Chapter 10 Training in Sports

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_ _ -., .-- ____ • ·-,,·-" ·~,. - oirrerentiation -ability, reaction ability,.

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~•.r;-Actlve FleXlblllty: It ls performed witho ut e ability

an~. ~oupling ability are the various types of coordinative
external help or self~!Jlovement of a part of the ab1ht1es.

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Multiple c. They are simpre .to perform and do not require

Choice Que stion s coaching . _. . .

·4h ey develop both explosive strength and strength
QL The ability of body to overcomy;esis~ance c~~led: • ••-:1'endurance .. · . · · ·· _
. a. Endurance . . Strength •• _ Q7. ·.-.'......... is the ability·to perform sports ·movement
c. Speed d. Flexibility • '. • with the des_ired quality and speed under conditions

qz. Which of these is a type of strength? ..-r_ ·.:~-' .. ' ,..-.... . of fati g•ue.'. :'·, • • • •
a. Explosive strength • • • "'· ,, ~ndu raric ~ . .. b. Speed
/f(Passive strength • _ c. Flexibility • _ : -
t I ' ' I : )'. • )
_ d. Strength
• c. Strength endurance
• •

Q 8. Which of these is a type of endurance?

I •

d. Maximum strength
,. 1,

•• ·- : . · · a. Static . • _ .- b. Dynamic •
q3. If a muscle contracts and changes· its length to ':: • ,<.'specific · · • d. Relative
produce force, the contraction type is:· . (c&s£ 2020) . . . -
Q 9. Which of_these is a type of endurance onthe basls ol .
Aoto nic b. isometric· .duration of an activity?
·C: isokinetic • • d. None of these . a. General endurance b. Basic endurance
Q4. Plank is ari example of .............. exercise. 6pe ed endurance . d. $pecific endurance
a. isotonic b. isokinetic Q 10:·, Interval' training metho d ·Is based on the principle
&om etric d. None of these of:· • • • ••
Q5. lsoklnetic exercises were developed by: .-. a. overload • " ·•.; •• b. effoft .
a. Bikila b. Gosta Holmer - ~ffo ~ and recoverv : d. recovery •... •
• ' J • •

c. Nelson )Y."Perrine Q 11. Fartlek training was developed In:·. . . (CISE 2020)
Q6. Which of the following is an advantage of doing
• i,. ~we den · · _ - .• • ·b. USA
isokinetic exercise?
c. India • • • d. UK ,
a: They strengthen the muscles throughout their
range of motion Q 12. Interval training. method is a training of:
b. They can be performed anywhere and require no a. bones
.. .- . - ~ea rt . .
special equipment. • l~ngs . • . - d. Joints.· , - .
". __
112 I #AS'E4#t!Q CHAm1W1S1 o,an-...
Qn. CA): Lont-tlffll endurance Is "-cled IJOOI badminton players and designed a training •,• ...... FtlN..... I a..12I113
QJI. Which el these sports Ktlvltles Is - example of sporb adMtleS Lasting from 2 to 11 minutes_ i.
...... 1llnn endurance? , IC gramme, Dunng
• the trammg,
• ' he noted that few
...., (R): Sportl actfvitles such .. ffllrathon ~yers were good in defense but due to lack of
a. Marathon race b. 800 m race requlrt such type of endurance. • , '--. Type Ouestions
• ~teeple chase race d. 5000 m race Pndurance and strength, they were unable to play
q 24, AsMftion(A):FartlektrainlngmethodwasdM.i- . ep 10 the last moment. He used various methods to QL Dlflnl••-
QJA. Which el the fallowing Is • type of speed? bJGostl Holffler In 1930s. -•v..,,..
:nhaDce their endurance and strength. Ans. Strenstt, Is the ability cf a
a. Reaction abilltv ' Raason (R): Fartlek training method lays tftlnh_,
• muscles to - .___ or 1 9'aup
' ii ,.,..~ aplnst l'ISlstliict.
QL isotonic exercise helps In enhancing: .
, . b. locomotor ability
c. Acceleration ability
'" . A('Au of these
on both aerobic and anaerobic systems. ·r•.....

q25. Assertion (A): Reaction ability Is the ability to

effectMly and quickly to any action or slgnat_ 'llct
a. endurance •
_p1foth a. and b.
Q2. Define..,... ........
Ans. Explosive strength Is defined as :r•-:
overcome resistance by means of hWi . : - :Is a
QJS. Amllndan IUIIS . . lad ID l m p n M ~ ~ l J
d. None of the above Combination cf both 5trenath and speed.
Reason (R): Reaction ability is classifted Into Si ' Q3. What Is ....... llldurwt?
Q2. High·pressure over muscles can be seen In """--
a. strength ' b. endurance reaction ability and complex reaction ability. • exercises. Ans. Strength enckrance is defined as tht .t.111o..
speed • d. flexibility a. isometric -
. b. isotonic '
....... .
, ..ome resiStance -.,to
or to act llilnst reslstara
Q16. -ability Is Important In games and sports such ~ . ~ h a. and b. d. balUstic under Conditions of fatigue. It is used in iar.aclstanct
- sprint races. hockey and football.
Q(_.......... training method Is considered as the best races. swimming and cornbath,e sports.
. a. Reaction b. Locomotor L (b) Strength ffl!JhOd to develop endurance. Q4. Suggest ..,, two lsolllltrlc fr On n•:n
.,,<.interval b. Continuous
c. Mollement • /4celeratlon 2. (b) Passive strength c. Fartlek region. . fCIR»JS)
• d. Pace runs
Q17. The maximum range of movement of joints Is called: 3. (a) isotonic • Ans. Isometric exercises for shoulders are:

a. Strength ~ibility •
. 4. (C) Isometric
5. (d) Perrine
~, ... I Answers I • (i) Pushing against the wall
(ii) Holding push-up position.
c. Speed d Endurance . 6. (d) They develop both explosive strength and 1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (a)
Q5. What are isotDnlc e.rdses?
Q11. - ftexlblUty Is the ability to do mowements for strength endurance • ease Study 2 Ans. Isotonic exercises are those e>cerclses In whlcti
• a longer cliltala without external help. 7. (a) Endurance movements can be seen directly and wort is dane.
;A('ctive b. Reaction I. (c) Specific Length of the muscles Is Increased by lsotonlc
c. Passive d. CoupUng 9. (c) Speed endurance exercises. Running. jumping on the spat and -.,it
Q19. Which amongst these Is not a method to Improve JO. (c) effort and rec.overv training exercises are best examples of Isotonic
lL (a) Sweden Push ups exercises.
ftexlbftJty? (CISE5Qf2020-21J
'Frog jump
12. (b) heart Q6. Define endurance. (carW,»30J
a. Ballistic . b. Static stretching
13. (c) Steeple chase race Ans. Endurance is the abilitv to perform sportS
C. PNf /4rttek JA. (d) AU of these Hopping • movement with the desired quality and speed wlder
Q20. Which of these Is I type of coordiflltlw abilttJes? 15. (c) speed the condition of fatigue.
a.CoupUng b. Balance 16. (d) Acceleration Q7. Which method will you suggest to dl¥llop
'. Fast running endurance?
c. Orientation ~ofthese JJ. (b) FlexibiUty {Car»1')
11. (a) Active QL From the given picture, it is identified as ..._ __ Ans. The methods used to develop endlrance arr.
~Assertion and Reason training method.
19. (d) Fartlek (i) Continuous training method
Type Questions 20. (d) All of these
a. pace runs ,;IS:fartlek (ii) Interval training method
21. (c) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false. c. isometric d. isotonic (iii) Fartlek training method
Directions (Q.. Nos. 21-25): There are two statements 22. (c) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false. Q2. This training method was developed by: Q.. Define general endurara.
ma~ as ~rtion (A) and Reason (R). Read the statements 23. (d) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true. ,il<'Gosta Holmer b. Fartlek Ans. General endurance enables a sportspfflOn to
and the appropriate option from the options given • 24. (b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are c. Johnson d. Morgan perform different tvJ>eS of activities for a liq
below: but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation Q3. The above training method helps In inauslng the duration without getting excessively fatigued. These
a. Both Assertion (A). and Reason (R) are true and Assertion (A). activities may be aerobic or anaerobic in nabn.
Reason (R) Is the correct explanation of Assertion (A). 25. {b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are tnl& a. strength b. speed Q,. Define speed endurara In ..... fl ........
b. Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are truibut Reason but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation rl, ~durance d. flexibility
Ans. Speed endurance is the ability to mist fatigue In
(R) Is not the correct explanation of Assertion (A). Assertion (A). f Q4. In the above training method, ......... an
activities lasting up to 45 seconds. For mmpte.
400 msprint
c. Assertion (A) Is true. _but Reason (R) Is false.

..... Important role. • Q1D. What Is continuOUI tralnklg llllthocl1
d Assertion (A) Is false. but Reason (R) is true. ~ase Study Based a. support b. coach Ans. In this method of tralq. an activity is carried out
Q 2L Assertion (A): ExplosM strength Is. combination of Questions , c. guidance ~lf-discipllne with no break or pause In between for an extensM
strength Md speed abilities. ..
Reason (R): tt Is used In swimming, long distance Rud the
Case Study 1 > i Qs. Tht Sweetish word meaning~ play' 1s -·-··· period with low intensity. Cross CCMltJ'V race is the
best example of continuOUS trann8 method.
l a, cltius ~artlek
races Md cytllng ewnts. questions, following passage and answer tht ~ - Qll. list .,, two adwaltagll fl lnlllMl
c. pace d altius •
Q 22. Assertion (A):Wort Is not done In lsomelltcaerdses. method. '
Renon (R): These exercises . . pelformed on
spedally deslgnld machines.
:;:;;.Gapiclw,d is • renowned badminton
0 be started his academy, he selected
..JOltj . _ l (b)
I An•-~ I
2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (b)
• AM. Two advantageS of lntlrYal tralrq method are as

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