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Assumptions in research in sport and exercise psychology

Article in Psychology of Sport and Exercise · September 2009

DOI: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2009.01.004


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2 authors:

Martin Hagger Nikos L D Chatzisarantis

University of California, Merced Curtin University


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Psychology of Sport and Exercise 10 (2009) 511–519

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Assumptions in research in sport and exercise psychology

Martin S. Hagger a, *, Nikos L.D. Chatzisarantis b
School of Psychology, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD, United Kingdom
National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, 1 Nanyang Walk, Singapore 637616

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Objectives: The aim of this article is to outline how certain key assumptions affect the quality and
Received 21 July 2008
interpretation of research in quantitative sport and exercise psychology.
Received in revised form
14 November 2008 Methods: A review of three common assumptions made in the sport and exercise psychology literature
Accepted 13 January 2009 was conducted. The review focused on three assumptions relating to research validity and the treatment
Available online 29 January 2009 and interpretation of observations. A central theme to this discussion is the assumption that research
observations reflect true effects in a population.
Results: Assumptions often made in sport and exercise psychology research were identified in three key
areas: (1) validity, (2) inferences of causality, and (3) effect size and the ‘‘practical significance’’ of
research findings. Findings indicated that many studies made assumptions about the validity of the self-
report psychological measures adopted and few provided a comprehensive evaluation of the validity of
these measures. Researchers adopting correlational designs in sport and exercise psychology often infer
causality despite such conclusions being based on theory or speculation rather than empirical evidence.
Research reports still do not include effect size statistics as standard and confine the discussion of
findings to statistical significance alone rather than commenting on ‘‘practical significance’’.
Conclusion: Research quality can only be evaluated with due consideration of the common assumptions
that limits empirical investigation in sport and exercise psychology. We offer some practical advice for
researchers, reviewers, and journal editors to minimise the impact of these assumptions and enhance the
quality of research findings in sport and exercise psychology.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction research and the meaning of the findings. These are likely to be
germane to the reader’s overall evaluation of the quality of the
Research reports in sport and exercise psychology often research and the measure of its contribution to the sport and
conclude with a familiar refrain: an acknowledgement of limita- exercise psychology literature. Therefore, the assumptions that
tions and future research directions. While it is important to researchers make affect evaluations of research quality at both the
acknowledge that investigations are seldom ‘perfect’, few micro- and macro-level (see Weed, 2009). Assumptions impinge on
researchers give extensive consideration to these limitations and quality at the micro-level as they delimit whether the researcher
journal editors often make the inclusion of ‘limitations sections’ has satisfactorily addressed the hypotheses of the investigation and
a requirement without consideration of their meaning and their adopted appropriate methods and analyses to appropriately
impact on the quality of the research. Readers may also treat confirm or falsify the hypotheses. Assumptions influence quality at
limitations sections in the same manner, dismissing them as the macro-level because they determine the extent to which
troublesome caveats imposed by reviewers and editors without investigations making such assumptions can pose important and
considering how these limitations and the assumptions that relevant questions in the wider field, the appropriateness of
accompany them might affect the interpretation of the findings. methods and methodologies in addressing those questions, and,
Importantly, limitations sections often highlight assumptions as a result, the validity of the contribution made to the field.
that may have a substantive impact on the interpretation of the Limitations sections that outline research assumptions should not,
therefore, be so summarily dismissed with such blasé attitude.
The purpose of this article is to identify some of the assumptions
* Corresponding author.
that underpin research in sport and exercise psychology, to eval-
E-mail addresses: (M.S. Hagger), nikos. uate the impact of these assumptions on the quality of the research (N.L.D. Chatzisarantis). and the meaning of the findings, and to offer some practical advice

1469-0292/$ – see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy

512 M.S. Hagger, N.L.D. Chatzisarantis / Psychology of Sport and Exercise 10 (2009) 511–519

to researchers and the reviewers and editors of journals on how to that do provide some analyses to evaluate ‘‘the adequacy of
give due consideration and account for these assumptions when measures generally limit analysis to an assessment of reliability’’
designing, conducting, analysing, reporting, and evaluating (Bagozzi, 1981b, p. 323). As a consequence, it is difficult to evaluate
research in the field. whether the measures developed and used to test hypothesised
effects conform to validity criteria. Furthermore, inferences drawn
What is an assumption? from these tests of effects are only as valid as the measures used in
the tests and if there are no checks for validity of methods and
People are very good at making assumptions. Indeed, there is an measures it opens to question the validity of the findings. This
entire psychological literature on how people make inferences section will identify, define, and analyse the different types of
based on observations of others’ behaviour. For example, research validity relevant to sport and exercise psychology research and
on the actor–observer effect (Jones & Harris, 1967; Jones & Nisbett, evaluate the problems that arise should each validity type be
1972) provided evidence that people tend to make dispositional assumed without adequate preliminary validity testing.
(trait-like, stable) attributions about a person when observing their A cursory look at the two most recent volumes of Psychology of
behaviour (e.g., if you see someone acting violently toward another Sport and Exercise (PSE; 2007, Vol. 9, Issues 1–6, and 2008, Vol. 10,
person and encounter them again are likely to avoid them because Issues 1–5) and Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (JSEP; 2007
you label them as ‘violent or argumentative’). Similarly, when Vol. 29, Issues 1–5 and 2008 Vol. 30, Issues 1–3) available at the
evaluating research, people who are familiar with psychological time of writing and represent the two most cited serials in the field,
measures often make macro-level assumptions regarding the reveals that 77 of 79 articles (97.4%) in PSE and 40 of 47 articles
theory, methods, analyses, and findings based on previous experi- (85.0%) in JSEP included self-report measures of psychological
ence. As with the actor–observer effect and the many attributional constructs or behaviour. While these journals and the particular
assumptions that people make in their everyday lives, assumptions issues are chosen for convenience and illustration, they are gener-
can sometimes lead to erroneous conclusions regarding research ally representative of the state of the literature in the field. This
findings like over-generalisations of validity and reliability when anecdotal analysis illustrates that researchers in sport and exercise
such generalisations are unfounded and inferences of causality psychology rely heavily on self-report measures of psychological
when the basis of such inferences is flimsy at best. Our aim in this traits and states, and behaviour.1 The self-report measures used are
article is to highlight some areas where people make assumptions usually questionnaire, pen-and-paper measures, but occasionally
regarding their findings at a micro-level that could potentially lead include verbal reports such as data collected from personal or
to erroneous conclusions at a macro-level, provide some illustra- telephone interviews but also an increasing use of online self-
tions of those assumptions (on many occasions using our own report measures. Although it is clear that research in psychology
work!), and demonstrate how we (and others) have attempted to has moved on since Nisbett and Wilson’s (1977) critique of self-
allay or resolve the problems arising from those assumptions. report measures and the inaccessibility of inner-states to the
Specifically, we will focus on three main issues relating to reporter, recent research has been critical of this over-reliance and
assumptions: (1) validity, (2) inferences of causality and general- called for more direct measures of actual behaviour (Baumeister,
isability, and (3) effect size and ‘‘practical significance’’. Vohs, & Funder, 2007) or, at least, clear links between psychological
measures and meaningful behavioural measures or outcomes
Validity (Andersen, McCullagh, & Wilson, 2007). Baumeister et al. (2007)
therefore suggest that the psychology research community
Psychologists are generally taught of the imperatives of includes ‘‘direct observation of behaviour wherever possible and in
ensuring their methods and instruments conform to acceptable at least a healthy minority of research projects’’ (p. 396). This is
criteria of validity in order to be confident that the effects they test a noble call, if perhaps a little unrealistic, but it illustrates an
(e.g., relations or differences among psychological variables) reflect imperative: if sport and exercise psychology is a ‘‘science of self-
the true effect in that population. There are six different forms of reports’’ (Baumeister et al., 2007, p. 396) then its measures and
validity and each can be considered a separate component of methods need to bear up under precise scrutiny with respect to the
overall validity: face validity, construct validity, concurrent validity, validity of those self-reports including verification concurrently
discriminant validity, predictive validity, and nomological validity. with actual measures of behaviour of behavioural outcomes.
Often, researchers tend to rely on one form of validity (e.g., face or Researchers in sport and exercise should be mindful of five types
convergent validity) when developing methods and deem that of validity when considering the adequacy of self-report measures
sufficient before they can proceed to test their hypothesised effects. of psychological variables. These types of validity are heavily stee-
However, generally this assumption is erroneous, because meeting ped in classical test theory and psychometric scaling (Kline, 2000;
acceptability criteria for each form of validity provides converging Kline, 2005; Nunnally & Bernstein, 1994). Face validity refers to
evidence for the acceptability and relevance of the methods being researchers and ‘expert’ judgements or ratings that the content of
used and whether the findings can be ‘trusted’. Generally, meeting a self-report measure or item captures some or all aspects of the
one of these validity criteria is only sufficient when the focus of the psychological construct of interest. In other words, the measures
research is to evaluate a specific form of validity for a specific capture the true nature or essence of the construct. This type of
method or measure. validity is paramount in the early development of self-report
Most research in sport and exercise psychology is applied social measures to ensure that the items have content that is clearly
psychology, and many social psychologists make assumptions representative of the construct under scrutiny and, importantly,
about the validity of the measures they use and often presuppose will have meaning to respondents. Clearly, there is an element of
that previous validation efforts imply that they can forgo tests of subjectivity inherent in this approach and good practice generally
validity. Bagozzi (1981b) contends that certain methods of dictates that a researcher collects a number of expert ratings and
measurement can become so frequently used and ‘‘so extensive develops his/her self-report measures based on the consensus of
that questions of validity have sometimes been taken for granted’’ the experts. Again, choosing your experts carefully is important
(p. 323) as in the case of expectancy-value models of attitudes
toward physical activity (see Biddle, Hagger, Chatzisarantis, &
Lippke, 2007; Hagger & Chatzisarantis, 2008). Further, researchers Narrative and meta-analytic reviews were eliminated from this analysis.
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M.S. Hagger, N.L.D. Chatzisarantis / Psychology of Sport and Exercise 10 (2009) 511–519 513

here as it is essential they live up to their billing and have a clear factor structure in explaining the covariances among the measures
idea of the construct under scrutiny. ostensibly developed to measure the proposed construct (Bagozzi &
Another essential consideration is having a good theory or idea Yi,1994; Bentler,1986; Jöreskog,1993). The promise of this approach
behind the measures and ensuring the experts are fully versed in is that it not only adopts a hypothesis-testing framework that can be
the theory and the purpose of the measure (McDonald, 1997). As we falsified, but it also explicitly models measurement error associated
shall see, theoretical underpinning of the research and instru- with the measures producing variables that are ostensibly ‘error
mentation is crucial and a common theme in other research free’ (Martin, 1982). This is in keeping with tenets of classical test
assumptions in sport and exercise psychology such as inference of theory (Kline, 2005). However, both variations of factor analysis
causality. Expert ratings of face validity may also be useful in re- alone cannot provide unequivocal evaluation that the items provide
evaluating the content of items on the basis of preliminary analyses a valid measure of the construct. The notion of convergent validity
aimed at evaluating other aspects of validity. Interestingly, given must be considered alongside face validity assessments to confirm
the development of sophisticated statistical analyses aimed at that the content of the items reflects the construct under scrutiny.
testing construct and other aspects of validity in self-report Concurrent and discriminant types of validity, along with
measures, few researchers pay much heed face validity although it convergent validity, can be viewed as subcomponents of construct
is an important first step (Weiss, 1982). validity. Concurrent validity reflects the degree to which measures
One of the main symptoms of the preoccupation of researchers of a given construct correlate with like measures i.e. similar or
with other forms of validity and neglecting face validity is the alternative measures of the same construct. For example, in
production of instruments that contain self-report measures or a sport and exercise context, this might be the correlation
items that are effectively the same question, worded differently. between measures of physical self-concept and global self-esteem
This may yield highly acceptable validity and internal consistency or physical self-worth from another psychometric measures
statistics in statistical evaluations of other forms of validity, but (Marsh, Asçi, & Marco, 2002; Marsh, Richards, Johnson, Roche, &
such instruments may not capture essential elements of a construct Tremayne, 1994) or measures of attitude toward physical activity
and subsequent tests of theory using the measure may not yield (Hagger & Chatzisarantis, 2008; Schutz & Smoll, 1977). However, it
effects that are representative of the effect under scrutiny i.e. they is also expected that a self-report measure of a given construct is
lack validity. A good example here is the distinction between not associated with constructs that are not theoretically related to
affective (emotional) and cognitive (instrumental) attitudes toward that construct. For example, in sport and exercise, it is important
sport and exercise (Trafimow & Sheeran, 1998). Research has clearly that measures of cognitive and somatic anxiety are correlated but
demonstrated that people are able to make the distinction between with a relatively small effect size (Burton, 1998; Craft, Magyar,
these different components of attitude and they have differential Becker, & Feltz, 2003; Martens, Vealey, & Burton, 1990). Such
effects on intentions to participate in sport and exercise behaviour, a relationship suggests that there is some conceptual overlap,
and yet many measures tend to neglect or completely omit one or which is expected given that they are both emotional states, but
the other aspects of the construct (Conner, Rodgers, & Murray, they are clearly distinct components of that construct. One ques-
2007; Hagger & Chatzisarantis, 2005, 2008; Lowe, Eves, & Carroll, tion that arises is how weak does a correlation have to be in order
2002; Rhodes & Courneya, 2003). This limits the validity of findings to confirm discriminant validity and how strong does it have to be
as they are confined to a narrow conceptualisation of the attitude in order to support concurrent validity? There is no hard or fast
constructs. Researchers should therefore not assume that their self- rule, and such associations are subjected to the source of the
report measures sufficiently capture the essence of a construct. observations and the underlying theory (Bagozzi, 1981a). Guide-
They would do well to employ experts to rate the content of lines that have been adopted in the past include the effect size
candidate self-report measure and its representativeness of the taxonomy offered by Cohen (1988) or methods used to formally
construct in question, provided, of course, the experts are bone fide establish whether a correlation coefficient is significantly different
experts! from unity (Bagozzi & Yi, 1989; Diamantopoulos & Sigauw, 2000).
Convergent validity is established through the convergence of Predictive validity offers the researcher information as to
self-report measures or items that ostensibly make up or construct whether the proposed psychological construct measured by their
an unobserved or theoretical psychological variable. This form of self-report is a predictor (antecedent) or a dependent (consequent)
validity is often tested using correlation analyses of scores on the of other key variables in according to theory. This is similar to
pool of self-report measures or items identified in the face validity nomological validity which refers to whether the construct of
assessment from a sample of the population of interest. The extent interest is part of an established network or pattern of effects
to which the items intercorrelate with each other provides an proposed by theory. Predictive validity is therefore a ‘special case’
indication of their convergent validity. If the items are all highly of nomological validity which may contain a series or pattern of
correlated (typically a Pearson’s r > .70) then the measures are said predictions or proposed antecedent–consequent relationships.
to ‘converge’ on the construct of interest. Factor analytic techniques Often, predictive or nomological validity forms part of a set of
are considered de riguer for establishing convergent validity as they formal hypotheses within a research study and should be tested
identify key clusters of correlations within a matrix of correlations after other forms of validity have been established. However, these
between the component items of a self-report measure. For are often the most interesting and original validity tests because
example, factor loadings from rotated exploratory factor analysis they likely relate to psychological theory. They may also address
solutions represent the relative contribution each measures makes some of the questions raised by Baumeister et al. (2007) by
to the unobserved mathematical entity that is the proposed establishing the role of the self-report measure in changing,
construct (Kline, 1994). This permits the researcher to identify explaining or predicting observed behaviour, although behavioural
whether the items considered a priori to capture the essence of the measures are often self-reports themselves. However, many
construct under scrutiny all contribute substantially to the unob- research reports do not explicitly state that they test predictive
served variable that emerges from the analysis. validity, and, furthermore, in some cases a test of predictive validity
In the last 25 years, confirmatory factor analytic techniques have may only be equivalent to a test of concurrent validity because the
become the preferred state-of-the-art method to evaluate conver- relations are measured at the same point in time and the data is
gent validity because they provide an a priori approach to estab- correlational in nature (Rutter, 2007), which opens questions
lishing convergent validity and evaluates the adequacy of a proposed relating to the inference of causality, an issue we will address later.
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514 M.S. Hagger, N.L.D. Chatzisarantis / Psychology of Sport and Exercise 10 (2009) 511–519

The forms of validity we have outlined here are not new or Asçi, et al., 2007; Hagger, Biddle, & Wang, 2005). As a consequence,
groundbreaking, on the contrary, they represent the culmination of previous tests of validity of self-report measures must be carefully
more than a century of research in psychometrics, classical test scrutinised by researchers and a value judgement made as to
theory, and self-report or introspective methods in psychology whether the tests of validity were conducted in a sufficiently
(Kline, 2000; Kline, 2005). However, what is unique and of concern, similar context and sample to generalise to the target context and
is the lack of attention that researchers pay to these forms of val- sample of interest. If not, or there is any doubt, then the researcher
idity and, as a consequence, the assumptions regarding validity that should make provision to conduct his/her own tests of validity.
are made when using self-report measures in psychological tests of After our advocacy of the need to pay attention to types of
effects in sport and exercise psychology. This is an instance where validity in sport and exercise research and the fallacies of making
assumptions made at the study or micro-level can have profound such assumptions, it would be remiss of us not to offer some
effects in terms of research quality at the field or macro-level. If guidelines or solutions (and show that we have attempted to
studies persistently neglect these forms of validity, their contribu- make amends for our previous transgressions by paying due
tion to the field is diminished. Furthermore, if it is common practice consideration for validity issues in our own research!). Our recent
for research articles in a particular literature to provide validity research with self-determination theory involves the effects of
tests that are incomplete and inadequate, such practices may perceived autonomy support, a construct that reflects whether
become endemic leading to a systematic undermining of the significant others provide support for self-determined or intrinsic
quality of the available knowledge in that literature. motivation, on intrinsic motivation, intentions, and physical
We must, however, point out, that we are not immune to these activity behaviour. To examine the effects of perceived autonomy
criticisms nor are the problems confined purely to sport and support, we used a self-report measure developed in a classroom
exercise psychologists. Indeed, we confess that much of our own context (Williams & Deci, 1996). We did this systematically from
research has not paid sufficient attention to all these issues relating a pool of items with ‘face’ validity and conducted preliminary
to validity. Many of our research reports have made assumptions analyses on a number of samples to develop an exercise-specific
regarding the validity of the measures and methods used therein instrument called the perceived autonomy support scale for
(e.g., Chatzisarantis & Biddle, 1998; Hagger, Chatzisarantis, & Biddle, exercise settings (PASSES, Hagger, Chatzisarantis, et al., 2007). The
2001; Hagger, Chatzisarantis, Biddle, & Orbell, 2001). We should scale achieved convergent validity in a confirmatory factor
therefore learn from the limitations of our previous work arising analysis and discriminant validity from conceptually-related but
from our assumptions of validity and make concerted attempts in distinct motivational orientations, including intrinsic motivation
our future research endeavours to amend these contentious issues (Hagger, Chatzisarantis et al., 2007). We were careful to use
and resolve the effects these assumptions may have had on our a measure of motivational orientations that had been developed
inferences. This will only serve to improve the quality of the for an exercise context (BREQ, Mullan, Markland, & Ingledew,
research and make the tests of the proposed effects based on theory 1997) and had been used in such context with similar target
more representative of the true effect in the population (notwith- population (young people in school settings).
standing causality and representative issues, as we will argue In other studies we tested the predictive validity of the PASSES
later!). as a predictor of self-determined motivation and physical activity
It is important to note that the adoption of self-report psycho- intentions (Chatzisarantis, Hagger, & Smith, 2007). In addition, we
logical measures to investigate a proposed effect does not neces- also tested its nomological validity by testing its role in an elabo-
sarily mean that researchers should go through a lengthy validation rated network or motivational sequence in which the effect of
process themselves. What we do advocate is some common sense perceived autonomy support on physical activity intentions was
in terms of establishing validity and the subsequent use of such mediated by self-determined motivation and the proximal ante-
measures. Often researchers adopt the measures developed and cedents of intention (Hagger, Chatzisarantis, Barkoukis, Wang, &
validated by other researchers and use them without making Baranowski, 2005; Hagger, Chatzisarantis, Culverhouse, & Biddle,
a careful evaluation of whether the previous validity tests are 2003; Hagger et al., in press). Importantly, these tests of validity
appropriate and applicable to the context in which they are were conducted using an a priori approach using latent variables
applying the measure. In such cases, researchers deem it sufficient and covariance structure analyses and were systematic across
to acknowledge the previous validation studies to allay any a series of investigations. Moreover, we also worked in a temporal
concerns regarding the validity of the measure. However, such an ordering of the hypothesised causal system by measuring the
assumption may be erroneous. For example, unless the previous variables at three points in time. As we shall see later, this provides
validation tests were conducted in a similar context and in a sample some (but not complete) evidence for the direction of causality
with similar characteristics to that which is the focus of the among the proposed sequence.
researcher’s investigation, then it is likely that an assumption of In summary, assumptions of validity of self-report measures can
validity cannot be made. In short, the validity tests in sport and bring the validity of tests of effects involving these measures into
exercise psychology research are frequently too far removed from question. This may have serious consequences for the quality
the context of interest to be transferable. We see this often in research at a micro-level and, if such practices a rife, may temper
research in sport and exercise psychology where the trans- the quality of research at a macro-level because it will compromise
contextual translation of the measure at hand is effectively a ‘leap the contribution that can be made to knowledge. Given the limi-
of faith’. For example, researchers often apply measures that have tations highlighted and inherent with self-report measures of
been developed in adults to research involving children or the psychological constructs, researchers need to be diligent in evalu-
elderly or apply measures developed in a general education context ating the validity of the measures they adopt. Should previous tests
to a sport and exercise context with nothing more than a subtle of validation be conducted in contexts or samples dissimilar to the
rewording of the items of the self-report measure. While such proposed research, researchers are advised to evaluate the face,
application may have some ‘face’ validity (and even then few convergent, concurrent, discriminant, predictive, and nomological
researchers corroborate this using expert ratings), we do not know validity of the self-report measure prior to testing hypotheses. If
the extent to which such measures can be applied to the context of researchers adopt such a rigorous approach to validity and journal
interest and, as we have found in previous research, instruments editors demand such standards, it would minimise the caveats of
frequently do not translate directly across contexts (e.g., Hagger, limitations caused by methodological assumptions and engender
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greater confidence in the contribution the work makes to knowl- of complexity, researchers advocate that experiments or interven-
edge in sport and exercise psychology. tions be part of a systematic approach that adopts multiple research
strategies and methods to test the nature of causal effects (Rutter,
Inferences of causality and generalisability 2001). Such an approach would provide stronger converging
evidence for the true nature of the causation of an outcome or
Sport and exercise scientists know that correlation does not behaviour in sport and exercise psychology.
infer causality (James, Mulaik, & Brett, 1982). We realise that we Researchers who infer causality often justify their inferences of
would be preaching to the converted if we were to invoke causality on the basis of data that is correlational in nature by
a discussion on why a significant correlation between two (or claiming that theory dictates that the pattern of effects is so.
more) variables does not mean that one of the variables is causing However, while a pattern of causation is theoretically plausible,
the other(s). And yet the field is rife with correlational studies and falsifying such hypotheses is clearly the purpose of any empirical
many ‘tests’ of theories and bodies of literature in the field are built test and therefore the test should be sufficient to be able to make
upon findings using correlations between variables. Returning to such a judgement. Therefore it is important that researchers do not
our cursory glance at the two most recent volumes of the leading assume that causality in correlational data is any more substanti-
publications in the field, 53 of 67 articles (79.1%) in PSE and 22 of 43 ated by identifying a theory that suggests it to be so (McDonald,
articles (51.2%) in JSEP adopted designs that were correlational in 1997). Any such inference based on theory and applied to correla-
nature. tional data should be clearly labelled as speculation. Another
One primary reason for the prevalence of correlational designs position often taken is that longitudinal or prospective data provide
in the literature is that such research is comparatively easier to stronger evidence of the causal nature of a system. Such designs are
conduct than studies adopting designs that permit a better infer- certainly preferable to cross-sectional correlational designs espe-
ence of causality. This is not to say correlational studies cannot be cially if longitudinal analysis adopts a cross-lagged panel design
informative and have their place in sport and exercise psychology, permitting the researcher to model mutual causation as well as
but ‘pure’ experimental psychologists, as Rutter (2007) describes interindividual change or covariance stability over time (Finkel,
them, claim that only randomised controlled experiments or 1995; Menard, 1991). However, while panel designs may model
interventions can provide a true test of the causal effect of one change and provide evidence for the temporal ordering and
variable on another. Rutter argues that in conducting correlational unidirectional or mutual effect models of change (Hertzog & Nes-
studies researchers tend to either couch the reporting of their selroade, 1987), they do not account for all forms of change and the
results in ‘cautious’ language so as to avoid inference of causality, data are still cross-sectional in nature (Hagger, Chatzisarantis,
although they often make sweeping claims akin to causal infer- Biddle, et al., 2001). Nevertheless, such correlational research,
ences in discussions sections, or acknowledge the limitation of the cross-sectional and longitudinal, provides some useful evidence as
inability to infer causation using correlational data and state that to the links between variables in a proposed causal system.
their primary purpose was to study association not causation. Of So correlational data are not useless, they just have their limi-
course, neither scenario is satisfactory, one implies causation in an tations and researchers must not only make it clear from the outset
indirect sense while the other acknowledges the limitation but of their research of these limitations but avoid causal inferences
mere association lacks the really interesting and important infor- that cannot be made and label any causal speculations on the basis
mation about causal mechanisms. of theory as such rather than confining their caveats to a small
It is important, therefore, to advocate that sport and exercise postscript in a limitations section. Importantly, researchers should
psychologists endeavour to provide more robust tests of implied follow the recommendations of Rutter (2001) in terms of the utility
causative effects using carefully-controlled, randomised experi- of different research designs to test a causal nature of a system in
mental methods. Such tests are an essential part of the researcher’s sport and exercise. Rutter advocates that the nature of a causal
armoury and adoption of such designs is important to ensure system should be based on a systematic evaluation that uses
research quality at the micro- and macro-levels. At the micro-level a ‘‘combination of research strategies’’ (Rutter, 2001, p. 291) to
it will mean greater ability to infer causality in the specific sample provide converging evidence for the nature of that system.
under scrutiny. At the macro-level it will mean that the causal To illustrate the necessity of using multiple strategies to support
effects will be more generalisable to the population and will thus a causal relationship, we return to our series of studies examining
make an impactful contribution to overall knowledge and progress the effects of perceived autonomy support on intrinsic motivation
theory regarding the processes and mechanisms in proposed causal in exercise behaviour. The studies paid close attention to ensuring
relationships. that the different forms of validity were attended to when devel-
However, it is equally important to acknowledge that such oping the self-report measures of perceived autonomy support
experiments or interventions should not be considered the ‘holy (Hagger, Chatzisarantis et al., 2007) and we used cross-sectional
grail’ of research inquiry on causal effects. Of course, experiments (Chatzisarantis, Hagger, & Brickell, 2008) and longitudinal methods
or interventions are also subjected to artifactual random error (Hagger, Chatzisarantis, Barkoukis, et al., 2005; Hagger et al., 2003;
arising from measurement and sampling inadequacies, regardless Hagger et al., in press) to examine the proposed pattern of corre-
of the level of care taken to carefully control the manipulations. lations between the variables, particularly the mediation mecha-
More serious is the difficulty in truly inferring causality on the basis nisms involved. Here it is clear that the proposed causal system is
of a single, discrete independent variable on a dependent variable not a simple directional single cause of one variable on an outcome,
(James et al., 1982). Indeed, Rutter (2001, 2007) have suggested that as previously mentioned (Rutter, 2007), but a network of relations
it is seldom that there is any one single ‘‘simple direct determina- which, in itself, may only be a partial version of the casual chain and
tive causal effects on any outcome’’ (Rutter, 2007, p. 378). Instead, the possible influences on the dependent or consequent factors. Of
there are usually multiple factors that have multiple causal effects course, these studies used correlational designs, albeit relatively
on a given dependent or outcome variable. Furthermore, systems of powerful ones using three-wave prospective techniques, and
causation are very seldom simply linear, direct, and proportional, therefore we couched our findings within the limitations of these
the mechanisms are often complex with meditational constructs or methods (Hagger et al., in press). In light of the limitations inherent
interactions or moderators of the effects or the causal effect may be in the correlational designs used previously, we set about testing
non-linear such as curvilinear or quadratic effects. Given this level these effects using experimental methods and designed a field
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experiment to change perceptions of autonomy support in children (78.3%) in PSE and 16 of 22 articles (72.7%) in JSEP reported effect
by manipulating the autonomy supportive behaviour of their size statistics.2
teachers and examining the effects on self-determined motivation Once again, this is where we have to confess to falling short of
and intentions to engage in physical activity (Chatzisarantis & these standards. As editors, associate editors, and reviewers for
Hagger, 2009). This field experiment provided us with some peer reviewed scientific journals in sport and exercise psychology,
stronger evidence for the causal effect of autonomy support on self- we have also failed to be sufficiently demanding of authors when it
determined motivation, but also the processes involved in these comes to reporting effect size statistics. As the previous analysis
relationships. Specifically, we tested whether self-determined illustrates, we are not alone. One of the reasons for this may be an
motivation mediated the effect of the autonomy support manipu- ingrained culture oriented about alpha levels, significance testing
lation on intentions. This provided essential information about the and the p < .05 probability level accepted as standard throughout
proposed mechanisms or process by which changes in autonomy social sciences and psychology (Cohen, 1994). As a consequence,
support resulted in intentional behaviour. journal editors and reviewers, and authors of published research in
Our series of studies demonstrate how multiple tests of an effect sport and exercise psychology have not been acceptably proactive
can provide converging evidence at the macro-level for a hypoth- in demanding and supplying, respectively, effect sizes in research
esised relationship: the effect of autonomy support on intentional reports. As Thompson (1999) reports, guidelines such as the APA
physical activity behaviour. Ideally, this series of studies could have publication manual (5th Ed.) encouraging researchers to report
been published simultaneously in a multi-study article. However, effect size statistics have not been effective in ‘‘changing behav-
as with all research, the picture developed over an extended period iour’’ (p. 192). Therefore more effective lobbying is necessary to
of time and such an ideal scenario seldom emerges. However, it is change journal publication policy to demand the inclusion of effect
important that researchers are mindful of the assumptions that sizes in research reports, a call which has been heeded by some
tend to be made relating to the inference of causality in sport and (Kirk, 1996; Thompson, 1996; Thompson & Snyder, 1998). However,
exercise psychology research. Researchers are reminded of the many still fall short of this aim, and the assumption that informa-
importance of using multiple methodologies to test the causal tion on the importance or contribution of an effect found in
nature of an effect. It is also important to acknowledge that any a research report can be supported through significance testing
effect is seldom the result of a unitary, single deterministic cause of alone is erroneous and cannot be resolved unless a trend toward
one psychological variable on an outcome variable. Such effects are reporting effect sizes is seen.
more likely to be part of a network of causal pathways with a series Another problem raised by a failure to report effect sizes in
of mechanisms or processes such as mediation and moderation published research in sport and exercise psychology is relative
involved. assumptions regarding the importance and meaning of an effect
with respect to the overall body of literature in the field. Meta-
analyses and systematic reviews have brought such issues to the
Effect size and practical significance fore (Chatzisarantis & Stoica, 2008; Cooper, 1990; Glass, 1976;
Hagger, 2006; Hagger & Chatzisarantis, in press; Hedges, Shyman-
One of the assumptions frequently made by sport and exercise sky, & Woodworth, 1989; Hunter & Schmidt, 1990). The promise of
psychology researchers is that a statistically significant test of an meta-analysis is to provide a quantitative synthesis of research
effect represents the true nature of that effect in the population. findings testing effects across studies and correcting for artifactual
Many researchers have highlighted the problems presented by variance that may bias study findings. The central metric of a meta-
making assumptions regarding statistical sweeping generalisations analytic synthesis of research is tests of effect size (Hagger, 2006).
such as this (Cohen, 1994; Kirk, 1996; Thompson, 1996; Thompson As authors of meta-analyses will attest, conducting such analyses
& Snyder, 1998). Furthermore, these difficulties have also been can be quite problematic as often studies report insufficient effect
highlighted by the increased prevalence of meta-analyses and size data, or even lack sufficient data to calculate or infer an effect
systematic reviews in the sport and exercise psychology literature size, which means the study must be excluded from the analysis
(Hunter & Schmidt, 1990; Rosenthal & Rubin, 1982). To reiterate, the unless the author can be contacted rendering the ‘universe’ of
problems with statistical inference based purely on statistical available studies incomplete (Field, 2003).
significance are that significant findings may be biased according to Aside from failure to report such data acting to hinder mean-
size of the sample in which the effect is tested. The smaller the ingful syntheses of research, meta-analytic theory also highlights
sample size, the less likely a researcher is to find a statistically the problems associated with relying solely on significance testing.
significant effect, which may result in an effect that truly exists in Examining empirical tests of a given effect in the literature may
the population going undetected. The converse is also the case. A reveal that some tests are statistically significant while others are
large sample size may very well result in the detection of an effect not. This is likely to lead to the conclusion that the tests of the effect
that is statistically significant, but a large sample tends to render in the literature cannot provide a resolution as to whether or not
even very small, unsubstantial effects significant when, in fact, their the effect truly exists in the population (Hunter & Schmidt, 1990).
weakness is relatively inconsequential or even insignificant! One possibility is that some of the tests were non-significant due to
As a consequence, research methodologists have called upon additional variance caused by errors in the conduct of the study,
researchers and journal editors to be equally demanding in such as sampling error or measurement error (Chatzisarantis &
including effect size statistics in psychological research (Thompson, Stoica, 2009). Another possibility is that the variation of the size of
1999; Vacha-Haase, Nilssen, Reetz, Lance, & Thompson, 2000; the effect is due to conditions or variables that moderate the effect.
Wilkinson, 1999). Although such calls have resulted in a general
increase in the reporting of effect size statistics in psychology
research, including those in sport and exercise psychology,
a substantial minority fails to do so (Andersen et al., 2007; We did not include studies that used correlational designs and analysed their
Thompson & Snyder, 1998; Vacha-Haase, 2001). Returning to the data using correlational analyses, regression analyses, and covariance structure
analyses as the reporting of effect sizes such as correlation coefficients (r), beta
recent two volumes of PSE and JSEP, of the studies that adopted weights (b), and structural parameters in LISREL analyses (g) in such analyses are
ANOVA, t-tests, or other standard statistical tests of difference as reported as standard and inherent in these metrics is a measure of the size of the
techniques to analyse their data, we found that 18 of 23 articles effect.
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Again, this speaks to Rutter’s (2007) contention that few effects are researchers too often make assumptions regarding the validity of
truly singular and deterministic and are rather part of a complex their instruments but fail to conduct sufficient tests to support such
network of effects. Moderating variables such as demographic, assumptions rendering the validity of their hypothesis tests based
methodological, or psychological variables may be responsible for on such measures open to question. Next we commented on the
the variation. Meta-analysis can resolve this by correcting for these inference of causality in sport and exercise psychology research. We
sources of error to produce an averaged effect size statistic which, if argued that researchers often rely too heavily on correlational data
conducted using sufficient data and the correct analytic technique, and assume a causal nature in their tests of effects when using such
will provide an accurate estimate of the true size of the effect in the designs. We suggested that while correlational data has a place in
population and whether moderators exist. Overall, conclusions testing effects in sport and exercise psychology, knowledge con-
based solely on an observed distribution of significant effects across cerning the causal nature of an effect needs to come from
studies can often lead a researcher to label the body of literature as converging evidence delivered through multiple tests of the effect
‘inconclusive’ and meta-analysis shows that such a conclusion is using multiple methodologies including randomised controlled
often misplaced and may be due to artifactual error that biases the experiments. Finally, we examined the importance of reporting
effect size in individual studies (Hagger, 2006). Therefore, the effect size statistics in sport and exercise psychology research.
assumption that significance testing can provide unequivocal Despite persistent calls from statistical theorists, authors do not
evidence for the existence of an effect in sport and exercise always report effect size statistics and journal editors need to
psychology can be steeped in fallacy and meta-analytic theory demand that such data are included (Kirk, 1996; Thompson, 1999;
illustrates this. Resolution lies in the reporting of effect size Wilkinson, 1999). We propose the following guidelines and
statistics, like Cohen’s d or h2, rather than relying solely on statis- recommendations:
tical significance testing (Wilkinson, 1999).
Assumptions that a large effect size equates to an effect that has Recommendations for authors and researchers
genuine significance in the real world can also be erroneous. While Authors and researchers should (1) evaluate a priori whether
effect size can provide very useful information of the efficacy of an previous validity tests of self-report measures of psychological
intervention or manipulation to change an outcome or behaviour in measures they propose to use have been conducted in samples and
the sport and exercise sciences, it cannot provide information of the contexts suitably similar to those they propose to use and, if not,
extent to which that effect will make changes to the outcomes or seek to provide their own tests of face, convergent, concurrent,
behaviours that are meaningful to target groups such as people discriminant, predictive, and nomological validity, (2) view their
who want to do more exercise or athletes who desire to improve research from a broad perspective to evaluate its place as a test of
their sport performance. Kirk (1996) suggests that researchers must a proposed causal relationship, be mindful of making causal infer-
therefore provide an evaluation of the meaning of the changes that ences where they are not warranted, and, wherever possible, adopt
result from their interventions by commenting on the practical study designs that will assist in inferring causality preferably using
significance of their findings. Indeed, Jacobson and Truax (1991, p. multiple methodologies, and (3) report effect size statistics in
12) illustrate that large effect sizes may not convey the true prac- research and provide clear, unequivocal statements regarding
tical or clinical significance of an effect and its potential make whether statistically significant findings are meaningful and have
a difference to people’s lives: ‘‘practical significance’’.
‘‘.if a treatment for obesity results in a mean weight loss of 2lb
[0.91 kg] and if subjects in a control group average zero weight loss, Recommendations for journal editors and reviewers
the effect size could be quite large if variability within the groups Editors and reviewers should (1) be aware of the types of val-
were low. Yet the large effect size would not render the results any idity, demand high standards of validity from authors reporting
less trivial from a clinical standpoint. Although large effect sizes are research using self-report measures, and be mindful of researchers
more likely to be clinically significant than small ones, even large making ‘leaps of faith’ when declaring self-report measures
effect sizes are not necessarily clinically significant.’’ developed in different samples or diverse contexts as valid for use
Researchers in the sport and exercise sciences must, therefore, in their research, (2) take care to identify the use of causal language
not assume that a statistically significant effect size, however large, by researchers reporting results of correlational research, demand
will make a contribution to target outcomes or behaviours that is that any such inferences are clearly labelled as speculative and
meaningful in a practical or clinical sense. Reasoned interpretations based on theory not data, and advocate the adoption of multi-study
of research findings based on what is important to people in papers that use a combination of methods to evaluate causal effects
a practical sense is essential if research in sport and exercise in a variable system, and (3) demand that authors include effect
psychology is to be a socially-relevant discipline. size statistics when reporting research findings and make public
that the inclusion of effect size statistics is a requirement through
Conclusions and recommendations published guidelines for authors and journal policy.
Many readers will read this article and say ‘‘I know that’’ and
In this paper we identified some of the assumptions made by ‘‘I’ve heard that before’’ and they will, undoubtedly, be correct.
researchers in sport and exercise psychology, the problems asso- However, the fact remains that assumptions remain rife in sport
ciated with making such assumptions, and how they affect research and exercise psychology research and unless this message is hee-
quality. We have noted how such assumptions not only affect ded we believe it will hinder the progress of knowledge in our field
research quality at the individual study or micro-level but also have and the conclusions we can draw from the reported research. We
the potential to affect the meaning and contribution research therefore conclude that following these simple guidelines in the
makes to knowledge in the field at the macro-level. We have also design, analysis, and reporting of research findings will raise
attempted to provide some guidelines and recommendations as to standards of the research in the field. We firmly believe that sport
how researchers can allay the problems associated with such and exercise psychology can lead the way in dispelling the
assumptions. We began with assumptions relating to types of val- assumptions that many psychologists make in conducting and
idity, particularly with self-report measures and methods that are reporting research and demonstrate to the field of psychology and
adopted by the majority of sport and exercise psychology studies. the greater social science community that research in this field is of
The many forms of validity were reviewed and we suggested that the highest quality.
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