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3 Page Essay Example

Crafting a three-page essay might seem deceptively simple at first glance, but the endeavor is
often more challenging than anticipated. The difficulty arises not from the sheer volume of pages
required but from the necessity to condense thoughts, arguments, and evidence into a concise
yet comprehensive piece. Time management becomes a critical factor, as one must balance the
need for depth with the constraints of a limited page count.

Choosing a compelling thesis or central idea is a daunting task in itself. The topic must be narrow
enough to be adequately covered in three pages, yet broad enough to allow for meaningful
exploration. The writer must navigate through the labyrinth of ideas, selecting those that
contribute most effectively to the essay's coherence and persuasiveness.

Structuring the essay poses another hurdle. Crafting a compelling introduction that grabs the
reader's attention and outlines the essay's purpose requires finesse. The body paragraphs demand
clarity and conciseness, as each point made must be substantiated with evidence and analysis.
Striking the right balance between depth and brevity is an ongoing struggle.

The challenge intensifies when attempting to meet the elusive word count. Every sentence must
serve a purpose, contributing to the overall argument or supporting evidence. Redundancies and
unnecessary details become luxuries one cannot afford. Cutting down on content without
sacrificing substance is an art that demands ruthless editing and revising.

Furthermore, there's the perpetual battle against procrastination and writer's block. The pressure
to convey a coherent and persuasive message within the confined space of three pages can be
paralyzing. The fear of oversimplifying or overlooking crucial points looms large, leading to an
internal tug-of-war between the desire for perfection and the ticking clock.

In conclusion, despite its seemingly manageable length, a three-page essay is a formidable task
that demands careful planning, precise execution, and a keen awareness of word economy. The
process involves a delicate dance between depth and brevity, requiring the writer to make
strategic choices to convey a compelling argument within the constraints. Writing such essays is
an exercise in discipline, creativity, and the mastery of concise expression.

If you find yourself grappling with such assignments or need assistance with similar essays,
consider exploring the resources available at . There, you can access a wealth
of writing services and examples to guide you through the intricacies of academic writing.
3 Page Essay Example 3 Page Essay Example
The Story Of Tom Brennan Essay
Individuals respond in various ways to transitioning into a new phase of life and
society, these transitions can be challenging and confronting. They can also be
transformative and thus some individuals accept and others reject because it ll often
initiate a series of consequences that may accelerate one s personal growth and
involuntarily change one s perspective and/or attitude. These ideas are manifested in
J.C Burke s, The story of Tom Brennan, a move about the transitionsthat characters
face after an indelible accident. In correspondence to the short story, Neighboursby
Tim Winton and is about a young couple moving from the city to the village and
finding it difficult to reside with the European migrants.
Both texts, while exhibiting ... Show more content on ...
They find it difficult to fit in with the new environment. This is in correlation when
Tom moves from hometown to Coghill and finding it hard to cope . Primitively, the
young couple entrenches a negative attitude towards the village, evident in When
they first moved in, the young couple were wary of the neighbourhood, which
uncover their cautiousness towards the place and people and also showing that they
are judgemental. Their negative attitude is fortified in the simile, It made the newly
weds feel like sojourners in a foreign land , the word foreign has a derogatory nature
because the couple feel like outsiders which coincidentally/fortuitously expose the
couples fear of the neighbourhood, thus creating a physical barrier between them. As
they live together longer, they experience the kind side of human nature, the
neighbours helped fix the couple s broken chicken pen and generously offered them
free vegetables. Eventually, the couples no longer walked with their eyes lowered.
They felt superior and proud depict a sense of liberation as the couple no longer need
to live with wariness, the emotive language superior and proud delineate their
reshaped positive attitude toward the
How Does William Blake Use Figurative Speech In The
William Blake uses figurative speech during both The Tyger and The Lamb poems.
The figurative speech that Blake chose to exploit within these two poems is helpful
in assisting the reader in fully understanding the meaning of the poems. Symbolism
can be seen in the poem, The Lamb. Blake exploits symbols to signify traits of
something else during The Lamb. Imagery can be seen throughout the poem, The
Tyger. Blake utilizes imagery throughout The Tyger in order for the reader to
complete imagine and understand what the text is stating. The figurative speech that
Blake exercises throughout both of these poems assists readers in staying engaged
throughout the text and fully grasping the full meaning. The title itself of The Lamb
is one of the most
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The Effect of Colors on Mood
Got the blues. Green eyed monster. Seeing Red. These are all phrases that we hear
often. Do different colors really affect our moods? Many studies have shown that
some colors make us feel calm, some make us feel anxious, and others may make us
feel more cheerful. Let s take a look at some colors, their affect on us, their meanings,
and some different views in other cultures.
The Effect of Colors on Mood
Colors and moods: A powerful mood altering tool
Our moods can be greatly influenced by the visual cues of colors. Our mood can be
influenced by our perception of color. Colors can conjure up many feeling and
emotions. Following is just a few examples:
The Culture of Colors
Colors often have ... Show more content on ...
Doctors and nurses wear white to imply sterility. A white flag is a universal symbol
for truce. Angels are usually shown wearing white robes.
The ancient Egyptian pharaohs wore white crowns and the ancient Persians believed
all gods wore white. In China and Japan, white is the color for mourning.
Pink is the most romantic color and is more tranquilizing. Sports teams have been
known to pain the locker rooms to be used by their opposing team bright pink so
their opponents will lose energy.
Purple brings to mind royalty, luxury, wealth, and sophistication. It is also feminine
and romantic. Purple robes are an emblem of authority and rank. Purple in a child s
room is said to help develop the imagination according to color theory.
In Thailand, purple is work by a widow mourning her husband s death.
Like death and taxes, there is no escaping color. Color can be a powerful mood
altering tool if make an effort to learn of its influence on us. We can be calmed,
uplifted, angered, refreshed, even feel more romantic, all by color. The next time
you select an outfit, paint a room, or buy a car, keep in mind the many ways our
lives are affected by the psychology of color. References
Franco, V. (2002). How colors effect mood. Retrieved November 1, 2005, from http:/
Johnson, D. (2005). Psychology of Color. Retrieved November 7, 2005 from
The Pros And Cons Of Operation Iraqi Freedom
Operation Iraqi Freedom saw a new rise in media censorship for embedded
journalists, before departing their country of origin and being embedded with a
military unit journalists were required to undergo joint training and sign contracts
vowing not to report information that could compromise unit position, future
missions, classified weapons, and information they might find during their time in
the field. When asked about the purpose of the embedded journalists and these new
restrictions Lt. Col. Rick Long of the U.S. Marine Corps replied Our job is to win
the war. Part of that is information warfare. So we are going to attempt to dominate
the information environment. Journalism from the front was no longer being used as
a method of information broadcasting for concerned families and civilians at home,
but to ensure proper reception of the war and shape public opinion not only in the
United States, but the world as a whole.

Information warfare and counter intelligence protocols ordered by the United State s
military were not entirely enacted by U.S. government officials. During the war in
Iraq and Afghanistan, the now defunct British Public Relations firm Bell Pottinger
Private was contracted for five hundred and forty million US dollars to produce false
terrorist videos and news update type videos targeting Al Qaida. This contract also
targeted Arab news outlets and produced pro US coalition propaganda. Furthermore,
Bell Pottinger Private used search engine optimization
The Bush Doctrine
The Bush Doctrine Analysis On March 16, 2006, the White House released
President George W. Bush s second term National Security Strategy (NSS), which
later come to be regarded as the Bush doctrine. The doctrine was developed
predominantly in response to the most unforgettable day in the American history the
terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. He comes up with the two major pillars of
the National Security Strategy which consist of the promotion of freedom, democracy
and also he used the globalized approach to extinguish terrorism due to the global
security. On the other hand, President Washington and President Eisenhower
emphasizes different arguments on how does that military based global approach
would be indeed beneficial and... Show more content on ...
The three Presidents might have their own startegy to response to any act of threat,
but we definitely know that Bush has the most viral strategy among all. Not trying to
mention that Bush s is dangerous or mischievous, but at least he has done something
to get everything fixed rather than just spending too much time thinking of it.
Nevertheless, an immediate act and response should not be neglected here. And we
re all know that Bush has completed that task eventhough Washington and
Eisenhower might have disagree with him if they were still alive. But, again, both
Washington and Eisenhower should not come into such a judgement because they
were not there in the era of Bush precidency. So they do not have any idea how does
it feels like to be in Bush shoes. They do not know how it feels to face those massive
attack of terrors that has created a huge scar to every
Dr Jekyll And Hyde Analysis
Many stories include a general theme of good and evil whether it be one character s
war against his own self or two different characters against each other. In The Strange
Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson, both of these ideas are
included through the separation of Jekyll s good and evil sides into two different
people. Dr. Jekyll s will, Mr. Hyde s appearance, and the incident of the letter all
suggest that Jekyll and Hyde are two separate people derived from one to represent
good from evil. One of the most peculiar hints in this story is Dr. Jekyll s will, stating
all his possessions were to pass into the hands of his friend and benefactor Edward
Hyde... (2) as Hyde already coexists with Jekyll; not
Ghazali Conditional Statement
Al Ghazali begins his discussion of theodicy with a conditional statement that will
frame the rest of his one hundred line discussion contained in his Ihya text. This
conditional statement has as its antecedent a series of eight hypotheticals which are
aimed at creating a hypothetical multitude of immensely knowledgeable and wise
creatures. The antecedent contains the following hypotheticals: all creatures being as
intelligent and knowledgeable as the most intelligent and knowledgeable human, God
giving each creature the maximum knowledge and wisdom that their souls can
handle, God then giving each creature the combined knowledge of all creatures,
God revealing to each creature the consequences of things, God teaching each
creature the mysteries of the transcendent world, God teaching each creature about
divine favor, God making each creature aware of final punishments, God making
each creature aware of good and evil and of benefit and harm. All of these
components of the antecedent serve to set up a scenario in which there exists a
multitude of extremely wise and knowledgeable creatures. These components are
presented in lines one through sixteen of the passage quoted by Ormsby on his
pages 38 41 of Theodicy in Islamic Thought. If the conditions of the antecedent
were met, says Al Ghazali, then another conditional claim would be the case. This
second conditional claim, which is the consequent of the first conditional claim
and is contained in lines sixteen through nineteen, has as its antecedent God asking
all of the now hyper wise and hyper knowledgeable creatures to work together in
creating the best possible arrangement of this world and of the transcendent world.
If God asked this of the creatures in the hypothetical, Al Ghazali says in lines
nineteen through twenty four that the creatures would produce an arrangement that
is exactly identical to the way in which God has arranged His creation as it truly is.
Al Ghazali, in lines twenty four through twenty seven goes so far as to say that the
product would not have subtracted or added as little as a gnat s wing and that it
would not have altered the position of a single particle of dust. The product of the
creatures labors also would not differ from
What Is The Intimate Link Of Domestic And Foreign Policy
Intimate Link of Domestic and Foreign Policies Many famous fore fathers supported
a strong federal government and were supporters of the Constitution. James Madison,
Alexander Hamilton and John Jay were among these men who showed their support
by writing essays called the Federalists Papers. They believed that to get the
Constitution ratified they needed to convince the public and state legislators that the
Constitution would empower the new nation to succeed. In Federalists No. 9
Hamilton argued that a firm Union will be the utmost moment of the peace and
liberty of the States, as a barrier against domestic faction and insurrection. Federalists
also had the experience to negotiate treaties with countries abroad, and believed that a
... Show more content on ...
Regarding foreign policy the Antifederalist world view was profoundly shaped by
their abhorrence of empire that is to say, the rule of a vast territory by a strong,
consolidated government. Their independence was hinging on being their own
country, with their own ideas to safeguard what they had fought for, liberty. United
States foreign policy makers today face many challenges. Threats of terrorism to
domestic and foreign targets is one of the most pressing issues, as is saving our
environment. Terrorism breeds terror, it has disrupted economies, created
instability, and acted as a polarizing force. Environmental concerns are that the
massive world consumption of fossil fuels, the deterioration of the oceans,
worldwide deforestation, and ongoing air and water contamination will be part of
foreign policy makers agendas in the future. Former U.S. Representative Ron Paul,
condemns foreign aid, the war in Iraq, and the need for troops in almost all
countries of the world. He believes that U.S. foreign policy is contrary to American
ideals, diminishes American liberty, and ends up making worse the very problems it
seeks to alleviate. Ron Paul also stands against subsidies to communist governments
and aid for insurgents trying to overthrow their own governments. He stated that War,
and the threat of war, are big government s best friend. Liberals support big
Makeup Men Stereotypes
After discussing for a while over what kind of product we could endorse in our
advertisement, we decided to try to tackle the stereotype that makeup on men is
unacceptable, striving for a witty and humorous approach when planning and
filming the video. Our video was about a young man who wanted to be more
manly. In a way, some viewers could possibly relate to this, so our target audience
was all the people who, like Bridie, want to use basic makeup products, like skin
perfector, concealer, eyeshadow, and lip gloss, while still looking manly af.

Although makeup is normally classified as a women s product, in this day and age,
there are men that enjoy wearing it anyway, so creating a product that was basically
the same thing, just labelled ... Show more content on ...
in much the same way that women s makeup defines or enhances features that are
normally stereotyped as feminine. In short, we used the male stereotypes in our
favour to create a product which was originally supposed to break a stereotype more
appealing to our target audience.

Considering our group was made up of only girls, we needed some way of
incorporating a manly man into the video. Our solution was to pick one of us to
become the manliest of men. For this task, we chose none other than the amazing
Bridie. Of course, we couldn t only include Bridie in the video. And we needed some
other talented actors to accompany her, and make the advertisement even more
persuasive. Jaimie took on the role of the pretty girl, who wore lots of makeup, and
Courtney became the very confident and convincing presenter of manly man makeup.

To find a suitable outfit for Man Bridie, we observed the habits of the modern
manly man and created the perfect ensemble for our primary character. The outfits
of the other characters were then much simpler to assemble. Jaimie wore a dress that
made her look feminine, and lots of makeup (as Bridie pointed out in the ad).
Courtney wore a bright dress so that she stood
Character Analysis Of Tally Youngblood
Dynamic Character: Tally Youngblood The Uglies is a dystopian novel about a
young girl living in a futuristic society with a very controlling government. Scott
Westerfeld s character, Tally Youngblood, is the protagonist of his novel. Tally
changes and progresses as her story is told, making her a very dynamic character.
As you read you discover that she an adolescent who is selfish and will do anything
to become a Pretty , but as her story goes on her traits change from a selfish,
immature, and outspoken girl to a brave, mature, and caring young woman. Tally
Youngbloods characteristics alter so much due to being forced onto a journey into
foreign land to sell out her friend or else her dream of becoming a Pretty will never
come true. Dynamic is a constant change, activity, or progress (Google Dictionary).
This word describes Tally Youngblood perfectly. In the novel the Uglies, Tally is a
constant evolving character. In the beginning chapters, she expresses how much
she wants to become a Pretty to anyone who will listen. She is very stubborn and
knows exactly she wants; therefore, she will not let anything get in the way of that,
even if that means selling out her best friend. Tally is an immature girl causing
trouble and play tricks in the first half of the novel, but her traits change once she
is put into a position where it is either Dr. Cable s way or no way. She is alone
braving the dangers and elements on her journey outside the city and into the
Smoke. She becomes more brave and intelligent. Tally s journey causes her to
mature and realize that not everything is about becoming a Pretty . Tally
Youngblood is so dynamic because she progresses and changes throughout the
entire novel. Scott Wersterfeld s character, Tally Youngblood, has such a diverse
personality to accommodate with the society she grew up in. Tally grows up in a
futuristic society with a government that trains you to hate yourself, because of this
society she grew up immature, selfish, and self absorbed. All the uglies are not
supposed to want to stay ugly because the one life goal they are intended to have is
to become a Pretty and that is it. Tally s diversity kicks in when she is challenged
and has to put her dream to
Persuasive Essay On The Skunk Ape
Remember when everybody was obsessed with Bigfoot?! Well, it appears that the
newest obsession is the Skunk Ape. You probably pictured an animal that is
literally half skunk and have ape, not quite. It is a big, hairy walking ape. Although
the United States National Park Service says that skunk apes are a hoax, it s obvious
that they are real because there are pictures and articles that prove that they do exist.
The skunk apeis a hominid cryptid; It is a very tall animal. The males can be up to
seven feet tall and weigh 350 pounds. The females can grow up to six feet and
weigh up to 250 pounds (Shealy). Both genders seem to be strong animals. They
are considered a bipedal animal since they have two feet and each foot has five toes
(Nickell). It is said that they smell horrible. The following excerpt describes the
skunk ape s particular smell, ...distinguished as smelly, ... rancid, putrid odor, like that
of rotten food and dead animal ... having the usual scent of cabbage and rotten eggs
(Nickell). They smell like this because they hang out in swamps with other nasty
creatures. As far as their habitat, they are found throughout Florida. They occupy
places like the Everglades, swamps, alligator caves or national parks. According to a
web article, They have been spotted as far north as Tallahassee and as far south as
Lostman s River (Shealy). It s crazy to think that they could be so close to us. The
following quotation is from the Skunkape Headquarters website,
Analysis Of Eric Schlosser s Why The Fries Taste Good
As a child who had grown up watching Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, I
had always dreamed of one day visiting the factory. I am sure most children my age
would agree with this dream. For Eric Schlosser, this dream became a reality, but it
was not exactly the reality he was hoping for. In Eric Schlosser s article, Why the
Fries Taste Good, he talks much about processed foodand the flavors of food,
especially McDonald s french fries. He visited the International Flavors Fragrances
factory (IFF), reminding him much of the factory in Willy Wonka with the
glorious smells, white lab coats, and multiple small glass bottles full of chemically
produced flavors. For me, I have always seen food as fuel and all these chemicals
additives are not food. Eric Schlosser s article provides an informative piece that has
persuaded me to think differently of the flavors of fast foods and processed foods,
which ultimately changes the underlying fact of what food is.
Getting fit and losing weight has always been the huge craze of New Year s
Resolutions. But has the thought that ever crossed the minds of these motivated
individuals that this process may be made easier by eating real food. As Schlosser
begins to explain how silent the flavor industry is about the truth, he adds that the
industry believes they are protecting the reputations of beloved brands because fast
food chains... would like the public to believe that the flavors of their food somehow
originate in their restaurant
Being A Black Woman Essay
n 1619 a Dutch ship brought 20 slaves to America and it took nearly 240 years for
slavery to end in 1865. In the absence of rights or freedom, my ancestors were put
to work growing anything from cotton to tobacco. For centuries, my people fought
for equality. Although we are free the fight has still remain. As a black women raised
in America, I was hit with some harsh realities at a very young age. Being apart of
the African Americancommunity has never been easy. Early on I realized that
regardless of how much money I make, how educated I may become, or where I
chose to live, I will always be less than. Despite the great deal of hardship that
comes with being a black women, it is the group that I am most proud to be apart
of.The role given... Show more content on ...
Being the sole caregiver and breadwinner she hustled each day to provide a stable
and loving home for our family. Her resilience and grace instilled principles in me
that I may not have acquired if I grew up with both parents and financially secure.
Her grind is mirrored around the country by black women. 72% of African
American children are raised by single black women. Despite the women in this
group that struggle and overcome adversity in a word that s meant to suffocate
them, there are a few black women who fail to realize there magic. Some of my
sisters fall short due to negative public perceptions with professionalism which causes
them to shy away from investing in their future. These few outsiders who didn t get
the unwritten code/norm of what a black woman must represent allows the
degradation of our group to continue. When a black woman lowers her life
standard, she invites outsiders to pose judgement on the entire group. These
unethical behaviors of black women is capitalized off of by mainstream media.
Shows such as VH1 s Love and Hip Hop keeps the negative stereotypes of a black
woman alive. The black woman who rises above all adversity gains value and respect
amongst the
John Wycliffe Influence
John Wycliffe Not many people would be willing to risk their life for what they
believe, but John Wycliffe did. He was a theologian, philosopher, church reformer,
and a promoter of the first translation of the Bible into english (Britannica Library).
John Wycliffe greatly impacted religion today because he dared to stand out. John
Wycliffe began learning as a young child, and kept learning as he grew older.
According to Britannica Library s article entitled John Wycliffe John Wycliffe was
born in Yorkshire England in 1330 (par. 1). He received his education at the
University of Oxford, Queen s, Merton, Balliol (par. 2). He earned his master of arts
at Balliol in 1360, and doctor of divinity in 1372 (Conti). On April 7, 1374, Edward
III... Show more content on ...
According to s article entitled John Wycliffe: Setting the Stage for
Reform because of his growing fame, Wycliffe was allowed to retire to the rectory
in Lutterworth (par. 12). In 1384, Wycliffe died from the effects of a stroke (par.
13). Decades after his death his writings and ideas were still considered a threat to
the church. (par. 13). Archbishop Arundel made a law that no one was to translate
the Bible into english or read any of Wycliffe s writing in 1401 after Wycliffe was
dead (par. 13). 44 years after he he died of a stroke the Council of Constance dug up
his body and and burned his body (par. 14). His bones ended up in an execution
field and his ashes were thrown in a river (par. 14). Wycliffe s writings and
translations of the Bible were a threat to the church long after his
The Differences And Disadvantages Of Helical Gears
5.7.2 Disadvantages of Helical Gears
An apparent disadvantage of the helical gears is a resultant thrust along the axis of
the apparatus, which needs to be accommodated by correct thrust bearings, and a
greater degree of sliding friction between the meshing tooth, most of the time
addressed with additives in the lubricant. Consequently we can say that helical gears
purpose losses as a result of the unique geometry alongside the axis of the helical gear
s shaft.
Efficiency of helical gear is less because helical apparatus trains have sliding contacts
between the teeth which in turns produce axial thrust of gear shafts and generate
more heat. So, more power loss and less efficiency.
5.8 Bevel gears
They connect intersecting axes and come in ... Show more content on
. Worm gear materials are high priced.
2.Worm drives have high energy losses and low transmission efficiency.
3.They produce quite a few heat.
What s the change between Spur, Helical, Bevel, and Worm Gears?
Gears are a central part of many motors and machines. Gears help develop torque
output by providing gear discount they usually modify the direction of rotation like
the shaft to the rear wheels of automotive cars. Listed here are some basic forms of
gears and how they re different from every other.
5.10 Hypoid gears
Hypoid gears are a style of spiral apparatus wherein the form is a revolved
hyperboloid instead of conical shape. The hypoid gear places the pinion off axis to
the ring gear or crown wheel. This makes it possible for the pinion to be higher in
diameter and provide more contact field. The pinion and apparatus are more
commonly at all times opposite hand and the spiral perspective of the pinion is
usually better than the perspective of the equipment. Hypoid gears are used in power
transmissions due to their large apparatus ratios. The normal apparatus ratio range is
10:1 to 200:1.
5.11 Gear Manufacture
These are determined by equipment on hand, design specifications or necessities, rate
of construction, and type of material from which the apparatus is to be made. There
are a lot of methods for manufacturing gears
Leo Tolstoy Themes
Novels are written to help society and influence change for the greater good.
Regarded as a famous author, Leo Tolstoy, wrote intricate novels and essays which
influenced people throughout the world on the topics of love, society, and religion.
Leo Tolstoy was a philanthropist and religious activist after years of not contributing
to society. Tolstoy gave to those in poverty, fought for temperance, and expressed his
ideas of morals and religion through writing and speeches. Throughout his life, Leo
Tolstoy faced many extreme hardships of war, relationships and depression, which
influenced him to surround himself with religion and literature. Leo Tolstoy s life
started in the Tula Province, Russia on September 9, 1828. His parents were Princess
... Show more content on ...
Whether it be from the tone of sympathy, the theme of forgiveness, or the conflict of
the character pitted against one s self. Without sympathy, depression rises to glory.
The idea of sympathy related to the author through the plots and conflicts with in
Anna Karenina.
Works Cited
Aliprandini, Michael. Leo Tolstoy. Place of publication not identified, Great Neck
Publishing, 2006, pp. 1 3. Literary Reference Center.
Amey, L. J., and R. Kent Rasmussen. Leo Tolstoy. Censorship, Pasadena, Salem
Press, 1997. Literary Reference Center.
Brand, Gerhard. Leo Tolstoy. Critical Survey of Short Fiction, by Charles E. May
and Frank N. Magill, 2nd ed., Pasadena, Salem Press, 2001. Literary Reference
Lillios, Anna. Leo Tolstoy. Magill s Survey of World Literature, by Steven G.
Kellman and Frank Northen Magill, Rev. ed ed., Pasadena, Salem Press, 2009.
Literary Reference Center.
Rosenblum, Joseph. Leo Tolstoy. Cyclopedia of World Authors: Harr Manz, by
Frank N. Magill and Tracy Irons Georges, 4th ed., Pasadena, Salem Press, 2004.
Literary Reference Center, sid=6a5d991e
01da 4a36 80b4 9af60060bfa5%40sessionmgr101
bdata=JnNpdGU9bHJjLWxpdmU%3d#AN=103331CWA31789810000747 db=lfh.
Tolstoy, Leo. Anna Karenina. Random House,
Decision Tree Induction Clustering Techniques in Sas...
International Journal of Management Information Systems Third Quarter 2010

Volume 14, Number 3

Decision Tree Induction Clustering Techniques In SAS Enterprise Miner, SPSS

Clementine, And IBM Intelligent Miner A Comparative Analysis
Abdullah M. Al Ghoson, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA

ABSTRACT Decision tree induction and Clustering are two of the most prevalent
data mining techniques used separately or together in many business applications.
Most commercial data mining software tools provide these two techniques but few
of them satisfy business needs. There are many criteria and factors to choose the
most appropriate software for a particular organization. This paper aims to provide a
comparative analysis for three ... Show more content on ...
In this way, decision trees provide accuracy and explanatory models where the
decision tree model is able to explain the reason of certain decisions using these
decision rules. Decision trees could be used in classification applications that
target discrete value outcomes by classifying unclassified data based on a pre
classified dataset, for example, classifying credit card applicants into three classes
of risk, which are low, medium or high. Also, decision trees could be used in
estimation applications that have continuous outcomes by estimating value based on
pre classified datasets, and in this case the tree is called a regression tree, for
example, estimating household income. Moreover, decision trees could be used in
prediction applications that have discrete or continuous outcomes by predicting
future value same as classification or estimation, for example, predicting credit card
loan as good or bad. 2.1 Decision Tree Models

Decision tree models are explanatory models, which are English rules so they are
easy to evaluate and understand by people. The decision tree model is considered
as a chain of rules that classify records in different bins or classes called nodes [1].
Based on the model s algorithm, every node may have two or more children or have
no child, which is called in this case leaf node [1]. Building decision tree models
requires partitioning the pre classified dataset into three parts,
Similarities Between Of Mice And Men And A Dream
Colin Wexler
Ms.Albano/ Mrs.Rannalli
10R ELA Period 4
December 9, 2015
Holding Off Your Dreams

People often feel that it is impossible to fulfill their dreams. As shown in the Great
Depression of the 1930s, the pressure of achieving goals when faced with economic
conflict makes dreams even harder to reach. If dreams aren t fulfilled one often falls
under a melancholy state; or state of depression. Of Mice and Men by John
Steinbeck and A Dream Deferred by Langston Hughes both portray, by using
imagery, that if a person delays his dreams, the chances of his vision becoming a
reality are greatly reduced.
Steinbeck uses imagery to show that if one puts off pursuing their dreams they might
never reach them.Throughout the novel George, and Lennie
The United States Of America Elected A New President
On November 9, 2016 the United States of America elected a new president.
Donald J. Trump won the Electoral College and will take office on January 20,
2017. However, the president elect lost the popular vote by more than 1.5 million
votes (MSNBC, 2016). Although this was already the case when George W. Bush
won against Al Gore in 2000, the country is now more dividend than in the past. One
week after the election was over, 1000 students at Syracuse University protested
against Mr. Trump and declared that they reject the president elect (Daily Orange,
2016). Nationwide, protesters conveyed the unique message that they are ready to
disobey executive actions of a Trump administration. This poses a general question.
What role should obedience play in modern western nations? Although autonomous
obedience can unleash valuable group dynamics, extreme compulsory obedience can
lead to disastrous outcomes. History indicates that obedience in the context of a
nation is most successful when people see substantial reasons to obey the orders of a
government and its subdivisions. During World War II the American military
defeated fascism on various geographical fronts. Although it was not mandatory to
serve in the US military, many volunteers were ready to fight for American values
like individual freedom and democracy. This created what Lieutenant Colonel
Kenneth H. Wenker calls autonomous obedience (Walker, 1981). According to the
Professor of Philosophy at the US Air Force Academy,
De Centralization Of Electronic Discovery
De centralization of electronic discovery Eric W. Landry
American Public University
Dr. Deborah Moerland
August 2, 2014 Abstract
In 1995 and 1996 the judicial systems around the world realized that there was a
problem with computer based discovery and enacted civil procedures and guidance
to assist legal entities. Summarizing Michael Curran, Esq. (2011) even with these
civil procedures, guidance and laws in place, there are still several challenges in the
legal systems when it comes to discovery of Electronically Stored Information when
dealing with international e discovery (Curran, 2011). This information may be
protected under different data protection laws that can inhibit the e discovery process
during litigation, civil, and ... Show more content on ...

The de centralization of electronic discovery (e discovery) rules (laws) brings
challenges when searching for evidence in Electronically Stored Information (ESI),
both nationally and internationally. If a litigation case covers more than one
jurisdiction a lawyer will need to be hired that knows each particular jurisdiction.
The reason that a lawyer familiar with that particular United States (US) district
court, from herein referred to as districts; will need to be hired, is due to the
differences in the local rules throughout the districts. To summarize David Canfield
(2012), several states have adopted new civil procedures since the 2006 Amendments
that may be incorporated in the Federal rules for future amendments (Canfield, 2012,
p.p. 1 2). District judges play an active role in tailoring e discovery needs to
individual cases (Allman, T., 2013) and the local adoption of federal rules cause
inconsistent rules throughout the country is the cause of these differences (Allman,
T., 2013). Regulations that
Analyzing The Movie The Killing Joke
I am studying the Killing Joke so I can understand the reason people change after an
extra ordinary event takes place that affects them physically and psychologically in
order to help readers understand why one bad day changes everything.
The Killing Joke as the name goes will make it obvious to viewers to know it s a
Batman and Joker movie because of the well known production company involved in
making it which is non other than Warner Bros. The Killing Joke revolves round
how the Joker came to be at the same time also shows affections between Batman and
Batgirl and a line of lunacy meant for J Gorgen to cross orchestrated by non other
than the crown prince of Gotham.
One of the major parts of the movie that helps support this calm is the ... Show more
content on ...
I really like animation so seeing this one with all its shadow effects and really
good graphics of the characters. One main part where I really appreciated the
graphics was at the end of the movie when Batman and the Joker stood together
laughing and the rain made his hair look tired and worn out which was actually
brilliant giving the fact that they were just in a fight. Another aspect that agrees
with me on how good the graphics were, was the craziness maintained on the looks
of the Joker at the scene where he arrived at Barbara s house to shoot her, dressed
in a multicolored Hawaiian tee shirt, shorts, a manual switch film camera and a
revolver. I think all these effects were put to good use in designing the image of the
Joker on showing how twisted he got after his extraordinary transformation from
having one bad day.
The ending of the movie leaves viewers asking questions on what really happened
after the shared laugh between The Joker and Batman and then after which the screen
fades to black the screen leaving only Batman laughing in the background. This
aspect was handled in a way to generate question and discussion concerning what
How Did The Puritans Influence The New England Colonies
On the North American Atlantic seaboard, New England began developing in the
early 17th century. After Spain began the mad scramble for American land, other
European nations and peoples realized the opportunities the New World provided.
New England, or the northern British colonies, were largely settled and so were
influenced by the Puritans, a group that emigrated from Britain to escape religious
persecution. The ideas and values of the Puritans greatly shaped the development of
the New Englandcolonies in many ways, but the strongest influence out of these was
their religious values. This influence can be seen in the politics, economy, and culture
of colonial New England. Politically, the foundations for limited government and
religious freedom in the Americas were developed by the Puritans. The Puritans
would create a strong work ethic and a disdain for greed that would influence the
growing economy. Socially, the Puritans created an emphasis on faith and education.
The religious values held by the Puritans... Show more content on ...
The political principals of the Puritans were derived directly from their religious
beliefs. In his work Limitation of Government, John Cotton declared that It is most
wholesome for [a] commonwealth never to affect more liberty and
authority than will do them good because he believed that God had set boundaries
for the power of man (Doc H). Thinkers like Cotton would pave the way for limited
government to become a core element of New England society. A natural extension
of the idea of limited government would be the dissuasion of monarchy and support
for a democracy, which is best suited for the curtailing of government power. It is true
that the Puritans were extremely zealous in their faith and
The Elementary And Secondary Education Act
The The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), was revamped in 2001
as the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). Due to the time period of the inception
and now, there is a pressing need for reform. Even when the law expired four years
ago, Congress continued to update the out of date NCLB Act was never seriously
considered by the House Committee on Educationand the Workforce until now. Since
the Republicans assumed control of the House of Representatives, they have created
and passed a series of reaffirmation bills out of the particular committee such as the
Empowering Parents through Quality Charter Schools Act, which passed through the
House of Representatives with a great bipartisan majority. This bill is part of the
attempt to reform the outmoded NCLB Act.
At inception, the NCLB Act was thought of as revolutionary, and in some ways it
was. The larger use of data helped superintendents, school boards, and teachers
identify students that were in need of additional instruction and offered parents a
view of the quality of the schools. But, even with these innovations, the NCLB Act
had some weaknesses. The Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) is a one size fits all
standard that hampers states and school districts ability to appropriately gauge the
learning done by the students and to tailor the schools curriculums to enable the
students to graduate high schools successfully prepared for any postsecondary
education or the workforce. The system of mandated
Coca-Cola, Value Chain
Introduction Coca Cola markets nearly 2,400 beverages products in over 200
geographic locations. As a result development of a superior value system is
imperative to their operations. Throughout this paper we will analyze their value
system by using Michael Porter s value chain analysis model. In an attempt to paint
a current picture of the non alcoholic beverage industry we will assess the market
activity by using mergers, acquisitions and IPO S as our benchmarks to determine if
the market is growing or contracting. Value Chain Analysis A value chain is a model
used to disaggregate a firm into its strategically relevant value generating activities, in
order to evaluate each activity s contribution to the firm s performance (Terms V...
Show more content on ...
Examples of their commitment to these strategies are seen in their plant in
Indonesia, where boats are used to transport the products between hundreds of
islands throughout the Amazon. This is often because waterways are often the
main way to access these remote islands. In some of the higher elevations of in the
Andes, Coca Cola products are sometimes transported by four legged power.
Across much of Africa, bottlers deliver to thousands of family run kiosks and
home based stores. Marketing and Sales Out of approximately 2,400 products,
Coca Cola markets four of the worlds top sales drink brands. Although the industry
is relatively small and they only directly compete with two companies, creativity is
a vital marketing strategy to Coca Cola. Coca Cola s ultimate goal is to deepen their
brands connection with consumers. As a result, they have to constantly reinvent their
product (Coca Cola 2006). The marketing strategy they use is directly linked to the
consumer; from advertising, to point of sale, to ultimately opening and consuming a
Coca Cola beverage. Techniques which they have used to achieve this include
developing new products and brands, changing the design of their packaging, and
designing various new advertising campaigns (Coca Cola 2006). On October 19th,
Coca Cola reported their earnings for the third quarter. Earnings per share are up
which results in higher benefits for shareholders. According to Neville
Christian Influence In Beowulf
Beowulf demonstrates a significant Christian influence, whilst still maintaining
distinctive pagan impacts. The poet represents Christian beliefs through Beowulf s
mighty strength (1270) and heroism. The poet presents Beowulf as an allegory for
Jesus Christ through his sacrificial nature, and the struggle of good vs. evil. The
representation of Beowulf as a savior ties into the parallel of Beowulf and Jesus. The
poet represents Beowulf as a Christ like figure. The theme through out the epic
poem Beowulf contrasts good and evil, which is depicted in both Christian and
Pagan elements. Beowulf represents good whilst the monsters (ex. Grendel)
represent evil. Grendel is a kin of Cain (L.N.121) who is the son of Eve. This
relationship ... Show more content on ...
After ruling for 50 years, a Thane awakens a dragon by stealing the dragon s
chalice. Beowulf, being the heroic figure he is, sets out to defeat the dragon.
Through out religion the devil often appears as a snake or dragon. Beowulf going
on a quest to defeat the dragon is synonymous to Christ s mission to go out and
defeat the threat of sin. Linking to the parallels between Beowulf and Christ,
Beowulf was blindsided by the Thane s choice to steal the chalice from the dragon.
Like Judas betraying Christ for wealth. Someone they trust betrayed both Beowulf
and Christ for wealth and fortune. Beowulf brings with him twelve thanes to fight
the dragon. As Beowulf enters the dragon s lair and engages him in battle, the
dragon attacks, breathing fire. Beowulf s shield fails to protect him, and his sword
fails when he strikes. Beowulf relies on material items (shield and sword) instead of
the grace of God and for the first time, fate did not make Beowulf the winner in
battle. (L.N.2411) Fate fails Beowulf, because instead of fully trusting in his faith in
God Beowulf uses weapons to protect himself from the dragon. Scared of the
dragons power eleven of the twelve thanes ran and hid. Wiglaf, a symbol of Saint
Television And The American Public
News and information create many multi billions dollar businesses; in fact, Forbes
estimated that Fox brand is worth $11.2 billion dollar. It also reported that Fox has
an average of prime time viewers of 1.83 million which is more than CNN,
MSNBC, and other news agencies combined. (The World s, n.d.) Fox often
appears to cater to the conservative Americans while CNN and MSNBC seem to be
more appealing to the moderate and liberal ones. The American public is so
polarized today that it generates the idea that if you are truly a conservative, you
should only watch Fox since both CNN and MSNBC are labelled as left wing
brands. Meanwhile for the liberal Americans, CNN and MSNBC seem to be the main
sources of information since Fox is deemed biased, judgmental, and not sensitive
enough on the left wing issues.
The polarization of the American public has played an important role in labelling
each news agency. In return, each news agency offer biased and opinionated
perspectives on most important issues sometime without facts, just to please and
reach its target audiences. One of the most prominent issues as of late is the fact that
the United States had just shipped $400 million dollars, in cash to the Iranian
government earlier this August. (Labott, Gaouette, Liptak, 2016) The event had
launched a public outcry and the Obama Administration was seen as weak and
incompetent as a result. While numerous news agencies offered their versions and
contrasting perspectives to steer the
Research Paper On Inca Civilization
ascination Of The Inca Civilization
Imagine jumping into what looks like a magical mystical adventure, The tall
mountains make me feel like I m witnessing the superb sites of the Inca civilization
as it was many years ago, The extensive grassy valleys make me want to dance in
summer sun . Viewing photos of the Inca s intriguing architecture makes me feel that
I m in middle earth from the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings movies. Inca was a
compelling civilization. They had many engrossing beliefs and their culture had
many traditions. They originated in South America, Peru. Set high in the Andes
Mountains, the Inca s were surrounded by the most vivid and eye catching landscape.
All that and more just proves that Inca was the greatest ancient civilization of its kind .

The Incas had a unique tradition consisting of rebuilding a one thousand five
hundred year old suspension bridge every single year . The bridge was called the
qeswachaka. This suspension bridge was made from natural plant fibers and turned
into rope. ... Show more content on ...
The Sun and Moon Gods were among the most popular. They believed in
reincarnation.They also believed in a heaven.They believed in human sacrifices
and even made sacrifices of children .They also practiced a form of tightly wrapping
the skulls of newborn children causing their heads to grow into a cylinder shape.
This was a way of distinguishing social class. The richest Inca s had the distinction of
the deformed skulls.

Although the Incas were strange they were very intelligent in terms of the
government, as well as military and building their own society. This made them
successful in their culture because they all would work together as a team . This
teamwork caused their society to set up an empire system spanning 300 years.
Pachacuti was the man who set up the first Inca central government there military
was very organized although it was a very large the army grew to about 200,000
The White Nile And The Red Land In Ancient Egypt
In Ancient Egypt they call their land The Red Land. They called it the Red Land
because desert seemed to have a red hue as in color. As the land around the Nile
turned black when the Nile flooded. The Nile formed as the ancient sea shifted
creating the Mediterranean Sea basin. The Upper Nile is divided into three
tributaries: the White Nile, the Blue Nile and the Atbara River. The White Nile
currently flows through Lake Victoria, Lake Edward, and Lake George. The Blue
Nile originates in the Ethiopian Mountains. As the Atbara River flows from the
Ethiopian highlands and meets the combined rivers White Nile and Blue Nile.
Northern Egyptwas bounded by two different deserts, Arabian Desert and Libyan
Desert. The importance of the Nile flooding
Concentration Of Acid-Base Titration
Acid base titrations are a commonly used laboratory practice, used to determine the
concentration of a particular acid or a particular base by neutralizing them with a
known concentration of another acid or base. Acid base titrations are tracked and
measured with the use of an indicator, which causes a color change whenever the pH
changes between specific values. An indicator is composed of an acid or base
whose conjugate acid or conjugate base has a color different from that of the original
compound.1 The use of the indicator allows us to observe and note the neutralization
of a titration which occurs at the end point. Hydrochloric acid (strong acid) and
sodium hydroxide(strong base), are the most commonly used acid and base in
experiments. A strong acid dissociates (or ionizes) completely in aqueous solution to
form hydronium ions (H3O+), while a strong base dissociates completely in aqueous
solution to form hydroxide ions (OH ).1 In this experiment we used potassium
hydrogen phthalate and sodium carbonate as primary standards. These two are
compounds used as primary standards, which are tools that aid in determining the
exact concentration of acids and bases due to their characteristics (See Discussion).

In this experiment, we standardized the strong base sodium hydroxide (NaOH) using
potassium hydrogen phthalate (C8H5KO4) also known as KHP , as the primary
standard and using phenolphthalein as the indicator. This titration follows the
reaction scheme:
Death of Woman Wang
death of woman Wang a picture of real lives The death of woman Wang is written
by Jonathan D. Spence, a famous scholar of East Asian studies. This book is focus
on the early days of Qing dynasty, when Qing dynasty had only been established for
about 20 years, the government, even though the whole society, are in their infancies.
The author discusses issues of a small county in northeastern China T an ch eng,
which is in the province of Shantung. The genre of this book is difficult to be
identified; it consists of a component of fiction, since the author describes a large
number of stories; as well as a component of historical reconstruction, since the author
introduces the county s environment and events according to reliable... Show more
content on ...
After reading this part, it is easy to conclude that, the policies, especially the tax
collecting policy, plays a key role on people s destitution. The chapter the Widow
addresses a topic on widows struggles on protecting their children and heritages. This
builds a foundation for realizing woman s status and people s moral believes. The
chapter the feud describes a crisis which breaks the harmony between different
groups of people and poses a threat to the socirty. These three parts are bases of
understanding and analyzing the story of the woman Wang, and Wang s story
involves the crises that are presented before. This arrangement gives reader a clear
picture of T an Ch eng; readers can get sufficient information to do their further
investigation. There are three main sources of the materials: the Local History of
T an ch eng, a personal memoir and handbook written by Huang Liu hung, and the
works of P u Sung ling. Among them, the Local History of T an ch eng and the
work by Huang Liu hung were focus on describing villagers daily lives, they are
made of descriptions of local events and characters portions; while P u Sung ling s
works were in the category of literature, the stories were collected when he travelled
around or came up by himself. Although the book is lack of accurate records, the three
Happiness In Albert Camus The Myth Of Sisyphus
Albert Camus understanding of happiness is explained through his perspective of
The Myth of Sisyphus.Towards the end of the story, Sisyphus punishment for
forsaking the orders of Pluto was to push a large rock up a mountain for all eternity.
The Greeks believed this to be the cruelest punishment a mortal could be given. The
idea of a meaningless task being done over and over again is what some might call
absurd. One might think that happinessis not possible in such circumstances. A
moment of gratification cannot be seen as something desirable if the same task is to
be repeated. However, Camus believes otherwise. the purpose is achieved... and
Sisyphus watches the stone rush down in a few moments toward lower world
whence he will have to push it up again toward the summit. He goes back down to
the plain. (4) The significance of Sisyphus going down the mountain to repeat his task
is explained by Camus. Through accepting the meaningless task, Sisyphus also
accepts his unfair fate. He is calm and at peace with himself despite the absurdity of
his punishment. It could be understood that although the task may be meaningless,
Sisyphus is able accept his fate and continue to move... Show more content on ...
A virtue is a state of character that sits on the mean between excess and deficiency.
He believes happiness is about having balance in life. The extremes of states of
characters are called vices. Vices are states of character that a person would
usually not be proud of, like greed or envy. However, having vices is not
improbable. Aristotle said, For moral excellence is concerned with pleasures and
pains; it is on account of the pleasure that we do bad things and on account of the
pain that we abstain from noble ones (3). People will often fray into their vices to
obtain monetary happiness. Although Aristotle believes being virtuous is what is
needed to be sustainably happy, even he understands that not everyone can be
The Influence Of Technology
Why does technology have a big impact on the world? Technology has grown for
years since the first computer was created and many have been using technology for
school, work, interviews. It has made life more easy and effective way to get stuff
done faster because technology impacted many people over the worldand it has
benefited us greatly. It s a wonderful way to stay connected to the world and never
miss out on events and important new broadcast.
It has advanced more further than anyone has imagined because the more we
discover more things about modern technology an apply with the knowledge that we
already know and come up with a sequence to make it correspond with other types of
function. This can help the community use the device in an easy format to benefit
workers, school students, instructors. Many say that technology will never stop
evolving because each new generation has a different mindset and how they look at
thing. To improve you must have a fresh mind and think outside the box to form
something new. I would say that technology has put life in a unique perspective
because it s made things easier for the new generation because back then they didn t
have the resources that we have now. To better ourselves we must adapted to new and
growing generation so that we can teach them how thing work and pass it down
towards the next.
The technology field has a lot of different forms because each has a different process
on how each action like paying a bill with a credit
The Folly of René Descartes’ Discourse on Method
The Folly of RenГ© Descartes Discourse on Method and Meditations on First

In order to embark on his quest for truth, Descartes first devises his four rules
which should serve as a solid foundation for all else that he comes to understand.
Those rules are here evaluated in terms of what they fail to take into consideration.
The rules are examined individually and consecutively, and are therefore also
reiterated in order to be clear about them. Furthermore, the approach of using these
rules is also analyzed to some degree. Ultimately, however, it is my conjecture that
Descartes four rules are not as solid a foundation as he claims, but fail to consider
key issues which are noted herein.

Descartes first rule deals ... Show more content on ...
For him, the method that teaches one to follow the true order and to enumerate
exactly all the circumstances of what one is seeking contains everything that gives
certainty to the rules of arithmetic (12).

Still, the notion of one s existence as proven by thought is not something which can
be measured and translated into a numerical quantity. In fact, most fundamental
concepts and their corresponding emotions that make up human life, such as love, are
neither indubitable nor quantifiable, though are still held as being true, sometimes
more than anything else.

This leads me to find that the very first of Descartes rules is a shaky foundation at
best. It asks for an acceptance of indubitable truth, and only that truth. But if this is to
be indeed held as a standard, then nothing could actually be accepted with certainty.

The second [rule], to divide each of the difficulties I would examine into as many
parts as possible and as was required in order better to resolve them. (11)

The basis of this second rule appears to be an endeavor to take a claim and examine
it from all possible perspectives, and to test it against all possible situations. Neither
of which is, in effect, possible. One could spend an entire lifetime looking at all the
possible situations in which a claim could be contested and would not even come
close to revealing
Morning After Pill Research Paper
The Morning after Pills: Benefits and Side Effects
A prolonged night of uninhibited pleasure often leaves scopes for certain mistakes,
which turn out to be rather troublesome in the long run. The morning after pill is one
of the most trusted ways of emergency contraception that prevents women from
getting pregnant in case they had unprotected sex by accident. While the morning
after pill is not the ideal contraception solution for women who regularly have
unprotected sex, it is good for restricted usage. Also, the morning after pill is strictly
a mode of contraception and not one of those abortion pills that are way more
harmful for the overall health and well being of a woman.
Following are some of the scenarios in which the morning after ... Show more content
on ...
Well, as the very name suggests, the morning after pill should be taken preferably
within 12 hours after a contraceptive accident. However, you can also take it within
72 hours of having an unprotected sex. It works towards preventing pregnancy in the
following three ways:
The pill temporarily stops the release of an egg from the ovary
It prevents fertilization
It prevents a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus
Having said that, the morning after pill is in, no way, an abortion pill and therefore it
will never terminate pregnancy should you have already conceived.
Benefits and Side Effects
The best part of using the morning after pill is that it is quite reliable as compared
to the other methods of contraception after unprotected sex. All you need to do is
just take one pill and that too within a given span of time. For most women, taking
the morning after pill once in a while causes no harm.
With that being said, for women who have a medical history of being allergic to the
active ingredients contained in the pill, intake of the pill should be avoided. Some of
the other side effects may include the following:
Fatigue or dizziness
Change in menstrual cycle
Breast tenderness
Darfur Is Dying
The game I have chosen to analyze named Darfur is Dying. It is a flash based
browser game about the crisis in Darfur, western Sudan. The game begins with the
selection of avatar to forage for water. The gender and age of the selected character
will mainly determine the success or failure. The main purpose of the gameis to
enable players to learn about the crisis in Darfur and get involve with stopping the
crisis. Therefore, we can conclude that Darfur is Dying is a serious game.
According to Beuer and Bente (2010), a serious game is a game which its primary
goal is education, rather than entertainment. By analyzing this serious game, I would
like to answer the question: How can Darfur is Dying enhance players political
engagement? Neys and Janz (2010) conducted a research about how... Show more
content on ...
Furthermore, participants also reported high levels of engagement through gaming,
which lead to active discussions after play. They wanted to know the location of
Darfur, what was happening, and most importantly, why genocide was taking
place in Darfur. Thus, relating to engagement function, Neys and Janz (2010)
reported that Darfur is Dying motivated people to get involved in political crisis
addressed because action items are embedded within the game such as contacting
people via emails which invite them to play and be informed about Darfur, sending
messages to the U.S government or petitioning U.S Congress. Accordingly, Ruiz
(2006, cited in Neys Janz, 2010) also revealed that her game predominantly aimed
at inspiring people to take action to prevent the killing and suffering in Sudan. In
conclusion, Darfur is Dying is a serious game which involves the players in political
engagement. Not only has it raised public awareness of the killing Darfur, but also
empowered game audiences to take action to stop the political
The Importance Of Japanese Animation
Over the years, Japanese animation have gain more attention from the public than
before. Japanese animation, also widely known as anime, dominates most of the
animation that exists in today s media. Much of its popularity originates from Studio
Ghibli s movies and classics, such as Astro Boy, One Piece, and PokГ©mon. These
animemovies and series allowed anime to gain attention from the world as it
revealed a different level of animation. However, anime was not at first well received
by the Japanese people along with other foreign countries. Due to the fact that some
anime displayed an amount of violence that ruined the specific purpose of animation.
Since it carried a negative connotation, anime had only gained more popularity during
the 20th century. In addition, many people learned that anime s audience were not
just children, as young teens and adults indulged in anime as well. At the same time,
anime displayed a variety of genres that differ from animation that strive to connect
with children. Compared to any animation that is created children, anime strives to
incorporated different concepts and ideas that reflect today s political, social,
historical, and economic situation. Nevertheless, this paper will analyze how anime
plays a role in people s life as they consume it. Anime has given many people a
collective identity that helps them identify themselves with the anime and its
elements that defined it. Anime is not same as animation as it gives people a sense of
Colin Kaepernick s Essay What Is Too Far
What do you think about professional athletes protesting? It shouldn t matter there
people too, just like you and me. Although did you ever think that once their
professionals things are different? Take in consideration how coaches or their team
looks after a player protest. It looks horrific but as a free country the people are titled
to their own opinion. Overall, professional athletes should be able to protest against
current events in the world even with their athletic status. Many professional sports
figures have taken a stand to end racial, class and violence no matter the given
consequence after. For example, there was a time when National Football League
(NFL) quarterback Colin Kaepernick refused to stand for the national anthem. During
the given moment people wouldn t have understood the reasoning behind Kaepernick
not standing but then you have people like Gregg Popovich. Popovich the Antonio
Spurs head coach said, The important thing that Kaepernick... Show more content on ...
The protesters want you to understand their opinion from their point of view and take
it beyond the reasoning they additionally need. In the article What Is Too Far it says,
I do not question someone s First Amendment right to express their views but I do
question the venue these athletes have chosen. I also question their target. By
protesting the national anthem, they are protesting America. The quote is from a
writer who seen the (NFL) quarterback Colin Kaepernick refuse to stand for the
national anthem. At the time this took place there was discussion about race, class
and violence not to add that it was election year. However, athletes don t only protest
against political or racial events. The National Basketball Association (NBA) had
Carmelo Anthony, LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Paul take stage and talk
to some fellow kids. The primary topic was how to help kids become more socially
Analyzing Lady Gaga s Applause
Analysing Lady Gaga s Applause throughout the semester made me realize that a lot
of times I have just listened to music and not taken time to really think of what the
artist is trying to tell us. I previously just listened to music for the beat and probably
a few catchy words but did not take the time to understand most of the songs that I
sang out loud. Like all humans Lady Gagatries to tell us that all celebrities and artists
are humans and just like we all are looking for appreciation for the work we have
done , celebrities go a step further because if their adoring fans stop idolizing them
they are likely to lose their creative juices to do what they do. That is why we find
that while most celebrities are in the media either doing... Show more content on ...
While not everyone is kind and polite, a simple thank you or great job will ensure
that the person you are appreciating works harder to make you feel proud in future.
However there are those that become to the need to be appreciated and will do
things that are outrageous and those need to be counselled; this is the case in those
celebrities who after a long time in the media they also seem to have a breakdown
and no one is helping but putting their dirty linen for the public to show. Lady Gaga
has not experienced such an outburst yet but her antics at the award shows like
wearing meat to protest is a way that she has found to communicate with others to
show her stand on the social happenings of the world. Due to her unique genre of
music we find that Lady Gaga has not been compared to many people because her
music is strangely weird and beautiful. She is different has decided to use this to
her advantage if I were to conduct a research I would use the single object fandom.
Such that we all love Lady Gaga because even with her performances we are left in
awe of her unique creativity and way of sending a message to the
The Importance Of The Choice Of Tunisia
In this introduction, some of the reasons will be presented to justify the choice of
Tunisia as the main subject of this paper. First of all, Tunisia is a great example for
our as a model of countries that switched from a complete oppressing and Internet
censorship to a country where freedom of Speech is preserved. Second, Tunisia gave
birth to the Arab spring through its Tunisian Revolution in January 2011. It was
fueled by the use of social medias where the protests were being organized and
supported through online networks (The use was mainly on Twitter and Facebook
since other social networks, video sharing and blogs such as Youtube, Dailymotion,
Amnesty International website..). The main reasons of these ... Show more content on ...
Tunisia aims to become an internationally competitive player in the global market in
term of ICT industry.

2.The Tunisian Ecosystem

The beginning of Internet in Tunisia was back to 1991, when the first that was
established a full IP connectivity with the Internet and was hence the first country in
Africa and Middle East to get a fully IP connected Internet node. This project was
conducted with collaboration with National Science Foundation (NSF) in USA and
INRIA research center in France[*]. Let us take a detailed look about the background
of telecommunication.
a.Timeline and Background
Telecommunication in Tunisia is centralized in a telecommunication facility. Before
1995, Internet was totally controlled by the government. In 1995, the government
created TT (Tunisie Telecom) which the incumbent telecom operator. In April 1996,
the ministry of Communication established the ATI (Tunisian Internet Agency) to
regulate the country s Internet and domain name system (DNS) services (*). it is a
whole saler of connectivity. Everything related to Internet is within the framework
of ATI. The years between 1997 and 2000, where the years when the internet market
was opened to competiveness, giving licenses to 5 privates ISPs which were given
fixed and mobile 2G/3G licenses starting from 2002. These following years, the
telecom sector witnessed market Liberalization. Before 2011, and the
Observation In Good Country People, By Flannery O
Observation In her story Good Country People, Flannery O Connor writes of
Hulga Hopewell s unfortunate experience where her confidence in her intellect
leads her to make wrong conclusions of other people s character. Living in self pity
and despair after the accident that takes away her leg, Hulga Hopewell maintains a
negative view of life, herself, and others around her. In the story, her mother, Mrs.
Hopewell writes She grew less like other people and more like herself bloated, rude,
and squint eyed (O Connor 487). In addition to believing herself ugly, Hulga does not
believe in God and depends on her own Ph.D. in philosophy for advanced knowledge
to explain the world and other people s behavior. However, as Mrs. Hopewell
perfectly... Show more content on ...
They come to you in sheep s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By
their fruit you will recognize them...every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree
bears bad fruit...Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them (NIV). As Peter
warns the believers about false teachers, he says With eyes full of adultery, they
[false teachers] never stop sinning; they seduce the unstable; they are experts in
greed an accursed brood (2 Peter 2: 40, NIV) In this story, Hulga believes in
Pointer s good character because of the kind, Christian attitude he initially shows
when she first meets him. However, she fails to realize that the man s behavior
toward her during their walk together did not reflect the fruits of the spirit. As a
result, she falls into the trap of letting him steal her heart and then her leg. As this
story warns, we as Christians need to stay firm in our faith and not let others lead
us astray with a false show of outer spirituality. In 1 John 4:1, John writes Dear
friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from
God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world (NIV). If Hulga had
not denied God s knowledge, she would have not been led so easily astray by Pointer
s façade of

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