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MARKING SCHEME NOVEMBER 2021 SESSION GEOGRAPHY 4022/2 ‘Scanned wih CamScanner A an + ash am citer cone V7 . Eve * compusite cone v a 2, (bh) (aM sill v 4 Nwe N lopolith § ‘ o batholith © Te ; p : laccolith Q dyke 5 Limark e: ve WS (i) sill M~ ——formed when magma intrudes x ong bedding plan on ; for joints on sedimentary rocks” ° lopolith N- formed whgn magma is forced to me along a bedding plat and o solidifieso form a crescent shaped’fr saucer-like o&- landform. dyke @ —- formed when magma solids cutting s bedding plies 2 marks for each bedding plane (©) Precautions ahead of an earthquake k SL iS , Shicks of £864, Mat SF, edt one sh « fire extinguishers ae es of 64, , <3 Ae. + first aid kit ie Nab ell re battery powered radio“And extra batteries ~FAwcach'on w, 2A e flash torch” eatin § 74 6 lear how to turn off the ea wateréad electricity & — emake a plan for where to meet your family after an earthquake” © removi eee objects from shelves rd © anchor'fieavy furniture, cupboards and appliances to the walls or floot ¢ learn the earthquake plan at your school or workplac¥etc. ext c ‘Scanned wih CemScanner conic thes esas he wesere i ’ 4 Nite yi 8° (i0)- Far trom ni Hit | setyfeontinemtality) oh = Botswva aft ae | = Rain shadow effect of Fastem Highly | THAR Ret OF fee CET : 3 | 4 4p © Mirice (by (tanuaey SE Vede wird WK Ha Aan Caen, due te A Rey Bae WO rte Me eee LC oer loved © rain Hoe pss ooh of ee agra es ps rad belt pect Central IN tpaGhnet Southiem Africa, Hae be Hoe ovechemd cum ely eee EROS = Low pressureyis maintain: th ish SF ie on Aron Ane CaL|bGrnef a oe ‘ me rege ie Bt Indian Oceania recurved Cong i 7 bot ee Been oertseay ec eT ees ESS olsen te aes K ethan tropical maritime, Ce: aot’ ae Hilo ae A con oct vine Ae Bese, ‘ oe ‘uy Date eR Garttaet Ns we Nos - = ITCZ sathfetes North of the Lalor a trond belt across We: West and Northern Affica, —due te were seq ie Sete Stead thes ~detsrmintained-by SW monsoon from Atlantic. das fy LC rear SH os ea ~ SE trade winds have he continent of Southern ch tic ony ORR researc Gten ou. BBL earig onc, As noe eo cose (iSouth East me cone NE. FN es NR ics Ime sad 2 yl |/ (© _ -Prices of commodities vise'% entrepreneurs ‘want fo maximize Aart their profits atthe expense of people suffering. + _ Dealt sg (Sraskoue~ nO wse _~ Cortuption practices in all sectors of the econo —startedion yas HOS ~ Loss of inital investment tough farm input Thertce Tshce ez - Agro;industries collgpe: wae eo = - Lossimployment} wv at =f tatty we werd - High expenditure on food imports) r ro wt - Increased power affecting industrial acivities® Eac: Increased poverty among the communities, ~hove Va & ‘Scanned wih CamScanner a) aoe \ . : 3 ome ; - ho fection jn station vo poration uM w mca ars gotta fart ya ig Wa {pean seed ip a “ig i ae gio management Ne divisiont/and oth imporant i" ywery operations Relat rsa ay BY ving aston the sth map L mark cath up 7 (@ @cssl ued ee, / Sed’ hig BE Ot Chsety seedy the. eat. el a eagetice’ Choc Se Sur Sefer MEARS aed oe eo lia ee fe) Sent ii “hein Eee + fou (Gatldngs Mest 1) ieee S5G. 6 tse at sep EH RPS Gi forested or steep. ee 2 Nore Wie tate walppentnaue sie 2 6 thocpefdecakepertones mechs cack, ' ‘Scanned wih CamScanner ‘Scanned wih CamScanner Sha 1 Npecitte APS any UO Thve Mesh water geonatems baa Qe obese meen yatity Diaderns sieethindy 7 ote pots. 2 o Butler the fame rcertet | Sone nts rosin Zapp ne coat flit 4 Aen se : a Lai eat 4 | anne i : Teme. the O) co wer tyra” Cite Mysterio it exch) 5 1 rar cach = | Weed shorn a Dao Wher = TS Hurd . oe i) Eels of the weed oo —peetar Sieh fem pra der et e ‘reduces water suppl oles sa pom e cies eset he (Re Lebstuct to of eeaf kes Winders geetth ah stone Ste? Geeks gee « habitation af erocodilt/ snakes which ae a danger to people aWecks © + disrupts and delay water trgasport ease See RAEN Sind aes thin = 02. Ge ceguade CEM ‘ast, ordour, colour chictage - ices the quay of wae ce tants wF Ncquee As Ce. HAO0 SRST + provides idea shetered breding opal, ee + increases siltation of rivers/ dams’ mark each Lmarkeach Measures by local cgnytfunities : ‘« mechanical contro} physical removal by hand or machines, clea vine, kasi : yee SEG OF « chemical conte i RET xo C piological contr | introduce natural enemies to destroy the weed : i Amarkeach Seg Bk Me Aces stew oe ee Sf clivences © illed fog horns’ = Areas > elt ake han oo jae ion ses she shan ge pega OG plathine ot yd dQires Goss?’ Sve elms gor medicinal purp wh pee + los destruction of habitat leads to det h sont ae mark each, 4 & « Chances of survival - species diversity «number of various species in a hab protects the rhino from poachers’ {dance of other species in a habitat creates an interdependence which safeguards other protects the rhino from pound presence of lions relative species « speckaidiversity makes predators confus&d - target substituticY, can target an elephant instead of a thino by a poacher = saving the rhino er woncmals alert coche ctler then i hac a | thee ic danger ‘Scanned wih CamScanner Specific te si CHE | MA " . “ syn p07 cag tee 9 ‘ ’ yay wn ole HE here re AN Reins So een area m inet Refer fe eh a JERE ES ieciget ts 7 tare- geet ahlarare ~ Chi 1, Keke Seba niet Zeck sei each he ee ON i Plates ht Lee Bho FP Gap Lagpest volume of an) aes ees " iyLapest umber of proposed dams -E wae nctpenme” SOS oom rood tne ae . Sa fertile soils ged ER wo chp Ee rp a _. Sediments z mineraluch as gol =e ishing’ a ane -- Flood deposits increase nutrients Supporting fish {Sun forconstacion eo p-Buiting on igh round Sa NS 5 ~ Baily warming gems OE SR — eet i met enithe a oN eed) BeUllng nenker lot pene te 2S Ge as aver Monel = ee wee wnenk gu" = = asain A secetar, Unk onbeh) , - ms SE contpae Tage - parnee yp ShonJ“anch wurcdtarags a ‘Scanned wih CemScanner Npecitic ‘ /, mtten of empl Syed onsuming). costly lor pancivre | + | a a " a) Factors Ee t ee d— Teanspoet _— Vo RAS A- Capitar~ a leke the nee eR a evfocaale —_Fisiis et QZwtB- — C- Geological ov eLabout | oo D- Quality of ore’ © Effects Qa sir poh aig face ef om ion 4ve2 raw materi Sete ind sea all hale ceabr $s > ~ = Fee ees, & stom ee {ven . meaty) # (© — Coal uses:, fs a, - Blend/ Motorfuel / Benzol Ace - Road construction \/— ase ~~ Thermal Power statio1 ~ Tobacco currin; ansel ne“) w Limark each oa a ~leplatewe™ = ae = Weaned ee = RdAucard — 3k gabe bee elt . aa shea — Qerota Ta preter ~ we ef Rieder fechns lossy rt ot Ent, oe = WER sot Sw A = Beretigictlonl ive addiiion. ~patiad pave = KS Va {a el @ ene (mark each + \ ‘Scanned wih CemScanner Gay Mesetement . \F taedave testo erase ancora gost Iie and Ea fate etc adn i i sal househods, fat ee ern even crs = ns a ; 1. mark each nan es (@ AlMoEL ek Pea stat opti a eet soe 2 fim tan contin amo incom fSicictesasene F ial lately smal fms from residential S07 land away pole {Farmers (o own thee to six hectareS ar cris. . Me (ain, co reserved land for inigtructral service Shoaggetist ee a3 Linh eoch f) Desrinon rxplanation a fe OOo at in sarees ghee * . acess Reker © anita copsantiesock “fw all ee SAO ee Rik wos AIEEE aie Se nS Toa me : Acie = s F rll Eoketeresh us a Be fe .@ — Ezonomic ; —eE—= ee Sa ce et si # - =lobola payment 5, = ae etre, source fran patil mere stensenhe Co fede smanate’e, EL tmatkceachies Lior BS gl —— eee ike Pete” “eh htm '* provision of inputs timuec i = ‘ SONS Remap? eres as Provision of ingaion schemes ‘Scanned wih CamScanner 8 Specific Sule th Kee byes a ef \naas Z lary yoo yaternary ~ ered reseecl aed cornea fea Sacting ot . ple we fi) 1+ Inputs S £6 ae cs IB rimary - extracti¥ Ls gees — “¢ process? Gert franufac’ rr tertiary - provides ervi¥eoO ihe economy through re eee oe A. stock feeds provides sergiees 10 all olher sor it 1 mark each = anv three of types primié Dairy (ree cect caste fis . dipping chemjcals7 = colt S injections, ~ © doses 7 ° ome a . machines ANAS wechinet ET. transport « fenctag etc. ie wat materials dairy Le. sence vot Nae abide, (Sr i toners Ey af : ee, Ete: abled” manent mark each 2 Promotion of domestic tourism et noord 6 advertising ‘development of community based tourist attractions ‘Scanned wih CamScanner ong 3 Uires eed “Stns Qa oh ° yy ; erator ~ converts mechanical energy into electrical endiByz tos ze ake distributes the energy 0 the conse Frnascach (OY 2) DB cipal) Inputs - water Bef =e = coal | Coke leo ]Basaese 2+ scevel! 1_mark each aul) Coal is used to bol water” sabe «The steam produced will activate the tusbines & The turbines will turn the generator x. The generator will convert ‘mechanical energy into electrical energy Ay 1 =e ss 0, sas oe i siden - deforestatio1 oi erosion ‘siltatior pits, aa Ko 4 g on a Rurrinpsonles = Sion Gi) ws ey Aves wh 3 - green houses effect syed weeny Tree 2ech Ba (i) planting trees Exiorestpon ie coke use of clean sources ¢ of energy, 2 rehabilitation of mining area Ke > reclaiming gullies wer tee ° reforestation ° cotaly cn « lestslatton, . Weetivn Hay Fines. — ‘Scanned wih CemScanner —— me — . Ag of ¢ baie ; A family of inert, pean oa =NONKORIE, Son {4 ae oe hs \aseene Lhe - : sed soi utd eas ~ used in refrigerato aero poplin on emt i be Whe bf Elctsif 4 lag? uel Silttion Heh ew haf ss ketee Sort enaty Deforestation, alluvial mining/panning } roas.e constructio ne Y (ii) « bus¥ ney tld te ee Stee eee beatae. mon a mr eages Cave Oia TAREE mak each: ae ¥ (i) -siorage ater in iver B X09 ying °F eivers¥7 Sees - biodiversity, dgp! jletion, water pollytion ~ Sees, canna catia toss oF aquatic fe = Lmark each: 5 mw Biashsa, Son alae rn oil CheteX, a ekg! (ering pMrozgrte bilespness elect fos Boer A TRE GS( River Bindnesyy/" Lat Anreel CSM ieee exch. ors we iy Sprayin ea ot mosquito n86 oiling wath medial atten, ame cele. e eee Fe aE * & eveghous L Shee (mark 2ach ye ‘Scanned wih CemScanner ial ‘ wh Wee om VA Mteeateties " a suwionat wet unneton — Eg ren yuh 6 Fowluret of « T A paieens latetled Went b t ' fen cco [Maphereend vd yf Sixpack & cack + Vim anc Sher Hy sere eS tach vicdon ( boldee/ oS Al We “% QUA Ways “aralles f = tere] YS (ne na at. oe define Ryertashigsmere* Seed eet ath, wher Phare po 5 pss PASTE 3 van, meget hyo monte (De udit ie } e eating Gene Be GEE” mepshcghytne Zam a aa een Ranationt ve 2 development of loo: He o Marentostion % (i Benetits ! uy Woke ARS gt # savings on transpért costs © | co N Ge The. # cheaper goodstand services \ j my suck wim = ETO Lracuk cot 4 - Cir emda phe 2 tou nvcburrret, amy od \racWonG we node f 7 voads & =phewcats rick ine Pr emeHoeewncted GaAlenty : a { S Im vw 1%, \ LO \wr FW Ae sthvcclanrl nA AY eed eA formmirg ' [ward eck , Kes AKe lcotht Py oe ‘Scanned wih CamScanner ~ Use of huge eleetr Ht ¥ 1¢ clectronie cranes at termpval Mechanical loadin off-loading of niserlla” “ roll on/toll off technique: ¢ carried on flat railway wagons: sack™“Torry trailers, a eo ~ Container Lmark cach S a None T(b) (Air tansporfferefien® Imacl. Z oy fuste 2 Tappllous Grey —blve hep Aranehet — baling (ii)- Big’Air Zimbabwe plane Ve ne conteallens/, dasehin We = Flag of Zimbabwe on plane. a seant Se - Hille os poy eboohgessl rung] bers Wes pe lage format | irs : 4 (c) (i)Potential EPZ Join Hee Victoria Falls — Tourist eatayAaler inkerastionel rh eri seston SF = Mutare ~ Goer der rou kent e\SeS - Beira — meyer peck Val * heap gene lacho “Beitbridge —Beerder WN Rls $s Heaters pearding theYGl : Messina — QSoacder teas : WX - Large towns of South Africa ~ Patek od Redacted flash “pees (Maputo, oe} — mejor port aes —= - # | mark each Ree oHE 6 a> Se ae (i Two countries - Botswalia and Nastia (nos each "y Benefits of Cros Boarder Trade 4» im ~ oO = Supply of goods thafare in short sj f spply on local ma¥kets. = Srey qords cheaper - Prices are not fixed / negotiable’ c - Little capital ismeeded, rete aS AE Wee al o 8 ed “Eimpoymen’ job cretion, FQ carrer cf | Relous E.t¢c: _ - Aviable way of éaming a living) ~ Flexible fase can operate anywher¥f at hom’ ee lea mane cd of living ~culhara| sicnead fandchnet 1 mark each = Remome Ueno oe e - whehnslo gal ee ‘Scanned wih CamScanner

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