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Assignment: Relate and reflect what you have learned to your personal development. What has
helped you to become the person that you are now? Is what you have become is the product of
more hereditary than environment interaction? Or is what you have become is a product of
both hereditary and environment interaction? What have you decided and determined yourself
to become?

Right now, I deem myself as a product of both hereditary and environmental interaction.
Firstly, My mother is a teacher, most of my aunts are teachers, my sister just graduated as a
BSED Filipino Major and most of my cousins and relatives are teachers as well. All in my
mother’s side. I grew up with teachers around me. Some people might say, the teaching
profession and passion in teaching runs through the blood of the Onatos. I quite agree on that
but I’m not sure if science also.
On the other hand, taking Education as a Profession takes a lot of positive and negative
opinions from the people around you about the background of the profession in the teaching
field. The negative opinion is that, being a teacher is no joke specifically if you teach in DepEd.
You need not only to deal with teaching the students but also do tons of paper works and even
bring them at home to finish compromising the quality time that must be spent with the family
after class hours.
Moreover, going to school every week days from 7:30 and go home at 5:00 is very tiring
and work does not stop there because you also need to prepare for tomorrow. The cycle goes
on and on until you’re 60 and that’s when you can retire from work, get your pension and REST.
I have heard these opinions from my aunts as well as my father because they also get fed up at
times and I also witnessed these as a daughter of a teacher. “Perme ka lang sa eskwelahan
tapos sirum na mauli.”,“Karon lang abi anay ina, wala pa gani kaluto sud-an.”, said papa.
The positive one is that, despite the demand of the institution, all the hard work, and
the coarse throat after speaking all day, they don’t give up. They complain but they comply.
They might be tired at the end of the day but still get’s up to face another. It takes a lot of
courage to battle sleepiness and comply to the demand of the school and obligation at home.
Every teacher is a hero, costumed in their uniform, their power is they can be anything. “Ma
maestra ka man? Sige a para sa ulihi, ma-loan ka it salakyan.” , “Nami tana kung maestra sa
DepEd kay biskan Sabado kag Domingo may sweldo.”, said my aunts.
Despite the good and bad things that I’ve heard and witnessed about the teaching
profession, I have decided to take this profession because deep down, I felt that I am made for
this, and I determined myself as a teacher, an educator. I grew up surrounded by mostly
teachers and I listened to the positive reinforcement from interacting with my environment or
the people around me to pursue this. I am now a second year BSED Major in English student
and for more than a year of being here in CTE, I can say this is for me, for us.

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