Seance TD1 Haigh Exercise

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Master 2 de Mécanique

Master 2 STRAINS


Exercises to manipulate the Haigh diagram and damage accumulation

Exercise 1: Lifetime of a connecting rod of naval engine

The life of a 50 mm diameter boat engine connecting rod

made of steel (σD=145MPa; Re=490MPa and
Rm=680MPa) is to be determined for several operating

Its surface condition reveals a roughness of 5 m.

A reliability index of 90% is sought.
The solicitation is uniaxial of traction-compression type,
with a frequency of 1 Hz.

1. Operation 1 : the connecting rod is subjected to a

dynamic stress at the most stressed point : σm=120MPa
and σa=65MPa
a. Draw the Haigh diagram
b. Calculate the safety coefficient using the
Goodman approximation corrected to Rm-σD/2
(see Engineering Techniques).

2. Operation 2 : the mode of use includes a part of journeys where it is overloaded (during 1% of the
time), with in normal load the solicitation previously described and during the overloads a dynamic
solicitation such as at the most stressed point: σm=180MPa et σa=100MPa
a. Adapting the previous Haigh plot, determine the corresponding endurance limit for the overload
b. Deduce the number of cycles to fatigue initiation corresponding to
c. Considering a very fast crack propagation, i.e. an immediate rupture after the initiation, deduce
the life of the engine

3. Operation 3 : on this ship, loaded like the previous one but sailing on a more difficult sea route, we
note a variable load, described by the following block, at the most stressed point:

σmi (MPa) σai (MPa) ni (number of cycles)

120 65 200 000
180 100 2 000
240 130 400
a. As in operation 2, by adapting the previous Haigh plot, determine the corresponding endurance
limit for the overload loading σm=240MPa et σa=130MPa.
b. Determine the ratios ni/Ni
c. Assuming a linear damage accumulation (Miner's approximation) such that damage is reached
for ni/Ni=1, determine the engine lifetime.
d. Comment on the validity of this reasoning based on elastic loading and an endurance fatigue
mode with Miner damage accumulation.

Exercise 2 : Fatigue resistance of a crankshaft

A steel crankshaft with the following characteristics σD=650MPa et Rm=1200MPa is submitted to a

variable loading. A numerical analysis by finite elements (see figure) gives at the most stressed point,
by the engine cycles, the stress distribution indicated in the table below.
1. Check its unlimited fatigue life and the corresponding safety coefficient using the Haigh diagram.

2. Comment on the result and the proposed verification method.

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