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Dated: November 26,

Thamama B (Kharaib-II) Reservoir Static Modelling Highlights

1. Incorporate all the new data pertaining to geology, petrophysics and geophysics with new appraisal
drilling in to the static model as per adnoc static modeling synthesis. (Reservoir characterization) (Seismic
stochastic inversion)
2. The challenge is to come at par with adnoc best practices regarding static modelling. (Rock typing)
(Petrophysical synthesis)
3. Integration among the geologists, geophysicists, reservoir engineers & other professionals is a key to
predict a better outcome from highly heterogeneous reservoir.

4. Data Review:
5. Previous technical presentations about Ramhan field Static models presented by Jodco professionals to
higher management in Tokyo, Japan
6. RM-1, RM-2, RM-3 final well reports, logs, miscellaneous previous reports
7. Adnoc Thamama Centre stratigraphic classifications of Thamama group
8. Structural modelling with analog Rumaitha/Shanayel fields.

Reservoir Geology

Candidate Rock Typing

1. Studied all the previous reports of core descriptions logs of Ramhan field wells
2. Upper Zakum field reservoir characterization joint reservoir characterization study for the ready
3. Identified fossils in the sub zones of Kharaib-2 studied in different compartments, gathered all the data of
core description logs, RCA, thin section analysis in to the excel sheet. Following data loaded by analyzing
the core descriptions logs, thin section, well test data
Perforation intervals
Image logs available
Interpreted Lithology
Cored interval
Fossils log (Rudists, Orbitolinids, Forams, Bascinella)
Fractures Density
HC fluorescence
Porosity (Vuggy, fracture, Interparticle, Intraparticle, Visible)
Based on thin section studies under polarized petrographic microscope, following data loaded
Texture (classification as per Dunham)
Based on reservoir quality factors (Porosity, sorting, fractures,), final remarks
Porosity, permeability (Klingenberg), pore throat radius for corresponding thin sections
Cross plot technique of poro-perm & pore throat radius employed for reservoir rock types selection
Poro-perm cross plot along with Pore throat radius is further translated into RCA domain for candidate
rock types selection of reservoir
This work further validated using ADNOC AI software (Developed by IBM-SAP for Adnoc) after feeding
high resolution images which uses analogy for rock types selection.
The identified fossils alongwith texture predicts the depositional behavior of the reservoir.

Reservoir Rock Typing

Corrections applied on density, neutron logs (Environmental corrections etc.)

RCA point corrections (Overburden correction)
Clipping of some points done.
MICP points QC
Based on MICP data points PG definition
MICP further translated into the RCA domain for SRT
Further translated into the LOG domain for the ESRT’s classification
Bassed on the MICP data capillary pressure curves and the Sw derived if shows a good match between the
Sw from the archie, those equations to be used for the particular SRTs using the PC curves as well as
porosity and permeability.

Depth surface of Reservoir imported in Petrel after proper QC

Wells loaded along with coordinates, well path trajectory, TD etc. after QC

Logs loaded into the corresponding well’s like (Conventional suites, image logs, well test information etc)

Stratigraphic correlation among zones to be carried out after thorough check

Faults → Pillar gridding

Modeled faults imported in to the Petrel as fault sticks

Define Model → Make Horizon (Depth surface inserted from input pane in to the model)

Fault modeling

All these tasks can also be carried out using (workflows)

Zone wise ESRTs distribution surface generated to further use in generating the trend surfaces of facies

Structural Framework Model

Geometrical modeling

Gris size

Zones added below the top horizon in make zone process

Layering scheme carried out assuming the thickness of zones to capture the vertical hetergeneity


Scale up Modeled curves in to the model

Facies Model / ESRT Model

Trend surface for each SRTs and for each zone used as an input in generating facies model, Data to be

Method: Gaussian Random Function Simulation

Variogram ranges

Data Analysis

Vertical proportion curves



Property Modelling

Porosity Model

Modeled porosity curve after its calibration with RCA/MICP/NMR porosity is used for modeling.

Method: Gaussian Random Function Simulation

Co-Kriging with the seismic stochastic inversion cube, seismic quality map

Variogram ranges

Avoiding the dense zones

Permeability Model

Modeled permeability curve, NMR Klingenberg permeability curve used after its calibration with RCA & MICP

Method: Gaussian Random Function Simulation

Poro-perm cross plots used for its distribution

Co-Krigging with Poro Model

Saturation Model

ESRTs wise capillary pressure equations for saturations used for saturation modeling

Modeled saturation showing a good match between the log serived water saturation.

FWL is identified based on this technique

Fluid Contacts

Saturation derived from capillary pressure data after its match with archie, FWL is marked 50-60ft below where the
Sw becomes 100%.


For volumetrics; GOC, FWL, Bg, Bo, N/G, Sg, So, regions (if compartmentalized) parameters were used.

Uncertainty Analysis

Structure, Bg, Bo, FWL etc..

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