War Migration Arab-African Countries

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Committee: General Assembly

Topic: How to resolve War Migration in Arab-African countries?

Sponsors: Western Sahara, Argelia, Libya, Morocco

The General Assembly,

Committee: In the context of forced migration resulting from armed conflicts in Western
Sahara, Algeria, Libya, and Morocco, addressing this complex situation requires multifaceted
approaches. Western Sahara faces displacement due to territorial conflicts, while Algeria has
been a refuge. Resolving the Sahara dispute involving Algeria's active participation is crucial.
In Libya, an internal crisis led to massive displacement, requiring both political stability and
humanitarian aid. Morocco, due to its geographic position and socio-economic dynamics,
witnesses both internal and external migratory flows, necessitating robust policies and
regional support.

To address this, diplomatic strategies promoting peace in Western Sahara and Libya are
critical. Migration policies should prioritize human rights and refugee integration to foster
cultural and social cohesion.

Collaboration among sponsoring countries, international actors, and support for regional
initiatives is essential to effectively tackle forced migrations resulting from armed conflicts in
this region.

1. Conflict and Political Tensions:

1.1 Diplomacy and Mediation: Foster diplomatic negotiations and international
mediation to resolve territorial disputes and internal conflicts, promoting agreements
for peace and stability in the region.
1.2 Support for Peaceful Solutions: Engage the international community to endorse
peace processes, offering technical, financial assistance, and neutral mediation to
achieve sustainable agreements.
2. Regional Instability:
2.1 Strengthening Regional Cooperation: Cultivate alliances among regional countries
to collectively address instability, enhancing security and cooperation in crisis
2.2 Support for Regional Institutions: Reinforce regional and sub-regional institutions
to promote security and stability, facilitating information exchange and cooperation in
security matters.

3. Socioeconomic Conditions:
3.1 Investment in Development: Promote economic and social development programs
in affected countries, focusing on job creation, access to education, and strengthening
3.2 Economic Empowerment: Establish microfinance initiatives, job training, and
entrepreneurship to improve local economic opportunities and reduce poverty.

4. Geographical Access:
4.1 International Cooperation: Establish bilateral or multilateral agreements between
origin, transit, and destination countries to cooperatively manage migratory flows and
address challenges of irregular migration.
4.2 Support for Border Management: Provide technical assistance and resources to
strengthen border management and enhance legal migration controls while ensuring
respect for migrants' human rights.

These proposals aim to tackle the root causes of migration in the region, offering practical
and collaborative approaches to address these challenges and work towards sustainable

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