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LESSON Teacher CERELINA M. GALELA Learning Area: TLE-cookery

LOG Teaching Dates and June 5-9, 2023 Quarter: Fourth
Time: 2:00-3:00-Emerald & Moonstone Week 6
3:00-4:00-Sardonyx & Nickel



A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required in preparing desserts

B. Performance Standard The learners independently prepare desserts

Prepare variety of Prepare variety of Prepare variety of Prepare variety of Prepare variety of desserts and
desserts and sauces desserts and sauces desserts and sauces desserts and sauces sauces using sanitary practices.
using sanitary practices. using sanitary practices. using sanitary practices. using sanitary TLE_HECK9-12PD-IVb-f-16
TLE_HECK9-12PD-IVb-f- TLE_HECK9-12PD-IVb-f- TLE_HECK9-12PD-IVb-f- practices. Objectives:
16 16 16 TLE_HECK9-12PD- 1. Identify ingredients for
Objectives: Objectives: Objectives: IVb-f-16 Chocolate Mousse
1. Identify ingredients 1. Identify ingredients 1. Identify ingredients Objectives: 2. Prepare Chocolate Mousse
C. Learning for Chocolate for Chocolate for Chocolate 1.Identify ingredients for 3. Recognize the importance of
Competencies/ Mousse Mousse Mousse Chocolate Mousse Chocolate Mousse
Objectives 2. Prepare Chocolate 2. Prepare Chocolate 2. Prepare Chocolate 2.Prepare Chocolate
Mousse Mousse Mousse Mousse
3. Recognize the 3. Recognize the 3. Recognize the 3.Recognize the
importance of importance of importance of importance of
Chocolate Mousse Chocolate Mousse Chocolate Mousse Chocolate Mousse

Project making: Chocolate

Project making: Chocolate Project making: Chocolate
II CONTENT Chocolate Mousse
Project making: Chocolate Mousse

A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide Pages

Cookery 9 Learner’s
2. Learner’s Materials Module pages Cookery 9 Learner’s Module Cookery 9 Learner’s Module Cookery 9 Learner’s Module Cookery 9 Learner’s Module pages
pages pages pages pages

3. Textbook pages

4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources
Nestle cream, chocolate bar, Nestle cream, chocolate Nestle cream, chocolate bar, Nestle cream, chocolate Nestle cream, chocolate bar, kitchen
B. Other Learning
kitchen tools and equipment bar, kitchen tools and kitchen tools and equipment bar, kitchen tools and tools and equipment
equipment equipment
A. Reviewing previous lesson
or presenting the new lesson
Introduce the Introduce the objectives of Introduce the objectives of Introduce the objectives Introduce the objectives of the lesson
B. Establishing a purpose objectives of the the lesson the lesson of the lesson
for the lesson lesson

perform Mise en place Let the students perform Let the students perform Let the students perform Let the students perform Mise en place
C. Presenting
Mise en place Mise en place Mise en place
Examples/instances of new
Remind the students of the Remind the students of the Remind the students of the Remind the students of the Remind the students of the safety
D. Discussing new concepts
safety precautions while safety precautions while safety precautions while safety precautions while precautions while performing the tasks
and practicing new skills #1 performing the tasks performing the tasks performing the tasks performing the tasks
Inform the rubric Inform the rubric Inform the rubric Inform the rubric
E. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills #2 Inform the rubric

F. Developing mastery The teacher will Remind also about wearing Remind also about wearing Remind also about Remind also about wearing PPE and its
(Leads to Formative demonstrate the task PPE and its importance. PPE and its importance. wearing PPE and its importance.
Assessment) importance.
G. Finding Practical Re-demonstration by the Students will perform the Students will perform the Students will perform Students will perform the task:
applications of concepts students task: preparing Chocolate task: preparing Chocolate the task: preparing preparing Chocolate Mousse.
and skills Mousse. Mousse. Chocolate Mousse.
Let the students tell the Let the students tell the Let the students tell the Let the students tell the Let the students tell the economic
H. Making generalizations
economic importance of economic importance of economic importance of economic importance of importance of preparing deserts like
and abstractions about the
preparing deserts like preparing deserts like preparing deserts like preparing deserts like chocolate mousse
chocolate mousse chocolate mousse chocolate mousse chocolate mousse
The outputs will be rated The outputs will be rated The outputs will be rated
I. Evaluating Learning according to the rubric according to the rubric according to the rubric
discussed already discussed already discussed already
Bring ingredients for Next group will perform the Next group will bring the Next group will bring the Next group will bring the materials
J. Additional activities for
tomorrow’s task materials needed for the materials needed for the needed for the task
application or remediation
activity/performance task task


A. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative
B. No. of Learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Subject Teacher MT 1/ LAC Leader Principal II

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