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Visual Symbols
> representations of direct reality which comes in the form of signs and symbols

Rules of Thumbs in using Visuals

1) Visuals must be directly relevant to the audio content.
2) Redundancy between visuals and audio must be avoided. If words are
displayed, viewers must be given time to read it.
3) Visual displays should be big enough to be seen by the farthest pupil.
4) Visual displays must be attractive.
5) Visual displays must be aesthetically presented to maintain good taste.

Kinds of Visual Symbols

1) Cartoons
> pictorial representation or caricature of a person, idea, situation or issue that
is designed to influence public opinion

Suggestions for the use of cartoons:

a) Appropriateness to experience level. The age and the experience or
maturity of the target learners must be taken into consideration.
b) Simplicity - contains only the essential features. The cartoon must not
contain so many details.
c) Brevity of captions if ever but they may not be given any. Short and
direct captions are used when necessary only.
d) Use of clear symbols. Use symbols that are conventional.
e) Adequateness of size. The cartoon should be big enough to be seen and

> Cartoons could be used for motivation, for follow-up activity, and for
evaluation purposes.
2) Posters
> combination of bold designs and color intended to catch attention
on a significant fact, idea, or message. It is a picture with
appropriate caption

Characteristics of a Good Poster

1) It must be bold and simple but dramatizes features.
2) It must be appropriate to the grade level and to the subject
and purpose or purposes.
3) It must have only limited text, few words are generally used and
keywords are made to stand out by means of type size position.
4) It must be attractive, pleasing to the eyes.
5) Design and color must be given consideration.
6) It must have elements of dynamism and shock.

> Posters are best used for motivation and for creating experience as
depicting ideas, concepts and generalization to summarize a celebration
or a unit.

3) Drawings and Sketches

> crude and simple lines, which are effective in showing what needs
to be shown with sufficient clarity, to make the meaning vivid
to students.
> stick drawings with no illusion of depth but a smart teacher could use
them in explaining and showing ideas and concepts

4) Diagrams
> simplified drawings designed to show interrelationship primarily
by means of lines and symbols. They are used to explain rather
than to represent.
> drawings that show arrangement and relationship, as parts to a whole,
relative values, origins and developments, chronological flow, fluctuations
and distributions.

5) Charts
> are graphic or pictorial representations of a large mass of information
or show progression thru time and space of people or events, ideas
and objects.
Kinds of Charts and Examples

1) Data Chart
contains items of information
of all sorts especially
quantitative data

2) Pictorial Chart
use relevant pictures to present data or
information on quantifiable data over a
specific period or condition

3) Schematic Chart
shows a principle or a law as applied like
that of refrigeration

4) Diagrammatic Chart
verb chart is a popular example
5) Multiple Leaf Chart
internal working parts of a machine

6) Phantom View Chart

shows hidden parts of a machine
without obliterating the outer parts

7) Development or Progress Chart

profile of a place or a person

8) Table Chart
bus trips
9) Time and Tabular Chart
presidents and their term of

10) Stream or Tree Chart

family tree

11) Flow or Organizational Chart

school personnel, life cycle of a
frog or the water cycle

6) Graphs
> present quantitative data for easier analysis and interpretation.
It shows comparative relationship of data involving size, trends,
and growth

Kinds of Graphs

1) Line Graph
is the most accurate of all graphs used in plotting
trends of relationships between two series data
2) Bar Graph
represented either vertical horizontal bars. It is
best when the number of values to be compared is

3) Circle or Pie Chart

the sections of which are used to
represent component parts of a

4) Area or Solid Graph

It is used to compare two or three
related totals

5) Pictorial Statistics or Pictograph

make use of pictorial symbol and it is
widely used especially in the elementary
7) Strip Drawing or Comics Strip
> is a form of cartooning in which the same cast of characters from a
story in sequence of closely related drawings designed to entertain
the readers

Values Derived from the Strip Drawings

1) Increases interest in the subject.
2) Individualizes and personalizes instruction for certain types of pupils.
3) Serves as a valuable practice in reading.
4) Widens reading interest.

Reasons for using Comic Strip

1) It is easy to read so it encourages reading.
2) It builds vocabulary.
3) It satisfies the collectors’ interest in acquiring copies.
4) It provides excitement.
5) It is inexpensive.
6) It satisfies the children’s idea of art.

8) Map
> usually shown on flat surface and are used to represent the surface of the
earth or some parts of it
> shows the relative and position according to scale or projection
and position represent

Maps According to Content

1) Physical Map
(relief maps) they are the best of their three
dimensional representation; which is the
geographical outline of land and water. Commercial
economic maps—also known as product or
industrial maps—they show land area in relation to
the economy
2) Political Map
shows national boundaries down to the small

Maps According to Form

1) Chalkboard Outline Map

2) Student Outline Map

3) Projected Maps

4) Wall Maps (Decorative Maps)

5) Atlas-Collection Maps

6) Sand Table Maps

7) Pictorial Maps

Standards in Judging Maps

1) Visibility - details are clearly seen and read
2) Detail - less detailed maps are better
3) Scale - marks are clear, dependable and easily interpreted
4) Symbols - not too many to be remembered
5) Color - should be used as an aid to reading it
6) Accuracy - in terms of its specific purposes
7) Grade level relevance
8) Print is legible or readable
9) Durability - can stand several use

Purposes for which Maps are being Used

1) To enable students to understand both relative and exact
position of political units, land masses and political areas
2) To furnish information concerning areas, distances,
directions, shapes, size and relationships
3) To provide orientation and means of visualizing large
and remote areas
4) To clarify materials
5) To provide a visual basis for comparison and contrast
6) To provide means of regional synthesis
7) To provide interest and stimulation to learn more about
people, geographical influences and places
8) To enable students to trace movements, migration and
distribution of people, vegetation, animal life and culture
9) To serve as one method of study for recording purposes
10) To provide an "object test` means for certain types of measurements
11) To furnish means of self expression in unit and project study

Points to remember in Utilizing Maps for Teaching

1) Make sure that the pupils or students comprehend the purpose of the
2) Promote or develop a positive emotional attitude.
3) Allow ample time for the pupil's first look.
4) Make sure they understand map symbolism.

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