Module 02 - Managing Objects in AD DS

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Lab: Managing AD DS objects

You have been working for A. Datum Corporation as a desktop support specialist and have
visited desktop computers to troubleshoot app and network problems. You recently accepted a
promotion to the server support team. One of your first assignments is to configure the
infrastructure service for a new branch office.

To begin deployment of the new branch office, you are preparing AD DS objects. As part of
this preparation, you need to create users and groups for the new branch office that will house
the Research department. Finally, you need to reset the secure channel for a computer account
that has lost connectivity to the domain in the branch office.

2. Exercise 1: Creating and managing groups in AD DS

Task 1: Create groups and add members

1. On LON-DC1, in Server Manager, click Tools, and then click Active Directory Administrative

2. Click Adatum (local), and then click Managers.

3. In the Tasks pane, under Managers, click New, and then click Group.

4. In the Group name: field, type Enterprise Managers.

5. Under Group scope, click Universal.

6. Click OK to close the Create Group: Enterprise Managers window.

7. Click Adatum (local), and then click the Research organizational unit (OU).

8. In the Tasks pane, under Research, click New, and then click Group.

9. In the Group name: field, type Research Mail.

10. In the Group type section, select Distribution.

11. In the Email field, type

12. In the Managed By section, click Edit.

13. In the Select Users, Contacts, or Groups dialog box, in Enter the object names to select
(examples), type Cai, click Check Names, and then click OK.

14. Select the Manager can update membership list check box.

15. Click OK to close the Create Group: Research Mail window.

16. In the Tasks pane, under Research, click New, and then click Group.

17. In the Group name: field, type Research Managers.

18. Scroll to the Members section, and then click Add.

19. In the Select Users, Contacts, Computers, Service Accounts, or Groups dialog box, in Enter
the object names to select (examples), type Cai; Vera, click Check Names, and then click OK.

20. Click OK to close the Create Group: Research Managers window.

3. Exercise 1: Creating and managing groups in AD DS

Task 2: Configure group nesting

1. Double-click Adatum(Local) and then double-click the Managers OU.

2. Right-click the Enterprise Managers group, and then click Properties.

3. In the navigation pane, click Members, and then click Add.

4. In the Select Users, Contacts, Computers, Service Accounts, or Groups dialog box, in Enter
the object names to select (examples), type Managers; Research Managers, click Check
Names, and then click OK.

5. Click OK to close the Enterprise Managers window.

4. Exercise 1: Creating and managing groups in AD DS

Task 3: Convert a group type from distribution to security
1. In the navigation pane, click Research.

2. Double-click the Research Mail group.

3. Under Group type, click Security, and then click OK.

5. Exercise 2: Creating and configuring user accounts in AD DS

Task 1: Create and configure a user template for the Research department

1. Ensure that the Research OU is selected.

2. In the Tasks pane, under Research, click New, and then click User.

3. In the Create User window, in the First name field, type _Research Template.

4. In the User UPN logon field, type ResearchTemplate.

5. In the Password and Confirm password fields, type Pa55w.rd.

6. In the navigation pane, click Organization, and then in the Department field, type Research.

7. In the Company field, type Adatum.

8. In the Manage r field, click Edit.

9. In the Select Users or Contacts dialog box, in Enter the object names to select (examples),
type Cai, click Check Names, and then click OK.

10. In the navigation pane, click Member Of.

11. Click Add.

12. In the Select Groups dialog box, in Enter the object names to select (examples),
type Research, and then click Check Names.In the Multiple Names Found dialog box,
select Research, and then click OK twice.

13. In the navigation pane, click Profile.

14. In the Log on script field, type \\LON-DC1\Netlogon\Logon.bat, and then click OK.

15. Click the _Research Template account, and then in the Tasks pane, under _Research Template,
click Disable.

16. Close Active Directory Administrative Center.

6. Exercise 2: Creating and configuring user accounts in AD DS

Task 2: Create new users for the Research branch office based on the
1. In Server Manager, click Tools, and then click Active Directory Users and Computers.

2. Expand, and then click the Research OU.

3. Right-click the _Research Template account, and then click Copy.

4. In the Copy Object – User dialog box, type Research in the First name field, and then
type User in the Last name field.

5. In the User logon name field, type ResearchUser, and click Next.

6. In the Password and Confirm password fields, type Pa55w.rd.

7. Clear the Account is disabled check box, and then click Next.

8. Click Finish.

7. Exercise 2: Creating and configuring user accounts in AD DS

Task 3: Validate the template

1. Double-click Research User.

2. Click the Profile tab, and then ensure that the Logon script path is \\LON-
3. Click the Organization tab, and then ensure that the Department is Research,
the Company is Adatum, and the Manager is Cai Chu.

4. Click the Member Of tab, and then ensure that the user is a member of the Research group.

5. Click Cancel to close the Research User Properties dialog box.

8. Exercise 3: Managing computer objects in AD DS**

Task 1: Reset a computer account

1. In Active Directory Users and Computers, click the Computers container.

2. In the details pane, right-click the LON-CL1 computer account, and then click Reset Account.

3. In the Active Directory Domain Services dialog box, click Yes.

4. In the Active Directory Domain Services message box, click OK.

9. Exercise 3: Managing computer objects in AD DS**

Task 2: Observe the behavior when a client attempts to sign in

1. Restart LON-CL1, and then attempt to sign in as Adatum\Adam with the password Pa55w.rd.

Question : What is the message displayed?

Answer : The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed.

10. Exercise 3: Managing computer objects in AD DS**

Task 3: Resolve the computer issue
1. Sign in to LON-CL1 as Adatum\Administrator with the password Pa55w.rd.

2. Right-click the Start button, and then click Run.

3. Type PowerShell, and then press Enter.

4. In the Administrator: Windows PowerShell window, type the following cmdlet, and then press

Test-ComputerSecureChannel –Repair

5. Close the Windows PowerShell window, and then sign out.

6. Sign in as Adatum\Adam with the password Pa55w.rd. The sign in will succeed now.

7. Sign out of LON-CL1.

8. Leave the VMs running for the next lab.

11. Lab: Administering AD DS

You have been working for the A. Datum Corporation as a desktop support specialist and have
performed troubleshooting tasks on desktop computers to resolve application and network
problems. You recently accepted a promotion to the server support team. One of your first
assignments is to configure the infrastructure service for a new branch office.
To begin the deployment of the new branch office, you are preparing AD DS objects. As part of
this preparation, you need to create an OU for the branch office and delegate permission to
manage it. Also, you need to evaluate Windows PowerShell to manage AD DS more efficiently.

12. Exercise 1: Delegating administration for OUs

Task 1: Create a new OU for the branch office

1. On LON-DC1, in Active Directory Users and Computers, right-click, click New, and
then click Organizational Unit.

2. In New Object – Organizational Unit dialog box, type London in the Name field, and then
click OK.

13. Exercise 1: Delegating administration for OUs

Task 2: Create groups for branch administrators and branch help-desk

1. Right-click the London OU, click New, and then click Group.

2. In the New Object – Group dialog box, type London Admins, and then click OK.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to create a group named London Helpdesk.

14. Exercise 1: Delegating administration for OUs

Task 3: Add members to the group

1. Click the IT OU.

2. Right-click the Beth Burke user account, and then click Add to a group.
3. In the Select Groups dialog box, in Enter the object names to select (examples):, type London
Admins. Click Check Names, and then click OK.

4. In the Active Directory Domain Services message box, click OK.

5. Right-click the Dante Dabney user account, and then click Add to a group.

6. In the Select Groups dialog box, in Enter the object names to select (example):, type London
Helpdesk. Click Check Names, and then click OK.

7. In the Active Directory Domain Services message box, click OK.

15. Exercise 1: Delegating administration for OUs

Task 4: Delegate permissions to the group

1. In Active Directory Users and Computers, click View, and then click Advanced Features.

2. Right-click the London OU, and then click Properties.

3. Click the Security tab, and then click Add.

4. In the Select Users, Computers, Service Accounts or Groups dialog box, in Enter the object
names to select (example):,type London Admins. Click Check Names, and then click OK.
5. Ensure that the London Admins group is selected, check Full Control in the Allow column, and
then click OK.

6. Right-click the London OU, and then click Delegate Control.

7. In the Delegation of Control Wizard, click Next.

8. On the Users or Groups page, click Add.

9. In the Select Users, Computers, or Groups dialog box, in Enter the object names to select
(example):, type London Helpdesk. Click Check Names, click OK, and then click Next.

10. On the Tasks to Delegate page, click Create a custom task to delegate,and then click Next.

11. On the Active Directory Object Type page, click Only the following object in this folder.

12. Scroll to the bottom of the list. Click User objects, and then select the check boxes for Create
selected objects in this folder and Delete selected objects in this folder,and then click Next.

13. On the Permissions page, click Full Control, and then click Next.

14. Click Finish.

16. Exercise 1: Delegating administration for OUs

Task 5: Test permissions
1. Switch to LON-SVR1.

2. Click Start, click Server Manager, and then click Add roles and features.

3. In the Add Roles and Features Wizard, click Next.

4. On the Select installation type page, click Next.

5. On the Select destination server page,click Next.

6. On the Select server roles page, click Next.

7. On the Select features page, expand Remote Server Administration Tools, and then
expand Role Administration Tools. Expand AD DS and AD LDS Tools. Select the check box
beside AD DS Tools, and then click Next.

8. Click Install. Wait for installation to complete.

9. When installation is complete, click Close.

10. Sign out of LON-SVR1.

Test permissions for London Admins

1. Sign in to LON-SVR1 as Beth with the password Pa55w.rd.

2. Click Start, and then click the Server Manager tile.

3. Click Tools, and then click Active Directory Users and Computers.

4. Expand, and then click the Research OU. Notice that the icons on the toolbar to
create users, groups, or OUs are dimmed.

5. Click the London OU. Notice that those icons are available now.

6. Right-click the London OU, click New, and then click Organizational Unit.

7. In the New Object – Organizational Unit dialog box, type Laptops in the Name field, and then
click OK. The creation will succeed.

8. Sign out of LON-SVR1.

Test permissions for London Helpdesk

1. Sign in to LON-SVR1 as Dante with the password Pa55w.rd.

2. Click Start, and then click the Server Manager tile.

3. Click Tools, and then click Active Directory Users and Computers.

4. Expand, and then click the London OU. Notice that the only available icon is
the create user icon.

17. Exercise 2: Creating and modifying AD DS objects with Windows

Task 1: Create a user account by using Windows PowerShell

1. Switch to LON-DC1.

2. Right-click the Start button, and then click Windows PowerShell (Admin).

3. Create a user account for Ty Carlson in the London OU by running the following command:

New-ADUser -Name Ty -DisplayName "Ty Carlson" -GivenName Ty -Surname Carlson -Path "o

4. Set the password for the account by running the following command:

Set-ADAccountPassword Ty

5. When you receive a prompt for the current password, press Enter.

6. When you receive a prompt for the desired password, type Pa55w.rd, and then press Enter.
7. When you receive a prompt to repeat the password, type Pa55w.rd, and then press Enter.

8. To enable the account, run the following command:

Enable-ADAccount Ty

9. Test the account by switching to LON-CL1, and then sign in as Ty with the password Pa55w.rd.

18. Exercise 2: Creating and modifying AD DS objects with Windows

Task 2: Create a new group by using Windows PowerShell

1. On LON-DC1, in the Administrator: Windows PowerShell window, run the following command:

New-ADGroup LondonBranchUsers -Path "ou=London,dc=adatum,dc=com" -GroupScope Globa

l -GroupCategory Security

19. Exercise 2: Creating and modifying AD DS objects with Windows

Task 3: Add a member to the group by using Windows PowerShell

1. In the Administrator: Windows PowerShell window, run the following command:

Add-ADGroupMember LondonBranchUsers -Members Ty

2. Confirm that the user is in the group by running the following command:

Get-ADGroupMember LondonBranchUsers
20. Exercise 2: Creating and modifying AD DS objects with Windows
Task 4: Modify the .csv file

1. On the taskbar, click the File Explorer icon.

2. In File Explorer, expand Allfiles (E:), expand Labfiles, and then click Mod02.

3. Right-click LabUsers.ps1, and then click Edit. In Administrator: Windows PowerShell (ISE),
read the comments at the top of the script, and then identify the requirements for the header in
the .csv file.

4. In File Explorer, double-click LabUsers.csv.

5. In the How do you want to open this type of file (.csv)? message, click Notepad. Click OK.

6. In Notepad, type the following line at the top of the file:


7. Click File, and then click Save.

8. Close Notepad.

21. Exercise 2: Creating and modifying AD DS objects with Windows

Task 5: Modify the script

1. In the Administrator: Windows PowerShell (ISE) window, under Variables,

replace C:\path\file.csv with E:\Labfiles\Mod02\LabUsers.csv.

2. Under Variables, replace " ou=orgunit,dc=domain,dc=com" with

" ou=London,dc=adatum,dc=com".

3. Click File, and then click Save. Scroll down, and then review the contents of the script.

4. Close the Administrator: Windows PowerShell (ISE) window.

22. Exercise 2: Creating and modifying AD DS objects with Windows

Task 6: Run the script

1. Switch to the Administrator: Windows PowerShell window.

2. At the prompt, type cd E:\Labfiles\Mod02, and then press Enter.

3. Type .\LabUsers.ps1, and then press Enter.

4. To view the users just created, type the following command, and then press Enter:

Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase "ou=London,dc=adatum,dc=com"

23. Exercise 2: Creating and modifying AD DS objects with Windows
Task 7: Prepare for the next module
When you are finished with the lab, revert all VMs to their initial state

1. On the host computer, start Hyper - V Manager.

2. In the Virtual Machines list, right-click 20742B-LON-DC1, and then click Revert.

3. In the Revert Virtual Machine dialog box, click Revert.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for 20742B-LON-SVR1, and 20742B-LON-CL1.

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