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1 February 2022

Global Quantitative Strategy

Rising Junk Equity Vol (‘JunkVix’) as a precursor of market distress
Andrew Lapthorne ◼ After a years-long rally fueled by monetary easing and more recently a solid post-pandemic
(44) 20 7762 5762 economic recovery, global markets have suddenly come to a halt, engulfed by massive selloffs
Rui Antunes
pushing them to correction territory. Amid rising inflation, expected Fed rate hikes and the flaring
(44) 20 7762 5875 of geopolitical risks, investors have for some time been looking for early signs of the inevitable
correction and spike in volatility, with many monitoring market risk indices such as the VIX.
Georgios Oikonomou
(44) 20 7762 5261 However, VIX’s moves appear to reflect the present more than the future, and this so-called Fear
Index’s record in predicting market performance has been rather mixed.
Yohan Le Jallé
(33) 1 42 13 71 61 ◼ In contrast, a plausible argument can be made that, if there is systemic distress in the market,
an early warning sign should manifest within the most vulnerable market segment of highly levered
and highly volatile stocks that are typically captured by the High vs Low Quality equity style. In
particular, the short leg of the Quality factor (Low Quality) typically represents the most distressed
Solomon Tadesse, PhD firms that are highly vulnerable to economic and market downturns, reflecting the underbelly of
(1) 212 278 6484 volatility dynamics. If interest rates rise and economic conditions deteriorate, it should be these
Singapore weakest elements in the economy that suffer first, with their volatility serving as a precursor to
Puneet Singh
(65) 6326 7835 upcoming market-wide distress. Indeed, changes in market distress are historically felt first in this
segment, before being captured by the VIX. We first introduced such a risk metric, our Junk Equity
Vol index, back in 2018. A high reading on this metric has historically been followed by negative
returns, and low readings by strong performance (see graph below left). Our measure based on
relative volatility of distressed stocks also appears to be effective in timing market moves,
generating strong back-test performance from tactical tilting of asset-allocation portfolios (see

S&P 500 performance following risk index readings, June 2000- Junk Equity Vol, Jan. 2015-Jan. 2022
Dec. 2021

14% 100%
12% 90%
10% 80% High Vol
2% 30%
0% 20%
VIX JunkVix
-2% 10% Low Vol
-4% 0%

Bottom 1/3rd (Risk Appetite) Middle 1/3rd (Neutral)

Top 1/3rd (Risk Averse)
Source: SG Cross Asset Research/Equity Quant

◼ After months of calm, indicating risk-on market conditions, the Junk Equity Vol index has moved
up sharply since mid-December 2021, with reading at an alarmingly high 93rd percentile on Dec 31st,
foreshadowing the January market selloff. With an impending rise in rates, downward revisions in
economic outlooks owing to rising inflation and geopolitical risks, volatility in the distressed equity
segment remains highly elevated, despite recent moderations in market selloffs, signaling more
pain ahead.

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Global Quantitative Strategy

Market turbulence and the Fear Index (VIX)

Fuelled by robust economic recovery out of the receding pandemic and the massive liquidity
from monetary stimulus, global markets had their best showing in 2021. At the same time, in light
of ever stretching valuations on the back of monetary easing, investors have been keenly looking
for any sign of the inevitable correction, with many monitoring market risk indices such as the
VIX. As global markets succumbed to their worst selloffs since the pandemic on the weight of
valuation and macro concerns, including rising inflation, Fed rate hikes, and the flaring of
geopolitical risks, investors are watchful for forward-looking signs of market turbulence.

A widely followed risk indicator, the CBOE’s volatility index is considered a measure of the
market’s expectations of 30-day-ahead volatility in the S&P 500 index, presumably providing an
early indication of future volatility and market stress. However, the moves of VIX – also called the
‘Fear Index’ – appear to be more contemporaneous than forward-looking.

VIX’s track record as predictor of future market performance has been mixed. S&P 500
performance following VIX’s low and high readings has not been significantly different over the
last 20 years. The figure below at right shows the annualized returns of the market following
low/high readings of VIX. We normalize the daily readings of VIX scores, converting the series into
percentiles taken over a rolling year; thus, the final signal ranges from 0 to 1. We divide the time
series into three equal parts, with readings of 0-33rd percentile representing a low-volatility
regime conducive to strong market performance, 33rd-66th percentile representing a normal
(neutral) risk regime, and 66th-100th percentile indicating a high-volatility regime. At each
month-end, we observe which regime we are in, and then compute the performance of the
market in the following month. There do not appear to be significant market sell-offs following
high readings nor significant upswings follow low readings.

S&P 500 performance following VIX readings, Jun. 2000-Dec. Measures of Vol: VIX, High Quality Equity Vol, Low Quality
2021 Equity Vol

12.0% 30 2.5
25 2.3

Vol Ratio
Vol (%)

15 2
4.0% 1.9

2.0% 10 1.8

Bottom 1/3rd (Risk Middle 1/3rd (Neutral) Top 1/3rd (Risk Low Qual Vol High Qual Vol
Appetite) Averse) VIX Low/High Vol Ratio (RHS)
Source: SG Cross Asset Research/Equity Quant

Focus on the weak for signs of market distress

VIX, by definition, is a market-wide measure of volatility that does not differentiate firms by their
financial strength or fundamentals. However, if interest rates go up or economic conditions
deteriorate, it is reasonable to expect that the weakest businesses with the greatest amount of
debt on their balance sheets should fall before the strongest. While the initial reaction to a rise in
bond yields may be to sell lower beta defensive stocks, as the potential pain from higher rates

2 1 February 2022

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Global Quantitative Strategy

become more acute then selling balance sheet risk and eventually the equity market altogether
will become a priority.

Thus, it would be intuitive to focus on the performance and volatility of the weakest segment of
the equity market for signs of stress, rather than the aggregate market, which is often biased
towards the biggest, most profitable and usually better-financed firms. To that end, we look at
the low-quality, often levered firms with weak balance sheets. The rationale for this is that if the
share prices of weak companies start falling, not only does this exacerbate the problem by
increasing implied leverage, but it could be an early indication of investors becoming averse to
balance-sheet risk. Looking at changes in low-quality equity volatility might therefore be a better
way to predict the market than using aggregate market-based measures such as the VIX.

The Junk Equity Vol

If there is systemic distress in the market, an early warning sign should manifest in the most
vulnerable market segment of highly-levered and highly-volatile stocks that are typically
captured in our Quality screen. Based on the Merton distance to default measure and Piotroski’s
financial strength score, the screen ranks stocks in a given universe on the strength of their
balance sheets, distinguishing relatively low-leverage, low-volatility firms (top quintile) from
highly volatile, financially distressed firms (bottom quintile). In particular, the low-quality end
(short leg) of the Quality factor represents the most distressed firms, which are highly vulnerable
to economic and market downturns, reflecting the underbelly of volatility dynamics. Our
preferred measure of volatility – Junk Equity Vol – is the relative volatility of low-quality stocks to
high-quality firms, normalized in percentile form.

After a year-and-a-half lull in volatility, indicating market conditions supportive of risk rallies, the
Junk Equity Vol rose rapidly in mid-December, climbing to its highest level in early January and
foreshadowing the massive sell-offs that followed (below).

Junk Equity Vol, Jan. 2015-Jan. 2022

High Vol
10% Low Vol

Source: SG Cross Asset Research/Equity Quant

Historically, systemic hikes in market volatility appear to be felt first in this segment before
making it through to the VIX. To assess the relative efficacy of Junk Equity Vol in predicting the
market’s direction, the graph below at right looks at the average market reactions following
moves in the two volatility readings over time. It shows the average annualized return of the S&P
500 following a low/high monthly reading of Junk Equity Vol over the period since 2000. For

1 February 2022 3

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Global Quantitative Strategy

comparison, we show the same data for VIX. As expected, the figure shows that a high reading on
the Junk Equity Vol metric has historically been followed by negative market returns, on average,
while robust market performance has been preceded by low readings on this metric. In contrast,
a low or high reading on VIX has not been as useful in differentiating equity performance.

VIX and Junk Equity Vol, Jun. 2000-Dec. 2021 S&P 500 performance following risk index readings, Jun. 2000-
Dec. 2021


Spread (%)
Vol (%)

40 4%
30 2%
20 0%
10 VIX JunkVix
0 0 -4%

Bottom 1/3rd (Risk Appetite) Middle 1/3rd (Neutral)

JunkVIX VIX Top 1/3rd (Risk Averse)
Source: SG Cross Asset Research/Equity Quant

While showing strong traction over the longer sample spanning twenty years, the index’s recent
performance since its introduction in 2018 has been mixed, reflecting the unusual
macroeconomic uncertainties of the period. The index struggled in navigating the market as the
US economy was exiting multi-year monetary easing with a combination of rate hikes, QE
tapering and Fed balance sheet reduction in 2018-19 (left figure below). It correctly signaled
upcoming market turmoil from the onset of the pandemic in March 2020, but lagged in identifying
the quick market recovery in the months after. After correctly reflecting the bullish post-
pandemic market environment in 2020-21(see chart on previous page), the index rapidly rose to
an elevated level starting Dec. 2021, signaling the current market sell-off.

S&P performance following risk index readings, out-of- S&P performance following risk index readings, pandemic
sample, Jan. 2018-Dec. 2021 crisis, Mar. 2020-Dec. 2021

25.0% 50%

20.0% 40%

15.0% 30%

10.0% 20%

5.0% 10%

0.0% 0%
VIX JunkVix VIX JunkVix
Bottom 1/3rd (Risk Appetite) Middle 1/3rd (Neutral) Bottom 1/3rd (Risk Appetite) Middle 1/3rd (Neutral)
Top 1/3rd (Risk Averse) Top 1/3rd (Risk Averse)
Source: SG Cross Asset Research/Equity Quant

4 1 February 2022

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Global Quantitative Strategy

Junk Equity Vol and market timing

How valuable is the observed predictability in enhancing investment returns? As an example, we
consider a market timing or tactical asset allocation exercise in the context of a typical 60/40
equity-bond allocation. We design an active strategy in which we overweight equity (and
underweight bonds) by 20% in the event of a low reading on the volatility signals (i.e. risk-appetite
regime), expecting strong equity performance, while overweighting the bond allocation by 20%
(underweighting equity) in the event of a high reading, predicting market sell-offs. We include
transaction costs of 1bp. The charts below show that such a simple tilting strategy based on Junk
Equity Vol generates annualized risk-adjusted excess returns (IR) of about 0.63 vs 0.005 from
using VIX over the backtest period. The sources of outperformance are both return enhancement
and risk reduction. Adding the Junk Equity Vol TAA strategy as an overlay to the typical 60/40
portfolio significantly reduces its risk profile, lowering its maximum drawdown from 33% to 23%
during the period. The overlay strategy also improves annualized portfolio returns from 6.8% to

Performance of a tactical asset allocation strategy in 60/40 12-month rolling returns, Jun. 2000-Dec. 2021
portfolio, Jun. 2000-Dec. 2021

600 160 30%

500 20%
Cumulative Alpha

Cumulative Returns

100 10%
300 80
40 -10%
0 0

JunkVix TAA Alpha (RHS) 60/40
60/40+VIX TAA 60/40+JunkVix TAA Alpha JunkVix TAA Alpha 60/40 60/40 + JunkVix TAA Alpha

Note: Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Source: SG Cross Asset
Research/Equity Quant;

Systemic market or economic distress tends to victimize the most vulnerable, highly levered and
most volatile firms with weak balance sheets before it engulfs the wider market. If interest rates
rise or economic conditions deteriorate, it is reasonable to expect that the weakest businesses
with the most debt should fall before the strongest. Thus, it appears intuitive to focus on the
performance and volatility of the weakest segment of the equity market for early signs of stress,
rather than on the aggregate market, which is often biased towards the largest and strongest

After months of limited volatility, indicating market conditions supportive of risk rallies, the Junk
Equity Vol – the relative volatility of the weakest segment of the equity market – rose rapidly in
mid-December, climbing to its highest level in early January, foreshadowing the massive market
selloffs that followed. With its current reading remaining extremely elevated (over 95th
percentile), the Junk Equity Vol signals continued high volatility and suggests more caution in
navigating the market ahead.

1 February 2022 5

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Report completed on 1 February 2022 1:46 CET

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