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Social Workers and Their Profession: A Case Study

Humanities and Social Science — Senior High School

Fellowship Baptist College

Delicana, Cyra Natasha A.

Dorado, Shehaniah Rose J.

Gilapay, Joshua O.

Tolosa, Ella Therese T.

Villagomesa, Gian Paul T.

Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements in Social Science 212

December 2023
Case Study


Social workers must acknowledge the pivotal role that theory plays in their

comprehension of situations and the structuring of their work (Howe, D., 1987).

Empowerment serves as a transformative endeavor, essential for social workers to imbue

their practice with transformative qualities. This chapter delves into the nuances of the term

'empowerment,' scrutinizing its connections with analogous concepts like self-help,

participation, and user-led activities. Recognizing the provisional nature of these definitions,

it emphasizes the impossibility of a definitive or 'authoritative' definition. This authority, as

asserted, should not be vested solely in academic or practitioner-authored texts. Instead, the

concept of empowerment necessitates ongoing redefinition and reconstruction, a process

driven not solely by professionals but also by the actions and expressions of individuals

seeking greater control over the services they engage with. The genuineness of empowerment

should emanate from its alignment with the circumstances of service users rather than service

providers (Adams, R., 2003).

Social work is a profession centered on practical application, fostering social change,

development, cohesion, and the empowerment of individuals and communities. This field

entails a deep understanding of human development, behavior, and the complex interplay of

social, economic, and cultural institutions. Social work professionals have played a vital role

in contributing to society, actively engaging with families and institutions across diverse

areas such as civil rights, unemployment insurance, disability pay, workers' compensation,

reduced mental health stigma, Medicaid and Medicare, as well as child abuse and neglect

prevention (Social Work License Map, 2023).


The case study is situated in the realm of social work, specifically focusing on the

experiences and contributions of social health workers in Ilog. Ilog, a town facing various

healthcare challenges, serves as the backdrop for understanding the broader social issue at

hand. In this context, societal relevance is underscored by the intricate interplay of social,

economic, and cultural factors influencing the health and well-being of the residents.

Relevant data showcases the prevalence of healthcare disparities, the demographics of

the population, and existing healthcare infrastructure. For instance, statistical information

may highlight factors such as the prevalence of chronic illnesses, accessibility to healthcare

services, and the demographic composition of vulnerable populations, setting the stage for a

comprehensive examination of the social issue.

The significance of the social issue becomes evident in the crucial role that social

health workers play in addressing healthcare challenges within the specific locale of Ilog.

Their impact transcends individual interventions, contributing to the overall improvement of

community well-being. The relevance lies in the potential to create lasting positive change,

not only at an individual level but also in fostering a healthier, more resilient community.

An individual social worker, such as Robert Ted H. Tolosa, becomes a pivotal figure

in this context. His contributions, resilience, and commitment exemplify the impact a

dedicated social health worker can have on the social issue at hand. By understanding and

highlighting his role, the case study aims to illuminate the broader implications of social

work in addressing and mitigating the identified social issue within the specific locale of Ilog.

The primary objectives of this case study are to:

1. Examine the Role of Social Health Workers:Investigate the specific roles and

responsibilities undertaken by social health workers, with a focus on Robert

Ted H. Tolosa, in addressing healthcare challenges in Ilog.

2. Uncover Empowerment Dynamics: Explore how the concept of empowerment

is manifested in the daily practices of social health workers, emphasizing its

transformative potential in the context of Ilog's healthcare landscape.

3. Identify Root Causes of Healthcare Disparities: Investigate the underlying

factors contributing to healthcare disparities in Ilog, considering social,

economic, and cultural determinants that impact the well-being of the


4. Evaluate the Impact on Community Well-Being: Assess the broader impact of

social health work on the overall health and well-being of the residents in Ilog,

considering both individual and collective outcomes.

Research Questions;

Role and Practices:

1. How do social health workers, particularly Robert Ted H. Tolosa,

navigate their roles in addressing healthcare challenges in Ilog?

2. What specific practices and strategies do social health workers employ

in their daily activities?

Empowerment Dynamics:

3. In what ways do social health workers embody and promote

empowerment among the residents of Ilog?

4. How does the concept of empowerment translate into tangible actions

and outcomes within the community?

Root Causes of Healthcare Disparities:

5. What social, economic, and cultural factors contribute to healthcare

disparities in Ilog?

6. How do these factors intersect, and what role do they play in shaping

the health outcomes of the community?

Impact on Community Well-Being

7. How can the impact of social health work be measured in terms of

individual health outcomes?

8. In what ways does the collective well-being of the community change

as a result of social health interventions?

These research questions guide the analysis and investigation of the chosen topic,

allowing for a comprehensive exploration of the role, practices, and impact of social health

workers in the context of Ilog's healthcare landscape.


This case study employs a focused research approach primarily through in-depth

interviews with key participants, notably social health workers like Robert Ted H. Tolosa.

This qualitative method allows for a deep exploration of their experiences, perspectives, and

daily practices in addressing healthcare challenges in Ilog.

By focusing primarily on interviews while complementing the data with document

analysis and participant observation, this methodology aims to provide a holistic

understanding of the social work practices in Ilog. The triangulation of data sources enhances

the reliability and validity of the study, offering a nuanced exploration of the social health

workers' roles and their impact on community well-being.

Data Collection:

1. Semi-Structured Interviews: In-depth interviews will be conducted with social

health workers to gather detailed information on their roles, challenges, and

contributions. The semi-structured format allows flexibility to explore

emergent themes while ensuring that key topics are covered.

2. Document Analysis:Relevant documents, such as reports and records from the

Ilog Municipal Health Office, will be analyzed to complement interview data.

This includes official documents that provide insights into the healthcare

landscape, community needs, and ongoing initiatives.

3. Field Notes from Participant Observation: The researcher will engage in

participant observation, accompanying social health workers during their daily

activities. Field notes will be taken to capture contextual details, challenges

faced, and interactions with the community, offering a real-time understanding

of their work.

4. Reflections and Reflexive Notes: The researcher will maintain reflective notes

throughout the study to document personal biases, preconceptions, and

insights gained during interviews and observation. This reflexivity enhances

the transparency and reliability of the study.


In addressing healthcare challenges in Ilog, social health workers, exemplified by

Robert Ted H. Tolosa, adopt a comprehensive approach marked by empathetic engagement

and strategic planning. Through practices such as community outreach, home visits, and

personalized caregiving assessments, they navigate their roles with a commitment to tailored

healthcare solutions. This goes beyond traditional responsibilities, reflecting a holistic

understanding of the community's diverse needs. The embodiment of empowerment

dynamics is a central focus, translating into tangible actions through health workshops and

participatory decision-making processes. Social health workers actively encourage residents

to engage in healthcare decisions, fostering a sense of control and self-efficacy. This

empowerment not only influences individual outcomes but also initiates a community-wide

shift towards proactive health practices and increased resilience.

The root causes of healthcare disparities in Ilog, encompassing economic, social, and

cultural factors, are intricately addressed by social health workers. Recognizing economic

constraints and cultural beliefs, they implement culturally sensitive approaches, financial

assistance programs, and targeted interventions. The aim is not only symptomatic treatment

but also systemic change to improve health outcomes. The impact on community well-being

is measured through a combination of quantitative and qualitative indicators. Individual

health outcomes, evidenced through in-depth interviews, assessments, and observations,

highlight positive changes such as tailored support plans and increased healthcare

accessibility. Beyond individual metrics, the collective well-being of the community

experiences a transformative shift, as the collaborative efforts of social health workers

contribute to a more informed, engaged, and resilient community.

In conclusion, the findings highlight both the positive impact of social work

interventions and the challenges posed by interpersonal differences within the Ilog Municipal

Health Office. Addressing these interpersonal conflicts is crucial for sustaining the positive

impact of social health work on the well-being of individuals and the community at large.

The responses to the background questions further emphasize the need for effective

teamwork and communication to ensure the highest quality of patient care. The embodiment

of empowerment dynamics and the strategies employed by social health workers contribute

significantly to the overall positive impact on community well-being.


In response to the identified healthcare challenges in Ilog, a multifaceted approach is

recommended to enhance the effectiveness of social work interventions. Firstly,

implementing team-building and conflict resolution workshops within the Ilog Municipal

Health Office is crucial to cultivate a harmonious working environment among social health

workers, including Robert Ted Tolosa. This initiative aims to improve collaboration and

minimize conflicts that may hinder patient care. Additionally, community empowerment

programs led by social health workers should be developed to raise awareness about

healthcare rights, encourage active resident participation, and provide resources for

independent healthcare navigation. The establishment of an integrated healthcare approach,

addressing systemic and cultural factors contributing to disparities, involves collaboration

with local entities for comprehensive and tailored solutions. Looking ahead, future directions

involve collaborative research on sustainable health initiatives, advocacy for policy changes,

and continuous professional development for social health workers to ensure ongoing

adaptation to evolving healthcare challenges. These recommendations collectively aspire to

create a resilient and empowered healthcare environment in Ilog, promoting lasting positive

changes in individual and community well-being.


Howe, D., (1987). An Introduction to Social Work Theory. Retrieved from


Adams, R., (2003). Social Work and Empowerment. Retrieved from

Social Work License Map, (2023). What is Social Work? Retrieved from


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