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Essay About Yourself Examples

Writing an essay about yourself, especially on a topic like "Essay About Yourself Examples," can
be a challenging task. The difficulty lies not only in the necessity to reveal personal aspects of
your life but also in crafting a narrative that is engaging, coherent, and reflective of your
personality. It requires a delicate balance between self-expression and maintaining a sense of

The challenge becomes even more pronounced when attempting to find the right examples to
illustrate various aspects of your life. Choosing the most relevant and impactful experiences
without oversharing or sounding self-centered is a fine line to walk. It's easy to either undersell
or exaggerate, and striking that perfect balance can be a formidable task.

Additionally, finding the right tone and voice to make the essay captivating can be a struggle.
The risk of sounding too formal, too casual, or even clichГ©d is ever-present. You want the
readers to connect with your story, but achieving this without resorting to common tropes or
generic statements is no easy feat.

Furthermore, there's the challenge of introspection. Writing about oneself often requires a level of
self-awareness that can be uncomfortable. Reflecting on personal strengths and weaknesses,
accomplishments, and aspirations requires a deep dive into one's own psyche.

In conclusion, while writing an essay about yourself may seem straightforward, it comes with its
unique set of challenges. Striking the right balance between self-disclosure and humility, finding
the right examples, maintaining an engaging narrative, and reflecting on one's life can make the
process quite intricate.

If you find yourself overwhelmed or seeking assistance, remember that there are resources
available. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on , where
professional writers can help you navigate the complexities of crafting a compelling essay about
Essay About Yourself ExamplesEssay About Yourself Examples
An Inspector Calls By. Priestley
JB Priestley wrote An Inspector Calls in 1945 during the Second World War,
however the play was set in 1912 just before World War 1 and the sinking of the
Titanic. He did this to show the audience that society wasn t equal. Both authors
write in times that present issues of sexism, racism and social divide between the
working class and the upper class. The play was first performed in 1946; Priestley
became increasingly aware of social inequality of life in Britain and believed that
people should take responsibility for others. Because there was strong distinctions
between the upper and lower classes Priestley used the Inspector to portray beliefs
of a socialist society. Priestley used the play An Inspector Callsto convey a moral
message to teach a 1945 audience the theme of responsibility. Wealthy people with a
higher status in society had more power, taking advantage of those who were not able
to stand up for their rights.
The novella Of Mice and Men written by Steinbeck was set in America in the 1930s,
when the Great Depression was happening, as a result of the Wall Street Crash in
1929. Many people were affected by this catastrophe, especially farmers who lost
their jobs and were forced to leave their homes and travel to other areas with more
money, such as Golden California to find work on ranches because of economic
depression, poverty and social inequalities. Steinbeck based his novella on the
American dream because he knew that during that era,
Uncle Tom s Cabin, By Harriet Beecher Stowe
One hundred years after Harriet Beecher Stowe published Uncle Tom s Cabin in
1852, the poet Langston Hughes called the novel, the most cussed and discussed
book of its time. Hughes s observation is particularly apt in that it avoids any
mention of the novel s literary merit. George Orwell famously called it the best
bad book of the age. Uncle Tom s Cabin is arguably no Pride and Prejudice or
Scarlet Letter. Leo Tolstoy is one of the few critics who praise it unabashedly,
calling Uncle Tom s Cabin a model of the highest type of art because it flowed
from love of God and man. So why has it been called a verbal earthquake, an ink
and paper tidal wave ? How and why has it been so influential? Uncle Tom s Cabin,
or Life among the Lowly is at heart a typical nineteenth century melodrama of
cruelty, suffering, religious devotion, broken homes, and improbable reunions.
The plot in brief: the slave Uncle Tom is sold away from his cabin and family on
the Shelby plantation in Kentucky; he serves the St. Clare family in Louisiana,
from which he is sold after the death of Eva and her father; he lands at the Legree
plantation on the Red River where he is whipped to death rather than betray two
runaway slaves. Meanwhile some slaves escape (Eliza on ice floes across the Ohio
River) and find long lost relatives; others kill themselves and their children. The
white characters discuss politics and religion. Everybody weeps. Uncle Tom s Cabin
has been cussed and discussed since May 8,
Unit 3 Debate1 Week 1

(Henderson, Nevada) Probate litigation involves the contesting of a will and is

something many individuals are concerned about when a loved one passes.Reports
from other countries of a rise in this type of litigation has many scared they may find
themselves in middle of a costly and lengthy dispute over a loved one s assets, but
this isn t the case. Individuals concerned about preparing their estate or those who are
facing this type of battle need to speak to an attorney to assist in the process and
probate1 is happy to be of help.

One question many have is, what is probate? . This legal process begins when a loved
one passes and is designed to show a will is valid, In addition, the process involves
the identification ... Show more content on ...
Sadly, this isn t the case, as every estate goes through the process, as it must be
determined who gets his or her assets. Debts must be paid, assets distributed and the
final wishes of the deceased respected, when possible. There are laws governing the
process, and they tend to be complex.

Probate1 works with individuals to ensure the process runs smoothly. Our firm
works to get the heirs the maximum amount allowed by law, while fulfilling any
obligations. The probate lawyer may be called in at any time, to create the will,
establish a trust or develop documents for a person s medical power of attorney,
among other things. In addition, the lawyer can handle the filing of the estate with
the court, Jackson goes on to say.

Estate planning addresses the distribution of assets prior to a person s death. With
the estate plan, the court understands the deceased s final wishes and how he or
she wishes their assets to be shared. For some, the process is simple, as the assets
are jointly owned or aren t of high value. Others, however, have estates that require
special consideration. This is true when there are children involved or the deceased
was a partner in one or more
Summary Of Sam Patch The Famous Jumper
During the early 1800s, the United States was hit by the Market Revolution which
quickly changed the economic and social status all around. It created a division of
those who were greatly benefitting from the market and those who were suffering
from it. In Sam Patch, the Famous Jumper written by Paul E. Johnson, the writer
exemplifies how the revolution affected people socially and economically through
the story of a young man, Sam Patch and how like many, he became a failure of the
Market Revolution. The Market Revolution started in the early 19th century (1815)
and ended around 1840. It was a time in which the United Statesbegan to shift from
mainly an agricultural economy to a manufacturing economy. The revolution
emphasized manufacturing... Show more content on ...
Despite his small rise to fame by jumping off waterfalls, ultimately, Patch was seen
as a failure to the Market Revolution like many others. He grew up in Pawtucket
where he worked in one of the mills and eventually worked his way up to being a
mule spinner whom were seen as a remarkable set of men (32). Patch s life was
looking bright as he was feeling confident and even gaining more social
recognition as a boss spinner. In spare time, he often jumped over the Pawtucket
Falls which soon became a craft for him. Patch along with other factory boys
began taking the jumping seriously and felt it required self possession and a
mastery of skills... (39). Similar to how the expansion of technology and art was
seen as prestigious to Timothy Crane, Sam Patch viewed jumping over the falls as
an art that required skill as well. Although Patch became popular for jumping over
several falls, he was unable to sustain his fame and eventually died at his last jump.
Those above the working class did not value the art of jumping and Patch could
not survive during the Market Revolution on it. A person s success during this
time was determined by the wealth they accumulated and their social status. For
example, Timothy Crane was seen as a huge success as he owned a mill, garden,
bridge, etc. and gained a lot of social prestige due to his liking of poetry, art, etc..
On the other hand, Sam Patch owned no property and, survived on what little
money he made from his jumpings and was unable to sustain the social status he
was gaining from his jumps. Many people like Sam Patch were unable to rise during
the Market Revolution as they were held back because of their social and financial
Disney s Success as a Company Essay
The Walt Disney Studio s Diversity Mission Statement is To create an inclusive
environment that is open to all perspectives, allowing us to tell compelling stories in
film, animation and music that visually and emotionally reflect our audience
worldwide. The Walt Disney Studios maintains that the only existing boundaries are
those of talent, ambition, imagination and innovation. (Moore, 2007) The Walt Disney
Company incorporates best in class business standards as a key pillar of its business
practices. (Unknown, 2008) Disney Company provides business standard and ethics
training to all of its domestic and international employees through a web based
tutorial to ensure that all employees representing the Disney Co. act ethically... Show
more content on ...
The Walt Disney Company, according to an EPA report based on 2005 records,
has reduced an equivalent of more than 71,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide
(Disney, 2008). Continual planning and organization is underway to enhance
green building designs for all Disney hotels by next Earth Day. Disney s officials
say they are very committed and with great leadership and control it is definitely
possible (Disney, 2008). External factors are those that affect business from
outside the organization. There are several external factors that affect the outcome
of day to day business, even for a huge corporation like Disney. Walt Disney has
been known for its family entertainment for more than eight decades. It started
small in the 1920s and has grown phenomenally today to a global corporation.
Even a business this powerful and profitable is affected by external factors.
According to, the definition of globalization is to extend to other
or all parts of the globe; make worldwide (, 2008). Globalization can
have a huge impact on the four functions of management. In order to achieve
success, a company must have a plan or goal set in action. Once a company decides
to go global, it has to decide its market. For example, Disney has over 25
Essay on The Great Gig in the Sky
At a late Thursday night, I have received word that I would perform in a fancy ball
room. With only two weeks of experience I had a gig in front of a hundred people.
Like many first gigs, the stage plays tricks on you and makes you feel inferior.
Stage fright had to go away at some point, so I decided for it to be this Saturday
night. Countless of hours put into this one night, I would practice day in and day
out. There was something for me to prove. You don t have to be naturally talented
and experienced to become successful or to perform at a high level. All it takes is a
little self confidence and hard work. Is two weeks enough for a musician to pick up
an instrument and perform? A sunny day in Houston, Texas. Just this morning I have
... Show more content on ...
My heart quickly accelerated and continued to run for its life. I looked at my hands
which were beginning to moisture. The thought of performing with little
experience struck me down. I was a nervous wreck and I knew that within the next
five minutes. I will give it my all or die trying. I patiently waited to be called. A
loud thumping noise is heard as I head over to the door and open the door. It was
my father. There is no need to feel nervous. You worked so hard and pushed
yourself to prove a point. Although that may be true, you worked so hard not only
for success but also for the enjoyment of performing. My dad had turned his back
on me and faded away. I stood still thinking about what he has told me. There was a
better reason to why I stood up so late and practiced so much. From the beginning,
playing an instrument was a wonderful experience. With a confident look and a
brighter self esteem. I was ready to rock n roll! I treasured the moment. I put on my
shades and walked across the hall with a determined look. I made my way backstage
and was suddenly called to the stage. The spotlight was brighter than the suns ray. I
foolishly put my shades back on and take a look around me. Complete silence was
around me. Such a quiet, yet eerie atmosphere. Eyes across the stage followed me
like a homing missile. I strum a chord and begin playing. A rough start was quickly
changed whenever the music began progressing. After all, all that practice made me
Analysis Of The Second Sex By Simone De Beauvoir
Simone de Beauvoir writes about the views of the world towards women versus
her views towards women and how the world should view women. MichГЁle le
Doeuff and Christine Delphy were both previous students of Simone de Beauvoir.
le Doeuff and Delphy both have read and are critiquing de Beauvoir s writing,
however, de Beauvoir never read le Doeuff and Delphy s critiques of her work.
Simone de Beauvoirbelieved in existentialist feminism, while MichГЁle le Doeuff
believed in anti foundationalism, followed by Christine Delphy believing in material
The Second Sex written by Simone de Beauvoir is started out with the question do
women exist ? Beauvoir professes this question to frame what a woman is and to
show that there is such a thing as a woman but one is not born a woman. Simone
de Beauvoir also professes the difference between Self and Other . She stresses that
the Self is the absolute, which she references in culture as the man. Other almost
always has a negative connotation to it, and is what the self is not, or what the self
lacks which she references as the woman. This creates a hierarchy, not allowing
people to live to their full potential because believe they are stuck in their group.
Discrimination also occurs as you have one group against another, such as men vs.
women, race vs. race, or even discrimination against different financial groups. This
discrimination creates beliefs that are hard to change once they have begun. On page
15 Simone de Beauvoir
Daycare Center Essay
Owning a daycare is a good career because, the pay is good, college is not a
requirement to have a daycare, and the hours pretty good. These are just some of
the reason why owning a daycare is a good career. A daycare center is where
children go when they families are at work and they help the children with there
every day needs like eating, making sure they take naps and play outside. Childcare
workers read and play with babies and toddlers to introduces basic concepts, such as
manners (Bureau of Labor Statistics). Teaching children can be difficult at times
because they might not understand how to do it, but there are things to do that can
help them out. Childcare workers often help preschool age children prepare for
kindergarten.... Show more content on ...
Family childcare workers care for children in their own homes. They may convert
a portion of their living space into a dedicated space for the children (Bureau of
Labor Statistics). Most daycare owners if they have a finished basement they will
set up there daycare down there. They will have beds for all the children to nap on.
It must be DCFS approved, there can be toys but also learning things. There should
be a big back yard for the children to play in. there should also be a routine for the
children. They eat at certain time and take naps at the same time every day. Keep
records of children s progress, routines, and interests (Bureau of Labor Statistics).
The skills need to have you own daycare is childcare workers must meet education
and training requirements, which vary by state. Some states require these workers to
have a high school diploma, but many states do not have any education requirements
for entry level positions. However, workers with postsecondary education or an early
childhood education credential may be qualified for higher level positions. (Bureau of
Labor Statistics). Many states require childcare centers, including those in private
homes, to be licensed. To qualify for licensure, staff must pass a background check,
have a complete record of immunizations, and meet a minimum training requirement.
Gmo s Argumentative Essay
Can you even imagine a world without hunger? Sounds great; doesn t it? Well with
GMO s that thought could possibly become reality. GMO s are chemically altered
plants, animals, foods, and microorganisms. They are safe for human and animal
consumption. Many studies have been done over the years and scientists have seen
no increase in cancer, obesity, kidney disease, or any new sensitivity towards food.
There are many benefits GMO s can bring to the farm, the store, and the table. In
recent years, scientists have been testing genetically modified crops to see if there
would be any difference in food prices or hunger in developing countries. And
research has shown that genetically modified crops are less expensive to grow
therefore they are able to produce higher yields. If these crops were to no longer be
genetically modified, prices would increase approximately five to ten percent which
would affect hunger in developing countries because food prices today are already
hard to come by so if they were to increase there would be less food bought, hurting
both the people and the economy in these countries. GMO s can be... Show more
content on ...
A few of their products such as doritos, lays, and cheetos contain GMO s such as
corn, and canola oil. Also ritz crackers are known to use soybean oil along with
cottonseed oil and sugar in their product. Another company whose products contain
GMO s is Yoplait located in Boulogne Billancourt, France. Yoplait is most popularly
known for their original yogurts which contain sugar and modified corn. Their greek
yogurts contains sugar and modified corn as well. Lastly, manufacturing company
Heinz residing in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in the US uses GMO s in their products
such as their ketchup which contains modified corn and their tomato soup containing
sugar along with
The Family Leave Act
In this situation, the employee requested and was granted leave to be with his
spouse who had given birth to premature twins. The Family Medical Leave Act,
requires that Company X provide the employee with up to 12 weeks of leave per
calendar year to care for his own health needs, or those needs of an immediate
family member, such as a spouse, parent or child. Employees are eligible for up to
twelve weeks of FMLA if the company has more than fifty employees, who commute
within seventy five miles of the work location. Company X and it s employees met
this qualification. FMLA leavecan be taken be continuously, intermittently or even at
a reduced schedule, such as half days. In order for any employee to request FMLA
leave they must have worked for the company at least twelve months prior to
requesting the leave, and they must have worked at least 1250 hours. The FMLA
provides job protection for employees needing to take time off in order to address any
personal sicknesses, health issues, or those of their immediate family members, such
as the one presented in this situation. FMLA guarantees that the employees current
job, current salary, along with their health benefits remain intact during the time they
are on leave and while they are attending to the health situation. When the employee
returns they must be put back into either their former position or a position that is
equal to the one that they left if their former position was required to be filled.
According to
The Social Hierarchy Of The Algonquin Indians
The Algonquins were a Native American people who settled from Maine all along the
east coast down into Virginia. The Algonquin were very peaceful and docile people,
when the pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts they helped to teach them
how to live off their new lands and ultimately ensured the survival of Europeans in
North America. Although there are smaller sub sections of the Algonquin tribes, such
as the Mohegans, the Pesquots, and the Narragansetts, they were all united through a
central language. The Algonquins lived in a very patriarchal society where men
ruled the homes and owned all the lands. Overall the Algonquins were the most
widespread group of Native Americans, had a very advance cultural, and a social
hierarchy.... Show more content on ...
Men were placed higher than women and most families only had relationships
with their father s side of the family. According to the Algonquin Anishinabeg
Nation tribal council in the event of a marriage the women would leave her family
and go live with her new husband s family. Staff Writer 1. The chief of Algonquin
tribes was from father to son heretically passed down from father to son and was
not elected by the people of the tribe. Although the chief was respected and revered
as the leader he was only a chief in name. He was not responsible to make laws and
regulations that his people must follow he was more of a spokesperson for their
tribe. Even though every tribe had their own chief the decision making process was
extremely democratic in nature. Every person, be it man or woman, was allowed to
express their own opinion and beliefs to help come to a consensus agreement. The
Algonquins were able to develop this very successful and democratic system through
a widespread area and overall the system was
Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
1. Abstract
The earthquake which took place on March 11, 20111 in the Tohuku District, Japan
triggered a massive tsunami which eventually caused a nuclear power plant
outbreak. The tsunami, 14 metres in height struck the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear
plant, which is located in the towns of Okuma and Futaba in the Fukushima
Prefecture. This resulted in loss of power to the reactors of Units 1, 2 and 3.Along
with this damage, the cooling system failed to work and there were hydrogen
explosions which ended in damaging the nuclear plant. The damages also include
extensive release of radioactive substances into our atmosphere and our earth. This
accident certainly did loads of damages to Japan and its people. There are lots of
theories regarding ... Show more content on ...
This would have perhaps managed to contain the situation and less consequence
would have incurred.

There was also the case of certain parties which had failed to follow the chain of
command. The prime minister s office did not announce a state of emergency in the
short time after the accident. The designed emergency response was for the
emergency response unit to be the medium of communication between the prime
minister s office and the plant operator,TEPCO.This is to ensure that the prime
minister s office is well informed regarding the situation.But in this case, the prime
minister s office communicated directly with TEPCO and the Fukushima Daiichi
power plant. This clearly shows the incompetence of the authorities to follow the

2.2 Industrial process and operation Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Power Plant consists
of six nuclear reactors and the types are the boiling water reactors (BWR). These
reactors are light water reactors and they were all designed by General Electric
(GE).These reactors have a total of 4.7 GW in power to drive the electrical
generators. Reactors for units 1, 2 and 6 were supplied by GE whereas units 3 and
5 were supplied by Toshiba and Hitachi supplied the unit 4. 2.2.1 Working Principle
of BWR The BWR s working principles is as such, the reactors heats the water, which
Comparing Yulia In Mrs. Bertha Flowers And The Ninny
Despite the time period differences, the short stories Mrs. Bertha Flowers and The
Ninny are similar because of the personalities and actions of the two main
characters, Marguerite and Yulia. These two characters are similar due to their
quiet and reserved personalities, their low self esteem, and how they both are
devalued in their societies. To begin, Marguerite and Yulia are quiet and reserved,
and this is demonstrated through the way they act. In Mrs. Bertha Flowers,
Marguerite refuses to often talk aloud following her traumatic experience of being
raped at the age of eight. Her sudden quiet and reserved behaviour is acknowledged
by Mrs. Bertha Flowers, as well as by Marguerite s grandmother and teachers. Yulia
shows she is quiet and... Show more content on ...
Following this trauma, Marguerite is left to feel worthless because of how she
was stripped away of any semblance of power and confidence she may have once
had. Her lack of self esteem is in part caused by this event, as well as the fact that
she lives in a society which discriminates against her and her black community.
Yulia has low self esteem because she is degraded by multiple of her high class,
male employers. This is evident when Yulia speaks to her current employer about
how her previous bosses had refused to give her any pay, despite what they had
promised. Finally, Marguerite is devalued in her society because she is a young,
African American girl during the early 1900s. She is depreciated in her society
because black people are segregated from white people, and are not given equal
rights. White people in her society are favoured, whereas Marguerite and other
black people are treated as inferior. Yulia is devalued by her society because she is a
poorly educated, lower class female in late 19th century Russia. Her society is
strongly represented as being sexist and classist, so she is deemed less valuable than
her male, higher class
Duplex Property Research Paper
Investing in Duplex Properties

Duplex properties are one of the best investments that homebuyers can make,
especially if it is a first time buy. The beauty of investing in a duplex property is that
even though you might be paying a little more to purchase this property than a single
family home, the return will be much greater.
You might be wondering how this is possible. Since a duplex has two living areas,
you can rent out one of the units while living in the other. This allows you to reduce
your payment costs and even cover your entire mortgage in some cases. Not all
duplex property investments turn out the same but if you are able to set the right
price and have long term contractual commitments, then investing in Duplex
properties is a wise financial move.
Paying Off Your ... Show more content on ...
Once this is paid off, your duplex will then become a great way to profit from your
property as extra income. If you have the chance to purchase another property, then
you can double your income by renting out the second unit. The reason why this is a
smart move for first time buyers is that you will essentially be the owner of the
duplex but you will not have to pay off your own property; someone else will do it
for you. You just need to put down the initial investment.
The Problem with Investing in Duplex Properties
The problems with investing in a duplex property are rather minimal and only
become problems with your personal situation. If you will not be staying in your
duplex, you might not find this investment as worthwhile. You will have to cover any
duplex payments on top of your other living arrangements. In the case that you
cannot find two renters, it may be much more difficult to cover your costs and make
a profit. Although some duplexes can create immediate cash flows, some will take
months or years to prosper.
The Desirability of Duplex
Social Class Distinction in Sir Gawain and the Green...
Sir Gawain and the Green knight is a romantic Middle English poem written in the
fourteenth century by an unknown author. This poem is a fairy tale like story that
gives its readers a glimpse into the social class system of Medieval England. This
literary work opens with the famous King Arthur, a local bishop, and King Arthur s
knights enjoying a royal feast at Camelot during the Christmas season. This poem
provides an accurate depiction of the feudal system of the middle ages. Within this
tale are individuals representing the pyramid of power that symbolizes the social
class system of Medieval England. This top of the pyramid group consists of royalty,
clergy and noble knights. As this mythical poem begins readers are quickly... Show
more content on ...
The significance of religious leaders during this era is evident by the fact that the
writer of this poem places the bishop at the beginning of the table. Due to the fact
that the medieval society was a religious society and that these religious leaders held
a special relationship with God, it is no surprise that these individuals held the
second highest social class position in the medieval time period (Feudalism and the
Three Orders (Overview) 2). The last level of social class presented in Sir Gawain
and the Green knight is represented by the noble knights of King Arthur s round table.
In the European feudal system knight service was held due to the king only (knight
service (feudal law) 1). Stories of brave and courageous knights are extremely
common in fourteenth century literature. Knights in medieval times were those who
fought to protect the king and were often considered valiant and honorable heroes.
These noble men were known for their bravery and ability to fight. Gerald Morgan
points out that beautiful ladies are drawn to the presence of great knights and by the
same token such knights must learn to accustom themselves to the company of
beautiful ladies (1). At King Arthur s banquet, Sir Gawain honorably represents the
knights when he turned to the king stating, I beseech now with all courtesy that this
Similarities Between Cuban Revolution And Nicaraguan...
The Cuban and Nicaraguan revolutions examined in this study show an association
with the most profound processes of transformations. As established in the study,
Cuba was more radical in bringing change to the society than Nicaragua was.
Conversely, apart from the fact that the revolutions had distinct, idiosyncratic
features. Both revolutions independently survived the hostility brought about by the
foreign forces throughout their revolution process. Evidently, some of the differences
and similarities originate from political dynamics and social changes as established in
this paper. The study confirmed that both the revolutions had different ideological
blueprints, which acted as a guide in the processes of social engineering. Although
the ideological approaches tend to overlap in certain areas, they also present
significant differences. Both countries are nationalists, anti imperialists, and support
the third world and the high demand for satisfaction on the previously abandoned
social aggregates. The demand for comfort on the already abandoned social
aggregates directed at improving the general standards of living of the entire
population on both social democratic and egalitarian... Show more content on ...
While the Nicaraguan revolution continued to struggle against the Somoza
administration, Sandinistas had adopted a more orthodox Marxist alignment. For
example, the Tercerista played a significant role in helping the FSL alongside other
groups and individuals to be accepted to participate in the anti Somoza movement.
The followers of liberation theology, such as the radical Christians joined the
movement as a result of the appeal. By 1979 when FSLN acquired power, it had
managed to take control of an ideology that was supported by major groups.
Understanding the course of FSLN ideologies helped these groups to come up with
effective ways of addressing problems such as the unequal distribution of wealth and
The Impressions Of Timothy Treadwell s Grizzly Man
Imagine voluntarily getting into a cage with wild Grizzly Bears, and having
nothing to defend yourself. This is what Timothy Treadwell did, except he upped
the ante and chose to live alongside the Grizzly Bears of Katmai National Park in
Alaska. The last 13 years of Treadwell s life, he spent the summer months living with
the bears. Grizzly Manis a film that was created by Werner Herzog. The film show
contains content that Treadwell filmed himself, as well as portions filmed after
his death, that have Werner interacting with people who knew Timothy very well. I
believe that this film is very well put together and does a great job of showing
Treadwell s interactions with the bears, with minimal input from the narrator. I
enjoy this part of the film because it allows you to form your own opinion of
Treadwell and see what he thinks is best for himself and the bears. In this paper, I
will be touching on how Treadwell s actions throughout the film relate to writings
done by; Michael Nelson, J. Baird Callicott, and Reed Noss. Some of Nelson s
wilderness preservation arguments fit right alongside what Treadwell is doing on his
expeditions. Calllicot and Noss focus on wilderness alternatives and the impact that
humans have on the environment. My first impressions of Timothy Treadwellwere
that there is no possible way this man has become one of the bears and spends most
of his time right next to them. He looked weak to me and someone who could easily
be dispatched of. Maybe this
The Grapes Of Wrath By John Steinbeck And The Grapes
Of Wrath
The novels The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck and Under the Feet of Jesus by
Helena Maria Viramontes both explore the plight of migrant farmers in California.
Steinbeck tells the story of white migrant workers during the Great Depression and
Viramontes tells the story of Mexican migrant workers. The novels deconstruct the
perceived California dream in which great wealth can be achieved through hard
work by recounting the plights of migrant workers who recognize the illusion and
take action against it. Steinbeck s novel portrays the plight of the Joad family,
natives of Oklahoma. The Joads, a family of dispossessed farmers, travel to
California searching for work after the forces of large scale banking capitalism
remove them from their land. They chase the promise of a new beginning and the
opportunity to find wealth because of the California dream. Steinbeck narrates the
journey of an underclass family achieving the Marxist construction of class
consciousness. Class conflict between wage slaves and the owners of the means of
production, social alienation through the separation of labor and profit, and
dehumanization of workers through the mass commodification of labor all appear
in the novel. Class consciousness defines the novel and is the method by which the
Joad family is able to rise against the bourgeois and capitalism. The Joads are a
member of the proletariat and must work as laborers who are, according to Karl Marx
, A class of labourers, who live only
Island Song Analysis
Most people can say that one of the most important things in life is happiness.
Happiness is key to a worthy life. When you are happy, you go about your day
much better than if you are sad or angry. Happiness occurs internally but external
factors such as music can always help. Music is responsible for extracting certain
emotions, such as happiness, in any listener. I chose to call my playlist It s Going
to Be a Good Day because everyone needs a playlist to start off their day right by
listening to songs that instigate happiness. I chose this theme because personally I
believe that happiness is very important in my life. If I am not happy, then I cannot be
efficient in the different things I do. By listening to these songs on this playlist...
Show more content on ...
The lyrics of this song are uplifting and make the listener feel as if nothing can get
in their way to reach their goal. This song is polyphonic because it contains two
voices accompanied by instrumentation. The tempo is upbeat and creating a feeling
of happiness. The male voice s timbre is raspy and soulful. The melody shows the
sentiments that the two singers are promising each other during the chorus. The
instrumentation included strings, which gave the song a sweet and catch tone, and
the drums gave a pulsating drums that keeps the song upbeat. While listening to the
song I feel like I can conquer the world and nothing can stop me from doing the
things I want to do so the sense of power evolves into happiness
Transformation Of King Ashoka
King Ashoka, also known as Ashoka the Great , was the beloved third emperor of the
ancient Indian Maurya Empire, a predominantly vast Hindu kingdom that stretched
all the way from modern day Afghanistan in the west to Bangladesh in the east,
including parts of Iran and most of the Indian sub continent. Ashoka ruled from
approximately 268 BCE to 232 BCE, an era characterized by one of the largest
religious expansions in ancient India.2 In 261 BCE, King Ashoka invaded and
conquered the neighboring kingdom of Kalinga, in one of the most fiercest and
bloodiest battles in ancient Indian history.3 The mass casualties and staggering loss
of life caused a profound and drastic change in King Ashoka, as he was so deeply
affected by the death and destruction of war. He sought peace/non violence and found
Buddhism, which he embraced whole heartedly. King Ashoka s personal journey and
transformation not only affected him, but also helped transform an entire empire and
inspire a world religion. King Ashoka was both influential and instrumental in the
expansion of Buddhism throughout the Maurya Empireand beyond its borders. King
Ashoka quickly renounced military expansionism and began to follow the teachings
of Buddha and also incorporate Buddhist philosophy, teachings, and principles into
his governing style. He ruled fairly and justly, stating that the power of love is greater
than the power of the sword. 4 Initially, Hinduism and Jainism were the dominant
religions of the land,
Benefits Of A United States Marine Corps
Benefits for a United States Marine Corps The United States Marine Corps have
many jobs to protect and serve the United States. Some of the ways a Marine serves
the United States is by protecting naval bases, guarding U.S. embassies, and
providing a quick strike force to protect U.S. interests ( Answers to the Top Marine
Corps Questions ). Being a Marine that serves and protects the United Statescomes
with many benefits. A career as a Marine rewards you with a salary, benefits,
incentives and bonuses, not to mention automatic annual pay raises ( Marine Corps
Benefits ). The benefits that come with being a United States Marine Corpsare
educational funding, healthcare, and benefits for the Marine s family. The United
States Marine Corps offer free education for every Marine during service. The
federal government will pay for the Marine s books, tuition, and fees at any
community college or university ( United States Marine Corps Education ). The
higher education a Marine gets, the higher up a Marine can be ranked and get a
promotion. Not only can a Marine get free education during time of service, but a
Marine can choose to go to college after the time of active duty. Depending on how
many years they served, the more education the U.S. Marine could be awarded (
United States Marine Corps Education ). A United States Marine Corps can be
awarded up to a Master s degree ( U.S. Marine Corps Forces Reserve ). A Marine has
the benefit of bettering knowledge and skills just
The Trusty Model Of Dependent Personality Disorder
Many theorists for decades have presented theoretical approaches in an effort to
comprehend personality. Hence, to this date, no theorist has been able to find all the
answers in their theory to understand an individual personality. The purpose of this
paper is to present the Trusty model of dependent personality disorder. Major topics
relevant to the disorder will be explored including the human image (determination
vs. free will, nature vs. nurture and the past vs. the present) as well as the
dysfunctional personality style. As you read this paper, I hope you will be more
enlightened from the information presented and also gain a better understanding of
dependent personality disorder. Keywords: dependent, theory, personality, Trusty,

Personality Theory: The Trusty Model

To be honest people need each other. We exist as social creatures. However, it is
almost a tough situation to co exist with individual who suffer from dependent
personality disorder as a result of their clingy behavior. The Trusty model for
dependent personality disorder is described below.
Components of the Trusty Model of Dependent Personality Disorder
Image of Human Nature
Nature versus nurture. The origin of personality is character biological nature with a
heredity support. Individuals with dependent personality generally display orientation
towards being vigilant and at the same time apprehensive as far back as their
childhood age (Bornstein, 1992). However, growing up
Pros And Cons Of Fear Of Super Intelligence
Should we be scared of super intelligence? Superintelligence is an artificial
intelligence that has its own brain and can develop its own thoughts which is likely
to be smarter than human in every aspects including ability to work and social
skills. Superintelligence can come in many forms of technology including
computers and robots. In today s world, there are many evidences which prove that
superintelligence exists in our society. There is no doubt why people to be scared of
this kind of technology that can think and make decisions on its own. With its
abilities to evolve and self learn the environment, there are unlimit consequences that
can derive from these machines. Torres has put this in a very precise and easy to
understand words,... Show more content on ...
According to Arend Hintze, there are four different types of fear about artificial
intelligence including fear of unforeseen, fear of misuse, fear of wrong social
priorities, and fear of the nightmare scenario; the first fear being fear of unforeseen.
Even if the designers of the superintelligence think they can control what they have
made, they might not understand what the machine is thinking. One of the
examples of the real world being AlphaGo, the computer program, have beaten the
professional go player from South korea, Lee Sedol, who is one of the best go
players in the world. Go is one of the most complex board games with the most
simple rules where there are two players in which each one of them takes turn
placing one of the stones given (black or white) onto the 19 by 19 grid board. The
purpose of the game is to create as much territories surrounded by their own stones
as possible. Once a player s stones are circled by the other player s stones, those
stones need to be removed from the board. Since there is no artificial intelligence
that have ever beat the brain of human before, the Alpha go, which was developed by
a team of twenty people, is considered one of the superintelligence. These kinds of
artificial intelligence system that can defeat human s brain could turn into something
scary in the future. Thus, humans should be aware of superintelligence and be
responsible of what they have
Social Contract As A Dominant Political Theory Essay
Social Contract As A Timeless Dominant Political Theory
The concept of social contract was introduced by early thinkers like Socrates and
Plato. The social contract is a political theory that involves a tacit agreement between
members of society group that allows them to collaborate and promote mutual
benefits, as well explains the legitimacy and authority of government. This concept is
further explained and defended by 17th and 18th centuries philosophers like Hobbes,
Locke and Rousseau, who helped to shape these theories and lay down the foundation
for today s democracy and the role of the government in society. Social contract
theories had a profound impact on modern Western society, specifically, America and
France. Subsequently, it had a dramatic ideological influence on the development of
democracies around the world.
However, not everyone agreed with the idea of social contract and there are other
political theories which downplay its importance in the role of the government in the
community s life. Theorists, such as Humes, Mandeville, and Smith declare there is
no such contract/agreement in existence, but rather maximizing peoples utility,
market forces, and individual selfishness are the driving forces of a given society.
Nevertheless, we need to recognize the importance of social contract because it
provides a conceptual basis for the development of a democratic and just society. In
addition, social contract, through its constant
Internal Guide External Guide For Jammu And Kashmir
Project Report
Submitted to

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of


Under the guidance of

Internal Guide External Guide

Dr. S. Baskaran Mr. Imran (Relation Executive)
Faculty, MBA Department (financial inclusion department)
HKBK, CE, Bangalore Jammu and Kashmir Bank, Srinagar DEPARTMENT OF
2013 2015

I, Raiees Bashir, hereby declare that the Internship report entitled (FINANCIAL
american character
American Character Then and Now

A notion that still holds strong today, Fredrick Jackson Turner s idea of American
character was one based on trials and experiences. Unlike Crevecour, Turner believed
that American character was not simply a product of English character transported to
America, but rather another idea altogether (Faragher 63). He expressed this opinion
the best when he said, In the crucible of the frontier the immigrants were
Americanized, liberated, and fused into a mixed race, English in neither nationality
nor characteristics (Faragher 64). How exactly did American character form and what
defines ... Show more content on ...
The combination of the Turner thesis and Peck s translation of it, provided a
foundation that would help form American identity: individualism and collectivity. A
perfect example of this today is the sport of baseball, America s pastime.
By the time Turner presented his thesis in 1893 at the Colombian Exhibition in
Chicago, the myth of the cowboy and the myth of the frontier had already made
their way into novels for the enjoyment of east coasters who were curious of the
west (Cullen 127). Characters like Buffalo Bill, Nathaniel (Natty) Bumpo, and
Daniel Boone helped illustrated American character. The introduction of she males,
women with feminine and masculine qualities, were also an important feature of
these novels west (Cullen 127). Characters like Jane, from Calamity Jane by Edward
L. Wheeler, were like predecessors of women rights; they were heroines who
demanded and received, but remained kindhearted at the same time (Faber all).
Although all of these characters had a very profound role in molding people s
impression of the west, the novel which combined many individual roles of each
western into one was probably The Virginian by Own Wister. This novel was so
influential in helping to engrave American character in that it incorporated Turner s
idea of the disappearing
Censorship, Media Manipulation, And Betrayal
In George Orwell s novel, 1984, he incorporates the major themes of censorship,
media manipulation, and betrayal. The citizens of Oceania are constantly
bombarded with different forms of propaganda, including the posters stating BIG
IS SLAVERY, and IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH. Giant telescreens constantly run
streams of propaganda in hopes of making the Party appear superior to the
Brotherhood. According to Big Brother, sexual interactions should be kept to a
minimum and only occur to populate and produce more Party supporters. The Party
strongly encourages the children of Oceania to join the Junior Spies, an organization
that brainwashes them to report their parents or guardians if they feel they are being
disloyal to the Party and Big Brother. Nothing is private in the territory of Oceania;
technological mechanisms, such as small microphones and helicopters acting as
drones, are installed throughout to constantly monitor its members. As media
manipulation evolves and the citizens become further brainwashed, individuals have
a big decision to make, whether to rebel against the Party or betray their old ways of
life. The people of Oceania cannot express their true thoughts, emotions, and feelings
about the Party for the fear that the Thought Police will catch and turn them in. These
negative thoughts obviously exist, but not many individuals are willing to stand up
for what they believe in and who they
Ambh500 Business Heritage, Culture and Sustainability...
AMBH 500 Business Heritage, Culture and Sustainability
Stream A

Assignment One: Part B

Research Report on the Contribution of Recent Asian Immigrants to New Zealand s

Contemporary Business Environment.

Date: (date you printed the assignment)

For: John O Sullivan

Chinese new Zealander Pansy Wong:

Pansy Wong, 53 year old ethnic Chinese Member of Parliament (MP), was appointed
Minister for Ethnic Affairs and Minister of Women s Affairs in the new look cabinet
in New Zealand. New Zealand educated, and a speaker of English, Cantonese,
Mandarin and Shanghaies, she is able to mediate between people of different cultural
backgrounds in New Zealand.
Pansy Wong was born in Shanghai, and her family moved to Hong Kong when she
was ... Show more content on ...
Near the end of her speech, she thanked, in Korean, all the people that had given her
support simply by virtue of [their] shared heritage.
Born in Korea, and growing up in Malaysia, Melissa moved to New Zealand as a
young adult in 1988. Melissa s background has ensured her place as a strong
advocate for New Zealand s diverse ethnic communities within the National
Government. Melissa holds an MA with first class Honours in Communication
Studies, and has held positions as a Vice President of the Korean Society, Vice
President of the Korean Women s Association, Board member of the Asia Pacific
Producers Network, advisor to the National Unification Council of Korea, and an
Asian advisor to the Auckland Police. Melissa is passionate about creating a safer
New Zealand, and has been an advocate of better policing and tougher sentencing
for serious crimes in New Zealand. Her vision is for a country that is safe, secure, and
Indian new Zealander Sukhinder Turner:
Sukhi Turner, 57, born in Ludhiana as Sukhinder Kaur Gill, is known for her active
role in politics as the mayor of Dunedin, New Zealand from 1995 to 2004. She has
been the youngest, first non European, and first woman to be elected to the Dunedin
Mayoralty. She moved to New Zealand after marrying Glenn Turner, a prominent
New Zealand cricket player, in July 1973. Sukhi and Glenn Turner settled in Dunedin
in 1982. They have two children.
Turner took part in a wide range of community work,
The Issue Of Discrimination In America
So here are the facts: According to national poll commissioned by the Episcopal
Church 98% of Americans feel that there is some type of discrimination still alive in
America today. 7/10 Americans feel that African Americans are directly discriminated
against. But it can happen to anyone whichever race. Journal Science states that
Many people unconsciously harbor racist attitudes. But is that an excuse for hostility?

With an African American voted into office many thought things would change but
there are still combined issues that act out America s problem with race. Although, we
have come a long way from where we used to be. The phrase If you work hard, you
can be anything you want to be, no matter how many obstacles racism and poverty
Tone Of The Raven
Edgar Allen Poe: The Raven

Creating the Melancholic Tone in The Raven Edgar Allan Poe s The Raven,
representing Poe s own introverted crisis of hell, is unusually moving and attractive
to the reader. In his essay entitled The Philosophy of Composition, Poe reveals his
purpose in writing The Raven and also describes the work of composing the poem as
being carefully calculated in all aspects. Of all melancholy topics, Poe wished to use
the one that was universally understood, death; specifically death involving a
beautiful woman. The apparent tone in Edgar Allan Poe s The Raven seemingly
represents a very painful condition of mind, an intellect sensitive to madness and the
abyss of melancholy brought upon by the death of a ... Show more content on ...
In the first stanza, questioning from what direction the tapping came, he throws open
the door, the narrators nemesis not to be found. Some other realm must be explored
if he is to ascertain something about his lost love and the noise which is driving him
insane. The narrator then opens the shutter, opening his soul to the outside world. To
his surprise, he discovers a raven, a beast upon the sculptured bust above his chamber
door (53).

The raven directs all further action in the poem, it ridicules and patronizes the
narrator throughout the composition and its evil force permeates the air and induces
suffering and anguish within the character. Emotions culminate with the attainment
of a climax as the narrator faces his confused and disordered world. The narrator, in
his madness, shrieks, Get thee back into the tempest and the Night s Plutonian shore!
(98). Poe s calculated use of symbolism was influential in establishing the literary
reputation of The Raven . The raven is established as a symbol for the narrator s
mournful and ceaseless remembrance of his lost love. The raven is of significant
importance to the melancholic theme because it is often seen as being a harbinger of

Another obvious symbol is the bust of Pallas, the Goddess of Wisdom. This use is
symbolic as it leads the narrator to believe that the raven speaks
Theories Of Emirates Airlines
Emirates Airlines is a leading international Aviation company and the largest in the
Middle East founded in 1985.It operates from Dubai International Airport in the
United Arab Emirates. The airline company operates the world s largest fleets of
Airbus A380 and Boeing 777 aircrafts (The Emirates Group, 2015). , The paper
explores the concepts of motivation, teamwork and organization structures to help us
understand how the company rose to the apex in the global aviation industry. It then
analyzes how the company applies each concept. The paper also examines the
perspective of the three concepts not yet explored by the airline company. It then
offers recommendations to the firm to help it become an even bigger leader in the
global aviation industry.
Introduction to Motivation as a Concept ... Show more content on ...
In an organization, motivation involves ensuring the employees perform highly to
achieve the organization s desired goals. Several motivational theories have been
advanced as to explain workers attitudes towards motivation. One such theory is
Herzberg s motivation hygiene theory (Bauer Erdogan, 2015). He posits that there
are certain factors in the workplace that cause job satisfaction. These include the
advancement of an employee s career. He believed that workers were no longer just
satisfied with the minimum basic salary but aimed to achieve more. Herzberg also
found there are certain factors in the company that causes dissatisfaction for the
employee. These include supervision, company policies, salaries and work
conditions. If a business wants to motivate its employees, it should focus on
satisfaction factors (Bauer Erdogan,
Features Of Space Expansion
Feature Space Expansion

Firstly the feature space would be increased in dimension, by the addition of new
features. Due to the analysis done on feature production, it was noted that by
generalising feature production and consumption (in the neural network), a lot of
time could be saved in the long run. This meant when the feature space was to be
expanded, it would be important to create the feature production in a scalable manner.

Neural Network Expansion

Secondly, the neural network would be extended from a simple input output neural
network to one with a variable number of inputs, layers, and hidden neurons. The
addition of more layers would allow more complex planes to partition the feature
space as sometimes simple planes cannot adequately classify data. For example,
consider the classification of a data set similar to the output of a XOR gate.
Consider four input data points of (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), and (1, 1), with respective
outputs 0,1,1,0, where 1 represents positive classification, and 0 represents negative
classification. This provides an example of a classification which has very high error
when classified without a hidden layer. This is because a linear combination of the
input coefficients can only define a partition which is a straight line.
Any linear partition of these inputs can at most correctly classify three of four data
points. This is because the data points are linearly inseparable. However, with a more
complex neural network, such as one
The Multi-Store Model
Multi store model and the working memory theories show how the brain receives and
transfers information. A neurons are nerve cell that are building blocks for the
nervous system. Which specialized in transmitting information in the form of a
stimulus throughout the body and brain in a chemical or electrical form that the brain
can handle and then store the information in the brain system.
Multi store model of memory
Literature review 450 Words
Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin were the first two to reveal how the human
memory works in 1982, and they design the multi store model. According to them
both information is stream through the memory system then separated into a set of
stages for the information to be stored. The three stages of process for the memory
are sensory memory, short term memory and long term memory. Each stage of the
process, there are limitations in the terms of capacity, duration and encoding.
For sensory memory input which comes from the five traditional senses that are
sight, hearing, taste, smell, and ... Show more content on ...
To test this idea they plan the double task technique. Double task techniques
participants were asked to carry out a primary task whilst alongside engaging in a
secondary task at the same time to challenge the concept of a single store system for
short term memories and suggested that there are four separate department to our
working memory in short term memory. Which are the central executive,
phonological loop, visuo spatial sketchpad and episodic buffer. The central executive
controls the three features and holds no information, just distributes information. As
for phonological loop consists of two separate stores department which are the
phonological store that processes the words we hear and the articulatory control
process which processes written words, so it called a loop because it continuously
loops words and these are the four features of the working
Potiphar Wife Accusing Joseph Analysis
Tension and Division in Potiphar s Wife Accusing Joseph Potiphar s Wife Accusing
Joseph (1512) is a print impression on laid paper by sixteenth century Netherlands
Renaissance artist Lucas van Leyden (known as Lucas). In his work, Lucas
illustrates an Old Testament parable in which Potiphar s wife presents the cloak of
Joseph as proof of Joseph s attempt to seduce her before her husband, the Pharaoh s
captain who had placed Joseph in charge of the household. In this 12.4 cm x 16.2 cm
print, Lucas articulates the tension and division at this moment of reckoning through
the careful arrangement of the figures, the contrasting depth of space and of lightand
darkness as well as the articulation of the figures facial and body expressions. Lucas
... Show more content on ...
Nevertheless, Lucas ultimately privileges Potiphar over his wife. He portrays
everyone with their bodies angled away from the viewer except for Potiphar who
stands with his body faced towards the viewer. In addition, Lucas also positions
Potiphar s figure in contrapposto as his gaze and sceptre is directed heavenwards, as
if seeking divine instruction, whilst his left foot and hand are angled towards his
companions in an apparent silencing gesture. The use of contrapposto also
contributes to a sense of anticipation and tension as it creates an impression of
movement within a static
comparison of the Met and Guggenheim Essay
New York City has been called the greatest city in the world numerous times by its
own people and visitors to the city. New York is civilization s greatest world within
a city. It gives the overpowering impression of being a magnet and mirror for all of
humanity and all that humanity does. For a city so young, New York is home to
number of architectural classics. Two of these masterpieces of architecture are the
Metropolitan Museumof Art and the Guggenheim Museum. Both continue the
metaphor of New York being a world within a world and possess the latent fusion of
form and function, one dependent on the other. The Metropolitan Museum is the
epitome of neo Classical style while the Guggenheim is a modernist powerhouse.
Each museum serves... Show more content on ...
Located on Fifth Avenue and 83rd street (just inside Central Park), it is a living
encyclopedia of world art (picture 12). Every culture from every part of the world,
from past to present is represented and is in fact the largest collection of art work in
the entire Western Hemisphere. Let us now take a look at the impression each
building gives the viewer.
The Met and the Guggenheim possess two of the most famous museum façade s
in the world. Upon first glance at the Guggenheim Museum, one is both impressed
and intrigued by its design (pictures 1 4). It is an organic form that derives its
source from Central Park located just opposite. The best impression of the structure
is obtained from just across the street (picture 1). The attention to detail is evident
everywhere the circular pattern of the sidewalk outside the museum, the porthole like
windows on its south side (picture 4), and the smoothness of the hand plastered
concrete. The main component on the west façade (facing Fifth Ave) is represented
by an upward spiraling helix (pictures 1 3). Horizontal lines are stressed throughout
the exterior, with the museum being longer than it is tall. There are very few corners,
with smoothness and blending of form the focus. The museum gives an impression of
stacked shapes with its long horizontal base, the viewing room capped by a steel
structure on the north façade, the spiraling helix
Lineage-Based Perspective
With there being more than 50,000 species of vertebrates alone it is essential for
all biology majors to have a working knowledge of the tree of life. The two
perspectives for teaching zoology are the Linnean taxonomical and the Phylogenetic
clade based perspective. The Linnean taxonomical perspective is a rank based
hierarchy while the phylogenetic clade based perspective groups speciesby focusing a
common ancestor and its descendants. In regards to teaching zoology there is more
value in using the phylogenetic clade based perspective rather than the Linnean
perspective because it allows students to organize the details of biodiversitywith a
more rational system.
Phylogenetic taxonomy focuses on common ancestry and derived functional ... Show
more content on ...
For example; Coleoptera contains over three hundred thousand species while Primate
contains roughly four hundred species including the human (Ballen, Cissy J., and
Harry W. Greene).
This lack of criteria is what causes the exclusion of taxonomic acknowledgment of
major evolutionary innovations while inaccurately portraying history. It is also
mentioned in Greene s more recent journal that the Linnean method fails at
specifying clades based upon the origin of limbs in tetrapods and shelled egg
amniotes. While it also, obscures the fact that crocodilians are more closely related
to birds than they are to turtles, lizards, and snakes, which does not highlight many
dramatic similarities between earlier archosaurs (Ballen, Cissy J., and Harry W.
Greene). These two main concerns of omission and obscuration are why the
phylogenetic clade based system is a far more valuable and beneficial methodology
for teaching zoology.
As it was mentioned previously, the phylogenetic clade based perspective only
recognizes monophyletic taxa, which are those taxa derived from a common ancestor
not shared with any other group. There is another argument being made that
paraphyletic groups should not be included as units of study within a zoology course.
Paraphyletic and monophyletic units of study both have their benefits and drawbacks
however I believe that
The Life Of The Smithsonian National Museum Of
At the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History there is an exhibit
called Eternal Life in Ancient Egypt . This exhibit focuses on Egypt s past with
important and interesting artifacts related to burial techniques and religious
beliefs. The most simple answer to why it is important to understand the way
people lived in the past is that we can t truly know ourselves until we understand
where we came from. This essay will analyze the exhibit to show what it s telling
us and why it is so important. To start, a main focus in the exhibit is the Egyptians
old burial rituals. It is widely known that the Egyptians used to mummify the dead.
The exhibit not only displays these mummies, but it also displays what they were
buried with. The objects buried in the tomb with the body are known to be for the
afterlife of the person who is buried. These objects in the exhibit, along with the
mummy and it s sarcophagus, included vessels for food and water, canopic jars for
the organs of the mummy, along with jewelry and figurines of the gods and
goddesses of Egypt. Also, the plaques on the inside of the exhibit s walls read
descriptions of ancient Egyptian beliefs and why some of the goods were buried with
the mummy. This can help visitors understand the way of life in ancient Egyptby
putting out these finds for everyone to learn from. The information on burial rituals
and objects shown on display depict Egypt s ancient religious beliefs and how the
afterlife worked.
Harrison Bergeron
Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
is a story literally exaggerated to its limit by showing, in the near future, what it
means to be equal in every way by having people not being able to show any form
of intelligence or creativity whatsoever. When Harrison Bergeron breaks the chains
of government oppression, he dies for his failed cause. He dies because he chooses
not to conform to the rest of his oppressive society. His parents, George and Hazel,
who are nothing more than two bodies under the government s mind control, can do
nothing to save their son or seek justice for his death. The story is not only a
reflection of the author s concern with controlling the masses through... Show more
content on ...
Harrison is the perfect example of this kind of rebellion. Although he is only
fourteen, he is a genius and an athlete, is under handicapped, and should be
regarded as extremely dangerous (141). Due to his abilities, he is in prison
because he is a threat to society. Harrison is aware that a new society must emerge,
and he breaks out of prison, removes his handicaps, and for just a moment, shows
his individuality. In the government s eyes, Harrison is a rebel, and rebels are people
that have no place in society, and must die. Diana Moon Glampers, who is the
Handicapper General and represents conformity, kills Harrison and his selected mate
with whom he wanted to rule a more humane America. She then threatens everyone
else with force in the television station with a shotgun by aiming it at the musicians
and told them they have ten seconds to get their handicaps back on (143). Although
Harrison s actions take place, conformity and equality still rule. In an article in
Contemporary American writers, it describes Harrison s parents after the murder,
They resume their passive, acquiescent lives; having forgotten the entire scene almost
as soon as they witnessed it (2396). This dehumanization is the result of government
oppression, as well as the physical punishment that awaits if anyone tries to be
rebellious like Harrison Bergeron. No government is able to suppress the individual
completely because of the desire of humans to be themselves
Since Hip-Hop emerged from the South Bronx in the
Since Hip Hop emerged from the South Bronx in the 1970s, it has become an
international, multi billion dollar phenomenon. It has grown to encompass more
than just rap music. Hip Hop has created a culture that incorporates ethnicity, art,
politics, fashions, technology, and urban life. Hip Hop is like Poetry only because
they are both art forms. Music, which can be with or without lyrics tries to create
an emotion, a feeling, but may not try to convey a concept. Songs, which unless
acapella are a blend of music and lyrics, can be rhymed or unrhymed, and may not
take any real memo other than a single word used to create a tone or mood (Smiley,
1). Poems, on the other hand, require the words alone to stir emotions, create images,
make... Show more content on ...
He likewise went through numerous summers with his father in Memphis, Tennessee.
In 2001, Graham started his acting profession, assuming the part of Jimmy Brooks, a
character on Degrassi: The Next Generation. His part on the show finished in 2009,
when makers cut the whole Degrassi staff for another gathering of on screen
characters. In February 2006, Drake discharged his first mixtape Room for
Improvement (Aubrey Drake Graham). It was made accessible through his site
and authority Myspace page. From the achievement of his first mixtape, he later
started discharging additionally, promoting from the buzz. In 2007, he discharged
Comeback Season to much basic praise and recognition (Aubrey Drake Graham).
It was from here on where Graham began picking up notoriety when he did his first
melody with Lil Wayne, a remix of the mainstream tune Man of the Year which
Wayne didn t rap in however had notice libs toward the end of the tune. In 2008, he
discharged Heartbreak Drake, once more a mainstream discharge and picking up
more recognition and buzz for the craftsman. So Far Gone, which incorporated
Drake s coach Lil Wayne, and parts of Young Money, was discharged in 2009.
Additionally in 2007, Graham turned into the initially unsigned Canadian rapper to
have his music feature emphasized on BET when his first single, Reinstatement Girl
was offered as
Word Of Mouth Essay
Word of mouth (WOM) is a general phenomenon of everyday life. That is when we
speak or listen to someone; we are engaged in word of mouth activity. This is so
natural that we cannot even realize that we are doing it. It can be compared to the
activity of breathing, we do it every day every minute/second but we are not
conscious of it. In the same way to be engaged in word of mouthis a natural and
unconscious phenomenon to some extent.

As per the secondary information taken from Wikipedia Word of mouth can be
spreading of any information or asking questions like asking someone the time of the
day and replying for the same. Telling story, describing an event or something made
up is a common form of word of mouth communication. Word of mouth is also there
in oral tradition in the culture of India where norms, etiquettes, information, accepted
way of behaviour and other phenomenon passes by generation to generation.
( In marketing sense, word of mouth is information given by a
non commercial user (the one who is not rewarded for his/her favor to the product
/service) to the potential buyer or purchaser without any bias. ... Show more content
on ...
Brand advocates are the customers who actively recommend brands and products
without being paid for such an act. They do so wherever they go or through any
communication medium that is online offline for their favorite brand. This requires
high commitment level from the organization side to build considerable level of
customer satisfaction and trust toward it. When customer trusts the brand, he/she
started liking the brand which creates affective and emotional feeling which may
converted into the advocacy for the brand. There also another way of influential
marketing in which a key individual who has authority, high level of influence and
many personal connection is placed to vouch for the brand or

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