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1.Morgan has a stamp collection. When morgan is bored he collects stamps

2.Erica loves to cook. When erica is bored,she cooks

3.Michelle calls her boyfriend. When Michelle is bored,she calls her boyfriend

4.My mother writes letters. When my mother is bored she writes letters.

5.Devon drives around town. When devon is bored,he drives around town.

1) If i have six sons, I will probably be exhausted.

2) If I travel to antartica,I will not be very happy

3) If i become famous, I will start a my own social media page.

4. If I go to jail, I will definitely be prepared to survive

1.When you arrive in Miami, you will have to take a bus to get to your house

2.Welcome to my house,If you get hungry you can ask me to bring you some food.

3.Don't get upset if I go out and you won't

1.I would love to come if I wasn't so busy

2.Tell him I am sorry that I can't help him. If I had the money, I would lend it to him.

3.I live in Campodimele,Italy. If i lived in Miami, I would study there.

Jane Atanasoski I-6

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