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Activity 1: Part 1:

I don’t work in any sports organization, but I’ve tried my best to imagine the case of COVID-19 as a crisis.

In the beginning for sure the crisis was unexpected, and sports organization were uncertain about it. But
with time, there must have been planning and crisis management controls taken into consideration.

1. What kind of internal messaging did the organization use to respond to the incident?

During the COVID-19 crisis, football teams would have needed to communicate effectively with their
internal stakeholders, such as athletes, coaches, and staff members. The internal messaging would have
been critical to ensuring that everyone involved in the organization was informed and prepared to
respond to the crisis. They must have set the below internally.

1. Safety protocols: Teams would have communicated information about safety protocols that
needed to be followed to protect the health and safety of athletes and staff members. This
would have included information about social distancing, mask-wearing, and hand hygiene.

2. Changes in operations: Teams would have communicated any changes to their operations, such
as changes to practice schedules or game cancellations, as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. This
would have allowed athletes and staff members to adjust their schedules accordingly.

3. Health and wellness resources: Teams would have communicated information about resources
available to athletes and staff members to support their mental and physical health during the
crisis. This could have included information about mental health services, nutrition and fitness
resources, and access to medical care.

4. Transparency: Teams would have communicated transparently about any positive cases of
COVID-19 among athletes or staff members. This would have helped to maintain trust among
stakeholders and demonstrate the organization's commitment to addressing the crisis.

5. Continual updates: Teams would have provided continual updates to internal stakeholders as
the situation evolved. This would have helped to keep everyone informed and prepared to
respond to any changes in the situation.

Overall, effective internal messaging during the COVID-19 crisis would have been critical to ensuring the
health and safety of athletes and staff members, maintaining trust among stakeholders, and enabling
the organization to respond quickly and effectively to the crisis.
2. What kind of external messaging did the organization use to respond to the incident?

Sports organizations faced a unique challenge in responding to the COVID-19 crisis. As the pandemic
spread around the world, sports organizations were forced to make rapid adjustments to their
operations, with safety protocols being implemented to protect the health and safety of athletes, staff
members, and fans. In order to respond effectively to the crisis, sports organizations used a variety of
external messaging strategies to communicate with their external stakeholders, including fans, media,
and sponsors.

One of the key messages that sports organizations communicated externally was information about
safety protocols. This included information about social distancing, mask-wearing, and hand hygiene,
and was communicated through various channels, such as social media, press releases, and email
newsletters. Sports organizations recognized the importance of communicating these safety protocols
to their stakeholders in order to ensure that everyone was aware of the measures being taken to
protect their health and safety.

In addition to safety protocols, sports organizations also communicated information about changes to
their operations. This included changes to game schedules, the implementation of new safety measures,
and the cancellation of events. These changes were communicated through various channels, such as
social media, press releases, and email newsletters. Sports organizations recognized that it was
important to keep their stakeholders informed about any changes to their operations in order to
manage expectations and prevent confusion.

Sports organizations also communicated information about their community support efforts. Many
sports organizations recognized that they had a role to play in supporting their local communities during
the crisis and communicated information about their efforts to support COVID-19 relief efforts. This
included donations to local charities or other organizations supporting COVID-19 relief efforts, and was
communicated through various channels, such as social media, press releases, and email newsletters. By
communicating their community support efforts, sports organizations were able to demonstrate their
commitment to their local communities and build goodwill among their stakeholders.

Another key message that sports organizations communicated externally was health and wellness
information. Sports organizations recognized that the pandemic had significant impacts on mental and
physical health and communicated information about resources available to the public to support their
mental and physical health during the crisis. This included information about mental health services,
nutrition and fitness resources, and access to medical care, and was communicated through various
channels, such as social media, press releases, and email newsletters. By communicating this
information, sports organizations were able to position themselves as sources of support and
information for their stakeholders.

Finally, sports organizations communicated transparently about any positive cases of COVID-19 among
athletes or staff members, and about their response to those cases. This helped to maintain trust among
external stakeholders and demonstrate the organization's commitment to addressing the crisis. This
information was communicated through various channels, such as social media, press releases, and
email newsletters. By communicating transparently about positive cases and their response to those
cases, sports organizations were able to manage any potential reputational damage and maintain the
trust of their stakeholders.

In order to communicate these messages effectively, sports organizations used a variety of

communication channels, including social media, press releases, and email newsletters. Many
organizations also used video messages from athletes and staff members to communicate their
messaging directly to their stakeholders. By using a variety of channels, sports organizations were able
to reach a wide range of stakeholders and ensure that their messaging was heard.

Overall, effective external messaging was critical to managing the reputation of sports organizations
during the COVID-19 crisis. By communicating information about safety protocols, changes to
operations, community support efforts, health and wellness information, and transparently addressing
positive cases of COVID-19, sports organizations were able to build trust with their stakeholders and
demonstrate their commitment to protecting the health and safety of athletes, staff members, and fans.

3. What image repair strategies, if any, did the organization use?

The COVID-19 crisis had a significant impact on sports organizations worldwide. These organizations
were faced with unprecedented challenges, including the cancellation of major events, the closure of
facilities, and the need to protect the health and safety of athletes, staff members, and the wider
community. In response to the crisis, sports organizations implemented a range of image repair
strategies to address any negative impact that the crisis may have had on their reputation.

One of the key image repair strategies used by sports organizations during the COVID-19 crisis was
acknowledgment of the situation. By recognizing the gravity of the situation and the need to take
proactive measures to protect the health and safety of their stakeholders, sports organizations
demonstrated their commitment to being responsible and accountable in their response to the crisis.
This acknowledgment helped to reassure stakeholders that the organizations were taking the situation
seriously and were taking steps to manage the crisis effectively.

Transparency and openness were also important image repair strategies used by sports organizations
during the crisis. By being transparent about their response to the COVID-19 crisis, including their
decision-making processes and the rationale behind their actions, sports organizations were able to
build trust with their stakeholders. This openness helped to demonstrate their willingness to be open
and honest about the challenges they were facing and their commitment to working collaboratively with
their stakeholders to manage the crisis effectively.
Empathy and concern were also key image repair strategies used by sports organizations during the
COVID-19 crisis. By demonstrating empathy and concern for those affected by the crisis, including
athletes, staff members, and the wider community, sports organizations were able to build stronger
relationships with their stakeholders. This included providing resources and support to those who were
impacted by the crisis and expressing genuine concern for their well-being. This helped to build a sense
of community and solidarity among stakeholders, which was essential in managing the crisis effectively.

Another important image repair strategy used by sports organizations during the COVID-19 crisis was
adaptability and flexibility. By being willing to make changes to their operations as needed to protect the
health and safety of their stakeholders, sports organizations demonstrated their adaptability and
flexibility in response to the crisis. This helped to build confidence in their ability to manage the crisis
effectively and demonstrated their commitment to being responsive to changing circumstances.

Positive messaging was also a critical image repair strategy used by sports organizations during the
COVID-19 crisis. By using positive messaging to promote a sense of hope and optimism during the crisis,
sports organizations were able to counteract the negative impact of the crisis on their reputation. This
included highlighting the resilience of athletes and the wider community, emphasizing the importance
of working together to overcome the challenges of the crisis, and celebrating the achievements and
successes of athletes despite the difficult circumstances. This positive messaging helped to build a sense
of optimism and positivity among stakeholders, which was essential in managing the crisis effectively.

In conclusion, the COVID-19 crisis presented sports organizations with significant challenges that
required a coordinated and strategic response. By implementing a range of image repair strategies,
including acknowledgment of the situation, transparency and openness, empathy and concern,
adaptability and flexibility, and positive messaging, sports organizations were able to mitigate the
negative impact of the crisis on their reputation. These strategies were essential in helping sports
organizations navigate the challenges of the crisis and emerge stronger and more resilient on the other

4. How did the incident affect the organization’s reputation?

The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the world of sports, and the sports organizations
that were affected had to navigate a challenging landscape to protect their reputation. The pandemic
led to the cancellation or postponement of numerous sporting events, which resulted in significant
financial losses for the organizations involved. In addition to the financial impact, the pandemic also
posted significant reputational risks for these organizations.

The cancellation of major sports events such as the Olympics, European Championship, and other sports
leagues across the world was unprecedented. The pandemic led to a rapid shutdown of sports
organizations, and many of them were unprepared to deal with the fallout. Sports organizations had to
quickly adapt to the changing circumstances and develop strategies to protect their reputation.
One of the strategies that sports organizations used to repair their image was to communicate
transparently and frequently with their stakeholders. Organizations that were transparent and kept
their stakeholders informed about their plans and actions during the pandemic were perceived as more
trustworthy and responsible. For example, some organizations used social media to share updates on
the status of events, refunds, and safety protocols.

Another image repair strategy that sports organizations used was to show their commitment to the
health and safety of their athletes, staff, and fans. They developed new safety protocols and guidelines
to protect everyone involved in the events. These protocols were communicated widely through various
channels, including social media, press releases, and direct communication with stakeholders. The
organizations also used prominent athletes and coaches to communicate the importance of these safety
protocols and the need to follow them.

Some sports organizations also used corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives to repair their image
during the pandemic. They donated funds to support healthcare workers, charities, and other
organizations that were struggling due to the pandemic. By doing so, these organizations demonstrated
their commitment to the wider community and showed that they were more than just a profit-seeking

The pandemic also led to changes in the way sports organizations operated, and some of these changes
had a positive impact on their reputation. For example, some organizations introduced new initiatives
such as virtual events, online fan engagement, and remote training sessions for athletes. These
initiatives were well-received by fans and stakeholders and helped to demonstrate the organization's
ability to innovate and adapt to changing circumstances.

Despite the challenges of the pandemic, some sports organizations managed to protect their reputation
and even enhance it. For example, the NBA successfully created a "bubble" in Orlando to restart its
season while keeping players and staff safe. The bubble was highly effective and received widespread
praise for its innovation and success in controlling the spread of the virus.

On the other hand, some sports organizations did not handle the pandemic well and suffered significant
reputational damage. For example, the organizers of the French Open were criticized for rescheduling
the tournament without proper consultation with other stakeholders. The decision resulted in
numerous players and coaches withdrawing from the tournament, leading to a significant loss of
credibility for the organizers.

In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the reputation of sports organizations
across the world. The cancellation or postponement of events and the financial losses that resulted
posed significant challenges to these organizations. However, through effective communication,
commitment to health and safety, corporate social responsibility, and innovation, some organizations
managed to repair their image and even enhance it. On the other hand, organizations that failed to
respond adequately to the pandemic suffered significant reputational damage. It is clear that managing
reputation in times of crisis is critical for sports organizations, and those that can successfully navigate
such situations are likely to emerge stronger in the long term.

Activity 1: Part 2:

Summary of the crisis:

One of the most significant crises that sports organizations have faced in recent years is the COVID-19
pandemic. The pandemic had a significant impact on the world, including sports organizations. The
pandemic forced many sports organizations to cancel or postpone events, and the resulting economic
impact was significant.

Crisis Cluster:

Using Coombs' crisis cluster, the COVID-19 pandemic crisis falls under the victim cluster. The victim
cluster refers to crises that are caused by natural disasters, accidents, or external factors that are
beyond the control of the organization. The COVID-19 pandemic was a global crisis that affected
everyone, including sports organizations.

Enactment of Crisis Communication:

Sports organizations have used various strategies for situational crisis communication during the COVID-
19 pandemic. Here are some examples:

Initial statement:

Sports organizations issued initial statements to address the pandemic's impact on their operations. The
statements outlined the organization's position on the situation and its plans to deal with the crisis. For
instance, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) stated that it was closely monitoring the situation
and would work with public health authorities to ensure the safety of athletes, officials, and spectators.

Proactive measures:

Sports organizations took proactive measures to mitigate the impact of the crisis. For example, many
sports organizations canceled or postponed events to prevent the spread of the virus. Some
organizations implemented health and safety protocols, such as mandatory mask-wearing, social
distancing, and regular testing, to ensure the safety of athletes, officials, and spectators.

Sports organizations collaborated with other organizations to deal with the crisis. For instance, the IOC
worked with the World Health Organization (WHO) to provide guidance to athletes and officials on how
to prevent the spread of the virus. The collaboration helped to address the crisis effectively and
promote a unified response.

Transparent communication:

Sports organizations communicated transparently with their stakeholders to keep them informed about
the crisis's impact. The organizations provided regular updates on the situation, including any changes to
the events or health and safety protocols. For instance, the National Basketball Association (NBA)
provided regular updates on its decision to suspend the season and its plans to resume the season.

Corporate social responsibility:

Sports organizations demonstrated their corporate social responsibility by supporting efforts to address
the crisis. For instance, some organizations donated funds to support COVID-19 relief efforts. The
donations helped to mitigate the impact of the crisis and demonstrated the organizations' commitment
to their stakeholders.


In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic crisis had a significant impact on sports organizations. Using
Coombs' crisis cluster, the crisis falls under the victim cluster. The sports organizations responded to the
crisis by enacting various strategies for situational crisis communication. The strategies included issuing
initial statements, taking proactive measures, collaborating with other organizations, communicating
transparently, and demonstrating corporate social responsibility. The sports organizations' response to
the crisis helped to mitigate the impact of the crisis and maintain their reputation among their

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