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Morning Love

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero
Relationship: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto
Character: Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: tododeku - Freeform, todoroki x deku, Established Midoriya
Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Gay Sex, My Hero Academia - Freeform
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2018-06-03 Words: 2,245 Chapters: 1/1

Morning Love
by bloodlust (fosterbody)


Todoroki and Deku wake up early before hanging out with friend, so they find a way to kill
the time in bed.


So, this is my first piece I'll be publishing here! I looked over it to make sure everything
makes sense, but I'm open to suggestions if anyone has any. I hope you enjoy it!

Also it was five pages on Google docs, so I'm sorry if this is super long

Both characters are of age of consent

Todoroki awoke to the feeling of warm light hitting his face through the blinds of his window.
Beside him lay a sleeping Deku, curled neatly in a ball at his side. The green haired boy looked
peaceful - a stark contrast to his usual excited and ambitious demeanor while awake. Todoroki
softly smiled to himself, pleased to catch this tiny glimpse of his lover so calm, free from for a
moment the weight of the world and the immense responsibility resting on his shoulders.

The alarm clock beside the bed blinked “6:17AM.” The two boys didn’t have to be up and out of
the house for at least another hour and a half, giving them time to do as they pleased. Deku usually
woke up six o’clock on the dot to train, but it was the weekend, and the two wanted to sleep in for
a little extra rest before meeting a few of the other Class A boys at the pool.
Todoroki gently shifted, as not to wake Deku, and wrapped his arms around his sleeping boyfriend.
Deku, however stirred within his grasp with a small, tired mumble.

“Shh, I didn’t mean to wake you. You can go back to sleep,” Todoroki cooed, petting Deku’s hair.
Deku stretched out and moved closer to Todoroki, mumbling once more as he threw his arms over
the other boy’s waist.

“What was that?” Todoroki inquired quietly.

“What time is is?” Deku mumbled once more, his voice soft and muffled by Todoroki’s chest.

Todoroki tightened his embrace around his lover, knowing he would try to get out of bed once his
question was answered. “It’s around 6:20AM, but I think I would like to just lay here a while
longer with you, if that’s alright.”

Deku nuzzled Todoroki’s neck, sending a small shiver through his body. “Mhm, we can do that.”

Todoroki was pleased at the other boy’s signs of affection, but was slightly confused as to why he
didn’t put up a fight with the excuse of needing to train. “No early morning workout?”

Deku pushed himself closer to Todoroki’s neck, planting a small kiss under his jaw. “I can still get
in a workout, if you’re willing.”

Todoroki, eyes already fluttered shut from the single, teasing kiss and anticipation, eagerly nodded
his head. “I’m more than willing,” he sighed.

What started out as a morning Todoroki hoped was filled with sweetly holding his boyfriend
quickly turned into something even sweeter.

As Deku gently moved so he was on top of him, straddling his hips, he kissed Todoroki’s soft,
exposed skin of his already bare chest. He softly rocked his hips against the boy on top of him,
firmly holding his hips down with a tender grip.

Deku grabbed Todoroki’s hair, pulling his head back to give him more desperate kisses and soft
bites on his neck. The two were now grinding in sync with one another, focused on making each
other feel good. Todoroki slipped his thumbs under the hem of Deku’s boxers.

“May I?” he asked softly. Deku let out a small mhm, focused more on the small hickey he was
leaving on his boyfriend’s chest.

Letting out a small moan, Todoroki pulled down Deku’s boxers so only his rear was exposed. He
quickly grabbed Deku’s hair to pull his head up. Deku whined slightly, bothered that he was forced
to stop his task, but the whine was cut short as Todoroki slipped his first two fingers in the boy’s
mouth. Deku closed his eyes and eagerly bobbed his head on Todoroki’s fingers, pleased with
knowing exactly what was next.

Once his fingers were properly wet, Todoroki once more grabbed Deku’s hips with one hand,
while slowly slipping a finger inside of his lover. Deku gasped, arching his back in pleasure.

“That’s my good boy,” Todoroki sighed. He always loved seeing Deku this way - blissed out from
how good he felt, momentarily distracted from the world, safe and happy in Todoroki’s touch. If he
could, Todoroki would keep Deku this happy all the time.

Deku blushed and tried to cover his hands with his face, embarrassed but definitely turned on by
the praise he just recieved. Todoroki clicked his tongue and moved Deku’s hands.
“Don’t hide baby, you’re too precious to cover up.” Todoroki, still slowly fingering Deku, gently
caressed Deku’s cheek with his free hand. “I want you to look at me.”

Deku complied, opening his eyes. Todoroki was still holding his cheek as he slipped another finger
inside of him. The two boys held eye contact as he did, causing Deku to blush even harder. The
smaller boy often felt embarrassed when forced to look at lover while receiving pleasure.

“Deku,” Todoroki said softly. “There’s no reason to be embarrassed. I love seeing you this way,
and I love you.” He gently moved his fingers inside Deku, leaving him blushing even harder.

Deku gripped Todoroki’s shoulders tightly before falling onto his chest, close to breathless.
“Roki,” he whined, leaving small kisses on the other boy’s neck. “Please.”

Todoroki kissed Deku’s head before pulling out and gently flipping him over. He slid Deku’s
boxers all the way off and tossed them aside. “Is this alright?” he asked. Deku only whimpered and

Todoroki kissed the boy under him, deep and sweet. Both their hands wandered as they kissed,
touching bare skin and desperately pulling at extremities. Deku wrapped his legs around Todoroki
in an attempt to pull him closer, needy for any kind of pleasure, but Todoroki held steadfast above

Todoroki pulled away, breaking the kiss. “One moment love.” He slipped a finger inside Deku
once more to prep him for a moment before taking his own boxers off. He slowly slipped himself
into the boy under him, fostering a small moan from Deku, followed by his hand promptly
covering his own mouth out of embarrassment.

Deku’s small noises only got louder as Todoroki’s speed increased. The two boys were in a perfect
rhythm, hips moving in sync with each other as their hands explored one another. Deku leaned
down and started kissing his boyfriend’s chest, leaving small red marks here and there. Todoroki’s
heart fluttered, and his grip on Deku tightened. In response, Deku started softly biting into
Todoroki’s chest, leaving tiny hickeys on his soft flesh.

As he did, Todoroki’s thrusts became more ragged and violent. He wanted Deku, needed Deku to
be as close to him as possible. He wanted to make his lover feel as good as he did in that moment.
Desperately, he flipped Deku over so his chest was pressed into the bed. In that position, he was
better able to focus on making Deku feel good.

Oh god did Deku feel good. He was biting into the pillow his face was pressed into to avoid being
too loud. He knew Todoroki loved hearing his moans and cries, but he couldn’t help but feel
embarrassed anytime he got noisy. A few moans escaped, though, despite his mouth being stuffed
full of pillowcase. It seemed like Todoroki enjoyed it because his pace quickened. Deku arched his
back and felt his arms spasm in response to the immense amount of pleasure he was receiving from
his lover.

Todoroki was almost trembling from stimulation. He was eager to finish, but he was more
concerned with how Deku was feeling. He leaned into the boy under him, ceasing his thrusts for a
moment, and nuzzled into Deku’s neck.

“You can touch yourself baby, it’s alright,” he breathed out. Deku shifted underneath him to get
into a better position. Deku tensed for a moment before relaxing, melting under Todoroki’s touch.

Once sure his lover was pleasuring himself, as noted by his no longer muffled moans, Todoroki
continued his thrusting. He went slow, building up the pleasure and pressure. Deku was a mess
under him, panting and moaning, begging for more. Todoroki could see Deku’s blush from his
position behind the green haired boy; he was pink all the way down to his shoulders. He loved
seeing his boyfriend like that, all messy and blushing because of what he was doing. Just the sight
of Deku made Todoroki want to quicken his pace and finish, but he controlled himself. A slow
buildup made for such a better finish.
Deku tensed again and began whining while bucking his hips. “‘Roki, I’m close. Please, I’m so
close.” His eyes fluttered shut as he let himself speed up to finish.

Todoroki also quickened his pace, grabbing at Deku’s hips for a steadier grip. “Go ahead baby, it’s
ok. Be a good boy and finish for me.” He almost slipped up in his rhythm, being so eager and
desperate to finish and to please his lover.

Deku was pushed over the edge as Todoroki’s thrusts got faster. An overwhelming, warm sensation
exploded in him as he came onto the sheets underneath him. He wanted to collapse into the bed,
but Todoroki held his hips firm in place as he finished himself off. All Deku could do was squirm
and writhe as Todoroki essentially used him to get off. He didn’t mind, though, as the
overstimulation allowed the post-orgasm sensation to linger for a moment or two longer.

Todoroki finished nearly right after Deku had. He held still against Deku, holding him close, as he
came. Breathless, he fell onto the bed beside Deku, He hadn’t pulled out yet as the both of them
were still too sensitive for any sort of movement. They didn’t mind though; Deku enjoyed the
closeness of it, and Todoroki loved the feeling it gave.

Eager to be held, Deku pushed himself as close to Todoroki as he could get. The other boy
wrapped his arms around Deku and nuzzled into his neck, breathing in deeply. The air was filled
with the sound of the two boys trying to catch their breath, with the added occasional whimper
from the overstimulated Deku.

“I’m going to get up and get something to help clean us up, alright baby?” Todoroki whispered.

Deku whined, reaching his arms backwards to grab at the boy behind him. “I don’t want you to
leave me. I need you here.”

Todoroki kissed the smaller boy’s neck, jaw, and cheek. “Would you rather we shower then?”
Deku only whimpered and nodded in response, resulting in a soft laugh from Todoroki. “We can
do that baby, it’s okay.”

Todoroki finally broke away from Deku, only to slide him off the bed and pick him up. Instantly,
Deku threw his hands around Todoroki and buried himself in the other boy’s chest. The two were
in the bathroom within seconds, with Todoroki turning on the shower as Deku sat quietly on the
edge of the tub, too exhausted to stand. Steam quickly engulfed the bathroom, and the two stepped
into the shower.

Deku sat down in front of Todoroki, not really minding that the water didn’t reach him well.
Todoroki, though, took the shower head off the mount and gently wet Deku with the warm water.
Deku closed his eyes and gently leaned into his boyfriend’s legs, quietly humming to himself.

“Is this good baby?” Todoroki asked. Deku only nodded, so he put the shower head up and grabbed
the shampoo. He gently massaged some into Deku’s hair, taking care of being gentle. He washed
out the soap, then repeated the process with conditioner. He handed Deku the bar of soap so he
could wash his body as Todoroki washed himself off. Usually the two would help each other out
with everything, but given that they were both somewhat exhausted, they did what they could
The two were soon out of the shower, dried off, and back in bed. Todoroki had to help Deku into
clean clothes as he was still shaky, but he was always happy to help his boyfriend. They laid as
close to each other as possible, legs and arms intertwined, lips never far from each other. It was
perfect bliss for the two of them.

“Still up to go to the pool baby?” Todoroki inquired, though he already knew the answer. Deku
sighed and shook his head, prompting a laugh from his boyfriend. “I’ll text everyone to let them
know we’re staying home.

He sent a quick text to the Class A boys’ groupchat, giving the excuse that Deku was feeling under
the weather, and that he was staying home to help him feel better. He got several ‘get well’ texts
and an angry message to pass along to Deku from Bakugo, as anticipated.

“I let everyone know we’re skipping today. Iida is especially worried about you, and Bakugo says
he’s a better hero than you because he doesn’t get sick.” Todoroki tossed his phone aside and
wrapped his arm around Deku again.

Deku snorted. “At least I’m getting laid, Kacchan,” he mumbled into Todoroki’s chest. Todoroki
giggled and kissed the top of Deku’s messy green hair.

“Now that we have nowhere to go, we can get some more sleep,” Todoroki said in a soft voice.
Deku only nodded, already dozing off. Todoroki simply pulled the covers over the two of them
and held Deku close against him.

“Roki?” Deku’s voice was small.


“I love you.” His arms wrapped around Todoroki tighter.

Todoroki pulled Deku up higher so he could give him a small kiss properly on his lips. Deku
smiled and leaned into his lover’s neck. “I love you too baby,” Todoroki mumbled. “I love you

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