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Routes of Administration EPINEPHRINE


Mode of Action
Nonselective Adrenergic Agonist
● Epinephrine works by stimulating both
the alpha and beta adrenergic
receptors, thus why it is called a
sympathomimetic, as it gives a full
sympathetic response.

Samuel McDonald
What Does it Do? Nursing Considerations Side Effects

● Because Epinephrine stimulates both ● Epinephrine can increase rigidity and ● Epinephrine side effects are due to the
the alpha and beta adrenergic receptors, tremor in patients with Parkinson’s fact that it is a nonselective adrenergic
it results in many widespread effects disease agonist and all 4 receptors are being
including: ● Epinephrine is the drug of choice in activated. Side effects include:
emergency treatment of acute
○ INC Heart Contractility ○ Nervousness
anaphylactic reactions
○ Pupil Dilation ○ Tremors
● Observe patient closely for adverse
○ Bladder Relaxation reactions ○ Tachycardia
○ Prostate Contraction ● If blood pressure increases sharply, ○ Hypertension
○ DEC GI Tone and Motility give rapid-acting vasodilators such as ○ Dizziness
○ INC Heart Rate nitrates and alpha blockers, in order to ○ Sweating
○ INC Blood Pressure counteract the marked pressor effect ○ Headache
○ Bronchodilation of large doses ○ Anxiety
○ Uterine Muscle Relaxation
○ INC Blood Sugar
Patient Teaching

What Does It Treat? ● For patients with acute hypersensitivity

reactions, such as to bee stings or
● Epinephrine treats many things, but is peanuts, teach self-injection in case of
primarily used for the treatment of emergency
severe allergic reactions and ● Instruct patient to give autoinjector into
anaphylaxis. The bronchodilation
the outer thigh and not into the buttock,
properties allow for improved airway
as this area of injection has been shown ● More severe adverse reactions of
patency and the INC contractility of the
to be less effective in life-threatening epinephrine include cerebral
heart improves cardiac output of the
situations hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage,
heart. It is also used to treat
● Instruct patient to seek immediate ventricular fibrillation, and shock
hypotension due to septic shock, croup,
medical care for reactions and to never
and is even used as a local anesthetic
give more than 2 sequential doses
block in the operating room.
Routes of Administration

Mode of Action

● It inhibits ACE which prevents

conversion of ang. 1 to ang. 2, a potent Classification
vasoconstrictor. Less ang. 2 decreases ACE Inhibitor
peripheral arterial resistance, thus (Antihypertensive)
decreasing aldosterone secretion,
reducing sodium and water retention,
lowering blood pressure.

Samuel McDonald
What Does it Do? Nursing Considerations Side Effects
● Some side effects that can occur while
● Fosinopril is from the drug class called ● Monitor Blood pressure for drug effect taking Fosinopril include:
the antihypertensives. It blocks an ○ Dizziness
● Assess renal and hepatic function
enzyme needed to produce a substance ○ Hypotension
before and periodically throughout
that causes blood vessels to tighten up. ○ Irritating Cough
therapy ○ Hyperkalemia
So as a result from taking fosinopril, ● Can increase the risk for angioedema, ○ Peripheral vasodilation
blood vessels relax, resulting in a including intestinal angioedema. ■ Edema
lowered blood pressure. In addition, it Monitor patient for facial swelling, ● Although this is used to treat
results in an improved supply of blood airway obstruction, and abdominal pain hypertension, we need to be careful,
and oxygen to the heart. ● Monitor potassium intake and because this lowering of the blood
potassium level. Diabetic patients and pressure can push us in the opposite
those with impaired renal function may direction, resulting in hypotension.
develop hyperkalemia

Patient Teaching

● Tell patient to avoid

potassium-containing salt substitutes,
What Does It Treat? which may increase the risk of
● Through relaxing the blood vessels and ● Instruct patient to contact prescriber if
lowering the blood pressure, Fosinopril light-headedness or fainting occurs
treats both hypertension and heart ● Tell female patients of childbearing
failure. High blood pressure increases ● Some less common side effects
potential to notify the prescriber if
the workload of the heart and can pregnancy occurs. Drug therapy will
○ Runny nose
overtime, cause the heart and arteries to need to be stopped. ○ Loss of voice
not work properly. In addition,
○ Ear congestion
hypertension increases the risk for heart ○ Body aches
attacks to occur.
Routes of Administration

Mode of Action (Anticonvulsant)

● Phenytoin works by suppressing

abnormal firing, slowing the synaptic
transmission and inhibiting the neuron
from firing. By blocking the positive
feedback loop, phenytoin causes neural
propagation of high frequency action
potentials, preventing seizures.

Samuel McDonald
What Does it Do? Nursing Considerations Side Effects

● Phenytoin is the primary hydantoin that ● Don’t stop drug suddenly because this ● Some side effects that phenyotin can
may worsen seizures result in include
is used, from a family of drugs known
● Because of the risks of cardiac and ○ Gingival hyperplasia
as anticonvulsants. Phenytoin does not
local toxicity with parenteral ○ Nystagmus
prevent all types of seizures, but the ○ Headache
ones that it does, it does so by slowing phenytoin, use oral form when possible
○ Diplopia
down impulses in the brain that cause ● Watch for gingival hyperplasia,
○ Dizziness
seizures to occur. In addition to this, it especially in children ○ Slurred speech
also helps keep the neurons in the brain ● If a rash appears, you must stop the ○ DEC coordination
from becoming too active, which also drug. If the rash is scarlatiniform or ○ Alopecia
helps to prevent seizures. morbilliform, resume drug after rash ○ Thrombocytopenia
appears. If a rash reappears, stop ○ Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
therapy. If rash is exfoliative, purpuric,
or bullous, don’t resume drug.

Patient Teaching

● Advise patient to avoid driving and

other potentially hazardous activities
that require mental alertness until
drug’s CNS effects are known
● Advise patient to avoid alcohol
What Does It Treat? ● Stress importance of good oral hygeine ● Some more serious side effects may
and regular dental exams. Surgical include:
● Phenytoin is used to control and removal of excess gum tissue may be ○ Itchiness
prevent seizures, more specifically needed periodically if dental hygiene is ○ Skin blistering
tonic-clonic seizures (also known as poor. ○ Panic attacks
grand mal seizures) and complex ● Advise patient that drug may cause an ○ Suicidal thoughts
partial seizures for people with ○ Severe muscle pain
INC in blood glucose levels.
Routes of Administration

Bronchodilator (Xanthine derivative)
(Lower respiratory tract drug)

Mode of Action

● Theophylline is released from

aminophylline. Theophylline
competitively inhibits type III and
type IV phosphodiesterase, the
enzyme responsible for breaking
down cyclic AMP in smooth muscle
cells, possibly resulting in
Samuel McDonald
Nursing Considerations Side Effects
What Does it Do?
● Only administer to pregnant patients ● Some common side effects that can
● Aminophylline is used in order to relax
when very clearly needed, such as with result from taking aminophylline
the smooth muscles of the bronchial
neonatal tachycardia, jitteriness, or include:
airways as well as the pulmonary blood
vessels, resulting in bronchodilation
from withdrawal apnea as a result of ○ Upset stomach
which allows for improved airway xanthines up until delivery ○ Diarrhea
patency and gas exchange. ● Give immediate release, liquid dosage ○ Headache
forms with food if GI effects occur ○ Restlessness
● Monitor results of serum theophylline ○ Insomnia
levels carefully, and arrange for ○ Irritability
reduced dosage if serum levels exceed
the therapeutic range of 10-20 mcg/mL

Patient Teaching

● Teach patients, if on a timed-release

product, to follow the prescription
What Does It Treat? exactly, to take it on an empty stomach,
and take it 1 hour before meals or 2
● Aminophylline is primarily used for the hours after meals.
maintenance treatment of asthma. ● Teach patients not to chew or crush
timed release medications. ● Some serious side effects that can occur
Although it may seem like it can be
● Teach patients to avoid excessive include:
used for many things, it can not be used
intake of coffee, tea, cocoa, cola ○ Vomiting
to treat bronchospasm or respiratory
beverages, and chocolate because they ○ Rapid Heart rate
distress. Can also be used to treat
can INC the theophylline CNS ○ Irregular heartbeat
symptoms of chronic bronchitis and
stimulation effect. ○ Seizures
○ Rash
Routes of Administration

Mode of Action

● Heparin accelerates formation of

antithrombin III-thrombin complex and
deactivates thrombin, thus preventing
the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin,
thus preventing blood clotting. The
inactivation of thrombin leads to a
cascade that ends with the inability for
blood clotting.

Samuel McDonald
What Does it Do? Nursing Considerations Side Effects

● Heparin is an anticoagulant, meaning ● Elderly patients should be started on a ● Some side effects that can occur with
that in some way, it prevents the lower dose than others heparin therapy include:
coagulation, or clotting of blood. Some ● Monitor your patients for hyperkalemia ○ Bruising more easily
call it a blood thinner, but it in fact does during therapy ○ Bleeding
not thin the blood. In the process of all ● Avoid Intramuscular injections of other ○ Bleeding that takes longer to
this, Heparin also reduces the rate of drugs to prevent or minimize stop
the rise of systolic blood pressure. hematoma ○ redness/irritation at injection
● Abrupt withdrawal may cause INC site
coagulability; warfarin therapy usually ○ INC liver enzymes on liver
overlaps heparin therapy for function test
continuation of prophylaxis or ○ Thrombocytopenia
treatment ○ Prolonged clotting time

Patient Teaching

● Advise patient to watch for and

immediately report any signs of
bleeding such as abdominal pain or
What Does It Treat? red/black vomit or stool
● Advise patients to talk to prescriber
● Heparin has multiple uses. It is used to before starting any type of herbal
prevent and treat certain blood vessel, therapy because many herbs have
heart, and lung conditions. Heparin is anticoagulant, antiplatelet, or ● Some more serious side effects include
used to produce a rapid fibrinolytic properties. ○ Severe bleeding
anticoagulation effect for ● Tel patients to avoid over the counter ○ Coughing up blood
thromboembolism treatment, and even drugs containing aspirin or other ○ Dark, tarry stool
prophylaxis. ○ Dizziness
salicylates as they may interact with
heparin ○ Pink or brown urine

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