Tenses Revision-Present and Past-Simple and Continuous-1st Poli

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Tenses Revision – Present and Past, Simple and Continuous

A)Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continuous. Use contractions where possible.
1 I…………………………………………..…..…. (study) now.

2 The sun .......……….......………………....... (rise) in the east.

3 The sun ...................…………………………... (not shine) today.

4 People from Rome ...................……………………….... (speak) Italian.

5 I ............……………………………............ (do) this test in English.

6 My mother never .....................……………………………….. (wear) jeans.

7 Most businessmen ...................……………………………………..... (wear) suits.

8 The shops ...........………………………………......... (open) at 9.00 a.m. every day.

9 We ....................……………………………….... (not go) to school on Sundays.

10 Today my father ...............…………………………....... (travel) to Italy.

11 We ...............……………………………....... (do) this test in silence.

Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous.
1 -I ..……………………..…………... (can not) hear him because I……………………………... (listen) to music
on my walkman.

2 I ..............…………...................... (can not) answer the door because I .......

……….......................... (talk) on the phone.

3 I .................…………………................. (talk) to my mother who ................………....................

(visit) my grandmother.

4 She ............……………........................ (phone) from a phone box because my grandmother’s

phone .............……………………..................... (not work).

5 She .....……………………............................... (want) to talk to my dad but he .............

…………....................... (play) golf.
6 He ..............………………..................... (play) golf with my brother because his usual golf
partner ...........……………......................... (be) away
Past continuous and Past simple – Contrast (Jose Luis)

A-Complete the senteces using did, was or were

1.- “________________ you working when I rang?” “No, I ________________n’t.”

2.- “________________ you see me on television?” “Yes, I ________________.
3.- “What ________________ you doing when they arrived?” “I ________________ reading the
4.- “________________ they working hard?” “No, they ________________n’t.”
5.- “________________ she crying when you saw her?” “Yes, she ________________.
6.- “________________ they speak to you when you met them?” “No, they ________________n’t.”
7.- Peter ________________ still lying in bed so he ________________n’t hear the doorbell.
8.- “________________ the police find the man?” “No, they ________________n’t. He
________________ hiding in an empty building.
9.- we ________________ shouting to you. ________________n’t you hear us.
10.-I ________________ looking for some photos when you rang but I ________________n’t find

B-Complete the sentences using the verbs on brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous

1.-They ______________________ for me when I ______________________ at the station. (wait /

2.-She ______________________ in the sea when I ______________________ her. (swim / see)
3.- ________________ they ____________________ tennis when it ______________________
raining? (play / start)
4.-She ______________________ when she ______________________ the news. (cry / hear)
5.-We ______________________ home from the theatre when the police ______________________
us. (drive / stop)
6.-Everyone ______________________ quiet when the concert ______________________. (go /
7.-When she ______________________ him, he ______________________ quite ill. (leave /
8.-You ______________________ in a restaurant when I first ______________________ you. (work
/ meet)
9.-I ______________________ very angry when I ______________________ the letter. (feel /
10.-It ______________________ when I ______________________ . (rain / get up)

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