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Applicant Mr WP Herbst Identity Number 5003315005081

Attachment Annexure A2.2

Subject Project Report – Challenges, Frustrations and/or Failures

Project Profile Ref. Annexure A1.47


This project report is aimed at demonstrating technical competence and understanding of construction health
and safety planning, implementation and management; as relevant to the Construction Health and Safety
Agent level of professional registration being applied for. Furthermore, this project report focusses upon the
challenges, frustrations and/or failures that occurred on the project and how I handled these.

This project report is made with reference to On Stonesman developer project Evleigh where I was only
contracted when builing was already in progress and 10% completed.


In planning and preparing for my section of the meeting, I ensure that I have the updated list of participating
principal contractors, the scope of work for each type of service, final baseline risk assessment, tender SHE
specifications, tender procedure, SHE bill of quantities and list of discussion points.
At the meeting I use a prepared list of relevant critical SHE discussion points and possible questions from the
contractors as the basis for my discussion.
I explain the requirements including new or changes to legislation, industry specific standards and regulations,
project specific SHE specifications and baseline risk assessment.
The required information on the bill of quantities were discussed and all questions from the attendees were
answered and noted for future use.
The attendance at this meeting was poor and this led to much frustration at the tender evaluation stage with
tenders received with inadequate information, not specifying items as required and caused potential PC being
removed from the tender list.

Project Profile Ref. Annexure A1.42


This project report is aimed at demonstrating technical competence and understanding of construction health
and safety planning, implementation and management; as relevant to the Construction Health and Safety
Agent level of professional registration being applied for. Furthermore, this project report focusses upon the
challenges, frustrations and/or failures that occurred on the project and how I handled these.
This project report is made with reference to Askari developments upgrade of SACE building and I was only
contracted on the first day of construction.

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I was contracted on the first day of construction, revamping a building with strict time delay penalties. The
project manager failed in following the existing company procedures which I implemented on previous
projects including: issue project SHE specifications and accepting the PC quotation without any verification of
SHE plan and resources.
I met the principal contractor onsite to evaluate and discuss their SHE plan and established that they made no
provision for SHE costs, SHE plan or requirements. I discussed the situation with the client and I issue a work
stop notice.
The contractor was issued with SHE specifications but had no SHE knowledge and without success
constantly attempted to develop their own SHE system leading to delays and frustration.
I recommended that they seek the assistance of a SHE advisor and forwarded contact details.
After 3 weeks delay their SHE plan was approved and I further assisted them to maintain their system by
monitoring the implementation on a weekly basis.
This delay caused my client to pay high delay penalties which led to a high budget over expenditure.

Project Profile Ref. Annexure A1.44


This project report is aimed at demonstrating technical competence and understanding of construction health
and safety planning, implementation and management; as relevant to the Construction Health and Safety
Agent level of professional registration being applied for. Furthermore, this project report focuses upon the
challenges, frustrations and/or failures that occurred on the project and how I handled these.
This project report is made with reference to evening Shades project the principal contractor did not have
sufficient resources and had a poor safety attitude


After poor audit results on 4 March 15 an improvement notice was issued to the PC with a follow-up audit
scheduled for 17 March 2015. The follow-up audit the result was even worse with 66.1 % on administration
and 33.3% on the practical implementation.
After evaluation of last 2 audit results, I used the stop work order procedure required in the SHE specification,
I notified the client and issued a stop work order to the PC.
At the re-audit on 23 March 15 there was an acceptable improvement and after a discussion and a
commitment to rectify the outstanding matters from the PC, the stop work order was lifted. I visited the site on
a regular basis and met with the PC in an attempt to improve their implementation of their SHE plan.
The PC experienced financial difficulty which resulted in deterioration of SHE performance and all other
aspects of construction and their contract was terminated and construction work stopped.
Failure of the PC meant that a new PC was appointed who appointed new subcontractors which caused
frustration and a struggle to re-create whole SHE process had to be put in place in 2 weeks.

Project Profile Ref. Annexure A1.14


This project report is aimed at demonstrating technical competence and understanding of construction health
and safety planning, implementation and management; as relevant to the Construction Health and Safety
Agent level of professional registration being applied for. Furthermore, this project report focuses upon the
challenges, frustrations and/or failures that occurred on the project and how I handled these.
This project report is made with reference to Crossway a four storey office park which was developed in three


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In May 2011 I was contracted by Askari developments as SHE. I discussed and evaluated the construction
PC who were not onsite yet and approved his plan. The groundwork PC who, had already started work SHE
plan was not approved caused frustrations and a struggle to achieve compliance due to no provision for risk
management, plant operators medicals, plant inspections and maintenance.

I discussed the shortfall with my client and the PC SHE officer and was reassured that it will be corrected by
the next day. The client requested that I evaluate the plan at start of shift 2 days later. On the second
evaluation there had been no improvement and the site supervisor argued the validity of the SHE

I notified my client of my intended work stop notice and was requested not to issue the notice as the ground-
work was already behind schedule and there was pressure to start the building operations.

This failure on the clients behalf caused the contractor not to become compliant or update their SHE system
which reflected in the monthly audit reports.

Project Profile Ref. Annexure A1.47


This project report is aimed at demonstrating technical competence and understanding of construction health
and safety planning, implementation and management; as relevant to the Construction Health and Safety
Agent level of professional registration being applied for. Furthermore, this project report focuses upon the
challenges, frustrations and/or failures that occurred on the project and how I handled these.
This project report is made with reference to Eveleigh project where I was contracted by the CEO when
building had commenced and 10% completed due to the previous agent contract being terminated.


I was contracted by the CEO when building had commenced and 10% completed due to the previous agent
contract being terminated.
On my appointment in the planning fase I identified incident management as one of the critical component of
SHE control and include it in the SHE specification for the project, based on possible emergencies related to
the scope of the project, including: size, type, height, of building, number and type of service providers,
equipment and plant, number of workers, climate and season.
The specification require incident preparedness and response, equipment, appointments, competency/training
requirement, incident investigation, risk assessment and management accountability.
I developed the site specifications, met with the client and PC discussing the changes and implementation
and assisted the PC at a contractors meeting discussing and explaining the changes.
These changes at such a late stage cause much frustration as we initially struggled to get co-operation from
the contractors. I assisted the PC by providing information, incident action planning and proposing and
providing information on emergency team training and service providers.

Project Profile Ref. Annexure A1.50


This project report is aimed at demonstrating technical competence and understanding of construction health
and safety planning, implementation and management; as relevant to the Construction Health and Safety
Agent level of professional registration being applied for. Furthermore, this project report focuses upon the
challenges, frustrations and/or failures that occurred on the project and how I handled these.
This project report is made with reference to die Hoewes 218

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The OHS act, its regulations, related standards and other legislation requires that the employer provides a
workplace that is safe and without risk to H&S of employees.
Conducting audits and inspections is a requirement of the Construction regulations and the OHS act to
evaluate and manage H&S risk and legal compliance.

During the practical inspection onsite I identified and recorded various unsafe action including PC employees
working at height without protection or use of harnassess and stopped work until appropriate corrective action
was implemented.

The documentation audit included: inspections, risk assessments, appointments, policies, control measures,
reporting, training to ensure that it is updated, completed and communicated and evaluated against the
contractors SHE plan. The following non-conformances were identified: The 37.2 agreement between the
client and PC was not fully completed and signed by the PC and not all persons onsite had attended the SHE

Findings were recorded, reviewed and discussed with the relevant manager/supervisor /contractor.
Appropriate corrective actions were discussed and a date was agreed upon for the NCR closeout to be
completed. The NCR were not closed out as agreed.
Audit results are communicated to the management team via e-mail and discussed at the following
management meeting.

Project Profile Ref. Annexure A1.14


This project report is aimed at demonstrating technical competence and understanding of construction health
and safety planning, implementation and management; as relevant to the Construction Health and Safety
Agent level of professional registration being applied for. Furthermore, this project report focuses upon the
challenges, frustrations and/or failures that occurred on the project and how I handled these.
This project report is made with reference to Crossway a four storey office park which was developed in three


The final SHE specifications which is an ideal opportunity to ensure that the PC who is making a bid for work
has made adequate provision for Health, hygiene and environment management on the project.

The final specifications which was included in the procurement document included: a) exposures to noise,
dust, hasardous chemicals, i.e. cement, paint, flammable liquids. b) surveys and assessment of ergonomic
hasards. c) availability and adequacy of toilets, drinking water, eating areas. d) management and control of
waste, spills, emissions. e) monitoring, preventative and control measures.
f) Job specific medicals.

On 20 June 2013 I was notified that DC electrical supervisor suffered an epileptic attack, sustained head
injuries and passed away.

The investigation revealed the worker had no entry medical and did not reveal his status to his employer. At
the date of the incident, there were no direct requirement in legislation requiring medicals for all construction
workers. The SHE specifications only required medicals required by the Construction Regulation 2003.

After this incident I revised the baseline risk assessment and specifications to include medicals for all
construction staff.

The changes were discussed with the PC and at the next project meeting and successfully implemented and

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monitored through site audits.

Project Profile Ref. Annexure A1.39


This project report is aimed at demonstrating technical competence and understanding of construction health
and safety planning, implementation and management; as relevant to the Construction Health and Safety
Agent level of professional registration being applied for. Furthermore, this project report focuses upon the
challenges, frustrations and/or failures that occurred on the project and how I handled these.
This project report is made with reference to Rooihuis Kraal, a 2 storey housing development


In planning and preparing for my section of the meeting, I ensure that I have the updated list of participating
principal contractors, the scope of work for each type of service, final baseline risk assessment, tender SHE
specifications, tender procedure, SHE bill of quantities and list of discussion points.
At the meeting I use a prepared list of relevant critical SHE discussion points and possible questions from the
contractors as the basis for my discussion.
I explain the requirements including new or changes to legislation, industry specific standards and regulations,
project specific SHE specifications and baseline risk assessment.
The required information on the bill of quantities were discussed and all questions from the attendees were
answered and noted for future use.
The attendance at this meeting was poor and this led to much frustration at the tender evaluation stage with
tenders received with inadequate information, not specifying items as required and caused potential PC being
removed from the tender list.

Project Profile Ref. Annexure A1.46


This project report is aimed at demonstrating technical competence and understanding of construction health
and safety planning, implementation and management; as relevant to the Construction Health and Safety
Agent level of professional registration being applied for. Furthermore, this project report focuses upon the
challenges, frustrations and/or failures that occurred on the project and how I handled these.
This project report is made with reference to Pebble Falls fase , a multi storey housing development.


I developed a SHE procurement process consisting of a bill of quantities requires that the PC price for all SHE
requirements related to their scope of work and a questionnaire focussing on 4 SHE aspects, i.e. HIRA, site
management, Incident management and emergency preparedness and failure in one of these disqualifies the

The emergency preparedness section requires information and documented proof including: risk assessment,
emergency planning and procedures, fall rescue plan, evacuation plan, appointments, training and
competence including: site management, first aiders, fire fighters, emergency controller, emergency

The tender documents were issued very late with a short return period which led to inadequate response and
the return period being extended by 2 weeks.

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I assisted in evaluating the tender information based on price, completeness and adequacy of SHE including
emergency preparedness and compiled a report with recommendations which was forwarded to the
procurement manager and client to assist in making an informed decision when selecting the PC.

The delay in the tender process caused inadequate time for proper evaluation and the appointment of a PC
whose contract was terminated before completion of the project.


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