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Threepharm Online Store Pharmacy

Executive Summary
o Our Company selling drugs in website so everyone can buy online without come to
physical store.

Vision and Mission

• Vision
o Become the best pharmacy store in Indonesia
• Mission
o Help the people to find the right drugs store for illness people
o Provide all medicine for the people

Company Profile & Team

• IT
o Muhammad Ariq Muthi
• Finance
o Adhitya Melani
• HR
o Azzahra Kamila
• Marketing
o Naufal Yuliana Azhar Gunawan

Market Summary
• Target Market
o Limited Mobility Person, Busy Schedule Person, 16-55 years old people
• Competitor
o K24 (Apotek)
o Kimia Farma
o Prodia

• Problem
o Sometimes shipping costs are more expensive than wholesale prices
o More people trust physical store dan online store
• Strategy
o Add a shipping discount voucher to new customers
o Make the website interesting and interactive to the costumer and easy to use
Business Overview & Concept
o Our Company (PT. Healthcare, tbk) establish a online pharmacy store called Threepharm
to sell drugs to people.

Goal & Objective

• Goals
o Enhance costumes health & wellness
• Objective
o Increase costumer engagement through personalized health consultation with
our website

o We Take Profit About 10% from retail prices.

Risks & Rewards

• Risks
o Price competition with competitor
o People choose to the physical store than online store
o Price in physical store is lower than the online because shopping cost
• Rewards
o Provide educational materials about the medication, potential side effects, and
proper usage to the costumer
o Offer responsive customer support to address inquiries, concerns, and issues

Key Issues
o Sometimes costumer are lazy to filling required personal data form to our website.

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