Rozdział 2 MiniMatura Grupa B

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Rozdział 2 Imię i nazwisko: 

MiniMatura Wynik/50
Grupa B Klasa: 


SŁOWNICTWO 4 Wybierz poprawną opcję: A, B lub C.

Recently, I 0 my bedroom. At one point, I noticed some
1 Uzupełnij każdą lukę jednym słowem. Pierwsze litery
books behind the wardrobe. I 1 reading so I decided to
brakujących słów zostały podane.
move the wardrobe. It wasn’t easy. There were two big spiders
We moved from the 0countryside to the city a few years
near the books. I 2 spiders! Eventually, I got the books
ago. Mum and dad couldn’t afford to pay the 1 b
out and now 3
cleaning and I 4 on my bed, reading.
in our old home. It was big and cold and in very bad
I 5
one book and I’m halfway through the second one.
c . It was also very 3 m
– but that was our fault. We never tidied up! 0 A am tidying B have been tydying C tidy
I love living in the city. The 4 f are amazing. 1 A love B am loving C have loved
Buses, trains, shops….everything you need is within easy 2 A have hated B hate C am hating
walking distance. Our 5 n is very 3 A I’ve been stopping B stop C have stopped
pleasant with roads of smart looking houses with tidy 4 A lie B am lying C have been lying
gardens and expensive looking cars parked outside. 5 A have been finishing B finish C have finished

/5 /5

5 Z podanych elementów utwórz poprawne pytania.

2 Uzupełnij zdania, wpisując jedno słowo w każdej luce.
Jeśli to będzie potrzebne, dodaj inne elementy.
0 I live in a small town.
0 you / finish / tidy /your room yet?
1 Our hotel room was the eighth floor.
Have you finished tidying your room yet?
2 I’m going to move when I’ve got a bit more
1 A: your dad / cook / dinner? 

3 I like staying the countryside.
B: Yes, he is.
4 The flat is walking distance of several
2 How often / you / mow / the lawn? 

5 I’d rather live in the centre of a town than
3 A: You look terrible! What / you / do? 
the outskirts.

B: I’ve been working in the garden.
3 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z ramki. W ramce podano 4 A: the landlord / come / to the house for his rent? 
cztery dodatkowe czasowniki. 
B: Yes, he does.
put do pay make take 5 A: you / ever share / a room? 
move stay put clear hang

B: Yes, I have.
I don’t have much time during the week so I have to do a lot
of housework at the weekend. First, I 0 clear up the
kitchen, then I 1 out the rubbish. I 2
my clean clothes away, then do the washing and, when it is
ready, carefully 3 the wet clothes up so that 6 Przetłumacz zwroty podane w nawiasach na język
they won’t need ironing. I don’t 4 my bed – angielski.
I just leave the duvet how it is. I share the flat with another 0 This is the first time (kiedy mieszkam z dala od domu)
boy. He’s quite noisy but, luckily, he 5 out late I've been living away from home .
most evenings so I have some time to myself. 1 I’m happy at college but sometimes (tęsknię za domem)
/5  .
2 Have you got a (pokój do wynajęcia)
3 (Szukam) 
a flat to rent for a few months.
4 (Dzielę pokój) 
at the moment but soon I’ll be on my own.
5 My brother (nigdy nie sprząta swojego pokoju)

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z języka angielskiego – poziom podstawowy
MiniMatura Rozdział 2 Grupa B


7 Przeczytaj tekst. Zdecyduj, które zdania (1–5) są zgodne 8 TRACK 03 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę Becky
z treścią tekstu (T), a które nie (F). i Chrisa. Odpowiedz na pytania (1–5). Zaznacz
znakiem (7) odpowiednią rubrykę w tabeli.
1 Finding a homestay flat to stay in Who… Chris Becky
can be difficult. 1 doesn’t like being on their own?
2 There are more flats available in 2 shares cleaning duties with someone
expensive cities than in other places. else?
3 Homestay flats are not so good for 3 justifies why they live in a certain
people who want to be right in the area?
centre of the city. 4 has suffered from homesickness in
4 Being in a homestay flat is just like the past?
living in someone’s home. 5 is thinking about leaving the country
5 The writer thinks that a lot of people one day?
will enjoy staying in a homestay flat.
Would you let a stranger stay in your house while you PISANIE
weren’t there? More and more people are doing just
that. Several companies now bring homeowners and 9 Wykonaj zadanie egzaminacyjne.
holidaymakers together. The homeowners want to earn Jesteś studentem/studentką. Twój kuzyn, który wybiera się
a bit of extra money. The holidaymakers get a cheap,
pleasant place to stay. The only difficulty is choosing na uniwersytet w przyszłym roku, napisał do ciebie z prośbą
where to go! o radę o to, gdzie najlepiej mieszkać w czasie studiów.
Napisz e-mail do kuzyna.
It works, although there are so many people offering flats
in unpopular locations that it must be difficult to make • Powiedz, co porabiałeś/aś ostatnio.
yours stand out from the crowd. Obviously, you have a • Opisz zalety i wady mieszkania w akademiku.
better chance of finding someone to rent your house • Porównaj mieszkanie w akademiku do wynajęcia
if you live in a nice area. Expensive cities are the best mieszkania do spółki z kimś.
especially as, often, there are fewer flats for people to
• Zaproponuj, żeby przyjechał do ciebie i zobaczył, jak
choose from. Take Venice for example. A hotel room can
easily cost €200 a night. A holiday apartment costs about wygląda miejsce, w którym mieszkasz.
the same. However, you can find a private flat for half the Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów.
price or less and many people are doing just that. Długość tekstu powinna wynosić od 80 do 130 słów.
Are there any problems? Well, the flats probably won’t
be in the most touristy parts of town. Don’t expect to
overlook St Mark’s Square. Residential areas can have Hi James,
their own advantages, though. The local shops are It was really good to get your email.
cheaper and public transport is better. They are probably
safer too, especially with all the neighbours watching 
you carefully!
Homestays are also more homely. You’re staying in 
someone’s actual home. His or her photos and souvenirs
will be everywhere. There will be books on the shelves

and food in the fridge. They might not have been
professionally cleaned. If you are worried by a bit of dirt,
perhaps you should pay for a hotel. If not, maybe next 
time you book up a holiday, you should try a homestay.
You may be pleasantly surprised. 

I hope you can come soon. Let me know.
All the best,


© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z języka angielskiego – poziom podstawowy

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