401 Arduino Userguide

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Ion Sensor Meter for Developers –

Interface Shield compatible with Arduino ®

401_Arduino_User Guide

The IC-8ARD is a multiparametric electrochemical meter from the IMACIMUS Series.

It can be used to obtain mV readings (electrochemical sensors – ion selective electrodes) with high impedance input.

The communication protocol through Rx,Tx, GND, is easily used for third party products integration, and compatible
Arduino ® Products or similar.

The IC-ARD8A is used with an external board (e.g., compatible Arduino UNO, or MEGA) to obtain the raw mV signal from 8
independent ion selective electrodes simultaneously.

This allows to obtain the results from the Single ION/ MultiION probe electrodes directly to your Arduino based System/ or


1 Technical features .......................................................................................................................................................... 3

1.1 Connectors and Compatible Electrodes ................................................................................................................ 3
2 How to install sensors in the probe? .............................................................................................................................. 3
3 Acquisition of sensor signal ........................................................................................................................................... 3
3.1 Arduino ® Software (third part product) ............................................................................................................... 3
3.2 Open-source CODE ................................................................................................................................................. 4
3.3 Upload the program code to your Arduino ® ........................................................................................................ 4
4 Connect Arduino ® to IC-ARD8A Meter ......................................................................................................................... 5
5 How it Works? Sensor signal .......................................................................................................................................... 5
6 Acquisition data .............................................................................................................................................................. 6
7 Assistance and support .................................................................................................................................................. 7

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401_Arduino_User Guide

1 Technical features
Input/Measure channels: 8 Channels. Input impedance of 1e12 Ohms.
Measurement ranges from -2500 mV to 2500 mV. Resolution of 0.1 mV.
Working temperature: from 5º C to 35º C.
Temperature resolution: 0.1 ºC
Dimensions 155 x 90 x 35 mm. Weight 240 g. ABS enclosure

1.1 Connectors and Compatible Electrodes

BNC Connector (for Combination / pH or Reference electrodes)
USB 3.0 Connector for Single Ion probe or Multi ION probe
Mini USB female connector type AB (for optional power supplying).

Figure Schematic for IMACIMUS series., Single Ion probe or Multi Ion probe (1), pH/Reference sensor (2) meter

2 How to install sensors in the probe?

Recommended to watch video:


Multi Probe: Please insert the sensor tips, in each channel defined as follows:

Single ION probe allows only 1 sensor input. The reading in of a Single ION probe
is configured in the Channel 2 on the Serial Monitor display

3 Acquisition of sensor signal

3.1 Arduino ® Software (third part product)
- Download your Arduino ® IDE from Arduino ® official website
- Open the Software Arduino ®.
- Go to Sketch, Include Library, select Manage Libraries
- Import library AltSoftSerial, by typing in the search – see Picture 1.

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401_Arduino_User Guide

- Install AltSoftSerial Library.

Picture 1. Import ‘Library’.

3.2 Open-source CODE

The ino code for your Arduino ® board is available to download from our website. It has been released under the
Creative Commons license, after downloading, then go to ‘Open code’ by double-click.


3.3 Upload the program code to your Arduino ®

- Connect your Arduino ® board to the PC through an USB cable (Type A-B)
- Go to TOOLS and select your Arduino ® Board, and the Port (COM) – see picture 2
- Go to SKETCH, then Compile and upload

Picture 2. Select your Arduino® Board.

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401_Arduino_User Guide

4 Connect Arduino ® to IC-ARD8A Meter

The Arduino ® is going to be connected to the meter with Rx,Tx, using the Alternative Software Serial Library .

Different model of Arduinos uses different pins to receive and transmit. Here is the example for the Arduino UNO and
Arduino Mega 2560.- Please refer to the library when using other boards – see Table 1.

Table 1. Item for Arduino ® and IC8ARD connexions.

Item Arduino UNO Arduino Mega IC-8ARDPCB IC- Cable (IC-ARD8A)
2650 ARD8A
receive- RX 8 48 TX White /Yellow
transmit -TX 9 46 RX Grey /Green
GND GND GND GND Black /Orange
5V 5V 5V 5V Purple / Blue

The output RX, Tx, 5Vand GND from the IC-ARD8A will be connected to the Arduino inputs digital, GND and 5V.

IC-ARD8A needs a power supply of 5V 0.5A. It can be used Arduino Board as described or supplied through the micro-USB
from the board.

5 How it Works? Sensor signal

pH or reference electrode and Multiprobe or Single ION probe must be both immersed in the standards or sample
solutions to obtain the measurement/calibration.

Time response is usually between 30- 60 seconds after introducing the sensors in the standard or sample solutions. After
you can obtain measurements within a time frequency of every 5 seconds.

Calibration and Measurements:

o Nernst response

The ISE response is modelled by the Nernst Equation.

Please take note on mV is proportional to the logarithm on the concentration. Refer to the sensor’s user manual for
information on this calibration equation.

The calibration process consists of measuring the mV values from the sensors in order to obtain the mathematical
equation which relates the mV to the concentration.

- Linear equation: Y=aX + b

Where Y is the mV output, X corresponds to the concentration logarithm of standard measured, a is the slope and b is the

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401_Arduino_User Guide

- It is the same for all the ions; to obtain the slope and intersection we must measure the mV output from two
known standards (e.g., Y1 and Y2) and resolve the set of equations:
with Y1 =aX1 +b and Y2= aX2+b

Take note that for the ions, mV is linear with the logarithm of the concentration. For pH the value is directly
obtained from the reading.

- Note. The ISE sensor membranes have a limited shelf-life and change over time, so this third step requires regular
evaluation (every use) to keep the sensor appropriately calibrated.

6 Acquisition data
- Open the Serial Monitor (TOOLS/ Monitor series)
- Type M and press Enter /Send (please note M is in capital letter)
- The Serial monitor will be updated with: “Measuring …”
- The measurement will take around 5 seconds to appear.
- DATA will be printed in the screen.

Startframe is 0x23, Measure: 0x0A. Endframe is 0x7A.

The data is according to Multiprobe channel, and BNC input.

ION number 1 value: Channel 1

ION number 2 value: Channel 2 – This is the reading of Single Ion probe

ION number 3 value: Channel 3

ION number 4 value: Channel 4

ION number 5 value: Channel 5

ION number 6 value: Channel 6

ION number 7 value: Channel 7

ION number 8 value: Channel 8 – corresponds to the BNC connector: pH Electrode or Reference Electrode

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401_Arduino_User Guide

6.1 Maintenance and storage

Clean the probes only with deionized water and dry externally with a tissue paper
Let the sensor/multiion/single ion become dry before replacing the plastic protection cap for large storage
Storage: pH probe: Place the pH probe in its bottle and screw.
Multi Ion probe: Put on the black plastic cap.

6.2 Sensors care

Avoid contact of the electrodes with strong acids or highly alkaline solutions, detergents, surfactants and / or PVC
Avoid exposure in solutions that contain high contents of interfering ions that can poison the membrane.
Rinse with deionized water after each sample.
Do not leave the electrodes in deionized water.
Do not touch, grate, or hit the tip of the electrode.
Do not store at temperatures above 25ºC.

7 Assistance and support

Please contact to the Technical Service Assistance for customers from NT Sensors.

E-mail: tech.support@ntsensors.com

For more information, please get your guide here from our website

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