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teams share secrets
for building strong,
successful squads

12 QP June 2019 ❘

In today’s high stress, technology-driven
business world, every organization
is looking for an edge. More times than
not, that edge happens as the result
of high-performing teams that are properly
motivated, organized and supported
by leadership and the entire organization.
But what specifically makes those teams
function so well? What strategies propel
teams to success? How do teams get the
best out of their members? What do strong,
successful teams do differently than others
that seem to sputter and fall short of goals?
Who better to answer these questions
than teams that have successfully competed
in ASQ’s International Team Excellence
Awards Process? Representatives from
10 teams from around the world offered
insight on team dynamics, structure and
leadership, and why they think their teams
work so well. Along the way, they offered
advice for you to build successful teams
in your own organization. ❘ June 2019 QP 13


Beyond this article, be sure to visit this article’s web- ++ The U.S. Naval Ship Repair Facility and Japan Regional
page at for more insight and advice Maintenance Center in Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan.
from teams representing: Have you worked on a successful team? What made
++ SanCor Salud in Formosa, Argentina. it so effective? Share your ideas and advice on what made the team
++ Nexteer in Jiangsu Sheng, China. special on the Quality Progress discussion board on
++ Altos Hornos de Mexico in Monclova, Coahuila, Mexico. —Mark Edmund, associate editor

5 Tips to Build the Right Team

by Carrie Qian, Jabil Inc., China equal participation. As the team came together, team
building activities helped individual team members work
A project’s success depends on many factors, together effectively.
but perhaps the most important one is people. 3. Storming: When new teams are formed, it can take a little
It takes planning and ongoing effort to build a strong time for them to find their groove. In our project, the financial
team that can innovate effectively. At Jabil, a manu- analyst was an important team member. Due to the project
facturing solutions provider, teamwork is at the core adding to her extensive workload, she initially felt over-
of everything we do. whelmed. But the team came together to support her
From our finance team in Shanghai that was with extra resources, leaders coached her on multiple skills
inspired by a platform design and development proj- and the team helped her coordinate with other functions.
ect, here are five tips for building an effective team. As conflicts arise, it is crucial that team members support
Many of these tips should be familiar to you from one another to navigate difficult situations.
Bruce Tuckman’s stages of team development. 4. Norming: After the team settles in, it’s easier for members
1. Preparation: First, and most importantly, clarify to collaborate with one another. Through weekly meetings and
the project scope. This includes the schedule consistent check-ins, we were able to review the project status
and cost, which helps leaders identify and docu- and ensure the project was executed within the scope to sched-
ment the required skills. As part of it, create a staff ule. In this way, issues could be diagnosed in a timely manner.
management plan, including a timetable for staff 5. Performing: In this stage, team members helped one another
acquisition and release, so you can control with problem solving. They focused on the goals and benefits
the cost within budget. In our project, we found analysis, such as foreign exchange gain/loss analysis to profit
that the subject matter expert was the key person and loss, and material price variance analysis when they were
to support us on platform development. testing in the new platform. We promoted openness and
2. Forming: Based on the scope of the project, team discussion.
it is important to get a diverse team on board, As a result of following these stages, our project launched
with members who can all bring different skills successfully and on budget.
and expertise to the table. Our team consisted
of participants across various departments who The Jabil team, which included Carrie Qian, Daisy Pu, Linda Wu,
were experts in their areas but perhaps lacked Angela Shen and Johnson Jia (left to right), discuss team selection
and knowledge requirement at the beginning of a project.
other knowledge.
We communicated the project goal
and objectives in the project kick-off meeting
and immediately gave everyone a chance to share
their ideas and concerns. We established the team
ground rules and trained members in the neces-
sary skills for the project, including brainstorming
techniques, affinity diagrams, and cause
and effect matrixes. We regularly encouraged

14 QP June 2019 ❘

Effective Team Continuity
by Alia Obaid Saif Altayer Almarri, Emirates Global
Aluminium, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

It is important to have a strong team to achieve a goal.

Working on complex problems or developing process
improvement opportunities requires a combination
of multifaceted skills, which can be easily acquired
by bringing together members who are skilled
in various aspects.
During our team’s tapping yoke failure project,
we identified five important aspects to ensure
team continuity:
1. Strong teams require a strong, inspiring leader
who sets and communicates a clear vision
of the expected outcome with specified targets,
leads respectfully and is open to feedback
and criticism from team members. In addition,
the leader must prioritize team development,
give credit to the team and acknowledge its effort,
and confidently delegate to gain team members’ The EGA team consisted of Sajjad Hussain Shah (standing on left), Alia Obaid
Saif Altayer Almarri (sitting in front of whiteboard), Narendra Singh Rana
buy-in. For this project, having a great leader (standing on right), Hassan Abdulla Mohamed Al Raqabani Al Motairy (sitting
was one of the main drivers that brought on right) and Abrar Ibrahim Ahmed Ibrahim Al Hammadi (sitting with back
to camera).
in and attracted skilled team members because
of the clarity in direction, confidence and support
received from the leader. effectiveness throughout the process of acquiring inputs,
2. Successful teams must leverage the skills and expe- updating on the progress and providing constructive
riences of the team members who were selected feedback. As a team, we had recurring meetings
to participate by assigning clear roles and respon- scheduled with the stakeholders to ensure everyone
sibilities accordingly. In this way, not only is the was aligned.
expertise fully used, but each member also will 4. Providing support and handling challenges is an aspect
be clear on his or her roles in the team and his that brings team members together and strengthens
or her contribution toward the goal. This helps their connection. Support can be provided not only
overcome avoidable and unnecessary conflicts, by the team leader but by all members through coop-
confusions, duplications and potential errors— eration, determination, optimism, participation
especially when it comes to tasks assigned and encouragement. This is important for the continu-
to individuals. As a team, the roles and responsi- ity of the team and contributes greatly to improving
bilities of the members were clearly defined the dedication and productivity of the members.
and communicated. This helped us a lot, especially As a team, support was provided from top manage-
during follow-ups on actions and assigned tasks. ment with its commitment to continuous improvement.
3. Maintaining open communication throughout Not only that, but team members also were cooperative,
the project is important among team members, easy to approach and helpful toward one another.
the team leader and other stakeholders. It is impor- This was important when the team was exposed
tant for everyone to understand the type of infor- to a stressful challenge: At one point in the project,
mation and its flow to determine the appropriate it was realized that further pilot tests were required,
method of communication. This results in improved which extended the planned project schedule. ❘ June 2019 QP 15


accomplishments. This is a crucial aspect and should

Maintaining open communication throughout not be underestimated because it acknowledges the efforts
the project is important among team members, and dedication that were provided by the members
the team leader and other stakeholders. to achieve the goals and targets set.
Being recognized by top management and the CEO
of Emirates Global Aluminium for this project—and partici-
5. Appreciation and recognition are important pating in local recognition platforms—has greatly boosted
to boost team members’ morale. Appreciation team members’ morale for their contribution to this project.
can come from the team leader, team members This recognition also has made team members enthusiastic
acknowledging one another’s contributions to continue in the journey of continuous improvement
or external recognition of the full team’s and always be proud of their accomplishments.

Supported by a Great Culture

by Amalia Cristina Velasquez Yagua, Qroma S.A., 4. Big challenges help teams move forward, even further than
Lima, Peru the teams imagine. We have seen teams that have really left
it all on the field. The idea of giving your all for a bigger cause
A great team must be empathetic and its functions is motivating.
must be clear. The members must have the neces- 5. The most important thing is to sell the idea of the team’s
sary knowledge and skills. project and keep track of it. Having a vision and committing
It also is essential to provide the team members to it gives the team the strength to keep moving forward—
with space for creativity to flow and to grant them even in difficult times. The improvement projects we carry
the necessary resources so they can meet their goals. out take about six months, so the team must be willing not
During our team’s project, we drew some conclusions to expect quick results. Over a long period of time, members
about what it takes to build and support a team. get discouraged. The project champion must be able to keep
the team motivated by continuously transmitting the purpose
Building the right team of the project and how it contributes to a greater good.
1. The team must find a balance among members
so when one member fails, another can be his Team dynamics
or her complement. Fellowship meetings serve The team dynamics that have worked best for us are focused
to establish close bonds that encourage each on challenges that we haven’t been able to achieve without
member to timely express his or her ideas. being completely cohesive and synchronized. Once, a project
2. Teams often are discouraged when there was running late in the day—too late for everyone.
is a breakup. Look for good relationships, But no one left work because everyone wanted to achieve
highlight the positive qualities of each member the goal. Even at the end, when we knew we weren’t going
and encourage them to put them into practice. to be successful, everyone still had this feeling of wanting
3. Each time the team innovates, it takes a step to achieve the goal together.
forward. Each time an opportunity is presented
to perform in a different way, the team is more Adding or subtracting members
creative. Creativity has no limits, and when We rarely withdraw team members. We have invested in each
working as a team, this becomes even more real. person, and we strive to keep each member to the end, giving
It is exciting to be on a team in which challenges all members the necessary support so they can perform well.
that exceed current capabilities are faced. A good We add members if we need their knowledge or skills.
team does not frighten and gives solutions even But we try to ensure that everyone is present from the begin-
when it’s up against all odds. ning and can benefit from the entire work process.

16 QP June 2019 ❘

Looking Inward and Outward
by Raimundo Rodulfo, City of Coral Gables, FL us uncover issues that otherwise would have stayed buried
in daily routines. In addition, team members were empowered
The City of Coral Gables (FL) IT department worked to make all necessary corrections—even if that meant disrupt-
together on our response times and efficiencies ing some old processes.
improvement project. The process empowered Our entire team was made aware of the process improve-
our team to look inward and outward, identifying ments put in place and of the positive results shown in various
opportunities that could make a difference over metrics of our balanced scorecards (financial, performance,
a short period of time. All team members were customer satisfaction, change and innovation). We celebrated
involved in our brainstorming and ideation process. those results together, acknowledging everyone’s contributions,
We listened to one another’s work experiences commitment and dedication. Because our team saw and expe-
and how we interact with systems, processes rienced these results and customer feedback was positive,
and customers every day. our department goal of fostering an organizational culture
We were able to quickly identify problems and around quality and customer service became an organic process.
improvement opportunities by having everyone Our team made it a priority to listen to customers by meeting
together in the same room—giving them the freedom frequently with stakeholders from different departments
to challenge processes and discuss issues openly. and organizations, and directly with citizens and members
The team was oriented with a positive mindset and
focused on providing solutions and moving forward.
Using lean Six Sigma process improvement tools In a city of Coral Gables IT leadership meeting, Nelson Gonzalez, Mark Hebert,
Gisela Rodriguez, Raimundo Rodulfo, Lemay Ramos and Ayanes Apolinar
and techniques opened possibilities and helped (left to right) review process improvement and strategic planning matters. ❘ June 2019 QP 17


Our team made it a priority to listen

to customers by meeting frequently ASQ’s ITEA Process
with stakeholders from different Since 1985, thousands of teams worldwide have
departments and organizations. participated in ASQ’s International Team Excellence
Awards (ITEA) Process. Organizations such as Alcoa,
Anheuser-Busch, Bayer, Coca-Cola, Ford Motor Co.,
of the community. A helpful and impactful initiative General Motors, Johnson Controls and Ritz-Carlton
was to dedicate assigned IT liaisons to each city Hotel Co. have showcased proven results with long-
department. This helped us build better channels term implications, resulting in collective cost savings
of billions of dollars. For more on the process and
of communication and improve response times, information on how to participate in the 2019–2020
which increased customer satisfaction. ITEA Process, visit or email
A customer centric and quality-driven approach
has aligned our team with our mission as a city
to continuously improve quality of life and customer
service. This means that sometimes we put aside
the complexities of engineering and technology As a team, our approach is to rise above technical practices
areas of responsibility to look more closely to focus on the value we provide to our customers in Coral
at our mission as a service provider. Gables (residents, visitors, businesses and employees).
We make the satisfaction of our customers The customer experience drives our business. We, as citizens
and the quality of their experience when interacting ourselves, can drive the business by how we relate to customer
with our systems and services the first lens of our expectations. Benchmarking against world-class organizations
assessment. That can be particularly challenging and industry standards and best practices also has proved fruit-
for a team of technologists and analysts steeped ful to push our team to strive for excellence and high standards
in daily technical duties. of customer service and satisfaction.

Strengthening Your Team

by Yuan Zhong, Shanghai Nuclear Engineering on mobile devices—is vital to strengthen the team, resulting
Research and Design Institute, China in higher work efficiency.
3. Teams should embrace the power of new technologies
Strengthening a team to become an excellent to achieve continuous improvements in the process of projects.
one has been discussed at length in recent years. For instance, the application of virtual reality, hardware and
Our team remains strong in the projects it takes software prototypes, and real-time simulators offer the team
on because it follows these five guidelines: technical strength to optimize design and implementation
1. Shared expectations should be established among of projects toward user-centered principles by iterative means.
all team members and stakeholders at the begin- 4. Voice of the customer data should be collected and ana-
ning of the project so the project selection criteria lyzed. User complaints can be of great value. Systems
and the identification of risks are well understood. on an organizational level should be set up to cope
Based on trust and understanding, the team can with customer feedback.
face obstacles and overcome difficulties. 5. Team building activities, such as group visits or team barbe-
2. Various communication tools can be used cues, are usually welcomed. Training, too, can be beneficial
to make everyone on the team clear about what because it enhances the team’s knowledge and skills needed
to do and how to do it. Nowadays, a combination to handle the projects. Team building and training lead
of formal and informal communication tools— to cohesive, strong teams by encouraging all team members
such as meeting minutes and instant chat apps to try their best.

18 QP June 2019 ❘

Accelerating Performance
by Ashok Ram and Varsha Suman, ESAB Welding & Cutting It was evident that unless we worked as a team,
Products, Denton, TX we could only succeed in about 50% of our individual
objectives. The other 50% required the team to inter-
In 2017, ESAB Welding & Cutting Products was challenged act efficiently. We developed tools to facilitate this
to improve poor delivery performance on spare parts to our end interaction because the team was diverse and spread
users. This led to a policy deployment initiative from the president’s across five sites in three countries.
office, and we were appointed to lead the initiative. Results. We built a cohesive team that works
One of our key focus areas was to form a new team of dedicated autonomously and feels empowered to make deci-
resources that worked cohesively in resolving the customer needs sions to resolve the customers’ needs while they have
with a high sense of urgency. We did this through: a machine breakdown, for example. Internal custom-
Team development. Our challenge was to accelerate and min- ers in sales and tech support were happy with
imize the time taken in the forming, storming and norming stages, the speed of resolution. We made good progress
and get to the performing stage to make an impact on the delivery on all metrics we set out to achieve, but still had room
issues ASAP. for improvement. It was important for every team
Therefore, we positioned the jobs as high standard requirements member to know he or she performed a task that
and set out to handpick the best individuals in the organization. made a difference in our customers' experience.
We picked the internal resources first and set out to hire the balance The biggest asset we built, however, was the work
from the outside. Internal communications referred to this as a per- culture and happiness that the team shared while
formance team, and this naturally motivated the team to perform working together.
at a higher standard—not just as individuals but also as a team.
We supported this mindset with knowledge gap assessments
and provided the required training upfront.
Performance. We clearly set our objectives as a team
and defined the relationship between the team and the process
Additional Advice
owners using a responsible, accountable, consulted and informed Read more from four other ITEA teams as they
(RACI) chart that kept everyone focused on their roles and held describe their team dynamics, structure and leader-
other team members accountable. Metrics were developed to align ship, and what they think makes their teams click
with the objectives and directly linked to the merit process. so well. Find these articles on this article’s webpage

The team from ESAB Welding & Cutting Products that participated
in ASQ's International Team Excellence Awards Process. ❘ June 2019 QP 19

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