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Chapter 5 : Air and Atmosphere

UNIT – 2 ~ Importance of Oxygen


Q: A. Fill in the blank spaces by choosing the correct words in
1. Exhaled air contains __more__ carbon dioxide than the inhaled air. [less/more]
2. Oxygen and __water vapour__ are necessary in the rusting of iron. [nitrogen/water vapour]
3. When carbon dioxide is passed through limewater, it turns it __milky__. [light pink/milky]
4. During respiration of the plants the stomata opens and the __oxygen__ diffuses in the cells.
5. The products of combustion and respiration are water vapour and __carbon dioxide__.
[sulphur dioxide/carbon dioxide]

Q: B: Statements given below are incorrect. Write the correct

Q: 1. Respiration takes place only in animals.
Answer: Respiration takes place only in living beings.
Q: 2. The white coloured anhydrous copper sulphate changes to green colour on
the addition of water.
Answer: The white coloured anhydrous copper sulphate changes to blue colour on the addition
of water.
Q: 3. Stomata is specialized cell through which insects breathe.
Answer: Stomata is specialized cell through which plants breathe.
Q: 4. Amount of oxygen in the air remains same due to combustion.
Answer: Amount of oxygen in the air remains same due to combustion and respiration.
Q: 5. Nitrogen and water vapour are necessary for rusting of iron.
Answer: Oxygen and water vapour are necessary for rusting of iron.

Q: C. Match the statements in Column A, with those in Column B:

Column A Column B

1. Coating of clean iron nail with brown powder in moist air. (a) Respiration

2. Conversion of carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates. (b) Rusting

3. A specialized cell which helps in the respiration of plants. (c) Combustion

4. A process in which heat and light energy is released. (d) Photosynthesis

5. A process in which only heat energy is released. (e) Stomata


Column A Column B

1. Coating of clean iron nail with brown powder in moist air. (a) Rusting

2. Conversion of carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates. (b) Photosynthesis

3. A specialized cell which helps in the respiration of plants. (c) Stomata

4. A process in which heat and light energy is released. (d) Combustion

5. A process in which only heat energy is released. (e) Respiration

Q: D. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ for the following statements:

Statements True/False

1. Anhydrous copper sulphate turns yellow on the addition of drop of water. F

2. From 18th century the amount of carbon dioxide in air is steadily increasing. F

3. Only pure oxygen can cause rusting in iron. F

4. Carbon dioxide gas turns limewater milky. T

5. Raw material for respiration is sugar and oxygen. T

Q: E. Tick (√) the most appropriate answer:

1. Rusting of iron takes place due to the presence of 3. A few drops of clear limewater are poured in a
flat dish and exposed to air for half an hour. The
(a) oxygen in the air
drops of limewater turn milky due to the presence
(b) nitrogen in the air
of :
(c) water vapour in the air
(d) oxygen and water vapour in the air (a) nitrogen
(b) sulphur dioxide
Answer: option (d) oxygen and water vapour in
(c) carbon dioxide
the air is correct.
(d) water vapour
2. Carbon dioxide produced by living beings is used
Answer: option (c) carbon dioxide is correct.
during the process of:
4. The process which generates heat energy in
(a) rusting
living beings is called:
(b) combustion
(c) photosynthesis (a) combustion
(d) respiration (b) respiration
(c) photosynthesis
Answer: option (d) respiration is correct.
(d) decomposition

Answer: option (b) respiration is correct.

5. The percentage of carbon dioxide in exhaled air (a) 0.04%
is: (b) 1.4%
(c) 2.4%
(d) 4.93%

Answer: option (a) 4.93% is correct.

Q: 1. (a) What do you understand by the term respiration?
Answer: The transfer of oxygen from the outside environment to cells within tissues, as well as
the removal of carbon dioxide in the opposite way, is referred to as respiration.

(b) Briefly describe how respiration takes place in human beings.

Answer: The lung provides the tissues of the human body with a continuous flow of oxygen and
clears the blood of the gaseous waste product, carbon dioxide. Atmospheric air is pumped in and
out regularly through a system of pipes, called conducting airways, which join the gas-exchange
region with the outside of the body.

Q: 2. How will you prove experimentally that products of

respiration in our body are (a) carbon dioxide (b) water vapour?
Answer: Respiration in humans can be studied with lime water. Carbon dioxide reacts with lime
water on respiration to form calcium carbonate (CaCO3) that turns lime water milky.

Q: 3. Prove experimentally that plants produce carbon dioxide

during respiration.
Answer: The germinating seeds in the conical flask release CO2 during respiration, which is
absorbed by the KOH solution kept in the small test tube. This creates a partial vacuum in the
flask that forces the water up the delivery tube. Thus, it proves that germinating seeds produce
carbon dioxide during respiration.

Q: 4. Give three differences between respiration and combustion.

Answer: Respiration:

1. Respiration is a biochemical process that takes place in living cells to release energy.
2. Respiration is a controlled biological process.
3. Energy is released in a stepwise manner with different biochemical reactions.

1. Combustion is a chemical process that occurs outside living cells or living systems.
2. Combustion is an uncontrolled process.
3.Energy is released in a single step.

Q: 5. Explain briefly how the amount of oxygen in air does not

change, inspire of the fact that a large amount of it is used in
combustion and respiration.
Answer: Explain briefly how the amount of oxygen in air does not deplete in spite of the fact that
large amount of it is used in combustion and respiration. Green plants and algae perform
photosynthesis which eventually leads to release of oxygen back into the atmosphere. Thus on
the whole the oxygen content remains same.

Q: 6. Explain briefly how the plants respire.

Answer: In a plant, the roots take air present in the soil. Leaves have tiny pores called stomata
through which they exchange gasses. Respiration uses oxygen and produces carbon dioxide. In
plant cells, the breakdown of glucose in the presence of oxygen gives water and carbon dioxide
like other organisms.

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