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The Legend of

The Gold Crown

Syracuse, Sicily, (then a Greek seaport, now part of Italy), 287 B.C.–212 B.C.

he Wise One. The One day, Hiero II asked Archimedes settled into it. As the
Master. The Great Archimedes to help him solve a water dripped, a realization
Geometer. These problem. Hiero II had hired a popped into the great
were a few of the nicknames goldsmith and had given him a mathematician’s mind: the water
given to the Greek block of gold weighing a he splashed out of the tub when
mathematician Archimedes, a specified amount to use to make he got in was equal to the
man who forgot to stop for a gold crown. When the crown volume taken up by his body.
meals when he was hard at was finished, Hiero II weighed it. At that moment, Archimedes
work on a mathematical It weighed the same as the gold knew he had the key to Hiero II’s
problem. He often gave block the king had given the dilemma. More water splashed
advice to the ruler of Sicily, goldsmith. Yet Hiero II had a on the floor as he leaped out of
King Hiero II, who was his sneaking feeling that the the tub and, without even
friend. goldsmith had cheated him and stopping to grab a towel, dashed
had used silver as well as gold in out of the house. He ran down
the crown–and kept the unused the street, shouting “Eureka!”
gold for himself. How could this which means “I have found it” in
be proved without spoiling the Greek. No doubt the citizens of
crown? Syracuse wondered what the
Archimedes mulled over the great mathematician had lost as
problem. It was still on his mind he bolted through the town. His
one day as he stepped into his mind, perhaps?
bathtub. Water splashed over the Luckily for us, Archimedes was
edge of the tub as quite sane, even though he was


and the Bathtub
forgetful about ordinary things
such as towels and clothes. But
what did the water in the 2,000 Years Later
bathtub have to do with
whether Hiero II’s crown was
pure gold or a mixture of silver
and gold?
M odern historians no
things wrong with
Nobody knows for
Archimedes ran th
te that there are so
the Archimedes st
sure whether
rough Syracuse na

ked, for one

Well, Archimedes knew that a thing. More importa
nt, the difference
piece of gold weighs more than amount of water di in the
splaced by a pure
a piece of silver the same size. and a silver gold cr go ld crown
own is so small th
According to legend, have been measure at it couldn’t
d using the tools th
Archimedes weighed the king’s in Archimedes’ tim at existed
e. Also, water wou
crown. Then he got a piece of objects as they w ld cling to
ere taken out, whi
distort the results. ch would
pure gold that weighed the But even if the stor
in its details, Arch y is wrong
same amount as the crown. He imedes’ principle
true for the past 2, ha s remained
placed the gold into a bowl of 000 years!
water, measured how much it
made the water rise, and took
the gold out.
Next, he put the crown into
the water and saw that it made
the water rise higher than the
piece of gold had. Why?
Because this crown was larger
than one made of pure gold.
The goldsmith had to make the
crown larger when he
FLOAT IT! Scientists today call Archimedes’ discovery the Archimedes
substituted silver for some of Principle. It states that an immersed object is “pushed up” or buoyed up
the gold so that it would weigh by a force equal to the mass of liquid it displaces. What does this mean?
the same as a pure gold crown. Liquids push up against the bottom of objects. This is buoyant force.
But the silver-gold crown took Objects float when the buoyant force of the liquid is greater than the
up more space in the bowl and weight of the object. A big and heavy object floats when the force of the
water pushing up against it is greater than its mass. Two objects can
made the water rise higher.
have the same mass, yet one might sink while the other one will float.
Because Archimedes took a This happens when one has the mass spread out more, taking up more
bath, the dishonest goldsmith space for the water to push against.
was now in hot water! To test this idea of buoyant force, get a piece of clay or play dough
about the size of a golf ball. Work it into different shapes, testing each
shape to see if it sinks or floats. What are you holding constant by using
the same ball of clay? What are you changing?


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