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‫الجمهوريه الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية‬


Democratic and Popular Republic of Algiria

‫وزارة البحث و التعليم العالي‬.

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique

M'Hamed Bougara University of Boumerdès

Exam : English

Département Génie des procédés


. The speciality of process engineering

Présentation by :

Nom :Bendjeddou

Prénom :Amina

Matricul :222231241805

Groupe :02
Prémation 2024


The specialization in Chemical and Process Engineering is considered one of the finest sciences
globally, consistently ranking at the top in Western universities and advanced countries. In every
leading and developed nation, it excels in chemical sciences, encompassing pharmaceuticals,
petrochemical industries, chemical weapons, nuclear energy, ……

And the subject of Chemical and Process Engineering is regarded as one of the best and most
enjoyable subjects in secondary education : outstanding students, competent teachers, and generally
accessible content, with a coefficient of 7.

The process engineering discipline in Algeria stands out as an engineering field focused on the design,
optimization, and management of various industrial processes. Among the key sectors where this
specialty plays a crucial role are the petrochemical industry, pharmaceuticals, and food production.
Algerian process engineers commit to addressing specific challenges related to local resources,
striving to reconcile technological advancements with the constraints of the national context.

In the petrochemical industry, for instance, process engineering in Algeria concentrates on refining
process optimization, maximizing production while minimizing harmful emissions. In the
pharmaceutical sector, process engineers work on establishing efficient production lines that adhere
to international quality standards, contributing to the manufacturing of essential medicines. In the
field of food production, the emphasis is on improving transformation processes, preserving
resources, and ensuring food safety.

Faced with environmental and economic challenges, process engineers in Algeria are also involved in
adopting innovative technologies aimed at reducing energy consumption, promoting the use of
sustainable raw materials, and minimizing industrial waste. By collaborating with international
partners and incorporating cutting-edge practices, process engineering in Algeria contributes not only
to the operational efficiency of industries but also to the overall sustainability of the country’s
manufacturing sector.

As for employment opportunities after graduation for a student, theoretically, they are much better
than other specializations. Opportunities include positions at SONATRACH, SONALGAZ, foreign
petroleum companies, petrochemical industries in Skikda and Arzew, plastic factories, detergent and
cosmetic manufacturing, private and public pharmaceutical companies, quality control, chemical
analysis laboratories in various fields (quality control, cement factories, water treatment labs, food
industry labs, milk and cheese factories, oil and margarine factories, textile factories), environmental
directorates, water directorates, trade directorates (quality control), education at various levels
(middle, high school, university), scientific police for crime detection, chemical analysis laboratories
for the police in the capital, and research in scientific fields to discover new substances like drugs for

In most cases, your work will be conducted in English , It is also considered one of the subjects taught
in this specialty with other modules like ( chemistry , maths , fluide mechanics, waves and vibrations,
probability and statistics ….) it plays a vital role in process engineering, serving as the primary
language for international communication among professionals, contributing to understanding
technical documentation, ensuring compliance with standards and regulations, participating in global
conferences, and collaborating in research and development. It is also the language of instruction in
many reputable educational institutions. Proficiency in English facilitates global communication,
provides access to technical resources, and enhances international collaboration, all crucial aspects of
this fieled.



The pressure :

In the context of process engineering, pressure is defined as the force exerted by a fluid
(whether liquid or gas) per unit area in a given system. This quantity is crucial in the design
and operation of industrial equipment and processes. The management and understanding
of pressure are essential to ensure the safety of installations, the proper selection of
components such as valves and pipes, and to optimize reaction and separation conditions in
the various operational units of process engineering. Pressure is typically measured in
pascals (Pa) or bars in the International System of Units.
Force :

In physics, force is an interaction that can change the motion or shape of an object. It is characterized
by its magnitude (intensity), direction, and point of application. The unit of measurement for force in
the International System is the newton (symbol: N).

Thermodynamic :

Thermodynamics is a branch of physics that studies energy transformations, particularly the

conversion between heat and work. It relies on fundamental principles such as the conservation of
energy and the laws of perfect gases to describe the behavior of physical systems on a large scale.

Heat transfer :

Heat transfer is the physical process by which thermal energy is transferred from one object to
another due to a temperature difference between them. This process can occur through conduction,
convection, or radiation, and it plays a crucial role in various fields such as thermal engineering,
meteorology, and materials science.

Units :

A unit is a standardized measure used to quantify a particular quantity. It serves as a common

reference point for expressing values consistently. Units can be defined by international standards,
facilitating communication and understanding of quantities across various scientific and technical

Chemical reaction :

A chemical reaction is a process in which one or more substances, called reactants, undergo changes
to form new substances, known as products. These transformations are governed by conservation
laws such as the conservation of mass and are typically represented by chemical equations describing
the proportions of reactants and products.
Atomes :

Atoms are the fundamental units of matter, composed of a central nucleus containing protons and
neutrons, surrounded by electrons in orbit. Each type of atom is characterized by a specific number of
protons in its nucleus, known as the atomic number. Atoms form chemical elements, and their
interactions form the basis of all chemical reactions and physical properties of matter.

Fluide :

A fluid is a substance that has the ability to flow and take the shape of its container.

Fluids include liquids and gases, and their behavior is governed by the laws of fluid dynamics, a
branch of physics.

Thermal equilibrium :

Thermal equilibrium occurs when there is no net transfer of heat between two systems or objects in
thermal contact. In equilibrium, the temperatures of both systems remain constant over time. This
means that the heat exchanged between them is equal, and there is no net change in thermal energy
between the two.

Reactor :

In process engineering, a reactor is an apparatus where chemical reactions take place. It can take
different forms, such as a chemical reactor or a biological reactor, depending on the type of process
involved. Reactors are crucial for the design and optimization of industrial processes.

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