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Class Representative Elections Process and Script

Last Edited Fall 2022

Class Rep – Role and Responsibilities

Note: For each group in each level of a full-time program, one class rep will be elected. It is
recommended that the Program Coordinator read this script in class. If there are no
courses with all groups present, please repeat this process in each group so that there is
one class rep per group, per level.

Share with the Class:

Distribute the Class Representative Job Description to students.

Read to the Class:

The Class Representative System is a partnership between Algonquin College and the
Algonquin Students’ Association (SA) designed to bring important feedback from the
classroom. Class Reps are elected by their peers to act as a liaison between the classroom,
Algonquin College, and the SA.

Class Reps are invited to attend a Program Council meeting, hosted by the Program Chair,
at least once a semester. Program Council meetings allow class reps, faculty, and academic
managers (usually the Academic Chair) to discuss program-specific topics. Class Reps
gather feedback from their peers and bring concerns, opinions, and ideas to the Program
Council meeting.

The SA hosts Class Rep meetings throughout each semester (usually two meetings per
semester, per campus) where Class Reps from every program gather with the SA Board of
Directors to share feedback, concerns, and ideas. The SA Board of Directors, which is made
up of full-time Algonquin College students, sets the topics for these meetings. Feedback
gathered is used to help the Board better understand student concerns, and to
communicate them to the Algonquin College Executive Team, as well as to write policy to
govern the SA.

The SA provides leadership training for Class Reps to ensure they are prepared for their

1385 Woodroffe Avenue (E114) (613) 727-4723 x7711

Ottawa, Ontario K2G 1V8
Additional Documents for distribution, as appropriate (distributed with the email):

1. Class Representative Job Description, 2021-2022

2. Policy AA03 Program Council
3. Policy AA03 – Program Council Minutes Template


Next, follow these steps to elect one Class Rep from each group of each level.

After reading the summary above, ask if anyone is interested in the role. If more than one
student per group is interested, allow each candidate a moment to share with their peers
why they should be elected as the Class Rep for the program group.

If in-person:

Once each candidate has had the opportunity to share their reasoning, ask that they wait in
the hallway while a vote takes place. While they’re in the hallway, their classmates will vote
for their preferred Class Rep by a show of hands.

If remote via Zoom:

Once each candidate has had the opportunity to share their reasoning, put them in a
breakout room while a vote takes place. While they’re in the Breakout Room, their
classmates will vote for their preferred Class Rep by using the “raise hand” function on
Zoom. Count the raised hand per candidate to tally the results.

After counting the votes:

The candidates can be invited back into the classroom (or Zoom) and the professor can
share the election results.

If only one student is interested, they will be acclaimed as the Class Rep for their section.

If no students are interested in the role, please contact

After the Election

Once each group of each level has a Class Rep chosen by their peers, please inform the
department Administrative Assistant, and have the new Class Rep register with the SA at

1385 Woodroffe Avenue (E114) (613) 727-4723 x7711

Ottawa, Ontario K2G 1V8

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