulation in
her home in the city of Portland, and abrasions and lacerations were found on her
throat. There was no sign of a break in or robbery. Word of the murder was sent to the
estranged husband, Daniel Murphy. Upon receiving the message, Murphy promptly
telephoned the Portland police and voluntarily came into Portland for questioning.
Shortly after the respondent s arrival at the station house, where he was met by
retained counsel, the ... Show more content on ...
Id., at 1007. The U.S. Supreme Court granted the State s petition for certiorari.

Issue: Whether respondent s Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment Rights were violated
when he was subjected to a search of his person, albeit under probable cause, without
a warrant and prior to a formal arrest.

Argument: Reasoning:
1)Nothing is more clear than that the Fourth Amendment was meant to prevent
wholesale intrusions upon the personal security of our citizenry, whether these
intrusions be termed arrests or investigatory detentions. Davis v. Mississippi, 394
U.S. 721, 726 727.
2)...the search of the respondent s fingernails went beyond mere physical
characteristics...constantly exposed to the public, United States v. Dionisio, supra, and
constituted the type of severe though brief intrusion upon cherished personal security
that is subject to constitutional scrutiny. Terry v. Ohio, supra, at 24 25.
3)The Court recognized in Chimel v. California, 395 U.S. 752, that the scope of a
warrantless search must be commensurate with the rationale that excepts the search
from the warrant requirement. Chimel authorizes a search of incident to arrest for
(1) weapons or (2) incriminating evidence. Further, Chimel limited the scope of a
search incident to arrest to the person placed under arrest and the area into which an
arrestee might reach. 395 U.S., at 763.

Pika Populations
Local climate data for each site compiled for the years 1908 2007. The climatic data
necessary for site specific climate calculations were obtained from, Planning tool for
Resource Integration, Synchronization, and Management (PRISM), which provides
grid based estimates over time scales in question, Northwest Alliance for
Computational Science and Engineering (NACSE). It was found that talus properties
provide climatebuffering effects for pikas. Elevation was included as a covariate
because it often varies with suite of environmental variables (Millar Westfall 2010).
Models represented the following hypotheses: pika persistence is related to the
severity of changes in temperature and precipitation since initial pika detection. The
pika are... Show more content on ...
2010). (Millar Westfall 2010). Examined Sierra Nevada talus slopes and found that
warmer, drier sites were less likely to support current pika populations than cooler
wetter sites. Extant pika populations in the Southern Rockies are experiencing
extreme climatic change. Maximum summer temperatures are indicated a warming
trend. Despite these changes in summer temperature, there was no effect found of
temperature on pika persistence in the study area. Although recent impact of
temperature on pika populations does not appear universal throughout the species
range, there is an obvious impact of precipitation becoming more consistent. It was
found that water is the primary driver of pika persistence patterns in the study
region. Not only were the four extirpation sites among the driest of the sites studied
but the also lacked water sources for the pika. If present, these water sources could
buffer pikas and the plant communities on which they depend from the effects of low
precipitation (Millar Westfall 2010). If low precipitation drives extirpation in the
Southern Rockies, it would be expected that populations experiencing a decrease in
annual precipitation due to modern climate change to be more prone to extirpation.
However, this is not what is happening. The study sites have experienced relatively
little change in precipitation between the periods of 1908 1979 and 1980 2007. The
fact that sites experiencing decreasing precipitation, supports the evidence that pikas
may seem contradictory with the finding that populations at dry sites are more prone
to extirpation. It is crucial to monitor these locations in the coming years and decades,
as continued drying trends could place the pika populations at high risk of future
Humorous Wedding Speech by the Father of the Groom
Humorous Wedding Speech by the Father of the Groom

Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen I am the groom s father, Ken, and I have the
great privilege of being best man. I have recently found out there are two reasons
why J W asked me to do this job. 1) To make him look younger and slimmer in the
photos. 2) Because he didn t want to burden any of his friends with the terrible
prospect of having to give this speech.

It s the speech that no one wants to do. The best man doesn t really know what he s
expected to say and yet his speech is supposed to be humorous but it might not be.
It s supposed to be short but it probably won t be. It should be original but it seldom
is. It should not offend and most do. And finally, it s ... Show more content on ...
The happy couple met for this first time at Kent University launderette. A perfectly
normal way to meet someone, I know. Made remarkable only because that was the
only day, in the four years that he was there, that J W ever went to a launderette.
They began their relationship like many young lovebirds, by spending almost every
moment together during which time Kathy tried to decide if she could do any better.

Now, I ve never thought of J W as the type to go in for all that lovie dovie romantic
stuff, and I m sure all his friends and work colleagues here today would describe
him as a bit of a lad a man s man. Well, I was shocked shocked to learn that J W has
a habit of leaving things around the house for Kathy to find. No, not dirty socks or
empty beer cans, but I love you notes. In fact, it s a habit that has spread beyond the
house and to the car when, one frosty morning last winter, he scraped in the ice on
Kathy s car windscreen, I love you , so that she would find it in the morning on the
way to work. Isn t that cute? But the one that really choked me up the one that
really made me blink back the tears was the time that Kathy found the words I love
you written on the last sheet of toilet paper in the bathroom. Now J W, that s a trick
that s really best done with a Rolo as demonstrated by what Kathy apparently did
with that sheet of paper once she d read
The Negative Effects Of Tourism On Coral Reefs
Despite much of the literature dwelling on the effect of trampling, no single study
evaluated the effect of Medina in the reef environment. The research did not indicate
all the species as one of the [potential consequences of human activities such as
trampling of the coral reefs. Tourism Tourism has been seen to be having some
negative impact on the coral reefs. However, the involvement of human activity
contributes to the economy of a country thus supporting lives of the individual. The
coastal region is an important component in the sustainable of the economy. The
ability of tourist to pay for a room to view the coral reefs is good enough in sustaining
livelihoods of many individuals. According to the article on tourism on the Red Sea,
it indicates that tourist contributes up to $32 million to the economy using the island
of Bonaire in the Netherlands (Hawkins Roberts, 1994). There should much
involvement of the sustainable tourist development that involves careful
development and planning. This tourism should be able to bring sustainable
development. There have been some initiatives to bring powerful backing that will
overcome the temptation of short term financing gain in the booming industry of
tourism. There must be some restrictions that should be put in place to ensure there
is no doubt in the growth of the reefs. Conclusion Human activities along the coastal
region have some to a negative effect on the living coral reefs. As indicated in the
Charles Vyse Research Paper
The Nineteen Forties Following WWII, and the cessation of hostilities, Charles
Vyse and Harry Parr returned to their respective studios in Cheyne Row Chelsea.
For Vyse, life regained a semblance of normality, albeit without the support of Nell
Vyse, his ex wife and partner. However, he set to work again making wheel thrown
vessels and modelling figures, of which, he sent a number to the Royal Academy,
often as not, competing with Parr for supremacy of work accepted for exhibition. As
Vyse had earlier proposed, he modelled only terracotta figures for exhibition, and in
1945, excluding a number of stoneware figures, he exhibited three works at the Royal
Academy s Summer Exhibition modelled in this medium. A large female figure, titled
Nude (RA1243),... Show more content on ...
Sometime in April 1946, the new owner of all five studios served notice of
eviction on the three remaining tenants. Some eighteen months previously the new
owner, Mrs Mary Joyce Solhau Hay, inherited the 14a Cheyne Row, Chelsea from
the estate of the late Lady Tovey. The owner seeking to convert the premises into a
home for herself and her four children, requested Charles Pibworth, Harry Parr, and
Charles Vyse, to leave their Cheyne Row studios. The Daily Mail newspaper, May
1946, reporting an interview Vyse at his studio, published a brief article the following
Paper Bag Puppet Research
A puppet is a small pretend person or animal. You put the puppet over your hand,
and your fingers move the puppet. Puppets can be made out of lots of things, such as
cloth or wood. They can even be made out of a paper bag! The rest of this piece will
give you directions for making your very own paper bag puppet.
Gather What You Need First, find a clean brown paper bag. You can use a small one
like a lunch bag, or you can use a big one that holds food from the grocery store.
After you find a bag, gather these art supplies:
Colored paper
Glue or tape
Crayons or markers
You might also want other things like feathers, string, small pieces of cloth, or
googly eyes.
Get to Know Your Paper Bag Look at your paper bag carefully.
1900-1814 Water Transportation
Until the invention of railways in 1814 water transportation was the preferred
method. Starting with the use of natural bodies of water and expanding to man made
ones. Such as the Erie canal that connects the great lakes to the Atlantic Ocean with
the Hudson river. The economic difference made by this canalwas so large the cost of
a bag of flour went from $120 to $6. This change in transport made New York citygo
from the 5th most active maritime port to 1st by 1850. These changes to the
American landscape vastly helped economic quality, that would better the American
people on a short term basis.
By 1900 canals like the Chicago Sanitary and Ship canal had also been used to help
created more trade and transportation of American products.
The Negative Effects Of Social Media
Vulnerability. If there is one trait that all young people have in common, it is just
that: vulnerability. They feel pressure, and judgment, from their peers and adults
alike. It is a constant weight of self doubt and self criticism propped upon their
shoulders. While this vulnerability has been prevalent in each generation of young
people, it has been exponentially heightened in this day s generation. Social media
is having an incredibly harmful impact on young people. Social media has created a
climate of criticism and torment and, consequently, young people are suffering.
While there are many negative effects of social media, its most disturbing effects
are threefold: it promotes impractical expectations, allows a platform for torment
and harassment, and stunts the progression of adequate social skills among youths.
Social media is absolutely detrimental to the mental well being of young people.
Expectations flood the mind of every single person who walks this earth. Whether
they are optimistic, pessimistic or realistic, everyone has them. The danger of
expectations comes in the form of unrealistic, distorted ones. Extremely unfeasible
hopes can lead to extreme disappointment. Social media creates a false appearance
of flawlessness, with digitally altered appearances and staged lives. If a self
conscious teen views nothing but Photoshopped and enhanced photos, they will think
that all their peers are without flaws while they feel ugly, inferior. They will sink
Sisters Of Mercy Scholarship Essay
Becoming a distinctive mercy graduate means to understand personal truths and
values,to mature, to be connected, spiritual, and to be able to accept responsibilities
towards society. During my Mercy Today project I learned so much information
about the current works of the Sisters of Mercy that connected with what I learned
about the history of the Sisters of Mercyand their critical concerns. For example, I
learned that a man named, Jim Wither, M.D.,which is the founder and medical
director of Operation Safety Net, a ministry of Pittsburgh Mercy Health System
(PMHS) and Trinity Health in the tradition of the Sisters of Mercy, he did his work
on the streetsof Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He did what the Sisters of Mercy were
doing in Ireland in the mid 19th Century. Since 1992, Withers has transversed areas
under bridges, abandoned buildings, streets and and alleyways, seeking people in
Pittsburgh who are homeless, to show them compassion by offering a listening ear,
support, medical care and hope. It s almost the same actions that Catherine McAuley,
which is the founder of the Sisters of Mercy, and the Sisters of Mercy were doing on
the streets... Show more content on ...
I will graduate with a bachelor s degree of nursing and I will begin my career and
the rest of my life to live. The Sisters of Mercy committed to doing so many acts of
kindness for others because they cared. That is why I want to be a nurse to help
others, I want to help those who are sick and heal the wounds of others, whether
they are emotionally, physically, or mentally wounded. I feel as though, it ll be a
rewarding feeling waking up everyday knowing that I m going to change someone s
life. Other than my career as a nurse I will make time to do my due diligence for my
community. My compassion for others will serve me well as a nurse and I will make
it my duty to live by the critical concerns of mercy to be a distinctive mercy
The Most Important Aspects Of Computer Values In The...
where i is a positive integer and N0 represents the LDM space size in demand when
CHUNK is 1. Table III lists the applied CHUNK values in all WS/DMMPs
schemes, where SP and DP represent the single and double precisions respectively
In addition to directly accessing the main memory, the CPEs can also leverage the
DMA engine to efficiently transfer data between their LDMs and the main memory.
Compared with the direct access mode, DMA transfer has a broader bandwidth and
thus cost less time. Besides, the DMA engine works all alone without any assistance
of both MPE and CPEs, so the transfer time can also be overlapped with the
computation. One of the most important features for the WRF microphysics schemes
is that the conversion process may... Show more content on ...
Ref [29] provides an official benchmark and evaluation method for validating the
correctness of optimized WRF codes by employing the RMSE value, which is a
frequently utilized statistic in the form of: RMSE = vuut 1n Xni=1 ( fi в€’ o i ) 2
, (5) where for the case of WRF, fi represents the ith component of the forecast
variables on the mesh, o i is the corresponding observed variable component and n
is the number of mesh cells on the computational domain. To get the RMSE,
comparisons are conducted between the original results and the results obtained
with the input being perturbed in the lowest order bit to simulate the effect of
floating point round off error. For simplicity, we only show the validation results
of the WSM5 scheme as an example. Using the benchmark CONUS 12KM
provided in [29], we compare the computational results of our generated WSM5
codes on different platforms with the original WRF WSM5 code on IVB and
calculate the RMSE values for some representative variables in both single and
double precision. Table IV lists the comparison results, where the first three
columns in the RMSE section represent the RMSE values of the WSM5 scheme on
IVB with respect to that on SW26010 MPE, SW26010 CPEs and KNC from left to
right orderly. In addition, The last column (IVB, KNC) precise adds the RMSEs of
IVB with respect to KNC in high precision by the compiler option fp model precise
fimf precision=high. Observed from the data shown in Table IV, the RMSEs for
Dehumanisation in Dystopian Literature
The twentieth century has seen a rise in the appearance of a distinctive literary sub
genre, the dystopian or anti utopian novel with dehumanisation as its dominant
theme. To what extent do 1984 and Brave New World depict a dehumanised society?

Both Orwell s 1984 and Huxley s Brave New World certainly deny humanness to the
characters in their novels. Kelman defines humanness as having two key attributes,
identity and community. Dehumanisation occurs when these are removed from
society. It is true that individuality is denied to citizens and although the community
remains, it is subverted in order to fit the government ideal. It can therefore be said
that dehumanisation occurs as people are denied and identity and the true ... Show
more content on ...
Eddie Marcus states dystopias impose authoritarian control over language in order to
prevent formulation of heterodox thought and this is very apparent in 1984 .
Although characters use of language in Brave New World is also restricted, whereby
the traditional meaning of language is debased, it is not to the same extent as the
language restriction in 1984. The World state, just like The Party, uses language in
order to restrain its people. One of the ways it does this is through hypnopedia,
which invades the thoughts of people in their sleep during infancy, conditioning
them to think and behave in a certain way. For example I m glad I m not an
Epsilon. These statements are dehumanising in the sense that they force people to
identify with a collective group, for example an Epsilon rather than an individual.
The use of hypnopedia causes the loss of individuality and is, therefore, a means of
dehumanisation. These slogans are repeated by Lenina, showing how The World
state has invaded the thought processes of the people. Language is associated with
powerful human emotion and the World State has sacrificed these emotions in the
name of social stability. This has lead to a change in the meaning of many words.
For example, Love is now equated with sexual activity and milk has become
pasteurised external secretion. Huxley s use of language in Brave New
An Overview of Bilingual Education Essay
Overview of Bilingual Education

Is a second language a necessity in our world today? Should parents push for their
child to learn two languages in elementary school? If we live in multicultural
neighborhoods, trade with the global marketplace, and want to use all technology
resources available, it is necessary to know two languages. Multilingual people and
communities seem to have an edge over monolingual competition. This provides
people of all ages an incentive to learn a second language (Genesee, 1998). In this
research paper English and Spanish will be the languages referred to for bilingual
education, although others are offered. The purpose of this paper is to compare the
benefits and pitfalls of language immersion programs ... Show more content on ...
It s a plus. Learning the first language at the same time as learning English is having a
positive effect on both languages. At home the parents feel that they can
communicate with their children, (p. 664) says a Khmer speaking teacher in
Australia (Barrot Pugh Rohl, 2001). Khmer is spoken in all Australian homes and is
practically required for children to learn. This program is not only for increasing
cognitive skills, but also for students to communicate fully in their community and
within their families. One in every four children in Australia speaks a language other
than English. Australian children are encouraged and greatly supported by the
community to learn a second language, which is why these numbers are so high. If
the United States had the same motivation for their children, it would produce many
more bilingual children. All children in the Khmer English program show parallel
development in the two languages. Many kids accomplish this by using information
from one language to assist the development of the other language. Learning Khmer
gives the children a sense of identity in their home and culture (Barratt Pugh Rohl,
2001). This is a good example of a community using all its available resources, and
hopefully Americans will learn from their enthusiasm.

Types of Bilingual Education

Bilingual education basically is, according to Rowntree (1981,) an education

Corruption as a Consequence of Colonialism
Corruption as a Consequence of Colonialism as portrayed in Achebe s The African

All quotations are taken from the 1988 Picador edition of Chinua Achebe s The
African Trilogy

He has put a knife on all the things that held us together and we have fallen apart
(Things Fall Apart, 145)
The things that held the Igbo tribe together were their close bonds of clan kinship,
unified allegiance to their gods, and their democratic society. These were the very
things that the English set out to attack, to put a knife on . Once they began this
process, Igbo society was never to be the same again. Chinua Achebe s The African
Trilogy, while an excellent piece of literature in its own right, can also be read as an
excellent historical ... Show more content on ...
This confusion at the refusal of the Igbos to accept positions such as this is well
illustrated in Arrow of God:

Well, are you accepting the offer or not? Clarke glowed with the I know this will
knock you over feeling of a benefactor.
Tell the white man that Ezeulu will not be anybody s chief, except Ulu
What! shouted Clarke. Is the fellow mad?
I tink so sah, said the interpreter.
In that case he goes back to prison. Clarke was now really angry. What cheek! A
witch doctor making a fool of the British Administration in public! (498)

The selection of Ezeulu as a potential Warrant Chief is typical of the kind of

selection regularly made by the British a man who was already in the possession of
real authority and wealth in his community. However, the responses of those chosen
were not always as idealistic as Ezeulu s. Many Igbos jumped at the chance of some
real power, safe in the knowledge that they were backed by British officials, and
Warrant chiefs became notorious for their corruption and exploitation. Speaking of the
Warrant Chief he has instigated in Okperi, Winterbottom exclaims:

The man was a complete non entity until we crowned him, and now he carries on as
if he had been nothing else all his
The New York City s Government
New York City Government

New York City is the largest and one of the oldest cities in the United States, having
been rediscovered by Henry Hudson in 1609 while working for the Dutch East
Indies Company. New Amsterdam, as it was then known, was settled in 1614 by
Dutch fur traders and became the most important port in America. (Reed, 2011)
The two rivers flowing on each side of Manhattan grant easy access to the ocean,
and Henry Hudson remarked that the harbor was the best natural harbor he had ever
seen in the world. For hundreds of years the city has been at the epicenter of world
trade, and immigration to the new world. Millions of immigrants have filled the
streets of New York, from Europe, Africa, South America, Asia, and elsewhere.
The city of New York has not always had as positive of a city government as the
city s history may suggest, however. It has had a mixed political system since its
beginning, with its democratic principles in question as corruption has taken hold of
the city from time to time. Boss Tweed, a notorious mayor from the 1860s, was so
corrupt he was openly the mastermind of the city for thirty years. His huge profit
margins as a result of his control over the streetcar transportation system in that time
prevented the New York subway from being built until 1910. The Italian immigrants
who came from Sicily maintained traditional family ties, which soon became the
American Mafia, which controlled crime in the city from the 1920s until the
What Is A Strange Woman In American Gothic
Another Strange Woman In The Attic The always clever and cunning Sherlock
Holmes manages to crack another case in Arthur Conan Doyle s short story named
The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire. The short story is part of twelve Sherlock
Holmes stories, which were collected between the years 1921 1927 and published
under the name The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes. The intricate short stories were
first published in January 1924 by The Strand Magazine in London, and they proved
to be immensely popular amongst their readers. In total, Arthur Conan Doylewrote
fifty six short stories with Sherlock Holmes starring as his leading detective. For one
thing, the 130th anniversary of Arthur Conan Doyle s creation of famous sleuth
Sherlock Holmes, the absolute... Show more content on ...
Additionally Mrs Ferguson is even compared to an animal; The silent, watchful
mother seemed to be lying in wait as a wolf waits for a lamb (Doyle 2). What is
more, Ellen Harrington stated that; The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire toys with
the possibility of violent female sexuality in a foreign woman, whom [Sherlock]
Holmes redeems by showing her true humanitarian motives (8). At first, Mr
Ferguson does not believe that his wife could be capable of such evil, however
when he catches his wife in the act she is now confined to her room , refusing
herself to come out (Doyle 2). One can t help drawing some parallels here with
Charlotte BrontГ« s Jane Eyre, in which Mr Rochester s first wife is locked up in the
attic as well. The Creole woman, by the name of Bertha Mason, is described as
violent and insane, and attacks her brother by biting him; She has sucked the blood;
she said she d drain my heart (BrontГ« 224). More importantly, Bertha is the original
madwoman in the attic and connected to many famous lines of criticism within
feminist theory: Many factors, not the least of which is the proliferation of feminist
criticism and reading practices, have contributed to Bertha Mason s paradigmatic
status and to contemporary readers newfound sympathy (Donaldson 99). Similarly as
in The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire, the foreign woman
Payless Shoes Research Paper
As much as I love fashionable clothing, truth be told that it is the accessories that
make the outfit, especially the shoes. I am a self identified shoe aholic, so much
so that I own shoes that I don t wear! Tragic, I know. Living in Springfield, I don t
have a ton of places I can get affordable, fashionable shoes. But never the less, there
are a couple of highly recommended places to visit if you come to my town. The first
is Payless, since going high fashion , Payless has really stepped up with the
collection. As an affiliate of Payless on my blog, I am aware of all the sales at least a
day before they happen. The one thingI love about Payless is that you can go into the
store just about any time throughout the year and catch BOGO (buy... Show more
content on ...
I like simple colors and patterns, and I m not huge on belts, scarves or a lot of
jewelry. The one thing that I really enjoy though, are shoes. Shoes, I honestly
believe, are a girl s best friend. I know, I know, most people say diamonds are. But,
diamonds are usually given. Shoes, on the other hand, you can buy yourself.
Diamonds are expensive. Shoes don t have to be. Those are just a few quick reasons
why shoes are a must have accessory for me. Here s a couple more. Shoes can make
or break an outfit. I firmly believe this. For instance, today I wore a pair of plaid
pants and a black shirt. But my shoes were 3 inch black heels with a ruffle. And I m
pretty sure that s all anyone noticed about my outfit. Now I debated between those
and a pair of bright yellow sandals. I chose the heel because they were more
dramatic, which makes an outfit. If I had worn something else, it would have been a
completely boring outfit, but the shoes made it an interesting one. Shoes can express
who you are. I work in an office, where the norm is business casual. Which is nice,
but sometimes you want to dress it up a little bit. But, in an office full of business
casual people, you don t want to show up and be completely overdressed or dressed
inappropriately. The way I fix this is by wearing a pair of bright red heels or a pair
of ruffled heels. They are fancy, but not over the top. They dress up an outfit without
changing it
Spanish Civil War Research Paper
ccording to (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica) the Spanish
Civil war started on July 17, 1936 and was between the Nationalists and the
Republicans. The
Nationalists who were led by Francisco Franco decided to take over the Republican
government which started the war. Throughout the war both sides commonly used
pistols and rifles while other countries brought in aircrafts and other weapons. As the
war continued other countries joined the war including Nazi Germany who backed
the Nationalists. By the end of the war a major toll had been taken out on spain, and
around 200,000 people were killed. The war put
Francisco Franco into power over Spain and sent Spain into a period known as
White Terror; one of the worst periods in Spanish History. ... Show more content on ...
The rifle could effectively shoot around 900 meters and covered around 700m a
second. The Star Model A and Ruby Pistols were also commonly used by the Spanish.
However, when other countries entered the war they brought machine guns, artillery,
tanks, mortars, and aircrafts. One of the most common used machine guns was the
Hotchkiss M1914 which was a French Machine gun that was eventually produced in
France and both sides commonly used the weapon in their infantry. When it came to
the air Germany brought the Messerschmitt Bf 109 which was the most common
Fighter plane. After the success this plane had in the Spanish civil war it became the
most common used fighter plane in the German air force in World War 2.

According to The Spanish Civil War ( The main two allies for the
Nationalists and Franco were Nazi Germany and Italy were as the Soviet Union sided
with the Republicans.
Hitler saw the war as a chance to test new battle strategies but, Hitler was worried
about a
World War starting when Other countries Started to assist the Republicans so he got
help from italy so he wouldn t be the only one on the side of Franco. The Soviet
Union aided
Hepworth s Intake Process
Does it ask all of the necessary questions to determine what the client s presenting
problem is? According to Hepworth ( 2013) , there are three issues that should be
addressed initially for an assessment. 1.)What does the client see as his/her primary
concerns or goals? 2.) What (if any) current or impending legal mandates must the
client and social worker consider? 3.) What (if any) potentially serious health or
safety concerns might require that social worker s and client s attention? Letting the
client explain in their own words what their concerns or goals are allows for the
client to be involved with their services. It also allows for the client to tell the Social
Worker how they view their problems and where they want to start.... Show more
content on ...
I believe that questions appear to be of reading level and appropriate for the
clients. Although, the section that lists the issues/concerns and has the client rate
them from 0 10 might be confusing for some clients as it does not provide much
detail. (A client might question how to rate anxiety/nervousness whether it s an
general feeling or specific feeling such as I felt nervous giving a speech in front of
a group) Is there enough space to write what is needed in each answer space? The
questions about reasons for seeking counseling, what they have tried to handle the
situation, and health issues could use more space for the answers. The space given
may make the client feel that they should not have as many concerns/issues or feel
that the social worker wants to rush them. This may lead to concerns/problems
going unnoticed by the Social worker. Should the Intake be reformatted so it is
easier to read? The format is easy to read and provides separation between the
different areas so the client does not feel overwhelmed. What changes would you
recommend for the Intake forms? What would you include? What would you
remove? Would you change the
Business Etiquette in Japanese Negotiations
Business Etiquette in Japanese Negotiations

The world economy is dependent on trade between countries. As globalization of the

world s economy increases, companies depend on international negotiations to build
strong relationships and extend their services to a larger market. Since World War II,
Japan and the
United States have become dependent on one another s markets to fuel their
economy. Japan is the second largest supplier to the U.S. and the United States is the
largest supplier of imports to Japan. As a result, companies strive to teach Japanese
business etiquette to their international negotiators.

International negotiators encounter many cultural differences when they are

conducting business in Japan. In addition to language ... Show more content on ...
Presentations should be well organized and offered in both oral and written formats.
The language barrier makes it difficult for the Japanese to comprehend everything at
one time.
Presenting them with written information gives them the opportunity to review what
was said so they fully understand your proposal. They will appreciate your
thoughtfulness and acknowledge that you have taken time to fully prepare for the

Next, business in Japan is often conducted in organized groups. The

Japanese are uncomfortable working with single individuals and consider the size of
your group a reflection of how important the business meeting is. In addition, it is
recommended that you keep the same groups throughout the business deal because
again, the Japanese want to build long term relationships with their associates. They
will not be accepting of new comers.

The Japanese will place a lot of emphasis on how you are dressed and what gifts you
bring. When deciding what to pack for the business trip, negotiators should keep in
mind that the American business casual style is not acceptable in Japan. Both men
and women should dress conservatively avoiding bright colors and fancy accessories.
Gaudiness is looked down upon in Japan. Women should not wear pants in a business
situation. Japanese men tend to find it offensive.
Recreational activities such as golf are a typical occurrence in the business world.
Essay on Frank Capra’s Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
Frank Capra s Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

In Frank Capra s 1939 people s fable Mr. Smith goes to Washington Jefferson Smith,
a young, idealistic, and naГЇve hero from a Midwestern state is thrust into public
notoriety through a chance course of events. His journey will compel him to
contemplate the veracity of the political foundation which supports American
democracy and confront the corruption which seeks to erode it.
Smith, leader of the Boy Rangers, an organization closely based on the Boy Scouts of
America, becomes a state hero after single handedly putting out a forest fire. Like a
fabled hero, his statewide popularity burgeons, particularly amongst his state s youth.
When an unexpected ... Show more content on ...
In so doing, Smith stumbles into the movie s central struggle. While directly Capra s
film powerfully illustrates Smith s own intense confrontation with a seemingly
omnipotent political machine; his ultimate victory is a condemnation of all industrial
greed as well as a reaffirmation of the power of the citizen to make an impact in a
government that through all its shortcomings is still democracy.
Capra s film is dramatically enhanced by its patriotic representation of our National s
capitol, with particular emphasis on the splendor of the Capitol and strength of the
Lincoln Memorial. These images are constant visual reminders of the freedom and
strength of personal choice provided by our government. The film s score composed
of traditional renditions of patriotic melodies including Yankee Doodle and Auld
Lang Syne only reinforces these sentiments. Capra s most dramatic use of setting is
the reconstruction of the Senate chamber, the site for the film s most climactic and
inspiring scene. Unwilling to allow the Senate to vote on his expulsion and
empowered with the goal of uncovering the Willet Dam Project as fraud, Smith
skillfully filibusters the Senate in hopes that his state s populace will come to his
support. Despite Taylor s ruthless propaganda, Smith s
The Origin And Discoveries Of Electricity And Magnetism
This paper is mainly about the origin and discoveries of electricity and magnetism. It
is solely a summary of two natural phenomenon which have changed everything
about our way of life and has ushered us into a remarkable new age.
Firstly and most importantly, it is about the underlying idea of how magnetism and
electricity have come about, also it outlines and maps out the development and
discoveries of sources of electricity and magnetism by many inventors and the latter
discoveries of mega production.

When I was a little boy, I used to wonder what causes lightning and thunder. When
rain comes, I sometimes see intermittent lightning for a while before you can hear
the sound of a spark which is like two short circuited power cables.

At school, we all learnt about matter, which consists of atoms and molecules and
every atom has a nucleus and electron(s), inside the nucleus contains an equal
number of protons and neutrons. The electrons revolve round the nucleus of the
atom in order to keep it stable. Protons are positively charged particles, neutrons are
neutral and electrons are negative charge particles. The nucleus is surrounded by
shells; these are simply orbitals in which an electron(s) can be found. The number of
orbitals depends on how many electrons the atom has. The electrons which are in the
outer most orbitals have a tendency of being lost or shared by another atom in order
to create a more stable configuration.

Long before any knowledge of electricity existed

Analysis Of Magnificent Seven
For the Final Project this project will be focus on the movie The Magnificent Seven.
This movie is a compelling movie that show a group of bound hunters caring more
about the job more than the money. Some of the characters in the movie went
through internet conflict that led them to change throughout the movie. In
Magnificent Seven we can see many example of binary oppositionand position
throughout the plot of the movie. The villain Bogue want to seize control of the
town of Rose Creek to dig for gold in the mines. Emma Cullen and some of the
townsfolks turn to bound hunters to protect them from the tyranny of Bugue and his
gang. The movie director of Magnificent Seven use political agendas in the plot and
through the characters because he wants to reveal how the indulgence of money can
cause people to be corrupt and to others people money can be less important than life.
By trying to reveal this truth the director used the Marxist Literary Theoryand the
Postcolonial Theory to hope change society outlook on money. In Magnificent
Seven some of the character is empowered and disempowered to the plot social
orders. The bound hunter s political orders made them empowered because
protecting the people of Rose Creek was more important to them at the end. The
job became more valuable than the money. Some of the bound hunter s risk and
sacrifice their life s to protect the people of Rose Creek town from the epic battle
at the end. The main bound hunter Sam Chisolm can be describe as a round and
dynamic character. When Sam Chisolm recruit the gang of bound hunters they were
about the reward money for protecting the townsfolks. At the end of the movie their
point of view changes a lot. Bogus can be describe as a static and flat character.
Bogue is the main protagonist in the movie. Bogue doesn t change in the movie
because his main intention is to take control over the town, so he can get richer.
These character trails for Bogue disempowered him in the movie plot. When Bogue
was killed in the church the toward the end is symbol, which mean House of
Judgement for all his sins. Bogue burn down the church to lower the townsfolk
morally in the beginning of the movie.
Looking at the Postcolonial Theory in Magnificent
Disadvantages Of Drinking Water Bottles
Littering is another problem with these bottles. When people get done using them
they just throw them on the ground, for example, if you go to a ball game and you
see everyone drinking Gatorade, soda, or water and then stay after and you will see
all those bottles in the bleachers and on the field from the players. You start to realize
that know one really cares about the environment anyone. Water bottles or just bottles
in general are a big cause on the environment. Although many people do not care,
littering causes a lot of harm to the environment and not many people realize it. Even
though drinking bottlewater is widely known as a good choice for your health it
comes with great conflicts. Many schools all around sell bottles of water out of
vending machines, although this can be a bad thing for the environment, but it also
helps students from drinking sugary soda. Even though there are benefits to drinking
and using bottled water, there are also many drawbacks. Bottled water can be healthy,
but also just drinking from a water fountain can help yourself and the environment.
Not many people want to drink community fountains because of the germs and all the
people that use them. Even though water is a great need for humans, they normally
want to go the easy way; the bottled water way. Water fountains do have many causes
of them, germs that it collects, and some even lack filtration systems. Bottled water
and other plastics can have many effects, although people have
Destry Rides Again, Mr Smith Goes to Washington, and
Destry Rides Again, Mr Smith Goes to Washington, and the Fall of the Hollywood
Studio System

Thomas Schatz cites the 1950 s as the inevitable end of the Hollywood film studio
system, with the signs appearing as early as the height of the second World War
(472). However, the seeds of discontent and disintegration within the system were
apparent as soon as the late 1930 s, exemplified in such films as Destry Rides Again
(1939, George Marshall) and Mr. Smith Goes To Washington (1939, Frank Capra).
The production of these two films and the paths down which they led their star
(James Stewart), directors (at least Frank Capra), and studios (Universal and
Columbia, respectively) are evidence of the decline of the studio system. The ... Show
more content on ...
The balance of power was thus tipped in favor of the individual filmmakers. These
films also served to launch James Stewart s career as a successful leading man
(usually next to a star leading lady), particularly in the western genre (The Man
From Laramie, The Naked Spur, Winchester 73), as a patriotic all American (It s a
Wonderful Life, again with Capra), and working with and as an independent (his
infamous contract with Universal and his work with Alfred Hitchcock, both in the
1950 s). Destry Rides Again and Mr. Smith Goes To Washington also raise issues
regarding the value placed on dramatic and outright patriotic films in comparison to
the value placed on films which serve as mere entertainment. While Mr. Smith Goes
to Washington is an overtly political film, Destry Rides Again, in its own way, is
highly political and both films reveal that the United States of 1939 was a politically
charged nation preparing itself subconsciously to take part in a worldwide war.

During the second half of the 1930s, Universal came under a completely new
ownership. The traditional owners, the Laemmle family, lost Universal at this time
after leading it up and down the mountains and valleys of success and failure. The
new owner, J. Cheever Cowdin, set up Robert H. Cochrane and Charles R. Rogers in
charge of Universal. They kept the company going, sometimes by thin margins, until
the very end of the 1930s
Job Analysis For The Hr Manager Position
The first step for this assignment is to describe the specific job analysis procedure
that I would utilize to develop the job description for the HR manager position. To
begin, the definition of a job analysis provided in our textbook is: Job analysis is the
systematic process of collecting information that identifies similarities and differences
in the work. (Milkovich, Newman, Gerhart, 2014, p. 103). I also found a definition
on HR that summarize an important description of the job analysis. The
website states; Job Analysis is a process to identify and determine in detail the
particular job duties and requirements and the relative importance of these duties
for a given job. Job Analysis is a process where judgements are made about data
collected on a job. The Job; not the person; An important concept of Job Analysis is
that the analysis is conducted of the Job, not the person. While Job Analysis data
may be collected from incumbents through interviews or questionnaires, the
product of the analysis is a description or specifications of the job, not a description
of the person. ( Job Analysis: Overview, 1998, p. 1) The peer reviewed journal
article Evaluation of job analysis methods by experienced job analysts defines it as
Job analysis is a process by which jobs are subdivided into elements, such as tasks,
through the application of a formalized, systematic procedure for data collection,
analysis, and synthesis. (Sistrunk, 1983, p. 1). All these authors
Essay on Sachin Tendulkar
India is a cricket crazy country and there is a saying in India Cricket is my religion
and Sachin is my God . People in India are mad about Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar for
he is the greatest ever One Day International player and one of the greatest Test
Cricket player. The Master Blaster, holds several batting records, including the
most Test centuries and the most one day international centuries, and was rated in
2002 by Wisden as the second greatest Test batsman ever, after Sir Don Bradman.
He received the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna, India s highest sporting honour, for 1997
1998, and the civilian award Padma Shri in 1999. Tendulkar was a Wisden Cricketer
of the Year in 1997. Sachin was born on 24 April 1973 in Mumbai (then Bombay)...
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Today, several records remain etched on Sachin s name and most of them may
remain on his name for ever. He is the highest run getter in ODIs and has scored
nearly 44 ODI centuries, the most by any batsman. He has achieved the highest
number of Man of the Match awards (56) and most Man of the Series (14) awards.
He is the first cricketer to get pass 16,000 runs. He has scored the most number of
ODI fifties and is the only player to be in top 10 of ICC rankings for 10 years. He
is the first overseas player to play for English County Yorkshire. He is the only
cricketer to receive Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna, Padma Shri and Arjuna Award. He
has most number of international runs in all forms of the game and has been
involved in six 200+ partnerships in One Day Internationals most by any batsman.
On his name stands the record for most number of successive ODI appearances
(185). He also has most number of Test appearances for India. Tendulkar has the
highest number of runs in World Cup matches 1,796 with a strike rate of 59.87. He
has also won most number of Man of the Match awards in World Cup matches. He
was the Player Of The Tournament in the 2003 Cricket World Cup for scoring 673
runs, the highest by any one in a single Cricket World Cup. Sachin Tendulkar has
endorsed more than 100 products in last 20 years. He has appeared in ads for Pepsi,
ANZ Grindlays Visa, MRF, Britannia, Boost, Adidas, TVS, Visa, Aviva Life

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