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( CPMNHS King and Queen of Hearts 2016 )

Pedro : Our distinguished guests, our crowning guests, respected parents of the different
princes and princesses, Barangay and PTA officials, District Supervisor, Principal. Fellow
Teachers, students, friends , ladies & gentlemen, good afternoon.
Alodia: Once again we are gathered here to witness the coronation ceremonies of the
royal family headed by our King & Queen of Hearts 2016. I am sure that your enthusiasm
and excitement are still soaring high, because for sure our royal family will be more
astounding this afternoon. I would not therefore keep you waiting so, allow me to
present my co – emcee Mr. Pedro Quino and your’s truly, Mrs. Ma. Alodia Dumapias, your
emcee for this affair.
Pedro : Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Cong. Pablo Malasarte National High
School King and Queen 2016 coronation ceremonies. To start with, everybody is
requested to rise for the singing of Hymns : Lupang Hinirang, Awit sa Bohol and Balilihan
sa Kahanggturan to be conducted by Mrs. Shirley Ibarra.
Alodia : Let us lift our hands to God for His blessings that everything we do today is
according to His will. Please remain standing for the invocation to be led by Ms. Alyanna
Nina Marie Medidas, a Grade 9 student.

Pedro : To enliven our atmosphere and accommodate us, Mrs. Cristina N. Apale, our
school principal, the chairman of today’s affair will give us her words of welcome.
Alodia: Thank you very much Ma’am Apale. I know everybody is excited to witness the
beauty and charm of our princes and princesses. We will not prolong your agony of
waiting because we will witness them as they shine and show their glamour. Ladies and
gentlemen, princes and princesses in their production number. A big round of applause. (
Thank you!)
Pedro : At this point let us be entertained by our selected and talented CPMNHS students
in their electrifying intermission number. Let us welcome them with a big hand.

Alodia: That’s what you call talent. Thank you dear students. Let me just inform you that
this students gave an honor to us because they are the winners of the Modern Dance
Contest of Girl Scouts Provincial Level. What about giving them another big round of

Announcing the Start of Coronation Ceremonies

Pedro : The royal guards serve to protect the royal family from any harm. They make
sure that the rulers of this land are in safe condition at all times. So, why don’t we give a
warm applause for the entrance of the royal guards.
Alodia : Now dear friends, be sure to keep your eyes open for we are about to proceed
with the entrance of the princes & princessess.
Pedro : Beginning with the entrance of their royal highness Prince & Princess of
Ladies & gentlemen, our Prince of Generosity is . He is the son of
,a grade student under the advisory of Mrs. .
Pedro : Our Princess of Generosity is ,a daughter of
. She is grade student under the advisory of
Mrs .

Alodia : And now the entrance of the royal court announcing the entrance of the Fourth
Prince and Fourth Princess…… Our Fourth Prince is the son of Mr. &
Mrs. . He is a grade student under the advisory of
Mrs. . His ambition is to become
a .

Pedro : Our second princess is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs.

.She is a grade student under the advisory of
. Her ambition is to become a
Pedro : Let us give a round of applause to our Fourth Prince and Fourth Princess….
Entrance of First Prince & First Princess…….

( 3rd Prince and 3rd Princesess then 2nd Prince and 2nd Princess)

Pedro : Our first prince is the son of Mr. &

Mrs. . He is a grade student under the advisory of
Mrs. .His ambition is to become .
Our first princess is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. .
She is a grade student under the advisory of Mrs. .Her ambition is
to become .

Pedro : As the highest rulers of this kingdom march to their thrones, it is but proper that
thy be showered with flowers and so ladies & gentlemen. We now have the entrance of
the 2013 King who are none other than, Jayson Rey Cemini and of course 2013 Queen
Lanz Alexis Beashamine Pana.

Alodia : Here we are the most awaited part of today’s occasion, the highlights of today’s
affair……….the entrance of her Majesty Queen Gwyneth Kate Barnigo, our CPMNHS
Queen of Hearts 2016.
Queen Gwyneth is the daughter of Mr.& Mrs. . She is a grade 10
student under the advisory of Mrs. Ma. Carla W. Paster. Gwyneth loves reading books,
dancing, singing and playing computer games. Her ambition is to become a
someday. Ladies and gentlemen,our CPMNHS Queen of Hearts 2016 Gwyneth Kate
Barnigo. Let’s give her a round of applause.

Pedro : The entrance of his Royal Highness King Ray Arvin O. Calimpusan, our CPMNHS
King of Hearts 2016. Ray Arvin Calimpusan is the son of Mr. & Mrs . A grade 9
student under the advisory of Mrs. Loida T. Maniwang. His hobbies are playing basketball
and biking. His ambition is to become someday.
What about a round of applause to our CPMNHS King of Hearts 2016 Ray Arvin O.

Alodia: Sashes are symbols of title to be kept. We will now, have the pinning of
sashes. We will start with the pinning of sashes to our Mr. & Miss Generosity. To pin the
sashes to our Prince and Princess of Generosity, may we invite the parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Alejaga and Mr. and Mrs. Ale to do the honor.

Pedro : Flowers are also given to symbolize appreciation and thanks. May I call on the
class adviser and class mayor to give the bouquet of flowers. Mrs.
and Mrs. , the respective advisers of Prince
and Princess of Generosity will do the honor.

(-----------up to the the King and Queen)

Farewell Walk / King

Alodia : As he bids goodbye, CPMNHS King of Hearts 2013 Jayson Rey Cemini, will be on
his farewell walk.

Farewell Message
Pedro : King Jayson Rey Cemini is yrs. old, the son of Mr. & Mrs.
a grade student. He loves to play basketball and dreams of becoming
a someday. Where he positively believes in the saying “ happiness is a perfume
that you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself”. Ladies and
gentlemen our outgoing King, King Jayson Rey Cemini.

Farewell Walk / Queen

Alodia : At this juncture, CPMNHS Queen of Hearts 2013 Lanz Alexis Beashamine Pana
will be on her farewell walk.Crowned as CPMNHS Queen of Hearts 2013, Lanz Alexis
Beashamine Pana never thought of becoming a queen at her very young age. As it was
described by her former teacher, Mrs. . Lanz Alexis Beashamine Pana is
the eldest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. . Lanz loves to sing and dance
during her spare time but always put priority to her studies. Now that she is about to
relinquish her crown as queen, she wanted to share this message to our reigning queen,
Gwyneth Barnigo and to the rest of the royal court.
Farewell Message
Lanz: Count your blessings once you realize how valuable you are. The smiles will
return , the sun will break out, the music will play, and you will finally be able to move
towards life what God has intended for you, the grace..courage..strength and confidence
which I am now passing unto you…
Alodia : Once again.. let us give tribute to our outgoing queen, Lanz Alexis Beashamine
Pana. Let’s give her a round of applause.

Pedro: Congratulations and thank you to our CPMNHS King and Queen of Hearts 2013.

Alodia : CPMNHS King and Queen of Hearts 2013 will now turn over their cape and
scepter to the reigning King and Queen 2016.

Pedro : To don the cape to our Reigning King, may we request our Schools District
Supervisor, Dr. Faustino N. Toradio and to do the same honor, our Cabad Barangay
Captain, Hon. Cecilia B. Tabigue will don the cape to our Reigning Queen.

Alodia: Scepter signifies righteous authority. Indeed, it is just to give this to the rightful
owner. To give the scepter to King Arvin, our Board Member of the 1 st Congressional
District of Bohol, Hon. Benjie Arcamo will do the honor. May we also request our school
principal, Mrs. Cristina N. Apale to give the scepter to Queen Gwyneth.

Crowning Queen
Alodia : The crown is the highest honor bestowed on a queen, so let the crowning of Her
majesty queen begins….And to do the honor of crowning our majesty Queen, may we
request our Municipal Mayor of Balilihan non-other than Hon. Ma. Pureza V. Chatto . May
we then ask everyone to please rise to give honor to our newly Queen Gwyneth Kate
Barnigo. Let’s give our new queen this year a round of applause.

Crowning King
Pedro: All kings deserve the crown of integrity. And it is indeed true to our new king, King
Ray Arvin Calimpusan. May we call in our Governor of the Province of Bohol, non-other
than Hon. Edgar M. Chatto to do the honor of crowning the king. May we ask again the
public to please rise to give honor as he crown our newly king. A big round of applause
Alodia: Our majesties, you may go now to your throne. Everybody, please have a seat. At
this moment, let us make ourselves comfortable and relaxed as we listen to a sweet
serenade of a Grade 8 student, Angel Vanz Clifford Orig. A big round of applause.

Pedro : At this point, Hon. Benjie Arcamo, Board Member of the 1 st Congressional District
of Bohol, will give his message to us, let us welcome him with a big hand.

Alodia : Thank you Sir for those words. At this juncture we will hear our dynamic
Municipal Mayor of Balilihan as she gives her message to us. Help me welcome , Hon.
Ma. Pureza V. Chatto on stage for her message.
Pedro : Thank you Mayor. There you have it. Once again let us thank Hon. Benjie
Arcamo, Board Member of the 1st Congressional District of Bohol and Municipal Mayor of
Balilihan, Hon. Ma. Pureza V. Chatto for their encouraging and inspiring messages to
us... let us give both of them a resounding applause.

Alodia : The CPMNHS faculty and staff express heartfelt gratitude to our princes and
princesses and most especially to their respected parents for their great help and
contribution of this Coronation of CPMNHS King and Queen of Hearts 2016. For without
them, this event will not be a success. So, may I request the faculty members and SSG
officers to award the trophies and certificates of appreciation.

Alodia: A big resounding applause to these people with big hearts and open hands.

Pedro : At this point, let us be entertained by the selected and talented CPMNHS
students in their amazing intermission number. Let us welcome them with a big hand.

Alodia : Thank you dear students. These students are under the care of Ms. Jenepil Balo.
Now we have the idea where they got their talents. Let us once again give them a
round of applause for that wonderful and entertaining intermission number.

Pedro : At this moment, Hon. Edgar M. Chatto, Governor of the Province of Bohol will
give his message to us, let us welcome him with a big round of applause. Thank you so
much Gov. for always inspiring us with your words of enlightenment.

Alodia : And now, we acknowledge the invitation of the royal court in a royal dance. We
will give this moment to our CPMNHS Newly Crowned King and Queen of Hearts 2016,
King Arvin and Queen Gwyneth and so with the princes and princesses.

Pedro : It’s almost time for us to end our coronation ceremonies. So, I will give this
moment to our very active PTA President, Mrs. Anecita L. Orig to give the closing
Alodia: We would like to thank everybody who in one way or another help grace this

Pedro & Alodia: Once again, good afternoon and mabuhay po tayong lahat!

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