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Faculty of Business & Finance

Oil & Gas Management

Lecturer: Chapter 4
Eng: Mohammed Bahram. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
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Faculty of Business & Finance - I.U.T.T University
What is (PPE)?

❖ Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

❖ PPE is precautionary step to protect yourself & people around you.

❖ PPE is specialized clothing or equipment worn for protection dangerous or infectious


❖ PPE prevents contact with an infectious agent by creating a barrier between the

potentially infectious materials and the public health practitioner. College of Engi

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Purpose of (PPE)?
Public health practitioners should wear PPE to:

❖ Stop the spread of illness / infection.

❖ Protect Their Health.

❖ Protect Their Client’s Health.

❖ Protect Their Family Health.

❖ Protect They Community's Health.

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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

❖ OSHA requires certain PPE based on the hazards employees are

exposed to.

❖ OSHA also requires training for employees in the proper selection,

use, and maintenance of PPE.

❖ PPE should NOT be used as a substitute

for engineering, work practice, or administrative controls.

❖ PPE should be used in conjunction with these controls to provide

for employee S&H in the workplace.

❖ PPE – clothing + work accessories = create barrier against

workplace hazards.

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The Basics of Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE)

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PPE Selection

•Selection of PPE for a job is


•Employers and employees must

understand the equipment's
purpose and its limitations.

•The equipment must not be

altered or removed even though an
employee may find it
Sometimes equipment may be
uncomfortable simply because it
does not fit properly.

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Evaluation of PPE

❖ The basic element of any

management program for PPE
should be an in-depth evaluation
of the equipment needed to
protect against the hazards at the

❖ Management should use that

evaluation to:
❖ set a standard operating
procedure (SOP) for personnel
❖ train employees on the protective
❖ limitations of PPE
❖ train on its proper use and
❖ maintenance.
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Accident Prevention

❖ Hazard awareness = Suitable PPE

❖ Employees must be aware that the equipment does not

eliminate the hazard.

❖ If the equipment fails, exposure will occur.

❖ Hazard + exposure = accident

❖ To reduce the possibility of failure, equipment must be

properly fitted and maintained in a clean and serviceable

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Training on PPE


Employees must be trained to know:

✓when is it necessary
✓what type is necessary
✓how it is to be worn & take off
✓what are its limitations, proper care, maintenance, useful life,
and disposal.

Employers are required to certify in writing that training has

been carried out and that employees understand it. Each written
certification shall contain the name of each employee trained,
the date(s) of training, and identify the subject of the
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Training on PPE

❖ In many cases more than

one type of PPE will
provide sufficient
protection. In those
instances employees should
be given a choice
PPE Standards

Eye and Face Protection

ANSI Z87.1-2003 American National Standard Practice for
Occupational and Educational Eye and Face Protection.
ANSI Z87.1-1989(R-1998) American National Standard Practice for
Occupational and Educational Eye and Face Protection
ANSI Z87.1-1989 American National Standard Practice for
Occupational and Educational Eye and Face4 Protection

Head Protection
ANSI Z89.1-2003 American National Standard for Industrial Head
ANSI Z89.1-1997 American National Standard for Industrial Head
ANSI Z89.1-1986 American National Standard for Personnel
Protection- Protection Headwear for Industrial Workers
Foot Protection
ASTM F-2412-2005 Standard Test Methods for Foot Protection
ASTM F-2413-2005 Standard Specification for Performance
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PPE Training-Initial PPE 101

❖ Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is any safety

equipment workers wear to prevent injury in the
workplace when engineering and administrative
controls fail to eliminate the hazard.
❖ Training is required by OSHA regulations contained in
29CFR 1910.132-140.
❖ After going through training you will know:
❖ When PPE is necessary
❖ What PPE is necessary
❖ How to properly don, doff, adjust and wear PPE
❖ The limitations of PPE
❖ The proper care, maintenance, useful life, and
disposal of the PPE

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What is this training based on?
❖Supervisors and/or safety officers from your
specific work unit conducted a hazard assessment
to determine any and all jobs that would require
the use of PPE.

❖This information was then consolidated into one

document (Appendix C).

❖PPE that shows up on Appendix C is required to

be worn.

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Common Types of PPE

❖ Head
❖ Eyes
❖ Face
❖ Hands
❖ Feet
❖ Body
❖ Hearing
❖ Respiratory

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Types of PPE

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Head Protection

❖ Hard hats are necessary to protect workers against and overhead

hazards in general.

❖ There are different types of hard hats. Some hats are designed to
protect only against bumps (low overhead hazards), while others
afford protection against falling objects.

❖ Metal hard hats should not be worn when there is a potential for
contact with anything electrical.

❖ Hard hats must conform with the requirements of ANSI Z89.1-

1986. Check the label on the hat for compliance with this standard.

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Head Protection


For impact, penetration, and electrical protection from low-
voltage conductors (tested to 2,200 volts).


For impact, penetration, and electrical protection from high-
voltage conductors (tested to 20,000 volts).


For impact and penetration hazards only. Usually made of
aluminum, which conducts electricity, and should not be
worn around electrical hazards.
Head PPE
❖Needed when employees are exposed to hazards
that have potential to cause a head injury.
❖Examples of hazards:
❖Flying objects.
❖Falling objects or materials.
❖Working near exposed energized electrical equipment.
❖Working around or on scaffolds.
❖Working at construction sites.
❖Working around overhead tools or machinery.

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Types of Head Protection
❖ Impact Protection
❖ Type I – Is designed to protect only against objects falling from
straight overhead, hitting the hardhat on the top.
❖ Type II – Is designed to protect against blows on the top of the head as
well as side impacts.
❖ Electrical
❖ Class A (old American National Standards Institute standard) or Class
G (new ANSI Standard) good up to 2,200 volts.
❖ Class B (old ANSI standard) or Class E (new ANSI Standard) good up
to 20,000 volts.
❖ Class C not rated for electrical protection.

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Donning Head Protection
❖ Hard hat protection is effective only if the hat is adjusted to fit
properly and is worn squared and not cocked at an angle or
perched on the back of the head.

❖ Severe lacerations from relatively light blows have been

incurred by workers wearing hard hats in unusual positions.

❖ Must not be worn backwards.

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Care and Maintenance
❖Check prior to each use for cracks, damaged
suspension and chalky appearance (UV damage).
❖Be aware that stickers placed on hardhat can
conceal damage.

❖Replace as necessary.

❖Do not store in direct sunlight.

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Specific Head PPE
❖ Refer to appendix C for all situations when head protection
is required.

❖ Or give examples: ex) working in steam plant, cutting tree,

❖ Or Ex) When you will be (LIST JOB NAME), (LIST

be worn at all times!

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❖ Needed when an employee work presents the potential of
causing eye injury from physical, chemical, or radiation
❖ Examples of hazards:
❖ Machines
❖ Lasers
❖ Impacts
❖ Heat
❖ Tools
❖ Flying Particles / Dust
❖ Electrical work
❖ Chemical handling

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Eye Protection

❖ Eye protection comes in different types.

❖ Goggles – solid or liquid hazards that are airborne; in a quantity that

there is a greater likelihood of contact with or near the eye.

❖ Safety eyeglasses with protective side shields – hazard is more casual by

nature and the hazard(s) is of low quantity and likelihood.

❖ Eyes may need protection from hazards other than those that include a
physical contact with the eye. Example: UV light can cause permanent
damage to vision.

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Types of Eye Protection
❖ Non-Prescription safety glasses.

❖ Prescription safety glasses.

❖ Employees that wear prescription (Rx) lenses can use non-prescription
eye protection worn over prescription lenses as long as it does not
compromise the fit of either piece of eyewear.

❖ All eye protection must be ANSI Z87 approved.

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Types of Eye Protection
❖ Goggles
❖ Chemical
❖ Laser
❖ Welding

❖ Chemical goggles protect your eyes, eye sockets, and the facial area
immediately surrounding the eyes from impact, dust, and splashes.
❖ Chemical goggles are generally stronger than safety glasses and are
used for higher impact, particle and chemical splash protection.
❖ Laser and Welding goggles protect the eyes from harmful light.

❖ All eye protection must be ANSI Z87 approved.

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Eye / Face Protection

Chipping, grinding machining, masonry
work, woodworking, sawing, drilling,
chiseling, powered fastening, riveting,
and sanding.

Furnace operations, pouring, casting, hot
dipping, welding, chemicals


Electric arc welding, gas welding, gas
cutting, and soldering.
Irritating mists, dusts.
Care and Maintenance
❖Check prior to each use for cracks or damage.

❖Replace as necessary.

❖Store in a clean area.

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Specific Eye PPE
❖ Refer to appendix C for all situations when head protection
is required.

❖ Or give examples: ex) working in steam plant, cutting tree,

❖ Or Ex) When you will be (LIST JOB NAME), (LIST

be worn at all times!

Faculty of Business & Finance - I.U.T.T University

Face PPE
❖Needed when work presents the potential of
causing facial injury from physical, chemical,
or radiation agents.
❖Examples of hazards:
❖Contents under pressure
❖Splash hazard
❖Flying objects / particles
❖Electrical work

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Types of Face Protection

❖Face Shield
❖Welding Shield

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Donning Face PPE
❖Safety goggles or goggles must always be worn
under a face shield.

❖Once goggles are in place, position face shield

over face and secure on brow with headband.

❖Adjust to fit comfortably.

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Specific Face PPE
❖ Refer to appendix C for all situations when head protection
is required.

❖ Or give examples: ex) working in steam plant, cutting tree,

❖ Or Ex) When you will be (LIST JOB NAME), (LIST

be worn at all times!

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Hand PPE
❖ Needed when work presents the potential of causing
hand injury from physical, chemical, or radiation
❖ Examples of hazards:
❖Absorbing harmful substances
❖Sharp objects capable of causing cuts, abrasions, or
❖Chemical or thermal burns
❖Electrical work
❖High/Low temperatures

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Hand Protection
❖ This happens on a
daily basis.
❖ Yes, it’s just a picture,
but what if it was
YOUR hand.
❖ Could you work
Hand damage/crush Cut ❖ Play with your kids?
❖ Use your computer?
❖ Drive????

Blisters due to contact with hot 20

Frost bite Faculty of Business & Finance - I.U.T.T University
liquid/gas/metal surface
Hand Protection
• Gloves should be selected according to the hazard.

• Handling hot materials – leather gloves.

• Ample protection against scratch and abrasive

hazards – heavy cotton glove.

• Electrical and chemical hazards –

rubber gloves.

• Impact Protection Glove

(heavy duty glove) for oil rig worker

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Types of Hand Protection
❖ Chemical Resistant - (check MSDS) or compatibility charts such as the one found
on EHS webpage:

❖ Puncture / cut / abrasion Resistant

❖ Those with a latex allergy can use vinyl, nitrile, etc. based on the compatibility
charts or MSDSs.

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Types of Hand Protection
❖Voltage Rated
❖Temperature Resistant
❖Infectious Agent / Biohazard Resistant –
Latex, Vinyl, Nitrile, etc)

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Glove Donning and Doffing

Image: World Health Organization Faculty of Business & Finance - I.U.T.T University
Care and Maintenance
❖Check prior to each use for cuts, cracks or
❖Replace as necessary.
❖Discard single use gloves after use. (Latex, Nitrile,
Vinyl, etc)
❖Store in a clean area.

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Hand PPE
❖ Refer to appendix C for all situations when head protection
is required.

❖ Or give examples: ex) working in steam plant, cutting tree,

❖ Or Ex) When you will be (LIST JOB NAME), (LIST

be worn at all times!

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Feet PPE
❖Needed when work presents hazards that have
potential to cause a foot injury:
❖Examples of hazards:
❖Falling objects
❖Rolling objects
❖Piercing/cutting injuries
❖Electrical work
❖Chemical exposure

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Types of Foot Protection
❖Steel toed
❖Electrical resistant – (will have the letters
“EH” on the tongue)
❖Chemical resistant
❖Must be ANSI Z41 or ASTM F2413-05

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Foot Protection
❖ Proper footwear can afford a level of protection for
the foot and toes.

❖ Steel-toed boots or shoes protect toes against the

crushing hazard of falling objects, such involved
with pipe moving or heavy material handling.

❖ Rubber boots protect the feet against chemical

hazards. For chemical hazards, check Material
Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).

❖ Footwear should also be selected based on

protection from the walking/working surface.

❖ Construction sites with nails, or rough terrain

including sharp rocks will require shoes or boots
with sturdy, puncture-resistant soles. Faculty of Business & Finance - I.U.T.T University
Care and Maintenance
❖ Check safety shoes prior to each use for cuts, cracks or other
damage. Replace as necessary.
❖ Keep electrical hazard shoes dry and free from conductive
materials. Replace if sole is punctured, cut, or embedded with
conductive materials.
❖ Chemical resistant shoes should be replaced if they are
discolored, disfigured, or exhibit any breaks, cracks, or other
surface degradations.
❖ Store all shoes in a clean, dry location.

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Specific Foot PPE
❖ Refer to appendix C for all situations when head protection
is required.

❖ Or give examples: ex) working in steam plant, cutting tree,

❖ Or Ex) When you will be (LIST JOB NAME), (LIST

be worn at all times!

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Body Protection
❖ High visibility full body
coverall made from Fire
Retardant materials with
light reflectors are normally
used in the oil industry

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Body PPE
❖ Needed when work presents a potential for contamination or
injury to other parts of the body such as legs, arms, back, chest.
❖ Examples of hazards:
❖Hot/cold metals and liquids
❖Sharp objects
❖Electrical work

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Types of Body Protection
❖Lab coats
❖Chemical resistant sleeves
❖Tyvek suits
❖Arc Flash Rated

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Body PPE Removal

Image: University of

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Specific Body PPE
❖ Refer to appendix C for all situations when head protection
is required.

❖ Or give examples: ex) working in steam plant, cutting tree,

❖ Or Ex) When you will be (LIST JOB NAME), (LIST

be worn at all times!

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Faculty of Business & Finance - I.U.T.T University
Hearing PPE
❖ Needed when the average (over an 8 hour period) noise level of an area
reaches 90 decibels.
❖ Hearing protection must be made available to employees when the
average (over an 8 hour period) noise level reaches 85 decibels.
❖ Examples of high noise areas can be:
❖ Mechanical rooms
❖ Shops
❖ Construction Sites
❖ When working with machinery/power tools
❖ See PSU Hearing Conservation Program for requirements:
❖ More training is required to satisfy the training requirements for hearing
protection. See EHS.

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Types of Hearing Protection
❖Ear Plugs
❖Ear Muffs
❖Canal Caps

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Donning Hearing Plugs
❖ Follow manufacturers recommendations. The steps
below is a commonly used method.

❖ 1. Roll the earplug up into a small, thin "snake" with

your fingers. You can use one or both hands.

❖ 2. Pull the top of your ear up and back with your

opposite hand to straighten out your ear canal. The
rolled-up earplug should slide right in.

❖ 3. Hold the earplug in with your finger. Count to 20 or

30 out loud while waiting for the plug to expand and
fill the ear canal. Your voice will sound muffled when
the plug has made a good seal.

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Ear Plug Fit Check
❖Check the fit when you're all
done. Most of the foam body
of the earplug should be
within the ear canal. Try
cupping your hands tightly
over your ears.
❖If sounds are much more
muffled with your hands in
place, the earplug may not be 
sealing properly. Take the
earplug out and try again.
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Care and Maintenance
❖Check hearing protection for damage prior to
each use for cuts, cracks or other damage.
Replace if damage is found.

❖Store all hearing protection in a clean, dry


❖Replace disposable ear plugs frequently.

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Specific Ear PPE
❖ Refer to appendix C for all situations when head protection
is required.

❖ Or give examples: ex) working in steam plant, cutting tree,

❖ Or Ex) When you will be (LIST JOB NAME), (LIST

be worn at all times!

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( EEBA )

( SABA )

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Respiratory PPE
❖ Needed when work presents an inhalation hazard.
❖ Examples of hazards:
❖ Working with uncontained chemicals.
❖ Working with highly toxic chemicals.
❖ Working in dusty environment.
❖ Painting.
❖ Welding.
❖ See PSU Respiratory Protection Program for requirements:
❖ More training is required to satisfy the training requirements for
hearing protection. See EHS.

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Types of Respiratory Protection
❖Dust Mask
❖½ mask
❖Full Mask
❖Powered Air Purifying respirator (PAPR)
❖Supplied Airline Respirator
❖Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)

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Specific Respiratory PPE
❖ Refer to appendix C for all situations when head protection
is required.

❖ Or give examples: ex) working in steam plant, cutting tree,

❖ Or Ex) When you will be (LIST JOB NAME), (LIST

be worn at all times!

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Additional Protection

❖Fall protection using safety

harness is required whenever
the worker is working at height

Safety harness Faculty of Business & Finance - I.U.T.T University

Employee’s Right
❖ RIGHT to a safe and healthy workplace
❖ RIGHT to have questions regarding safety and health
❖ RIGHT to receive and have access to all information regarding
❖ workplace hazards
❖ RIGHT to refuse to perform an unsafe act

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Employee’s Responsibility

❖ RESPONSIBILITY to comply with all policies and procedures

❖ RESPONSIBILITY to report all unsafe acts and conditions

RESPONSIBILITY to be a team member - to assist others in compliance

❖ RESPONSIBILITY to offer suggestions that may have a positive impact on


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PPE Cleaning and Care
❖ PPE must be kept clean and sanitary. Clean PPE with mild soap and water
. Some PPE may require special cleaning, in these cases use the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
❖ If PPE is contaminated and cannot be decontaminated safely, it may need
disposed of in a special manner to protect other employees from exposure
to the hazard. EHS shall be contacted.
❖ PPE shall be stored in such a way that it will not become contaminated
such as plastic bags, lockers, closet, drawers.

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PPE Maintenance and Repair
❖Do not use PPE if it is damaged and in need of
❖It is the responsibility of the employee to make
their supervisor aware as soon as PPE becomes
damaged so that new PPE can be obtained.
❖Do not attempt to repair PPE.

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Summary of Work Unit PPE
❖Supervisor, PI, safety officer, faculty member,
etc. should now hand out and/or review a
summary of the PPE required for your
particular work unit.

❖This should cover the findings that were listed

in Appendix C based on the hazard

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Faculty of Business & Finance - I.U.T.T University

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