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**Project-Based Learning Lesson Plan: Protecting Endangered Animals Campaign**

**Unit:** Conservation and Biodiversity

**Duration:** Multiple Classes (Adjustable based on your schedule)

**Objective:** Collaboratively design and implement a campaign to raise awareness and support for the protection of
endangered animals.

### Class 1: Introduction and Research (60 minutes)

**Introduction (15 minutes):**

- Discuss the importance of biodiversity and the current status of endangered animals.
- Introduce the project goal: Creating a campaign to protect endangered animals.
- Form project groups and assign roles (researchers, graphic designers, presenters).

**Research Session (45 minutes):**

1. Students use computers and library resources to research specific endangered animals.
2. Gather information on the animals' habitats, threats, conservation efforts, and the importance of their role in the ecosystem.
3. Discuss and share findings within their groups.

### Class 2: Campaign Strategy and Planning (60 minutes)

**Review (10 minutes):**

- Briefly recap the research from the previous class.

**Campaign Strategy Discussion (25 minutes):**

1. Introduce the concept of a campaign strategy.
2. Discuss key components: target audience, campaign goals, messaging, and desired outcomes.

**Group Planning Session (25 minutes):**

1. Groups brainstorm and outline their campaign strategy.
2. Discuss how to effectively convey information about endangered animals and motivate action.
3. Assign specific tasks within the groups for the next class (e.g., creating posters, writing speeches).

### Class 3: Campaign Material Creation (90 minutes)

**Introduction (10 minutes):**

- Briefly revisit the campaign strategy and goals.

**Poster Creation (45 minutes):**

1. Graphic design groups create visually appealing posters with information about their assigned endangered animals.
2. Emphasize the use of persuasive language and compelling visuals.
**Speech Writing (25 minutes):**
1. Presenters work on writing speeches that effectively communicate the urgency of protecting endangered animals.
2. Encourage creativity and emotional appeal in their speeches.

**Reflection (10 minutes):**

- Each group briefly reflects on their progress and discusses any challenges faced.

### Class 4: Rehearsal and Finalizing Materials (60 minutes)

**Introduction (10 minutes):**

- Discuss the importance of effective communication in their campaign.

**Speech Rehearsal (30 minutes):**

1. Presenters practice delivering their speeches within their groups.
2. Groups provide constructive feedback to improve presentation skills.

**Final Material Touch-Ups (20 minutes):**

- Graphic design groups make final adjustments to posters.
- Ensure all campaign materials are cohesive and aligned with the established strategy.

### Class 5: Campaign Presentation (90 minutes)

**Introduction (10 minutes):**

- Emphasize the significance of their campaign in raising awareness.

**Campaign Presentation (60 minutes):**

1. Each group presents their campaign, including posters and speeches.
2. Encourage interaction with the audience through a Q&A session.

**Reflection and Discussion (20 minutes):**

- Discuss the overall learning experience and the impact they believe their campaign can make.

- Celebrate the completion of the project and highlight the importance of ongoing efforts to protect endangered animals.

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