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N at u r a l C l e a n i n g R e c i p e s C h e at S h e e t

e.o. = essential oil; citrus e.o. = lemon, orange, lime, or grapefruit

W i n d ow Clea n er A ll Pu rpos e S pr ay D u sti n g Cloth s

V 1/2 cup white vinegar V 3/4 tbsp liquid castile soap V 5 tsp jojoba or olive oil
V 1/2 cup water V 10 – 15 drops citrus e.o V 20 drops lemon e.o.
V 1 pinch cornstarch V 1 cup water V 1 cup hot water
V Optional: 1 tbsp vodka/alcohol V Old t-shirt, cut in squares

Co u nter S pr ay A i r Fr es h En er S pr ay Wo o d Fu r n itu r e S pr ay
V 1 cup water V 2 tbsp vodka V 2 tbsp olive oil
V 3 tbsp rubbing alcohol/vodka V 6 – 8 drops e.o. V 3 drops lemon e.o.
V 2 tsp liquid castile soap V 2 tbsp water V 4 tbsp white vinegar

Sco u r i n g Powd er 1 Sco u r i n g Powd er 2 Easy So ft Li k e Scr u b

V 1/2 cup baking soda V 1/4 cup baking soda V 1/4 cup baking soda
V Zest of 1/2 lemon V 1/4 cup washing soda/borax V 1/2 tbsp liquid castile soap
V 4-5 drops lemon e.o. V 5 drops citrus e.o. V water, to slightly thin mix

Bath R o o m Clea n er Cab i n et Was h K itch en Flo o r Clea n er

V 1/2 tbsp liquid castile soap V 1/2 tbsp Murphy’s Oil Soap V 2 tbsp liquid castile soap
V 14 drops tea tree e.o. V Optional: 5 drops cedarwood V 15 – 20 drops lemon e.o
or juniper e.o
V 7 drops peppermint e.o. V 1 gallon hot water
V 1 to 2 cups warm water
V 1 cup water

For sprays: Mix in a spray bottle, shake well before use.

For dusting cloths: Mix oil + essential oil. Add hot water, mix well. Swish cloths in water
mixture, squeeze out, hang dry. Hand rinse used cloths; line dry. (NO dryer.)
For scouring powders & scrubs: Mix well, scrub over surfaces with a wet sponge, rag, or
toilet brush, depending on area you’re cleaning. Rinse thoroughly.

Wear gloves to protect hands while cleaning. Spot test all cleaners
before using over a larger area. Don’t use vinegar on granite,
stone, or marble, or use essential oils around cats.

Things to Make Thursdays: ©

Natural Cleaning Recipe Cheat Sheet

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