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Critique Guidelines

• Observe the work…

o take some time to look at the work and think about what you’d like to say

• Think about the technical elements…

o is the image exposed properly?
o is it in focus?
o is it too grainy?

• Think about the compositional elements…

o what compositional elements are being used in this work?
o does the framing enhance or distract form the work?
o what does the composition make us feel as viewers?

• Think about the conceptual elements…

o what is this work about?
o is it telling a story?
o how does the work make you feel?
o do you find it interesting?
o does it make you want to ask questions?

• Other questions…
o does this work fulfil the project requirements?
o if there is an artist statement does the work seem to align with the

How to give feedback to your classmates…

• Everyone should be participating! Plan to share at least one comment for each
classmate’s work
• This should be an open-ended discussion carried on by the class, you don’t need
to raise your hand, just jump right in!
• Be respectful of your classmates work and ideas
• It is ok to disagree and have different options, just don’t be rude about it
• Try a compliment sandwich (give a compliment, then a critique, then end with
another compliment) example- I love the use of cool colors in your work, it really
amplifies the lonely feeling. I do think adding so much color has reduced the
contrast, making the photo feel flat, but overall, the mood of the image is very
• Your comments should be more in-depth than simply saying you like something-
why? Always back up your statements with examples from the work
• Feel free to ask the artist questions about their ideas and intentions
• Have fun! Critique is a great way to learn how to better your work and talk about
art in general

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