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Comments on the submitted Research proposal

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to read your proposal. You have an exciting
research area.

I do make the following comments:

1. General. Please use the recommended structure for the thesis. You may wish
to get the same from the school. Each chapter should start on a fresh page.
2. Research Title.

Please ensure that the research scope is clear and feasible. Ensure that the
variables of interest are clear.

3. Chapter one
a. Background. Please use this section to demonstrate your
understanding of the research area.
In my opinion, the section need to be improved to demonstrate the
grasp of the subject i.e. FDI’s and their effect on telecommunication

b. Referencing. Please reference all cited. Please use the recommended

citation style. You may have to review the entire document and put
referencing. Please adopt a single referencing style. See excerpts below;

c. Problem statement:
i. The statement is not clear. Please revise
ii. It is also not persuasive. At minimal the statement should give a
valid argument covering the problem, proposed method of
solving it, the purpose statement. Please relate to your research
d. Research Questions (RQs), Research objectives (ROs) and Hypotheses.

i. You may need to create a clear focus of your research. For

instance, is the study about i)‘FDIs and effect on
telecommunication sector’; ii) the ‘Malawi economic variables
and effect on FDIs’ and iii) ‘CSR activities’
ii. The research title ROs, RQs and hypotheses appear not in sync.
iii. Please state your study hypotheses clearly

4. Chapter two
a. Referencing style: Please ensure that all cited literature is referenced
and kindly use the recommended style. Do you wish to base your entire
study on Investopedia?

b. Literature review: I suggest you seek relevant literature review. Your

RQs can give you a guide on relevant literature. For instance, you may
wish to seek and critique literature on the FDIs and their impact on the
telecommunication sector.
c. Further, this section needs to be deepened.

5. Chapter three
a. Variables
i. I think you need to clear on the dependent variable. Please
b. Conceptual framework

i. The research title, the ROs/RQ and conceptual framework are
not in sync (see comments above).
ii. How did you derive the conceptual framework? The literature
review is not deep enough to elicit the variable and the sub-
variables above i.e. ‘employment’, ‘CSR’, ‘taxes to government’,
‘MITC’ etc.
iii. The variables of interest should be rooted in your literature
review. At the moment they are some disconnect. Please
c. It is not clear how you intend to measure the variables of interest
(independent and dependent). For instance, how will you measure
i. ‘FDIs…?
ii. ‘Employment’?
iii. ‘MITC’
iv. ‘CSR’
v. ‘taxes to government

d. Research methodology. This section need to be written and to be

detailed enough describing the research process. I suggest you read
through any title in research methodology
e. Questionnaire
i. Given the comments, above, I fear it is too early to comment on
the questionnaire.

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