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Description of activity:

Check Points
MSDS Displaying of chemicals or not
Precautionary boards
PPE board displayed or not
Do and Donts board displayed or not
Labeling of Chemicals
NFPA Diamond labels placed or Not
Chemical labels provided or Not (Identity, Hazards
and Safe Use)
All portable chemical containers are labeled by the
manufacturer or not

Chemicals -
Availability of MSDS
Environmental Hazard
Physical Hazard
Health Hazard
Hazard Category
Quantity used per month
Permitted Container size and type
Maximum Quantity permitted
Storage Qty
Persons are aware about chemical classification or
Members are trained about chemical safety or not
Any Leaks or spills of chemicals in area
Store incompatible chemicals in separate areas or not

Store acids in separate storage lockers / container

Isolate the area-keep others from entering

Overall Score/Rating(Average)

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