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Exhaust gas

cleaning system

Made by ship owners, for ship owners

The IMO Annex VI sulfur regulation calls for a 0.1% sulfur limit
in ECAs (Emission Control Areas) by 2015 and a worldwide limit
of 0.5% by 2020 or latest by 2025.

Approved ECAs include the Baltic, North Sea, English Channel and US and
Canadian coasts and inland waters.

Compliance may be sought through shifts to distillate fuels or gas fuels

(LNG or LPG). The most viable option however, is to continue operating large
bore, slow speed maritime machinery on Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) for which they
are designed, while removing the sulfur from the exhaust gas.

Such an exhaust gas cleaning process is mandated by IMO through Annex VI,
regulations 4 and 14.

A system complying with the IMO Guideline for Exhaust Gas Cleaning Sys-
tems (MEPC resolution 184(59)), will fulfill the requirements set for such
equipment installed onboard existing or newly built ships.

The major benefits of choosing an EGCS installation as a means of compli-
• A strong economic incentive caused by the considerable difference in fuel
IMO Timeline for reduction of sulfur in fuel price, makes the EGCS investment very profitable.
• A pay back time of 1-2 years is achievable.
• A lower CO2 foot print compared with distillate production and
• Requires only one fuel grade onboard.

Key features
• Unique high PM trapping – also no sulfate PM.
• One unit serves all your combustion units whether boilers or diesel
• Works totally independently of the combustion units it serves.
• Exhaust back pressure, and thereby the efficiency of the combustion units,
is not affected.
• Fits equally well on new build and existing ships.
• Both open (liquid one time through) and closed (liquid in recirculation)
modes of operation are offered.
• Simple operation principles, all well understood by maritime personnel.
• Standardized design for various size installations.

Clean Marine AS
P.O.Box 182 Skoyen
Clean Marine EGCS
With our Exhaust Gas Cleaning System, the maritime industry is
offered a flexible, simple and efficient solution.

Our system consists of four main components easily integrated into the ship
• The high speed liquid and gas interface unit.
• The liquid supply, cleaning and discharge unit.
• The gas and liquid monitoring system.
• The human interface and power supply unit.

The exhaust gas cleaning process is described by the following steps:
• The gas borns SO2 and other Particulate Matter (PM) is captured on the
surface of aqueous droplets injected into the gas stream.
• The base material in the aqueous solution converts the sulfur into
harmless sulfate.
• The aqueous solution is separated from the gas stream.
• The aqueous solution with the sulfate is checked and cleaned for Polycy-
clic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) before being discharged to sea.

• The combination of high speed fans and an Advanced Vortex Chamber
(AVC) allows us to operate with very small droplets in a forceful interac
tion with the gas stream:
• Smaller droplets create a larger interaction surface and thereby a higher
cleaning efficiency.
• High relative speed between droplets and gas improves the capturing ef
„More than 98% sulfur reduction and more
fect of both SO2 and PM.
• Operation with small droplets requires forceful separation offered by the than 80% PM reduction has been docu-
AVC. mented!“
• Caustic Soda (NaOH in a 50% aqueous solution) is used to boost the sulfur
to sulfate conversion process.

+47 2104 3311
Clean Marine is one of the pioneers within the maritime
EGCS (Exhaust gas cleaning system) industry.

Since 2004, Clean Marine has been in the forefront of the development and testing of EGCS (Exhaust Gas
Cleaning Systems). Over the years we have conducted hundreds of tests to develop our product not only
to capture SOX – but also to achieve high trapping of Particulate Matter (PM).

Clean Marine AS is staffed with personnel with solid backgrounds from the maritime and process indus-
tries and our sole business is maritime emission cleaning. Clean Marine is backed by strong investors
from both inside and outside the maritime industry.

At Clean Marine we have developed our product to be competitive, simple and easy to adapt – and we are
determined to contribute to a sustainable maritime industry.

CLEAN MARINE A/S PB 182 Skoyen - 0212 Oslo - NORWAY PHONE: (+47) 2104 3311 MAIL: POST@CLEANMARINE.NO

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