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Learning Outcome:

At the end of this session, you will be able to

elaborate a three-paragraph text and give an oral
presentation about international charities in

In this unit, students will give an oral

presentation about international charities
as a team, for which you will review the
readings provided and additional

Reading and listening


Writing Workshop

Speaking Wrokshop

Elaboration of the three-

paragraph text

Oral Presentation
Reading and listening research
Reading and listening resources

✓ You must choose two of the charities. Read and watch the resources given on ADDITIONAL MATERIAL
WEEK 14 about the charities you chose.
Writing Workshop
Let’s remember

Which are the 3 parts of

the paragraph?
Paragraph structure
Paragraph structure

Writing a good three-

paragraph text
What do we need? 180 – 220

In groups, choose 3 charities from the ones given and use the resources.

✓ P1: Charity 1 ✓ P2: Charity 2 ✓ P3: Charity 3

Paragraph 1: Charity 1

➢ Topic sentence
→ Write the main idea of the charity 1.

➢ 2 or 3 supporting sentences
→ Make reference to the sources given for this charity. For example:
According to the Discover More Youtube channel, …
As WWF Webpage published,…

➢ Concluding sentence
→ Paraphrase the topic sentence and give a recommendation.
Paragraph 2: Charity 2

➢ Topic sentence
→ Write the main idea of the charity 2.

➢ 2 or 3 supporting sentences
→ Make reference to the sources given for this charity. For example:
According to the Discover More Youtube channel, …
As WWF Webpage published,…

➢ Concluding sentence
→ Paraphrase the topic sentence and give a recommendation.
Paragraph 3: Charity 3

➢ Topic sentence
→ Write the main idea of the charity 3.

➢ 2 or 3 supporting sentences
→ Make reference to the sources given for this charity. For example:
According to the Discover More Youtube channel, …
As WWF Webpage published,…

➢ Concluding sentence
→ Paraphrase the topic sentence and give a recommendation.
Structure of a three-paragraph text

__________________________. ______________________________________
P1: Charity 1 _________________________________.________________________________

____________________. ____________________________________________
P2: Charity 2 _________________________________.________________________________

____________________. ____________________________________________
P3: Charity 3 _________________________________.________________________________
What to consider for the writing?

• The text will be written in groups of 5 (COLLABORATIVE WORK).

• Text around 180-220 words.
• Include names of group members and their roles.
• Everybody is responsible for doing the proofreading.
• Check that your writing complies with the rubric criteria.
• The note-taker is responsible for uploading the Writing task on Canvas.
• The text will be submitted by Turnitin (no more than 30%).

These paragraphs will be done in groups in our zoom session!

Collaborative work – Groups of 5

Remember! For Product 2, we are working in groups of 5 students: leader, note taker, time
keeper and 2 monitors. ALL STUDENTS ARE PRESENTERS.
Rubrics for the writing (Three-paragraph Text)

Criteria 4pts 3pts 2 pts 1 pts 0 pts

Outstanding Strong Fair Needs improvement Cannot be assessed
Almost all the
All requested
requested information Students did not do the
information is complete Not all information is
Task completion is complete and kept in Not all the information is task as requested.
and kept in a logical relevant for the topic
a logical sequence. relevant. The topic is not Information is not relevant
(Evaluated as a group) sequence. There are 3 There are 3 paragraphs
but it is in a logical
well-focused. and not kept in a logical
paragraphs (one source sequence.
(one source per sequence
per paragraph).
Severe grammar
One to five grammar problems interfere greatly
Language and Correct use of structures Six to ten grammar or
or vocabulary mistakes. Sentences are with the message; reader
vocabulary and a good range of vocabulary mistakes.
Although they do not incomplete. Little use of can’t understand what the
vocabulary according to Some of them break
impede vocabulary for the task. writer is trying to say
(Evaluated as a group) the level. down communication.
communication. Almost no use of
vocabulary for the level.
Complies with almost Complies with some
Complies with few of the
Complies with all the all the requirements for of the requirements for
requirements for the type Doesn´t comply with
requirements for the type the type of text. Some the type of text. Some
Layouth and length of text. Information is not more than 75% of the
of text. information is not in information is not in
in the required format. requirements for the type
(Evaluated as a group) the required format. the required format.
Appropriate number of of text.
Too many or too few
words. Appropriate number Too many or too few
of words. words.
Rubrics for the writing (Three-paragraph Text)

Criteria 4pts 3pts 2 pts 1 pts 0 pts

Outstanding Strong Fair Needs improvement Cannot be assessed
One or three spelling Four or five spelling More than eight spelling
Mechanics No spelling or Six to eight spelling or or punctuation errors. No
or punctuation errors. or punctuation errors. A
punctuation errors. Good punctuation errors. use of connectors.
Many connectors are few connectors are
(Evaluated as a group) use of connectors. Limited use of connectors
used. used. .
The student was
The student didn’t Student participates only
Collaborative work The student participates present but was absent
participate much in the session of the
during the sessions before in some moments Student didn’t
(Evaluated during the sessions submission of the task.
the submission of the during the sessions participate.
before the submission
individually) Writing Task before the submission
of the Writing Task.
of the Writing Task.
Speaking Workshop
Your presentation

The oral presentation will be given in groups in our zoom session!

First speaker: 2-3 minutes

• Greet and welcome the audience.

• Introduce the members of the group and explain the
• Mention the definition of charity and introduce the
topic international charities.
• Mention the names of the charities that you chose.
• Mention the members of the group experiences with
these charities.
• Introduce the second speaker.
Second speaker: 2-3 minutes

Sources of Charity 1:
Mention the reference. For example:
-According to the Discover More Youtube channel, …
-As WWF Webpage published,…

✓ Explain and support your statements about this charity (based on the
sources given).
✓ Introduce the third speaker.
Third speaker: 2-3 minutes

Sources of Charity 2:
Mention the reference. For example:
-According to the Discover More Youtube channel, …
-As WWF Webpage published,…

✓ Explain and support your statements about this charity (based on the
sources given).
✓ Introduce the fourth speaker.
Fourth speaker: 2-3 minutes

Sources of Charity 3:
Mention the reference. For example:
-According to the Discover More Youtube channel, …
-As WWF Webpage published,…

✓ Explain and support your statements about this charity (based on the
sources given).
✓ Introduce the fifth speaker.
Fifth speaker: 2-3 minutes

✓ Conclude making a summary of everything mentioned.

✓ Share each member’s experience about working on this Product (writing
task + speaking task).
✓ Give recommendations or reflections about the charities mentioned.
✓ Thank the audience when it’s over.
Before your oral presentation
During your autonomous learning hours:

• The leader organizes a meeting in Zoom to practice for the oral

1 presentation.

• Work collaboratively and give the necessary feedback among you.


3 • It is advisable to record your presentation for self and peer correction.

• Check your internet connection and test your audio and video

5 • Remember! You are not allowed to read.

During your oral presentation:

• Have a positive attitude.


• Engage the audience and keep them motivated.


• Be careful with grammar and vocabulary issues and use the correct intonation.

• Show and appropriate body movements and face gestures.


• Show commitment towards the topic.


• Don’t forget to smile.


• Remember, this is an oral presentation. Don’t read!

Keep in mind!

• Number of slides: 6-10 slides.

• Use pictures! Visuals should be bright, clear and simple.
• Use clue words or simple phrases (Don’t write paragraphs!).
• Don’t read from your slides.

• Your presentation should last 10-15 minutes per group. After this
time, you’ll be asked to stop .
Collaborative work – Groups of 5

Remember! For Product 2, we are working in groups of 5 students: leader, note taker, time
keeper and 2 monitors. ALL STUDENTS ARE PRESENTERS.
Rubrics for the oral presentation (Individual evaluation)

Criteria 4pts 3pts 2 pts 1 pts 0 pts

Outstanding Good Acceptable Needs improvement Cannot be assessed
Uses some Uses vocabulary and
Student does NOT use
Uses vocabulary and vocabulary and grammar structures
vocabulary and grammar Vocabulary is not
grammar structures grammar structures practiced in Units 1-6,
Grammar and structures practiced in appropriate for the topic.
practiced in Units 1-6. Uses practiced in Units 1-6. but with some
vocabulary Vocabulary learned in the Uses some Vocabulary mistakes that don't
Units 1-6. There are some All his/her sentences
mistakes that impede contain mistakes.
research about the topic. learned in the research impede
about the topic. communication.
Is intelligible.
Is intelligible. Intonation
Intonation is generally Is mostly intelligible
is generally appropriate. is NOT intelligible,
appropriate. Sentence and has some control
Sentence and word stress Is sometimes intelligible, his/her intonation is NOT
and word stress is of phonological
Pronunciation is generally accurately limited control of appropriate and sentence
sometimes accurately features at both
placed. Individual sounds phonological features. and word stress are NOT
placed. Individual utterance and word
are generally articulated accurately placed.
sounds are sometimes levels.
articulated clearly.
Produces extended
stretches of language Produces extended Produces sentences
Produces responses The student does NOT
despite some hesitation. stretches of language that are extended
which are characterised by produce extended
Fluency Uses a range of cohesive despite some beyond short phrases,
short phrases and stretches of language
devices. hesitation. Uses some despite hesitation. Uses
frequent hesitation. using cohesive devices.
cohesive devices. basic cohesive devices.
Rubrics for the oral presentation (Individual evaluation)

Criteria 4pts 3pts 2 pts 1 pts 0 pts

Outstanding Good Acceptable Needs improvement Cannot be assessed
Uses body language and Uses body language Uses some body
Doesn't use body
gestures. Keeps eye and gestures. Tries to language and gestures. Doesn't use body
Body language and language (or just too little).
contact during the Keep eye contact Only makes eye language. He/she does
engaging you There just few moment
speech. Smiles and talk during the speech. contact in few NOT make eye contact. He
audience he/she makes eye contact.
enthuasiastically when Smiles in some moments.. Student does NOT look friendly.
He does NOT look friendly.
appropriate. moments. does NOT look friendly.
The speech is always
organized sequentially. The speech is organized
The student can not
All members sequentially. Members
present an organized
Organization and participate in the participate and fulfil the
speech. Members don’t
collaborative work discussion and fulfil the roles given during the
participate nor fulfil the
roles given during the elaboration of the
roles given.
elaboration of the PRODUCT.

Visuals are bright and Slides full of pictures and

Using presentation clear. Slides full of only clue words. Visuals are not clear.
slides pictures and only clue Visuals are not bright There are no pictures.
words. and clear.
Let’s reflect...

What have we learned today?

Be ready for our Zoom session…

1. Read the “Guidelines for Product 2” document carefully.

2. Choose two of the international charities. Then watch and read the
sources given in the additional material about those charities.
3. Check the “CONTENT PRESENTATION WEEK 14” document. Analyze
the information.
4. Be ready to discuss and work with your groups in our Zoom sessions!

You can do it!


• Hughes, J. & Milner, M. (2019). World of English 1. National Geographic

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