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Cover Art: Sam Manley

Art: Sam Manley

Senior Producer: Tim Huckelbery

Producer: Cat Evans

Writing & Game Design: Martin Lloyd

Graphic Design & Layout: Rory McCormack

Editor: Tim Cox

Proofreader: Tim Cox

Cubicle 7 Business Support: Tracey Bourke, Anthony Burke, Elaine Connolly,

Andrena Hogen, Donna King, Kieran Murphy and Cian Whelan

Cubicle 7 Creative Team: Dave Allen, Emmet Byrne, David F. Chapman, Walt Ciechanowski, Tim
Cox, Zak Dale-Clutterbuck, Cat Evans, Runesael Flynn, Ben Fuller, Tim Huckelbery, Dániel Kovács,
Elaine Lithgow, TS Luikart, Rachael Macken, Rory McCormack, Dominic McDowall, Sam Manley,
Pádraig Murphy, Ceíre O’Donoghue, JG O’Donoghue, Síne Quinn, and Christopher Walz

Publisher: Dominic McDowall

Special thanks to the Games Workshop team.

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Last Updated September 8th 2021



Introduction...................................4 Conditions.................................15 Leaving the Palace....................21

Adventure Summary...................4 Encounters................................15 Profiles for Part Four.................21
Background................................4 Peristaltic Waves.......................16 Resolution.................................22
The Adventure............................5 Bile Duct...................................16 Awarding XP ............................22
Hammer of the Inquisition ............ Polyp Farm................................16
Running this Adventure..............5
Adventure Structure....................5
The Scions..................................6
Rivers of Blood.........................17
The Fruits of Nurgle..................17
Wandering Monstrosities..........17
Psykers.......................................6 Lord Van Staten & Festerbrax,
Corruption...................................6 the Palace of Flesh....................18
The Tora Armis Insurrection.......6 Profiles for Part Three...............18 The Deadly Battlefield...............22
Taskforce Endless Struggle..........6 Nurglings..................................19 Calling for Support....................23
. Lord van Staten........................20 Battlefield Ruin.........................24



Beyond The Martyr's Passage.....9
Approaching the Gates................9
Taking the Courtyard................10
The Desecrated Chapel..............11
Nobility Brought Low................11
Profiles For Part One.................13

Exploring the Palace.................13
The Family Chambers...............14
Reporting In..............................14
Medical Chambers.....................14
Profiles For Part Two.................15

INTRODUCTION After this adventure, the characters could go on to

perform other missions for the Inquisition within the
Gilead sector. Your players might also like to play
Lord of the Spire places the Agents in an Inquisition- through one of the other adventures in this series
sanctioned team with orders to purge the Chaos- (The Bloody Gates, On the Wings of Valkyries, or
infested palace of Lord van Staten and recover what Affliction Ascendant) with suitable characters, and
intelligence they can. Will they learn the origins and join the fight for Tora Armis at Tier 1, 2, or 4.
goal of the heresy, or will the palace devour them?
This adventure is suitable for Tier 3 characters with
the IMPERIUM Keyword. The adventure takes place SUMMARY
within a corrupted palace during the fight for Tora
Armis, suiting it to agents with a military calling or an Background
Inquisition background. The heresy that has gripped the spire of Tora Armis
began with the corruption of its ruler, Lord van Staten.
The agents are operating on behalf of the Inquisition When the Cicatrix Maledictum isolated the Gilead
and have been given command of a platoon of System from the rest of the Imperium, van Staten
Tempestus Scions to support them. Players could feared it signified the death of the Emperor. He tried
portray a squad of Space Marines or Crusaders, but to put his doubts aside, but soon a voice in his dreams
a mixed group of Tier 3 archetypes also makes sense. began to tell him of the Emperor’s coming resurrection
and the role he could play in it.
The Adventure
MORBID HERESIES Part 1 — Into the
Teeth of Chaos INTO THE TEETH
The Inquisition in the Gilead System refers to The Agents deal with the mutated palace gates, storm OF CHAOS
heresies that revolve around the death of the the courtyard, and discover a very unusual chapel.
Emperor as Theothanatalogical Heresies. In DOWN THE
the aftermath of the Cicatrix Maledictum, they Part 2 — Down the Gullet GULLET

have proliferated across the Gilead System. The Agents explore van Staten’s living quarters. They
find his family and evidence of a significant food FLESH
distribution program.
Creeping from the hidden depths of Gilead Primus, Part 3 — The Palace of Flesh
two heretical cultists came to meet van Staten. The Beneath the dwelling quarters, the palace has become THE DEADLY
visitors helped van Staten convince those around him a nightmare labyrinth of daemonic flesh. The Agents
of the truth of his visions. The mutants introduced his must fight their way through to find van Staten and, if
family to new forms of worship and planted what they they can, destroy him.
called ‘seeds of rebirth’ throughout the palace. Donzael
and Faux preached their scripture to the citizens of Part 4 — Last Exit
the spire, gradually drowning out the voices of the Unceremoniously evacuated from the palace, the
orthodox Imperial Cult. Agents witness Putradyne Corporis setting out for the
site of his ascension. Can they learn his destination
Ninety days ago, van Staten gave the order to seal the and relay the coordinates to HQ, or will they fail at
spire. Those in authority who had not joined in the the last?
heresy were murdered or imprisoned. With the spire
cut off from the outside world, food rapidly became Hammer of the
scarce, but the visiting heretics offered a solution. The Inquisition Framework
seeds of rebirth had grown and bloomed, yielding fruit As soon as van Staten sealed Tora Armis, Inquisitor
sufficient to feed the population. Tytrona Dikaisune (Forsaken System, page 74)
suspected burgeoning heresy within. While the Astra
Van Staten's heresies have called a daemon named Militarum assembled Taskforce Endless Struggle, she
Festerbrax into the palace, and the fruits of corruption prepared a small team to gather intelligence as to
are spreading an infection through the hive that what, exactly, happened and eradicate any especially
will eventually turn almost its entire population into dangerous foes. She has agreed to deploy this force
Poxwalkers. If you have played The Bloody Gates or in support of General Hacker in situations where
On the Wings of Valkyries, your players have already ordinary troops might be susceptible to corruption or
seen the beginning of this process. not capable enough to succeed.

The root of the problem is Putradyne Corporis, leader RUNNING THIS

of the Rotting Shroud warband of Death Guard
Chaos Space Marines. After millennia of exceptional ADVENTURE
service to the Lord of Decay, Corporis is on the verge
of apotheosis to a Daemon Prince. He plans to bring Adventure Structure
about the destruction of Tora Armis and the besieging After the Agents receive their orders and equipment,
forces as a final sacrifice to Nurgle, for which he they are largely on their own, trusted to operate on their
hopes to gain the reward of eternal life. Corporis’ own initiative. The Lord of the Spire is a role-playing
fate is determined in the upcoming Tier 4 adventure scenario set in a battle. There’s plenty of combat, but
Affliction Ascendant. there should be plenty of social interaction as well.
Keep the tempo high and impress the confusion and
madness of the situation on the players. Be sure to
read the whole adventure before playing.
Tier Framework Typical characters Typical enemies
3 You are a battlefield force serving the Any Imperial The forces of Chaos,
Inquisition. Investigate the origins of the Tora heretics, and traitors.
Armis heresy as battle rages around you.
At the GM’s discretion, receive an extra dice
when seeking to uncover the secrets of Chaos.

The Scions
The party begins in command of 30 Tempestus Scions. THE TORA ARMIS
With the exception of the fight for the courtyard (see
page 10), the Scions only take action on behalf of the INSURRECTION
party if the Agents spend Glory for that purpose (see
Calling for Support on page 23). Otherwise they Tora Armis is a minor spire located on the equator of
provide background action. When combat breaks out, the hive world Gilead Primus (Wrath & Glory, page
if there are no direct instructions in the adventure, 304). Three months ago the ruling van Staten family
assume that the Scions are busy dealing with additional reported food riots and then fell silent. Eighty-seven
foes. For instance in the Polyp Farm encounter (see days after contact was lost, Imperial forces launched
page 16), the Agents deal with Nurgling Mobs. While an attack to retake the spire. The assault is now into
they’re doing that, the Scions face yet more Nurglings, its second day and the Gravediggers Penal Brigade,
and so cannot intervene on the Agents’ behalf unless backed by Leman Russ tanks, has succeeded in
the players spend Glory to have them do so. breaching the main gates of Tora Armis. Armoured
columns have pushed into the spire to destroy the
Psykers remaining rebels. Frontline regiments have reported
As soon as the Agents cross the threshold of the palace, evidence of widespread heresy within the spire, and a
they’re deep in the figurative bowels of daemonic handful of encounters with opponents openly pledged
corruption. Festerbrax’s influence presses upon them, to the dark gods.

Taskforce Endless
tainting the palace and everyone in it to their cores.
This is not a great place for psykers to be. Any Psychic
Mastery Tests the Agents make within the palace count Struggle
as Unbound (Wrath & Glory, page 260). A psyker Taskforce Endless Struggle was dispatched by
cannot help but sense a mass of Warp energy gathered Archdominus Aexekra Vakuul to bring the rebellious
around the palace, even without any effort. spire back under control. It comprises mechanised and
artillery regiments of the Gravediggers, with support
Festerbrax attempts to influence psykers inside the from the Order of the Sanctified Shield, the Tech-Priests
palace. As well as their use in opening more Warp rifts of Avachrus, and an airborne company of Tempestus
and admitting more daemons into Tora Armis, he finds Scions. Commanding the taskforce is General Hacker
it entertaining to pollute their minds. Festerbrax drops of the Astra Militarum, who has contact with the
in uninvited as a wet, mental voice. He inquires after battle cruiser Fury’s Blade of the Absolvers chapter.
their health, cautions them to be careful, and invites Aboard the ship are 15 battle-brothers available for
them to spend the rest of their lives dwelling inside his rapid deployment (if any of the Agents are Space
corrupt munificence. Any psyker can use Psyniscience Marines, this is where they were prior to arriving on
to initiate communication with Festerbrax. Festerbrax the battlefield).
is always happy to talk, but willingly conversing with
a daemon requires a DN 5 Corruption Test.

Plunging into a daemonic palace to face down the
forces of Chaos involves a lot of Corruption Tests.
Characters might emerge from the palace so afflicted
6 with the taint of Chaos that they must retire from play.














CHAOS This adventure features the horrors of warfare,
Chaos corruption, and mutation. This is normal
fare for Warhammer 40,000, but check that
your players are comfortable with these themes
Van Staten’s palace is the last bastion of the and change the adventure to suit their tastes.
heretics. Crack it open with blood and steel.

Agents can opt to carry this equipment themselves or Four Melta Bombs: These can be thrown as normal
entrust it to the Scions. grenades, but also have magnetic clamps that easily
secure to any metallic surface. The Melta Bombs have
Two Avachrus Pattern Las-Cutters: These locally timers and can be set to detonate between one second
manufactured tools were once exported throughout the and one hundred hours after activation. Deactivating a
Imperium and are still an essential tool for industries in Melta Bomb timer takes 1 round.
the Gilead System. They are heavy and unwieldy, but
will cut through almost anything and in an emergency One Auspex: See page 237 of Wrath & Glory.
can be used as firearms or melee weapons.


Name Damage ED AP Range Salv Traits Value Rarity Keywords

Las-Cutter 6 1 -2 2/4/6 0 Heavy(5) 4 Common IMPERIUM, LAS



Name Damage ED AP Range Salv Traits Value Rarity Keywords

Melta Bomb 16 4 −4 Sx2, — Blast (4) 5 3 EXPLOSIVE,


*Las-Cutters are nothing like pistols. They are,

however, extremely effective weapons when used
either at extremely short range or in close combat. The
Pistol trait best reflects this.

BEYOND THE Approaching the Gates
Wrecked bunkers and barricades litter the route to the
MARTYR'S PASSAGE gates. Bodies are strewn throughout the space, many
fallen heretics openly displaying icons of the Ruinous
After giving the players their orders (see dataslate on Powers on their uniforms. The air smells of metal and INTO THE TEETH
page 7), read or paraphrase the following: burned flesh. OF CHAOS

As your Inquisition-supplied Rhino rumbles through Gibbets have been erected at intervals along the DOWN THE
the broken gates of Tora Armis, you briefly glimpse corridor. All contain corpses, some dead from disease,
members of the Gravediggers’ Penal Brigade preparing starvation, or the fighting. Others have been recently
a perimeter. As you head deeper into the spire, the executed; each single entry wound a testament to FLESH
armoured hull of your transport crushes hastily erected Commissar Travers' efficiency. One miserable heap
barricades beneath its treads. Smoke pours from the of rags in a tattered Enforcer’s uniform stirs at the LAST EXIT
buildings around you, barely muffling the ceaseless commotion of the Agents’ arrival.
crackle of small-arms fire and the shouts of soldiers. THE DEADLY
The rebels lack the firepower to control the streets, but Jorum Quin has been playing dead, and he’s in such
they’re fighting tooth and nail for the hab-blocks. a miserable state that no one inspected him closely.
His mind has broken after months of suffering and
Above the din you hear an unexpected sound. It seems captivity. He tells anyone who talks to him whatever
like every shrine, chapel, and cathedral in the spire is he thinks they want to hear in military jargon.
ringing its bells. He describes the palace as being defended by ‘a
company of highly motivated light infantry’, ‘prepared
Lord van Staten’s palace is deep within the spire. The emplacements with remotely detonated mines’, ‘static
only entrance is through the 500-metre-long Martyr’s positions layered for mutual support’, and so on. It’s all
Passage. Once, this broad corridor was lined with nonsense, intended to persuade the Agents to get Quin
statues of Imperial saints; now, it’s a slaughterhouse. out of the cage and take him with them as a guide.
The marble paving is slick with blood after heretics
and the Gravediggers fought a furious battle along its If Quin accompanies the Agents he continues making
length. Two wrecked Chimeras and dozens of bodies up ‘helpful’ intel, becoming increasingly desperate
are testimony to the ferocity of the resistance. when it's wrong. Accurately assessing Quin’s reliability
requires a DN 5 Insight Test.
A pair of Imperial officers — a Commissar and a
Tempestus Scion — await you at the entrance to the
passage. The Commissar greets you: ‘I am Commissar
Travers, and this is Captain Reeves.’ The two men’s
uniforms are stained and burned. It’s clear both have
been through heavy fighting already today. Reeves
gestures to thirty Tempestus Scions waiting in cover.
‘We’ve been ordered to support you any way we can.
We move on your signal.’

‘Take a look,’ Travers gestures down the corridor. The

gates are half a kilometre away, and between you and
them are a handful of suspended cages — gibbets in
which a few prisoners slump, deceased. ‘We got as far
as the gates before I gave the order to pull back. You
can’t tell from here,’ he makes the sign of the Aquila,
‘But those gates are alive.’

Captain Reeves waves his men to their feet. ‘Just give

us the word.’
What do you do?
The Gates Taking the Courtyard
The living gates are six metres wide and four metres With the gates breached, the courtyard beyond
high. They are a mottled black colour, and glisten becomes visible. So does the figure entering the palace
with moisture. In some places there are bristles, and on the far side, whose rusting, bulky armour identifies
in others human teeth emerge from the fleshy surface. him as a Chaos Space Marine.
A horizontal split through the middle suggests an
opening. The gates ripple, purse, and attempt to suck The open space is thirty metres across and three
in anything that touches them, aided by a vast growth stories high, all overlooked by windows. The marble
that emerges from the split to attack anything that tiling has been dug up to create barricades and
comes within four metres. trenches. Everything is quiet. One of the Scions says
what everyone’s thinking: ‘That’s a death trap.’
The gates form an obstacle three metres thick. They
have the following attacks: The remaining defenders are tough, but they lost a
lot of their number in the fight for Martyrs’ Passage,
u Tentacular Tongue attacks with a pool of 9 dice: and they didn’t have much heavy weaponry to start
8 +4 ED / AP –2 /Range 4 (melee). Anyone hit with. The core of the palace guard are equipped like
must make a Scions, with Carapace Armour and Hot-Shot Lasguns,
but lack the training to complement their equipment.
u test or be dragged into the maw. They are backed up by a band of Enforcers with Shock
Mauls and Combat Shotguns, and led by a fallen priest
u Daemonic Maw attacks anyone close to the gates wielding an Eviscerator.
(pool of 5 dice), or automatically hits anyone
dragged by the tongue: 10 +4 ED / AP - / Brutal. The defenders have a number of nasty tricks
prepared. The GM can (and should) spend Ruin on
The gates have a Resilience of 11 and 20 wounds. snipers, shock grenades, and hurled masonry (see
Once slain, the fleshy mass continues to block the page 23 for Battlefield Ruin). As the fight concludes,
entrance until cut through. A Melta Bomb will do it becomes clear that the defence was directed by
that job quickly, while a las-cutter will take about someone with plenty of battlefield experience.
five minutes. Encountering the gates requires a DN The courtyard is held by:
4 Corruption Test. Increase the DN to 6 for anyone
mauled by the Daemonic Maw. u 40 Palace Guard organised into Mobs of ten and
dug into bunkers behind razor wire. Each Mob has
Once the Agents open the gates, they can launch their a Storm Bolter mounted on a tripod.
attack on the palace courtyard.
u 20 Cultists adding fire from the buildings, and
organised into two Mobs of ten. They try to drive
the attackers away from the bunkers.

u 10 Enforcers split into two Mobs of five. They
rush into combat at the first opportunity, looking
There’s no reason the party can’t simply form a to target anyone lacking a melee weapon.
firing line at a safe distance and obliterate the
gates from there, or order the Tempestus Scions Deacon Magnus Sacerdos, a fervent believer in van
to do so. It takes a few minutes, but it works. Staten’s heresy, is in command.

The Palace Guard squads split their fire. Two operate

each Storm Bolter. They focus on armoured targets.
The remaining eight fire as groups of four. The Storm
Bolters fire with a pool of 9 dice and the Hot-Shot
Lasguns with 11. Each round, a number of Mobs
equal to the number of Agents attack. The remainder
10 engage the Scions.
Leading the Scions Also in the chapel are two bells. The first was clearly
The Agents are backed up by 30 scions led by Captain the original. It is made of bronze and is about a meter
Reeves. Allow whichever PC has taken command to high. It has been cut down and dumped in the corner. It
make a DN 4 Leadership (Wil) Test on their Turn. On was once adorned with Imperial iconography, but this
a success, the Scions destroy a Mob of heretics. Each has been melted with laser fire. The second ‘bell’ is a INTO THE TEETH
Shift destroys an additional Mob. Each dice that does trio of massive, fleshy appendages that have grown OF CHAOS
not score an Icon represents one Scion either killed or from the ceiling and swing gently from side to side.
seriously injured (and out of action). Whenever the appendages collide, a reverberating DOWN THE
sound rings out.
u On a Critical Hit, ignore any casualties caused by
the roll. As soon as the Agents enter the chapel, a booming, FLESH
jocular voice addresses them. Its timbre is reminiscent
u On a Complication, five Scions are lost. of the bells, but it speaks directly into their minds. LAST EXIT

An Agent with very high Leadership, such as a ‘Welcome, welcome, my little morsels. Such delightful, THE DEADLY
Commissar, can turn this extended fight into a brief squirming, tender excrescences. You will find your
slaughter. That’s fine. Let the Agents lead the Scions sojourn here… fruitful. Yes, of course, your masters
to glory and feel briefly in control of the situation, but have dispatched you on a mission of death, for it’s all
consider beefing up some of the later encounters. their small mortal minds can comprehend, but death
is not the end. Look upon the courtyard. Each of the
After the fight, one character can attempt a DN 3 corpses you made is bursting with life, a fertile home
Medicae (Int) Test. A success restores one Scion to for my offspring. Even in death, there is life, and it is
the fight, with each Shift restoring one more. glorious and fecund. First they’ll make a wonderful
home for flies and maggots, and then for my more
A Charging Rhino uncommon children. Look at them, blooming with
The Rhino won’t be able to ram its way through the bounty from the Lord of Life. Soon this whole spire,
gates, but once they’re breached, it could be rushed this whole planet, will ripen with new life.’
into the courtyard as the opening move in an assault.
The voice belongs to Festerbrax, the daemon which
The rebels have set anti-tank mines just beyond the has merged with the palace. Festerbrax continues
gates, which halt the Rhino as soon as it enters the talking in this vein, and as it speaks the bodies in
courtyard. This still gives the party heavy cover to the courtyard decompose and erupt with maggots
fight out of, and a Storm Bolter they can use to target and larvae. In no time at all a cloud of flies fills the
the Mobs in the buildings (it can’t angle low enough courtyard and the chapel. Festerbrax continues to
to engage targets on the ground at short range). The talk until the party have destroyed the bells or left
Storm Bolter has the following profile: Damage 10 +1 the chapel. From now on, you can spend Ruin to
ED / AP - / Range 12 – 24 – 36 / Salvo 4 / Brutal, use Festerbrax as described in the Battlefield Ruin
Heavy (3), Rapid Fire (3) / BOLT, IMPERIUM. As section (see page 23).
it is vehicle mounted, the Storm Bolter never needs
reloading during this skirmish. Anyone conversing with Festerbrax must make a DN
5 Corruption Test. Even if all they do is abuse him,
The Desecrated Chapel simply communicating with such a powerful agent of
At the back of the courtyard is a small chapel. Like the Ruinous Powers is dangerous for the soul.
every shrine of the Imperial Cult in Tora Armis, it
has been desecrated, the statues beheaded and the Nobility Brought Low
Aquilae inverted. Within, a great bell tolls. To one side of the courtyard, a door creaks open,
damaged by weapons fire. It tears off its hinges with
Inside the chapel, three Plaguebearers dutifully count a groan of twisting metal. A Scion gestures to you to
the number of tolls. While they’ll fight to defend be silent and beckons you toward the now-open door.
themselves, they’re far more interested in this task
than in dealing with the party. If the Agents ignore
the Plaguebearers, the GM gains two Ruin.
On the other side a voice yells: ‘Look, we’ve got the If it looks like Tutius' bargain might work, Solicia
access codes. Let’s just get to the pod and leave. There shoots him with a concealed laspistol. (Let the closest
is no way my father ever intended you to do this.’ character make a DN 5 Awareness (Int) Test to spot
Another voice responds: ‘Please kneel down and close this in time).
your eyes sir. Our orders are clear. In the event that
the spire is taken, you must not fall into the hands The Agents can learn the following information from
of the apostates.’ There is a burst of screaming and any of the van Statens:
yelling, and the sound of a Hot-Shot Lasgun cycling
up to full power. u Train Access Codes: A private train runs from
beneath the palace to a location deep within the
Within this lavish reception room, decorated with spire. Van Staten promised his family this would
portraits of the van Staten family line, are two of Lord be their escape route if disaster struck.
van Staten’s adult children and his son-in-law. Also
present are four palace guards, about to carry out their u Wandering Monstrosities: There are two Chaos
orders to execute the family should the palace fall. Spawn roaming the palace. Solicia thinks they're
her father's guardians, Hugo that they're what
If the party intervenes quickly, they can save some became of the heretic preachers who corrupted
members of the household. The van Staten family have van Staten..
fallen deeply into heresy, believing that the Emperor
has died but is on the verge of rebirth. Amidst their u Plans for the Defence of Tora Armis: Only Tutius
heretical pleas is useful information which can be has access codes for these, but they’re valuable
unearthed by asking the right questions or appealing military intelligence. Award a bonus Experience
to the nobles’ vices and fears, with good roleplaying Point if the Agents recover these.
and successful Tests. Present here are:
u The Angel Below: For two months Solicia
u Hugo van Staten, Lord van Staten’s eldest son. has been the only family member permitted to
Hugo responds to the party’s arrival by declaring visit Lord van Staten in the lower levels of the
‘Thank the Emperor you’re here!’ and claiming palace, where he is preparing for the ‘Emperor’s
that the guards have been holding them against ascension’. Solicia claims that the Emperor has
their will for months — much to Solicia’s disgust. sent an angel to prepare his way (this is news to
Hugo insists his father was led astray by heretics, Hugo and Tutius). If any Space Marines are present
but can't convincingly say where they are or what she pointedly describes the angel as ‘far greater
happened to them. and more powerful than these feeble specimens’.

u Solicia van Staten, Lord van Staten’s eldest

daughter. She is pale and thin, with long blonde
hair, and dresses in fabrics worth more than
most spire residents earn in their lifetime. She
is convinced of the righteousness of her father’s TALKING WITH THE
actions, and condemns anyone who disagrees with VAN STATENS
her as heretics and traitors. She has personally
coordinated the distribution of palacefruit Discussions with the van Statens could go in
throughout the spire. lots of directions. Let the interaction continue
until the Agents’ approach becomes clear, and
u Tutius van Staten, Solicia’s husband. A nervous then resolve the outcome with appropriate
young man dressed in well-tailored robes. He Tests. Social interactions with the van Statens
initially insists he is in charge, but is easily bullied are all DN 4, with the exception that Solicia is
into silence or weaselly compliance. Knows the hard to intimidate (DN 6), and Tutius is easy
plans for the defence of the spire and attempts to to scare (DN 3).
make a deal with the Agents, trading the plans for
his safety.
This is the personal office complex of Lord van Staten.
PART ONE This collection of offices deals with the enforcement
of van Staten’s authority over Tora Armis. Details
Palace Guard: Use the Astra Militarum profile on page of family pledges, who owes fealty to whom, which INTO THE TEETH
rights the van Statens exercise over which industries, OF CHAOS
328 of Wrath & Glory, but with Carapace Armour
(Resilience 8) and Hot-Shot Lasguns. and so on are all recorded and administered here.
Cultists: See page 337 of Wrath & Glory. The chambers are high-ceilinged, and dimly
illuminated by flickering lumen-sconces. It seems
Enforcers: See page 331 of Wrath & Glory. the palace is running on emergency power. Vast FLESH
shelves tower up into the darkness, each packed with
Deacon Magnus Sacerdos, Fallen Priest: Use the thousands of scrolls and charters. Centuries of records LAST EXIT
suggested stats for the Ministorum Priest archetype on detail the van Statens’ control over Tora Armis in
page 92 of Wrath & Glory. He wields an Eviscerator. minute detail. The usual signs of Imperial rule have THE DEADLY
been carefully and precisely amended. Aquilae hang
Plaguebearers: See page 350 of Wrath & Glory. upside down, and statues are neatly beheaded. Over
each doorway hangs a sign bearing the phrase: ‘He
Replace the IMPERIUM keyword with the CHAOS has fallen. We will rise’.
and HERETIC keywords.
The Scions sweep the halls efficiently but find nothing
PART TWO: DOWN apart from the archival servitors, patiently awaiting
fresh instructions. On the third level, one of the Scions
THE GULLET reports finding something unusual.

A large space has been cleared, with the archival

The evidence of heresy is strong but puzzling. Can stacks pushed to the sides. A number of boards have
the Agents make sense of it? been set up in the middle of this space, bearing maps
of the spire. Judging by the notes this space was used
EXPLORING to coordinate the distribution of food from the palace
to the spire. A bowl of succulent, sweet smelling green
THE PALACE fruit sits on a table.

The Agents pass through galleries decorated with rich A successful DN 3 Scholar (Int) Test will reveal that:
paintings, reception rooms, ballrooms, and private
lounges. There are also kitchens, sculleries, and living u The distribution points are all located at centres of
quarters for the servants of the van Statens. Even worship throughout the spire.
the servants appear to have lived a comfortable life
compared to most of the spire’s common inhabitants. u Levels one to three have had no food distribution
at all since the spire was sealed off.
Resistance was concentrated on the top floor and
there are very few combatants left in the rest of the u The distribution is coordinated by Solicia van
palace. Focus gameplay on what happens as the party Staten, Lord van Staten's daughter.
and their Scions encounter the following locations.

Accurately assessing the reliability of Maya’s
information requires a DN 5 Insight Test. Talking with
Maya for more than a couple of minutes triggers a DN
PALACEFRUIT 3 Corruption Test. Should the Agents think it’s a good
idea to free her, Maya is too afraid to enter the palace
Palacefruit is grown in the polyp farm (see and willingly submits herself to the Commissariat.
page 16). Ripe palacefruit is soft, green, and
spherical. It’s warm to the touch and, when Reporting In
sliced open, unleashes a pungent, sweet citrus Throughout the preceding scenes, the Agents have
scent. The flesh of the fruit is spongy, and gathered enough intelligence to report back to HQ.
within a few minutes of exposure to the air it If they’ve obtained the plans to Tora Armis, General
rots into a thick, brown sludge. Even after it Hacker comes onto the vox to personally congratulate
rots, one palacefruit provides enough nutrition them. Inquisitor Dikaisune is chiefly interested in the
to sustain a human adult for a day of activity. fruit, the location of van Staten, and the possibility of
a Traitor Astartes in Tora Armis, if the Agents mention
Anyone who eats palacefruit must make a DN their earlier sighting or Solicia's 'Angel.'
5 Corruption Test. In addition to the standard
effects of failing a Corruption Test, anyone The Inquisitor instructs the Agents to:
who dies within one week of failing the Test
transforms into a Poxwalker. u Learn the origin of the fruit.

u Capture or eliminate van Staten.

The Family Chambers u Eliminate the traitor Space Marine.

The eastern wing of the palace is given over to Lord
van Staten’s personal chambers. All the rooms are Medical Chambers
lavishly decorated with tapestries, paintings, and Beneath the officium and the lord’s chambers, the
antique furniture. It is immediately clear all is not palace has been given over to use as a military
well. The walls ooze moisture and the floor, apparently hospital for spire defenders injured in the conflict
marble, feels slightly springy and soft to the touch. As with the Gravediggers. There are several wards with
you sweep the chambers, a Scion gestures to you to patients lying on trestle tables and scavenged beds.
be silent and draws your attention to a door, behind Makeshift surgical theatres have been set up, which
which an endless stream of soft babbling whispers on. are clearly short of equipment.

The only person left in the family chambers is Maya Read aloud or paraphrase the following:
Strala, Solicia’s former servant and companion.
Maya’s filthy robes suggest she was once someone Even in these rooms’ low lighting, the signs of
of rank. She speaks in a whisper. Her skin is tinged corruption are unmistakable. Pipes have the
with green and her breath smells rotten. She currently appearance of fleshy tubes. The walls and floor
inhabits an opulent sitting room where the walls are overgrown with a tough, fibrous tissue, which
sweat a putrid, oily substance. Her only companion is itself covered in weeping sores and blemishes.
here is the corpse of another servant, which Maya has There are rows of beds holding dozens of wounded,
partially eaten. She has three things to share, all of and an exhausted staff of medical officers shuffling
which have to be extracted from a stream of babble: between them, administering treatment. They take
no notice of your arrival, and continue tending to
u The whole van Staten family has fallen into heresy. their patients.

u After food ran out, the van Staten’s started In one corner of the ward is a metal hatch, presumably
distributing ‘fruit’ grown beneath the palace. for disposing of corpses. In the centre of the floor is
a circular patch of muscular-looking tubes, tightly
u The palace devours those who enter. knotted together.
Festerbrax’s presence has utterly corrupted the OF CHAOS
The medical staff are badly mutated cultists, barely palace. The Agents must descend into the very
responsive and shuffling through grotesque parodies guts of this stronghold of Nurgle. DOWN THE
of their former work, and most of the patients are
Poxwalkers. Under medical uniforms and bedsheets, CONDITIONS IN THE THE PALACE OF
this isn’t immediately apparent, though the Agents
should realise it within a few seconds of observation, PALACE OF FLESH FLESH

or immediately they interact with someone. The LAST EXIT

treatment being delivered to the wounded is neither Delving deeper into the palace, a revolting sulphurous
beneficial nor sterile. Leeches and maggots are stench billows out to meet you. Beneath you is a THE DEADLY
being applied to suppurating wounds, where rather passageway, its sides almost entirely enclosed in
than cleaning dead flesh they quickly form colonies living flesh. In places the flesh has rotted through,
and settle in for a long stay. Three patients are still allowing glimpses of the tiled floor and ferrocrete
human, though they are badly mutated, with fleshy walls. As you watch, a ripple runs through the meat.
tubes growing out of their bodies and black, open
sores. They’re hooked up to sanguine infusers that When the Agents enter the tunnels, they find the floor
draw blood directly from the walls. is soft, slick, and unstable. There is no lighting beyond
what the party and Scions provide. In the darkness
The Poxwalkers (two Mobs of 30) aren’t aggressive: they hear skittering, chittering noises, caused by the
they’re busy tending their patients or receiving thousands of Nurglings that infest this place.
‘treatment’. The three human prisoners are beyond
saving. As they contemplate their options or — more The Scions carry electro-torches, which dimly
likely — draw their weapons, Festerbrax’s disembodied illuminate the surroundings. Increase the DN of
voice returns. ranged attacks by 2 and of melee attacks by 1 due
to dim light. The unstable and pulsating floor means
‘You’ve come to the sanatorium? Why don’t you let anyone running or charging must make a DN 3
the chirurgeons take care of you. They’re capable Athletics (S) Test or fall prone.
of instilling new life in even the most wounded and
weary carcass. My servants will make you welcome. ENCOUNTERS IN THE
There’s a place here for you. Lay down. Relax.’
Assuming the Agents refuse Festerbrax’s offer, the
voice offers a resigned dismissal, at which point the Randomly generate encounters from the following
Poxwalkers attack, armed with medical equipment table, rerolling if necessary to avoid duplicate
and gnashing teeth. The remaining ‘human’ patients encounters. After each encounter, the party can
transform into Poxwalkers, rise from their sickbeds, nominate one Agent to make a DN 5 Survival (Wil)
and join the attack. Witnessing this transformation Test to navigate towards the heart of the palace. This
requires a DN 5 Corruption Test. must be a different Agent each time: however strong-
willed they are, navigating these twisted architectural
PROFILES FOR viscera clouds their senses after a while. The Agents
reach the stomach, where Lord van Staten awaits,
PART TWO after passing three Survival Tests or surviving five
encounters, whichever happens first
Poxwalkers: Use the profile on page 351 of Wrath &

2. Bile Duct
A vast yellow organ hangs suspended above the
passageway, from which fluids drip onto the floor.
D6 Event Where the drops strike they sizzle and burn, leaving
1 Peristaltic Waves the flesh raw and bloody.

2 Bile Duct
Navigating past the bile duct without getting burned
3 Polyp Farm by the acid requires a DN 5 Athletics (S) Test. Anyone
4 Rivers of Blood who fails takes 12 +4 ED damage from the potent acid.

5 Blocked
An alternative approach is to destroy the dripping
6 The Fruits of Nurgle pendulous organ, which is easy enough given sufficient
time and ammunition. Anyone within 6 metres when it
finally ruptures takes 14 +6 ED damage as a massive
burst of acid drenches everything nearby. If it’s
1. Peristaltic Waves destroyed remotely (perhaps with Melta Bombs) the
The tunnel constricts behind the party, propelling a bile duct can be safely bypassed. Rigging explosives
wave of acid, sludge, and corpses towards them. and judging a safe distance requires a DN 4 Tech
Agents can: (Int) Test. On a failure, a random Agent takes 8 +4 ED
damage from splashing acid.
u Attempt to dash to another tunnel and avoid the
constricting passage with a DN 5 Athletics (S) 3. Polyp Farm
Test. Agents who succeed take no damage. Those The passageways in this section of the palace are
who fail are submerged and take 8 +4 ED damage. lined with fleshy green growths, each about the size
of an apple. There are millions of them, harvested by
u Take a deep breath and let the wave pass over thousands of Nurglings under the direction of three
them. Anyone doing this is submerged and takes Plaguebearers. The Nurglings entertain themselves
6 +4 ED damage. while they work by tossing harvested growths at each
other, squealing delightedly when they explode into
u Ride the wave and be swept along in the current. pustulent slime on impact.
Make a DN 7 Athletics (S) Test. Agents who
succeed are swept directly to the stomach and a The party must deal with five Mobs of Nurglings,
private audience with Lord van Staten (see page each consisting of 20 Nurgling bands for a total of
20). Those who fail are submerged, and take 2,000 individual Nurglings, plus three Plaguebearers.
10 +4 ED damage. If this splits the party, have Assume that the Scions are occupied by similar waves
the remaining Agents stumble into van Staten’s of opponents unless the party spends Glory to activate
chamber after one more encounter. them (see page 23). The combat begins when an
orifice in the ceiling opens above the party, dropping
As they lack fully sealed suits, the Scions choose the one Mob onto the Agents’ heads and plunging them
first option. Have one player roll a D6. On 1–2, two immediately into melee with excited Nurglings.
Scions are swept away and never seen again. On a
3–4, one Scion is crushed to death by the tunnel. On If the Agents simply want to push past the Nurglings in
a 5–6, the Scions endure the wave without casualties. an effort to get clear of them (perhaps to shoot or use
area effect weapons), this requires a DN 5 Athletics
Anyone who is submerged must make a DN 5 (S) Test. Reduce the DN by one for each Mob that has
Resolve Test or gain a Poisoned (5) Condition. A been destroyed.
character wearing a sealed suit passes automatically.

4. Rivers of Blood The two Spawn obey no orders and desire nothing
A torrent of daemonic blood, black and stinking, but food and the chance to spread Nurgle’s gifts
rushes down this passageway, before being absorbed throughout the spire. They ooze through the hallways
into a spongelike organ. On the other side of the organ, of the palace, silent and alarmingly mobile. One,
the stream divides in two: one part blood, one part fetid Borbirax, is pale and sluglike, its flesh translucent INTO THE TEETH
yellow liquid. The only way for the party to progress is and its atrophied, labouring organs visible beneath. OF CHAOS
to wade through the river of daemonic effluence. This The other, Mycosion, drags itself along on fleshy
imposes a DN 5 Corruption Test on all who do so. tentacles festooned with small, claw-like hooks. It has DOWN THE
Injured Agents who fail suffer from festering wounds, no fewer than four mouths, but nothing recognisable
as described on page 24. as a head. The two hunt the Agents through the
gloomy, glistening passageways of the palace. FLESH
5. Blocked
A vast dam of decaying bodies blocks the way forward. The Chaos Spawn lurk in the narrow passages of the LAST EXIT
They have clearly been down here for some time, as palace, working in tandem, ambushing and retreating.
many of them have partially dissolved in the acid. They snatch Scions at the front or rear of the group THE DEADLY
Those on top are relatively intact. The corpses have and drag them away — in Borbirax’s case, to feed, and
slowly congealed together and fill the passage. for Mycosion to regurgitate its own organs into the
victim, where they ripen and blossom into poisonous
Clearing a path is best done with a Melta Bomb or fruits. (The ripening takes days, and is relevant to the
Las-Cutter. Anyone inhaling the foul air released by characters only if they find previous victims tucked
this process must make a DN 6 Resolve Test or gain a away in quiet corners.)
Poisoned (5) Condition.
If they haven’t been killed before the party reach van
6. The Fruits of Nurgle Staten, the Spawn trail after Putradyne Corporis into
The Agents locate a large chamber where hundreds of the depths of the hives, to be encountered once again
thousands of palacefruit have been neatly stacked onto as Corporis makes his departure (see Last Exit on
trays and placed into crates, ready for distribution. The page 21).
contrast between the fleshy, unnatural walls, and the
neatly ordered packaging materials is remarkable. The
work is being done by a band of 20 Cultists, their faces
hidden behind gas-masks that have melded into their
flesh, and overseen by three Plaguebearers.

Any use of explosives in this fight ruptures large

quantities of palacefruit, filling the air with spores.
Anyone not wearing a respirator of some kind must
make a DN 4 Corruption Test if exposed to the spores.

Wandering Monstrosities
The Warp energies, corrupted food sources, and
rampant heresy have affected the palace’s inhabitants
in different ways. Two of the most unfortunate have
blossomed into Chaos Spawn (Wrath & Glory,
page 352). Use them to complicate the challenges
encountered while navigating the Palace of Flesh.

Lord van Staten & Because van Staten’s condition precludes capture, the
the Palace of Flesh Agents have little choice but to fight him in order to
Another knot of muscle blocks the end of a fulfill Inquisitor Dikaisune’s orders.
passageway. As you force your way through, the air
fills with noxious green gas. Before you lies a massive If the Agents ask van Staten about the place of rebirth,
chamber of flesh, the floor submerged beneath a he knows only that it is deep beneath the Spire.
layer of bubbling acid in which hundreds of slowly
dissolving corpses float. Fighting van Staten
The fight with van Staten unfolds in three phases:
A pendulous eruption of flesh hangs from the ceiling.
The growth ends in a twitching body, once human, In the first phase, the Agents face van Staten himself,
now absorbed into the fleshy structure. The body who uses the profile on page 20.
grips the ceremonial staff of a spire’s lord in one
hand. The fleshy protuberance swings toward you When van Staten has suffered Wounds equal to half of
and the face within hails you in a gurgling, wheezing, his maximum, dozens of the partially digested corpses
uncomfortably high-pitched voice: ‘Visitors! It’s been animate as Poxwalkers and join the fight. Add a Mob
so long. Tell me, is everything proceeding as planned? of 12 Poxwalkers for each Agent.
The ascension cannot be more than an hour away?’
When van Staten’s Wounds equal his maximum
Lord van Staten has been absorbed into the fabric of value, Festerbrax takes direct control of the combat,
his own corrupted palace. Van Staten is still convinced flailing desperately at the party. Apply the changes
that the Emperor’s ascension is at hand, and that his listed below the profile.
current state is somehow essential to the impending
resurrection. He has been kept unaware of the Taking part in the combat with van Staten requires a
successful Imperial assault on the spire, and initially DN 6 Corruption Test.
assumes the Agents are present to either witness or
aid the ascension. PROFILES FOR
Van Staten is happy to talk to the party, as he doesn’t PART THREE
get many visitors. He will boast that Putradyne
Corporis, the Emperor’s chosen vessel, is now en route Chaos Spawn: See page 362 of Wrath & Glory.
to the place of rebirth. Attempts to disabuse him of his
heresy or point out his current state anger him. Plaguebearers: See page 350 of Wrath & Glory.

“Emperor’s mercy! They’re everywhere…”
— Last words of Sergeant Clarett of the Gilead Tier 1 2 3 4
Gravediggers Threat T T T T INTO THE TEETH
Tiny, cheerful, and terrifying, Nurglings are the most
numerous of Nurgle’s boundless servants. They S T A I Wil Int Fel DOWN THE
grow within the bodies of Great Unclean Ones, and 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
burst forth like pus from a spot. Mischievous and
Resilience THE PALACE OF
malevolent, the foot-high dameons are said to be FLESH
made in the image of Nurgle himself, and delight in 1 base
spreading plague and panic wherever they go. LAST EXIT
Defence Wounds Shock

A single Nurgling is an insignificant threat, but they 1 1 1 THE DEADLY

SKILLS:Default 1, Weapon Skill 1
are never alone. Nurglings are commonly encountered
in vast swarms that carpet the ground in a tidal
wave of giggling daemonic mischief, as infestations ABILITIES
in pipes and sewers, or even infesting the bodies of
BATTLECRY: Frightful Form: Anyone that can see this
larger creatures. They are frequently accompanied Threat must make a DN 2 Fear Test
by Plaguebearers, who try to shepherd and corral the NURGLING BAND: This profile describes a band of 20
uncontrollable tiny maniacs. Nurglings, not a single entity. Nurgling bands can form
up into mobs as normal.
In combat, Nurglings simply toddle toward their foe, RUIN: Malevolent Mischief
arms outstretched and spiky teeth chomping furiously. Instead of making a close combat attack, the GM may
As they get closer they form up into tottering mounds spend 1 Ruin. The target suffers a randomly determined
combat complication (Wrath & Glory, page 191).
and attempt to engulf their foes in a tidal wave of
bodies. DETERMINATION: Daemonic Determination
Spend 1 Ruin to roll 1d6. Daemons can roll
Determination against Mortal Wounds. Any Wounds
negated by Determination are ignored instead of being
converted to Shock.

Infectious Bite: 4 +1 ED / AP –1 / Inflict (Poison 4)

Conviction Resolve Speed Size

1 1 1 SMALL*

*A band of Nurglings counts as a small target. A single

Nurgling is a tiny target.

"Welcome... welcome on this day of ascension."
Tier 1 2 3 4
Corrupted by the daemonic entity that has made its Threat A A A A
home in his palace, Lord van Staten has become a
horrific creature. His once-Human form is merged
into the visceral, warped architecture of his home, and S T A I Wil Int Fel
hangs from a pendulum of daemonic flesh. When van 6 8 2 4 5 2 1
Staten is attacked, he causes gases and acids to erupt
from the lining of the stomach or causes it to manifest
tentacles of rotten daemonic flesh that reach out to 9 base
attack his foes.
Defence Wounds Shock

Once van Staten’s body is slain, Festerbrax reanimates 3 15 8

it, pours a fraction of his essence into it, and takes SKILLS: Default 3, Weapon Skill 6,
Ballistic Skill 5, Psychic Mastery 6
over the fight. Use the same profile as van Staten with
the following modifications: BONUSES

Champion: Van Staten may use Ruin

u Deprived of van Staten’s eyes, reduce WS to 3. actions, and has 2 personal Ruin.

u It has 20 Wounds.
BATTLECRY: Frightful Form Anyone that can
see this Threat must make a DN 4 Fear Test.
u It can use the psychic abilities Soul Shrivel and
ACTION: Horrifying Tendrils: 11 +2 ED / AP −2 /
Touch of Corruption (Wrath & Glory, page 281).
Range 4. Van Staten can attack twice per round with his
horrifying tendrils.
u Defence becomes 1, as from now on damage to DETERMINATION: Daemonic Determination
any part of the stomach will injure the daemon. Spend 1 Ruin to roll 8d6. Daemons can roll
Determination against Mortal Wounds. Any Wounds
negated by Determination are ignored instead of being
converted to Shock.

RUIN:Acidic Eruption
By spending one Ruin, van Staten causes eruption of
acid within the palace stomach: 10 +4 ED / AP -1 /
Range 12 / Blast 4

ACTION: Infectious Bite: 4 +1 ED / AP –1 / Inflict

(Poison 4)Poisonous Miasma: By spending 1 Ruin
van Staten can cause a cloud of poisonous gas to spread
through the stomach. Anyone lacking a sealed suit
must make a DN 4 Toughness Test or suffer a Poisoned
(5) Condition.

Conviction Resolve Speed Size

2 1 4 Large

The architect of Tora Armis’ ruin is heading The Agents are witnessing Putradyne Corporis OF CHAOS
towards his destiny. Learn his destination. departing for his ascension. He’s out of their
reach. Even if the Agents attack with long- DOWN THE
LEAVING THE PALACE range weaponry such as a missile launcher,

the carriage’s Void Shield thwarts their attack.

As the thing that was once van Staten dies, the whole If the players want to stop Corporis they’ll FLESH
chamber convulses again and again. The acid juices have to play the Tier 4 adventure in this series,
bubble, froth, and deepen, hurling corpses about. Affliction Ascendant. What they can do is LAST EXIT
The voice in your head is gone. The walls of flesh recover the coordinates for his destination. If
ripple and collapse inward, towards you. A booming, the players don’t realise this, any Agent with THE DEADLY
retching noise shakes the air. a Tech rating of 2 or more realises that the
destination of the carriage will be visible on the
As the chamber constricts and collapses, the Agents control panel. .
are pushed inexorably toward a fleshy passage that
has opened in the floor of the chamber. Violent heaves
and eruptions of acid prevent any kind of footing, and The second armoured figure is a Death Guard Traitor
the Agents are pushed into a narrow, constricting Marine, determined to ensure that no one follows his
tunnel of rotten flesh. master, Putradyne Corporis. If either of the palace’s
Chaos Spawn (see Wandering Monstrosities, page
Each round that an Agent or Scion remains trapped 17) are still alive, one or both follow the Agents to
in the tunnel, they suffer 10 +4 ED / AP -1 damage the platform, attacking from the rear while the Agents
from acid and crushing. After 3 rounds, any agents are occupied with the Marine. Remember the Agents
still in the tunnel are unceremoniously evacuated onto can spend Glory to make use of the remaining Scions.
a rockcrete platform.
If the Agents try to read and relay the coordinates
Escaping the tunnel requires a DN 6 Athletics (S) during combat, it takes one character 2 rounds, but
Test. Alternatively, Agents can try and shoot or cut requires no Tests, provided they have the access codes
their way free. The tunnel has a Toughness of 10 and (see Train Access Codes on page 12). Without the
it takes 6 Wounds to force it to release an Agent. access codes, it requires a DN 6 Tech (Int) Test to
unlock the control panel under combat conditions.
You emerge into a reassuringly rockrete chamber. The Alternatively, they can handle this communication
floor is covered in chunks of corpses, pools of acid, and once combat is over.
rotting daemon flesh. You appear to be on a platform.
Next to you, a set of rails extend into the darkness. When the Agents relay the coordinates, they hear a
Fifty metres away, a giant cloaked silhouette boards a response of ‘coordinates received’ followed a moment
hovering train, which zooms off down the track. later by ‘Absolvers drop-pod despatched’.

As the carriage departs, a second armoured figure PROFILES FOR

makes some final adjustments to a control panel.
Then it sees you, and raises its boltgun. PART FOUR
Death Guard: See page 343 of Wrath & Glory.

Awarding XP
For each stage in the mission, award 3 XP for
roleplaying and having fun. In addition, award Lord of the Spire introduces two new rules for Wrath
XP as follows for succeeding in the party’s military & Glory. During the battle, players can spend Glory
objectives, overcoming challenges, and avoiding to call for support from nearby imperial forces. This
casualties to the Scions. might take the form of a battlefield medic, a barrage of
artillery fire, or covering fire from nearby allies.
Into the Teeth of Chaos (0–8 XP)
u Gaining intelligence from Maya (2 XP) In a similar way, the Gamemaster can spend
u Getting past the gates without injury (2 XP) accumulated Ruin to trigger effects on the battlefield as
u Capturing the courtyard with less than 10 Scion the players attempt to complete their mission. Perhaps
casualties (2 XP) a far-off sniper or artillery observer takes an interest
u Purging the chapel (2 XP) in their position. The terrain in front of them might
be mined, or a patrol of enemy soldiers is about to
Down the Gullet (0–8 XP) stumble across the Agents.
u Gaining intelligence from the officium(2 XP)
u Gaining intelligence from the van Statens (2 XP)
u Defeating the Poxwalkers (2 XP)
u Report intel to mission command (2 XP)

The Palace of Flesh (0–10 XP)

u Defeating Borbirax (2 XP)
u Defeating Mycosion (2 XP)
u Reaching the stomach (2 XP)
u Defeating van Staten (4 XP)

Last Exit (0–8 XP)

u Scions surviving:
u 5–10 (1 XP)
u 11–20 (2 XP)
u 20+ (3 XP)
u Defeat Chaos Marine (2 XP)
u Transmit coordinates of Corporis (3 XP)

At your discretion, Agents who survived the adventure

may be rewarded with the Touched by Fate Talent
(Wrath & Glory, page 140).

CALLING FOR these rolls do not generate Wrath, Glory, or Ruin. Use
the profile for Scions (Wrath & Glory, page 103) for
SUPPORT any supporting troops who arrive.

During the battle the Agents can spend Glory to call Note that the party has the support of 30 Tempestus INTO THE TEETH
for support from friendly forces on the battlefield. The Scions. If all are lost they can no longer call on them for OF CHAOS
support available varies per mission, and is listed in support. Captain Reeves is the 17th to fall. If he does,
the equipment section for the mission. he is no longer available as support. Losing Captain DOWN THE
Reeves doesn’t diminish the squad’s determination
Calling for support is a full Combat Action. Once called or efficiency, however. The remaining Scions are still
support may take some time to arrive. Players should available as support. FLESH
be the ones to roll the dice for support actions, but


Cost Support

1 Battlefield Medic: A medic administers battlefield care. They have a Medicae pool of 6 dice and arrive
in D3 turns.
3 For the Emperor: A loyal servant of the Emperor throws themselves towards the foe, intercepting a
blow meant for you. Ignore damage from a single attack.
2 Captain Reeves: Appears at your side and engages your target once with either his Plasma Pistol (15
+3 ED / AP −3) or Chainsword (10 +4 ED / Brutal). He fights with a pool of 8 dice.
2 Scion Support: A special weapons team armed with either Meltagun or Grenade Launcher and a Hot-
Shot Lasgun support the Strike Team. They will help destroy a single target, fighting with a pool of
7 dice.
1 Suppressing Fire: The Scion squad turns its weapons on a target picked out by the Agents. The target
has a DN penalty of 2 when attacking the Strike Team.

Space out Ruin effects: piling too many into a single
During the battle the GM can spend Ruin to trigger fight can make combat chaotic and overpowering.
different effects on the battlefield. The GM can trigger One or two effects through the course of the fight,
effects in narrative time or combat time. If triggered in especially if the Agents are having an easy time,
combat time the Ruin effect takes a turn, as if there works well.
were an additional NPC involved.


Cost Effect

1 Festerbrax: A deep, jocular voice speaks to an agent, mocking their efforts, and encouraging them to
give up and settle down within the palace. The distraction raises the DN of the Agent’s next test by 2.

1 Sniper: A sniper fires on the agents. They are equipped with a Long-Las, and attack with a pool of
nine dice (10 +1 ED / AP −1 / Sniper).
1 Shock Grenade: A combatant (friendly fire is an option) throws a grenade, which hits automatically.
Damage 3 (Shock) / Blast (6), Inflict (Blinded (1), Vulnerable 1)

2 Hurled Masonry: Weapons don’t always need to be complicated. A forty-kilo piece of marble drops
onto an Agent. They may make a DN 5 Athletics (S) Test to dodge, or take 10 +4 ED damage.

2 Erupting Pustule: A fleshy, swollen part of the palace pops, showering those nearby with toxic slime.
All Agents make a DN 4 Corruption Test.
2 Festering Wound: A wounded Agent’s injuries become infected and will not heal for at least 72
3 Rapid Rot: One of the Scions has been wounded and infected with Nurgle’s Rot. Within moments they
are transformed into a Plaguebearer (with a Hot-Shot Lasgun) and turn on the squad. Witnessing this
requires a DN 5 Corruption Test.
1 Another One Down: A Scion is killed by whatever foe the Agents are engaged with.


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