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**Data Science Using Python - Beginner Level:**

1. Introduction to Data Science and Python (Duration: 2 hours)

- Assignment: Install Python and Jupyter Notebook, and execute basic Python

2. Python Basics (Duration: 6 hours)

- Assignment: Write Python code to solve basic math problems, string
manipulation, and control flow exercises.

3. Working with Data in Python (Duration: 8 hours)

- Mini Project: Analyze a small dataset using Pandas for data manipulation and
generate summary statistics.
- Assignment: Perform data cleaning on a real-world dataset, handling missing
values and outliers.

4. Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn (Duration: 6 hours)

- Mini Project: Create various plots (line, bar, scatter, histogram) to visualize
dataset distributions.
- Assignment: Customize visualizations to showcase insights effectively.

5. Introduction to Statistics for Data Science (Duration: 6 hours)

- Assignment: Perform hypothesis testing and calculate confidence intervals on
sample datasets.

6. Introduction to Machine Learning (Duration: 8 hours)

- Mini Project: Implement linear regression on a dataset and evaluate the model's
- Assignment: Explore different classification algorithms like Logistic Regression
and apply them to real datasets.

**Data Science Using Python - Intermediate Level:**

7. Advanced Data Manipulation with Pandas (Duration: 10 hours)

- Assignment: Merge and transform datasets, handle multiple data sources.

8. Data Visualization with Plotly and Seaborn (Duration: 8 hours)

- Mini Project: Create interactive visualizations using Plotly to understand complex
relationships in data.
- Assignment: Build a dashboard showcasing different types of visualizations for
various datasets.

9. Machine Learning Algorithms (Duration: 12 hours)

- Mini Project: Implement decision trees and evaluate their performance on a
- Assignment: Use SVM for binary classification and explore clustering algorithms
like K-Means.

10. Model Evaluation and Hyperparameter Tuning (Duration: 8 hours)

- Assignment: Perform cross-validation and hyperparameter tuning on machine
learning models.

11. Introduction to Power BI (Duration: 10 hours)

- Mini Project: Connect Power BI to a dataset, create visualizations, and build a
basic dashboard.
- Assignment: Use Power BI's DAX to create calculated columns and measures.

**Data Science Using Python - Advanced Level:**

12. Deep Learning with TensorFlow/Keras (Duration: 14 hours)

- Mini Project: Implement a neural network for image classification using
- Assignment: Explore transfer learning with pre-trained models.

13. Natural Language Processing (NLP) (Duration: 12 hours)

- Mini Project: Perform text preprocessing and sentiment analysis on a collection
of tweets.
- Assignment: Implement text classification using NLP techniques like TF-IDF and
Word Embeddings.

14. Time Series Analysis and Forecasting (Duration: 10 hours)

- Mini Project: Analyze historical stock price data, decompose time series, and
forecast future prices.
- Assignment: Apply ARIMA and seasonal models to predict sales for a retail

15. Advanced Data Visualization with Power BI (Duration: 12 hours)

- Mini Project: Create interactive Power BI dashboards with drill-through and
- Assignment: Use Power BI to visualize geographic data and create a map-based

16. Data Science Capstone Project (Duration: 20 hours)

- Final Project: Work on a substantial data science project from start to finish,
including data cleaning, exploration, modeling, and visualization.
- Project Presentation: Present the findings and insights from the capstone project
to the class.

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