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Certainly! Let's include a practice exercise on compound nouns for your Grade
5 ESL learners. Here's a set of sentences with missing compound nouns. Ask
your students to fill in the blanks with the appropriate compound nouns:
1. The [blank] is a beautiful insect with colorful wings.
2. We keep our clothes in the [blank].
3. She enjoys playing [blank] in the park.
4. My favorite dessert is [blank].
5. The [blank] is a large, tropical forest with diverse wildlife.
6. He built a cozy [blank] in the backyard.
7. [blank] is a mixture of ice and fruit flavors.
8. The [blank] warned ships about dangerous rocks.
Encourage students to think creatively and choose compound nouns that fit
the context. After completing the exercise, discuss the answers as a class.
Happy teaching! 📝🌟

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