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Recruitment Vocabulary

1) An applicant (also: an application ; to apply for)

e.g. We have many applicants for this job, why should we choose you?

2) An assessment (also: to assess)

e.g. We must carry out a skills assessment of each candidate

3) A candidate
e.g. Each candidate will be called for interview in alphabetical order

4) A cover letter
e.g. If you are interested in this post, please send us a CV and a cover letter

5) A fixed-term contract
e.g. Teachers are in a precarious situation, employed on fixed-term contracts

6) A form/ application form

e.g. To apply for this post, please fill in the attached application form

7) A headhunter (also: to headhunt s.o/ to be headhunted)

e.g. I’ve been headhunted by several agencies already

8) An internship (also: an intern)

e.g. Many graduates today can only find employment as interns in large companies

9) An interviewee (also: interviewer / to interview s.o)

e.g. The interviewee had to answer questions from a panel of interviewers

10) knowledge (also: knowledgeable)

e.g. This candidate has specialist knowledge that will be invaluable for the company

11) manpower
e.g. The company does not have sufficient manpower to complete the project

12) A prospect
e.g. Employment prospects for young people without qualifications are very poor

13) A requirement
e.g. The job requirements are listed in the following job description

14) A resumé (also: cv / curriculum vitae)

e.g. It says here on your resumé that you worked for the TipTop Company

15) A skill (also: skilled)

e.g. Specialist computer skills are very much in demand in today’s job market

16) A strength (also : weakness)

e.g. Please tell me your major strength and your major weakness

17) A temp (also a verb and an adjective)

e.g. I’ve been temping with various temp agencies for two years

18) A vacancy
e.g. I’m sorry, but we have no vacancies for secretaries at present
Complete the diagram with the words from the vocabulary list called « Recruitment Vocabulary”

•c_____ l_______
•r________ (or cv)
•s______s / w________es

Recruiter •ass______t

•f_____-t_____ contract

• Job p______cts
• Application f_____
Job search • V______y
• i____________p

Choose the best translation

1- Syndicat
a) Work force
b) Law
c) Trade union
d) Clerk organization
2- Ancients élèves
a) Alumni
b) Ancient students
c) Formations
d) Executives
3- Mention
a) Proficient
b) Mention
c) Excellent
d) Honours
4- Heures supplémentaires
a) Overtime
b) Supplement hours
c) Required hours
d) Pass-time
5- Compétences
a) Perks
b) Tasks
c) Competitions
d) Skills
6- Congés
a) Left
b) Leave
c) Lessons
d) Leaving
7- Licencier
a) Lay on
b) Lay over
c) Lay out
d) Lay off
8- Poste
a) Post
b) Board
c) Position
d) Intern
9- Lettre de motivation
a) Cover letter
b) Motivation letter
c) Job letter
d) Willing letter
10- Interim
a) Intermediate
b) Intern
c) Stage
d) Temp
11- Atout
a) Asset
b) Stage
c) Element
d) Trait
12- Caritative
a) Carrier
b) Captive
c) Charity
d) Missionary
13- Datelimite
a) Time line
b) Ray line
c) Limit edge
d) Deadline
14- Cadre
a) Subordinate
b) Executive
c) Direction
d) Clerk
15- Moyenne de notes
a) GMI
b) GDA
c) GDP
d) GPA

16- Diplomé
a) Master
b) Graduate
c) Diplomat
d) University
17- Avantages (en nature)
a) Perks
b) Duties
c) Grades
d) References
18- Bourse d’étude
a) Study wallet
b) Study portfolio
c) Scholarship
d) Study purse
19- Informatique
a) IC
b) IT
c) IP
d) IF
20- Démissionner
a) Resign
b) Mention
c) Weaken
d) Dismiss

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