ML Toc

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Machine Learning TOC

1. Introduction to Machine Learning (2 hours):

- Overview of machine learning concepts and applications.
- Understanding the workflow of a machine learning project.

2. Python Fundamentals (10 hours):

- Introduction to Python programming language and its syntax.
- Variables, data types, operators, loops, and conditional
- Working with functions, modules, and libraries in Python.
- Mini Project: Implement a simple calculator using Python.

3. Data Manipulation and Analysis (8 hours):

- Introduction to NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib libraries.
- Handling data structures like arrays, data frames, and series.
- Data cleaning, preprocessing, and feature engineering.
- Mini Project: Analyze and visualize a dataset using NumPy and

4. Supervised Learning Algorithms (15 hours):

- Linear Regression
- Logistic Regression
- Decision Trees and Random Forests
- Support Vector Machines (SVM)
- Mini Project: Build a house price prediction model using Linear

5. Unsupervised Learning Algorithms (8 hours):

- Clustering Techniques
- Dimensionality Reduction
- Mini Project: Perform customer segmentation using K-means

6. Model Evaluation and Validation (5 hours):

- Evaluation metrics and techniques
- Cross-validation and train-test split
- Handling imbalanced datasets
- Mini Project: Evaluate and compare classification models on a

7. Deployment and Real-World Applications (4 hours):

- Model conversion and deployment
- Major Project: Build a machine learning model for predicting
housing prices.

8. Capstone Project (8 hours):

- Apply machine learning techniques learned throughout the
curriculum to solve a real-world problem of your choice.
- Develop a complete end-to-end machine learning solution from
data preprocessing to model deployment.

Please note that the durations provided are approximate and can be
adjusted based on the complexity of the projects and the pace of
learning. The mini projects are designed to reinforce the concepts
learned in each topic, while the major project provides an
opportunity to apply the acquired skills to a real-world scenario.

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