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A Picture Atlas Featuring Over 50
Complete Step-By-Step Cases

Arun K. Garg, DMD

Gustavo Mugnolo, DDS, PhD

Garg Multimedia Group, Inc.
1840 NE 153 rd Street
North Miami Beach, FL 33162

©2017 Dr. Arun K. Garg, Garg Multimedia Group, Inc.

All rights reserved under all copyright conventions.

No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted

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Edited by Dr. Arun K. Garg and Dr. Gustavo Mugnolo

Cover and interior design by Garg Multimedia Group, Inc.
Printed in the United States of America

First Edition

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Bone Biology & Physiology for Dental
Implantology 5

Chapter 2 Introduction to Augmentation Grafting of

the Maxillary Sinus

Chapter 3
Maxillary Sinus Anatomy & Physiology

Chapter 4 Mechanisms of Bone Grafting and Grafting


Chapter 5 53
Surgery Technique for Lateral Wall

Chapter 6 153
Surgery Technique for Crestal Approach

1 Bone Biology and

Physiology for Dental

The dental implant clinician must have healing factor directly affects the al-
a thorough understanding of bone veolar (primarily the mandible) bone,
structure and metabolism as well as whose formation occurs intramembra-
knowledge of the process of osseointe- nously.
gration when bone grafts and implants
are placed. A short example should il- Unquestionably, such bone-related
lustrate the need for this understand- clinical features of skull and jaws are
ing and knowledge: Differences in the discussed generally (and in some cas-
metabolism and aging of endochon- es with specific references to dental
dral and intramembranous bone pres- and maxillofacial clinical practice) in
ent especially important concerns for the first section of this current study,
the dental and maxillofacial surgeon.1 “The Human Skeleton: An Overview.”
Endochondral ossification, the type of This first section covers bone cells
bone development which begins em- and metabolism, bone’s macro/micro-
bryonically, also occurs during bone scopic and molecular structure, and
healing after a fracture, so it is possible bone modeling and remodeling. By
that the dental patient’s age is a factor contrast, the essay’s second section,
in the rate of bone healing, particularly “Dental Implantology: Bone Structure,
since fracture healing is dependent not Metabolism, and Physiology,” presents
only on tissue revascularization but information specifically related to oral
also on cell differentiation and pro- implantology: Bone formation/mod-
liferation. An additional age-related eling with bone grafts, osseointegra- 5
tion of dental implants, and autologous proteins (BMPs). Coursing through
blood concentrates. the bone is a rich vascular network that
provides perfusion to the viable cells as
The hope is that this study’s general well as the network of nerves (Figure
overview of the characteristics of hu- 1-2). Sufficient amounts of proteins
man bone will provide the necessary and minerals must be present in the
background and context for a more body for normal bone structure.
specialized discussion, understanding,
and application of dental implantology Because of its unique architecture, bone
practices so that the dental clinician is mass-efficient: Maximal strength is
who specializes in this area will have achieved with minimal mass (Figure
a better appreciation of the role that 1-3). In humans, bone mass reaches
bone plays in successfully placing den- its maximum level approximately ten
tal implants. years after the end of linear growth. This
level normally remains fairly constant
since bone is continually deposited
THE HUMAN and absorbed throughout the skeleton
until sometime in the fourth decade of
SKELETON: AN life when bone mass begins to gradu-
OVERVIEW ally decline. Although the reasons are
not clearly understood, this decline is
The entire adult skeleton exists in a dy- a result of an ongoing net loss that be-
namic state, continually degenerating gins to occur in the bone remodeling
and regenerating by the coordinated process. By age eighty, both men and
action of osteoclasts and osteoblasts women typically have lost about half of
(Figure 1-1). Bone is a living tissue that their maximum bone mass value. Hu-
serves two primary functions: struc- mans reach peak bone mineral density
tural support and calcium metabolism. in their thirties, though it is lower in
The bone matrix is composed of an ex- women than in men and in whites than
tremely complex network of collagen in blacks. Women lose an estimated
protein fibers impregnated with min- third of their cortical bone and half of
eral salts that include mostly calcium cancellous bone as they age while men
phosphate, far less calcium carbonate, lose only two-thirds of these amounts.
and very small amounts of calcium Bone deemed unnecessary by the body
fluoride and magnesium fluoride. The (for example, atrophy and bone loss in
minerals in bone are present primar- paraplegic patients) is also lost during
ily in the form of hydroxyapatites. a shift in the absorption-deposition
Bone also contains small quantities of balance in bone remodeling; in addi-
non-collagen proteins embedded in its tion, turnover may be a response to
mineral matrix, including the all-im- metabolic reactions.
portant family of bone morphogenetic

Bone Cells factors, such as transforming growth
factor-beta (TGF-β), BMPs, platelet-
Three main types of cells are involved derived growth factor (PDGF), and in-
in bone metabolism and physiology: sulin-like growth factors (IGFs), which
osteoblasts, osteocytes, and osteo- are stored in bone matrix. Some recent
clasts. Osteoblasts, which are involved research suggests that osteoblasts may
in building bone, are located in two even act as helper cells for osteoclasts
general areas. These cells deposit bone during normal bone resorption, pos-
matrix (Figure 1-4) and are frequently sibly by preparing the bone surface for
referred to as either endosteal osteo- their attack.2,3 However, further study
blasts, periosteal osteoblasts, or perios- is needed to clarify this possible role.
teal osteoblasts. Periosteal osteoblasts When osteoblasts have successfully
are present on the outer surfaces of the formed bone matrix and then become
embedded in it, they transform into
bones beneath the periosteum, while
osteocytes (Figure 1-1b). Osteocytes
endosteal osteoblasts line the vascular
are the most abundant bone cells, and
canals within bone. Mature osteoblasts they communicate with each other and
are responsible for producing the with cells on the bone surface via den-
proteins of bone matrix. Indeed, the dritic processes encased in canaliculi.
cytoplasm of osteoblasts is intensely Osteocytes have a slightly basophilic
basophilic, suggesting the presence of cytoplasm, the prolongations of which
ribonucleoproteins that are related to extend from the osteocyte through a
the synthesis of these protein compo- network of fine canaliculi that emerge
from the lacunae. During bone forma-
nents. Bone deposition continues in an
tion, these prolongations extend be-
active growth area for several months,
yond their normal limit, creating direct
with osteoblasts laying down new bone continuity with adjacent osteocytes la-
in successive layers of concentric cir- cunae and with the tissue spaces. Fluid
cles on the inner surfaces of the cavity in these spaces mixes with fluid from
in which they are working. This activ- the canaliculi; this mixing appears to
ity continues until the tunnel is filled allow an exchange of metabolic and
with new bone to the point that the biochemical messages between the
new growth begins to encroach on the bloodstream and osteocytes. In mature
bone, there is almost no extension of
blood vessels running through it. In
these prolongations, but the canalicu-
addition to mineralizing newly formed
li continue to function as a means of
bone matrix, osteoblasts also pro- messenger exchange. This mechanism
duce other matrix constituents, such allows the osteocytes to remain alive,
as phospholipids and proteoglycans, regardless of the calcified intercellular
which may also be important in the substance surrounding them. How-
mineralization process. During osteo- ever, this duct system does not func-
genesis, the osteoblasts secrete growth tion if it is located more than 0.5 mm
factors, including transforming growth from a capillary, which may explain
the abundant blood supply in bone 7
through capillaries that run through Once a mass has developed, it usu-
the Haversian systems and Volkmann ally dissolves the bone for about three
canals. Osteocytes have also been weeks, creating a tunnel that ranges
shown to express TGF-β and possibly from 0.2 to 1.0 mm in diameter and
other growth factors. Weightbearing is several millimeters long. After lo-
loads may influence the behavior of cal bone resorption is complete, the
bone remodeling cells located on bone osteoclasts disappear, probably by de-
surfaces by their effects on the osteo- generation. Subsequently, the tunnel is
cytes buried within the bone, which invaded by osteoblasts, and the bone
subsequently release TGF-β into the formation segment of the continuous
canalicular system. Additionally, os- remodeling cycle begins again.
teocytes may play a role in transport-
ing calcium through the bone. In addition to the three main types of
bone cells, there is a fourth type, the
Osteoclasts are the cells responsible bone-lining cell. These cells are similar
for bone resorption, and their activity to osteocytes in that they are “retired”
is controlled by parathyroid hormone. osteoblasts–in other words, osteoblasts
Osteoclasts are fused monocytes that that do not become embedded in newly
histologically appear as large, multinu- formed bone but instead adhere to the
cleated giant cells (containing as many outer bone surfaces when formation
as 50 nuclei). They are located in shal- halts. Bone-lining cells become qui-
low excavations (Howship lacunae) escent and flattened against the bone
along the mineralized bone surfaces. surface, but they do not form a contig-
A specific area of their cell membrane uous gap-free barrier. They maintain
forms adjacent to the bone surface to communication with osteocytes and
be resorbed. This area, known as the with each other via gap-junctioned
ruffled border, is formed by villus-like processes, and they also appear to
projections that the osteoclasts send maintain their receptors for hormones
out toward the bone. It consists of such as parathyroid hormone and es-
folds and invaginations that allow in- trogens. As with osteocytes, bone-lin-
timate contact between the cell mem- ing cells are thought to play a role in
brane and the bone surface (Figure transferring mineral into and out of
1-1b). Bone resorption occurs in the bone and in sensing mechanical strain.
ruffled border as the villi secrete pro- They may also initiate bone remodel-
teolytic enzymes that digest or dissolve ing in response to various chemicals or
the organic bone matrix and acids that mechanical stimuli.
cause dissolution of the bone cells. Via
phagocytosis, osteoclasts also absorb
minute particles of bone matrix and Bone Metabolism
crystals, eventually dissolving them
and releasing the products into the
Bone is the body’s primary reservoir
bloodstream. In adults, osteoclasts are
of calcium. Its tremendous turnover
usually active on less than 1% of bone
capability allows it to respond to the
surfaces at any one time. They typically
body’s metabolic needs and to main-
exist in small but concentrated masses.

tain a stable serum calcium level. and liberate bone morphogenetic pro-
Calcium has an essential life-support teins, new bone is not formed, result-
function. It works in conjunction with ing in avascular and acellular bone (es-
the lungs and kidneys to help maintain sentially, old bone) that is brittle and
the body’s pH balance by producing thus fractures easily and frequently
additional phosphates and carbon- becomes infected. Other diseases as-
ates. It also assists in the conduction sociated with bone remodeling abnor-
of nerve and muscle electrical charges, malities include cancer, primary hy-
including those involving the heart perparathyroidism, and Paget disease.
(Figure 1-1b). Although these disorders are common,
in most cases little is known about
Bone structure and mass throughout what mechanisms are responsible for
the body, including the structure and controlling normal bone remodeling
mass of bone in the skull and jaw, are or how it is coordinated and balanced.
directly affected by the body’s meta- Metabolic-hormonal interactions play
bolic state. Faced with unmet calcium a crucial role in maintaining bone
requirements or certain diseases, the structure. Most importantly, they
structural integrity of bone may be al- help to maintain the coupled cycle of
tered and even compromised. Consider bone resorption and bone apposition
the bone structure of postmenopausal through BMP. As previously men-
women. In response to decreased es- tioned, when osteoblasts form bone,
trogen hormone in the system, bone they also secrete BMP into the mineral
mass begins to dwindle, and the inter- matrix. This acid-insoluble protein re-
connections between bone trabeculae sides in the matrix until it is released
are lost. Because normal intercon- during osteoclastic resorption. The
nections are crucial for making bone acid insolubility is an evolutionary
biomechanically rigid, the decrease mechanism by which the pH of 1 cre-
in bone leads to an increase in fragil- ated by osteoclasts is able to dissolve
ity. This is an important phenomenon bone mineral without affecting BMP.
in dental implantology and related Once released, BMP binds to the cell
bone grafting because it would seem to surface of undifferentiated mesen-
suggest that declining estrogen levels chymal stem cells, where it causes a
would increase the risk of implant fail- membrane signal protein to become
ure.4 However, recent studies suggest activated with high-energy phosphate
that neither osteoporosis5 nor meno- bonds. This, in turn, affects the gene
pausal status6 in and of themselves are sequence in the nucleus, causing ex-
contraindications for dental implant pression of osteoblast differentiation
placement. and stimulation of new bone produc-
tion. A disruption of this process may
The effects of a disrupted balance in be at the root of osteoporosis. Of cur-
bone remodeling are illustrated by rent research interest is the therapeutic
Albers-Schoenberg, or “marble bone” potential of applying BMPs directly to
disease, which involves defective os- a healing site to induce bone forma-
teoclasts. Because these osteoclasts do tion. Some researchers suggest that in
not resorb the existing bone matrix the future, this biologic material may

replace or assist bone grafts in restor- ous cell types. Marrow’s chief function
ative therapy.7 is to generate the principal cells pres-
Normally, about 0.7% of the human ent in blood; it is also a highly osteo-
skeleton is resorbed and replaced by genic material that can stimulate bone
new, healthy bone each day (Figures
formation if placed in an extracellular
1-1b and 1-2b). Therefore, normal
skeletal location, as with bone grafting
turnover of the entire skeleton occurs
approximately every 142 days. With in the dental area.
aging and metabolic disease states,
there may be a reduction in the normal Cortical or compact bone, which com-
turnover process and thus an increase prises the vast majority of total bone in
in the average age of functional bone. the body, is found in the shafts of long
This raises the risk for fatigue damage bones and forms a shell around ver-
of old bone, compromised bone heal- tebral bodies and other spongy bones
ing, failed implant integration, and (Figure 1-6). This tissue is organized
loss of implant osseointegration. Thus, in bony cylinders consolidated around
it is important for dental clinicians to
a central blood vessel, called a Haver-
recognize that a compromised status
must be considered before treatment sian system. Haversian canals, which
planning because its effects may not contain capillaries and nerves, are con-
be revealed until the clinician attempts nected to each other and to the outside
to place implants or until the implants surfaces of the bone by short, trans-
have been in place for some time. verse Volkmann canals.

Trabecular (cancellous) bone, which

Macroscopic Structure comprises about 15% of the body’s to-
tal bone, is found in cuboidal and flat
of Bone bones and in the ends of long bones.
Its pores are interconnected and filled
The human skeleton is composed of
with marrow. The bone matrix is in
two distinct kinds of bone based on
the form of plates (called trabeculae)
porosity: dense cortical tissue and
arranged in a varied fashion; some-
spongy cancellous tissue (Figure 1-5).
times they appear to be organized into
In principle, the porosity of bone could
orthogonal array, but often they are
vary continuously from 0% to 100%;
randomly arranged. The medullary
however, most sites are either of very
cavities are filled with marrow, which
low or very high porosity. In most
is red when there is active production
cases, both cortical and cancellous tis-
of blood cells or a reserve population
sues are found at every bone site, but
of mesenchymal stem cells, and yellow
their quantity and distribution vary.
when aging causes the cavity to be con-
The non-mineralized spaces within
verted into a site for fat storage.
bone contain marrow, a tissue consist-
ing of blood vessels, nerves, and vari- Except for the articular surfaces, the

outer surface of bone is covered with lamellar bone, a fact that, mechanically
periosteum, which forms a boundary speaking, may help to compensate for
between the hard tissue and its soft its lack of organization. During heal-
tissue covering. It is also the site of ing, woven bone is often referred to
considerable metabolic, cellular, and as phase I bone. It is fairly quickly re-
biomechanical activities that modu- sorbed and replaced with more mature
late bone growth and shape (Figure lamellar bone (phase II bone). Com-
1-7). The periosteum is composed of posite bone refers to the transitional
two layers of specialized connective state between phase I bone and phase
tissue. The outer fibrous layer, mainly II bone, in which can be detected a
formed from dense collagenous fibers woven bone lattice filled with lamellar
and fibroblasts, provides toughness bone. Lamellar bone is the most abun-
while the inner cellular (cambium dant, mature, load-bearing bone in the
layer), which is in direct contact with body. This type of bone forms slowly
bone, contains functional osteoblasts. (approximately 0.6 to 1 mm/day) and
The medullary cavities and spaces are thus has well-organized collagen pro-
covered by endosteum, a very thin and tein and mineralized structure. Lamel-
delicate membrane consisting of a sin- lar bone consists of multiple oriented
gle layer of osteoblasts. The endosteum layers. Bundle bone is the principal
is architecturally similar to the cambi- bone found around ligaments and
um layer of the periosteum because of joints, and it consists of striated inter-
the presence of osteoprogenitor cells, connections with ligaments.
osteoblasts, and osteoclasts.
Bone’s mechanical viability and its fra-
gility depend to a certain degree on the
Microscopic Structure structure and microstructure of the
cortical bone compartment. Beyond
of Bone bone mineral density and bone min-
eral content, additional features of cor-
At the microscopic level, there are four
tical bone contribute to whole bone’s
types of bone: woven, composite, la-
resistance to fracture. Structural prop-
mellar, and bundle. Woven bone plays
erties of cortical bone most commonly
a principal role in healing because it
employed as surrogate for its mechani-
forms very quickly (approximately 30
cal competence include thickness of
to 60 mm/day). As a result, it develops
the cortex, cortical cross-sectional
in a very disorganized fashion, with-
area, and area moment of inertia.
out lamellar architecture or Haversian
systems. Thus, it is quite soft, biome- But microstructural properties—such
chanically weak, and short-lived. On as cortical porosity, crystallinity, or the
the plus side, however, woven bone can presence of microcracks—also con-
become more highly mineralized than tribute to bone’s mechanical compe-

tence. Microcracks, in particular, not or energy to failure, a tissue property
only weaken the cortical bone tissue pertaining to the capability of bone tis-
but also provide an effective mecha- sue to absorb energy during the failure
nism for energy dissipation. Bone is process, is likely a dominant determi-
a damageable, viscoelastic composite, nant of fracture risk. From a mechani-
living material capable of self-repair. cal perspective, it is quite obvious that
As a result, it demonstrates a complex the rigidity and strength of a structure
series of mechanical properties. For is determined not only by the amount
the implantologist, a direct correlation of material but even more importantly
exists between the science of cortical by the arrangement of the material in
bone and microcracks/microdamage space.
and the kinds of damage that can oc-
cur when tapered and cylindrical im- Haversian canals and resorption cavi-
plants are placed after pilot drilling.8 ties in cortical bone produce a porous
Implant osteotomy preparation that bone tissue with pore diameters rang-
avoids microdamage can directly affect ing from a few to up to several hun-
initial implant stability and bone heal- dred micrometers. Morphometry and
ing/osseointegration.9 biomechanical testing have perceived
strong correlations between intracorti-
One feature largely disregarded in the cal porosity and cortical bone material
diagnosis of bone diseases and fracture properties. The number and size of the
risk assessment is the contribution of pores determine intracortical porosity,
cortical bone quantity and quality. which accounts for about 70% of elas-
Cortical bone carries a considerable tic modulus and 55% of yield stress.10
share of the total load of the skeleton. Local BMD measurements in corti-
Biomechanical studies demonstrate cal bone specimens corroborate these
that the structural behavior of whole findings.11 Fracture toughness also de-
bone specimens is highly determined creases with increasing porosity possi-
by the contribution of cortical bone. bly by reducing the available area for
In biomechanics, a distinction is usu- the propagation of microcracks.12
ally made between the mechanical
(material) behavior of bone tissue and
the mechanical (structural) behavior Molecular Structure of
of the entire bone. Bone’s mechanical
competence reflects both the geometry
(size and shape) and the intrinsic ma-
At the molecular level, bone is com-
terial properties (elasticity, strength,
posed of collagen (primarily type I),
and toughness). Because of the com-
water, hydroxyapatite material, and
plexity of the bone failure mechanism,
small amounts of proteoglycans and
it is not certain which properties ac-
noncollagenous proteins. It is a cross-
count for bone fragility. Toughness

linked collagen matrix with a three- rhythmic and uniform matrix deposi-
dimensional multiple arrangement of tion. Also characteristic is the pattern
matrix fibers. The orientation of the of fibers within each layer, which are
collagen fibers determines the min- parallel and exhibit a spiral orientation
eralization pattern. In this way, bone that changes between layers so that the
adapts to its biomechanical environ- fibers in one layer run perpendicular
ment and projects maximal strength to those in the adjacent layer. This pat-
in the direction receiving compres- tern creates the distinguishable bone
sive loads. Collagen gives bone tensile layers.
strength and flexibility and provides a
place for the nucleation of bone min-
eral crystals, which give bone its rigid- Bone Modeling and
ity and compressive strength.
The intercellular bone substance has an
As noted above, bone is continually
organized structure. The organic por-
being deposited by osteoblasts and ab-
tion occupies 35% of the matrix and
sorbed by osteoclasts at active sites in
is primarily formed by osteocollag-
the body. In adults, a small amount of
enous fibers, similar to collagen fibers
new bone is continually being formed
in connective tissue. These are joined
by osteoblasts, which work on about
together by a cement-like substance
4% of all surfaces at any given time.
that consists primarily of glucoamino-
Although many orthopedists and bone
glycan (protein-polysaccharide). The
scientists refer to both processes as re-
inorganic component of bone com-
modeling, it is important to note that
prises 65% of bone weight and is local-
bone modeling involves two differ-
ized only in the interfibrous cement.
ent processes in osseous repair. Bone
The minerals in bone consist mainly
modeling typically refers to the sculpt-
of hydroxyapatite crystals, which form
ing and shaping of bones after they
deposits along the osteocollagenous fi-
have grown in length. This process
bers. It also contains other substances,
involves the independent, uncoupled
such as carbonate, fluoride, other pro-
actions of osteoclasts and osteoblasts,
teins, and peptides. Some of these ma-
so bone is resorbed in some areas and
terials are governed by the body fluid
added in others. Bone modeling can
composition and affect the solubility of
also be controlled by mechanical fac-
bone mineral.
tors, for example, during orthodontic
Other components, such as BMP, regu- tooth movement, in which the applica-
late how bone is laid down and main- tion of force causes the bone to resorb
tained. Bone matrix has sequential la- on the tooth surface, new bone to form
mellae that vary in thickness from 300 on the opposite surface, and the tooth
to 700 μm. These layers are the result of to move with the surrounding bone

rather than through the alveolus. Bone or remodeled, it is deposited in pro-
modeling can change both the size portion to the compressional load it
and shape of the bones. Bone remod- must carry. For instance, the bones of
eling, on the other hand, refers to the athletes become considerably heavier
sequential, coupled actions by these than those of non-athletes. Likewise, a
two types of cells. It is a cyclical pro- person with one leg in a cast who con-
cess that usually does not change the tinues to walk using only the opposite
size or shape of bones. Bone remodel- leg will experience a thinning of the
ing removes a portion of old bone and unused leg bone.
replaces it with new bone.
Continuous physical stress stimulates
Unlike bone modeling, which slows osteoblastic activity and calcification of
substantially after growth stops, bone bone. Bone stress also determines the
remodeling occurs throughout life (al- shape of bones in some circumstances.
though its rate also slows somewhat It has been theorized that bone com-
after growth). Bone remodeling also pression causes a negative electrical
occurs throughout the skeleton in fo- potential in the compressed area and a
cal, discrete packets that are distinct in positive electrical potential elsewhere
location and chronology. This charac- in the bone. Minute amounts of elec-
teristic of remodeling suggests that the tric current flowing in bone have been
activation of the cellular sequence re- shown to cause osteoblastic activity at
sponsible for bone remodeling is con- the negative end of the current flow,
trolled locally, possibly by an autoreg- which may explain increased bone de-
ulatory mechanism, such as autocrine position in compression sites. This ef-
or paracrine factors generated in the fect is the basis of studies on the use
bone microenvironment. of electrical stimulation to promote
bone formation and osseointegration,
Bone modeling also occurs during though further research is needed to
wound healing (for example, during support claims of benefit.13
the stabilization of endosseous im-
plants) and in response to bone load-
ing. Unlike bone remodeling, bone DENTAL
modeling does not have to be pre-
ceded by resorption. The activation of IMPLANTOLOGY:
cells that resorb and of those that form Bone structure, metabolism,
bone can occur on different surfaces and physiology
within the same bone. In addition,
bone modeling may also be controlled When placing implants in the mandi-
ble or maxilla, clinicians must under-
by growth factors, as in bone healing,
stand the process of bone remodeling,
grafting, and implant osseointegra-
the different types of bone, and how
tion. Whether bone is being modeled

these factors can affect the integra- tients suggested that grafted bone inte-
tion of osseous dental implants. Ap- grates with implants to a higher degree
proximately 0.7% of a human skeleton than natural host bone,16 as was also
is resorbed daily and replaced by new suggested by a 2009 study involving
healthy bone. With aging and meta-
osseous onlay grafts and native bone,17
bolic disease states, the normal turn-
another similar but much more recent
over process may be reduced, resulting
in an increase in the mean age of the (2011) study of irradiated head and
present bone. This increase can affect neck cancer patients concluded there
the placement and integration of im- was no significant difference in im-
plants. plant survival rates between native and
grafted bone,18 as did a 2016 study of
Bone Formation and over 1,200 patients not suffering from
cancer.19 However, another 2016 study
Modeling with Bone concluded that nongrafted sites were
Graft Materials by far the optimal environment for im-
plant integration.20
In most cases, the goal of placing bone
grafts in dentistry is to regenerate lost Bone grafts fall into four basic catego-
tissue as well as simply to repair or fill ries: Autogenous (or autografts, which
the defect.14,15 Bone grafting is recom- will be the main focus of this section),
mended around implants placed in Allogenic (or allografts), Xenogenic,
sites where bone volume or density is and Synthetic. Autografts are harvest-
deficient or where there is a history ed from patients themselves (for ex-
of implant failure. To achieve optimal ample, from the jaw, chin, hip, or leg)
results, an osseointegration period of and are considered the gold standard
3-6 months prior to loading is recom- for bone grafting not only because the
mended for implants placed in native graft is fresh, living tissue (which fa-
bone or grafted bone, depending on cilitates bone growth via osteogenesis)
bone density and healing of the grafted but also because rejection/contamina-
site. While no definitive conclusions tion by the recipient bone is not a fac-
have been reached concerning the tor. However, drawbacks to autografts
superiority of native or grafted bone are the need for a second surgical site
concerning the placement of dental as well as limited bone supply.
implants, when rehabilitating recon-
structed jaws, the clinician may even Allografts (harvested from human
find it preferable to place implants cadaver bone and freeze-dried to re-
in grafted bone rather than in nor- move water) and xenografts (bone
mal bone, depending on patient gen- gathered from animals, usually a cow,
eral health and lifestyle (for example, and treated to facilitate safe, effective
smoking habits). While an early (1996) use in humans), can serve as platforms
review of head and neck cancer pa- onto which adjacent recipient bone

can grow for repair via osteoconduc- platelets within the clot (Figure 1-8). In
tion since allografts alone have no os- descending order of available cancel-
teoinductive properties to stimulate lous bone, autogenous donor sites in-
new bone growth. Synthetic grafts clude the posterior and anterior ilium,
(bone graft substitutes) include al- tibial plateau, femoral head, mandibu-
lografts treated with extracts (includ- lar symphysis, calvaria, rib, and fibula.
ing growth factors, proteins, and colla-
gen) from allograft bone. These grafts Other intraoral sites may also be good
include demineralized bone matrix/ choices for autogenous bone harvest-
demineralized freeze-dried bone al- ing, and non-autogenous materials
lografts, combinations of bone graft may be used in some cases. Placement
constituents and growth factors (for of a graft that consists of endosteal os-
example, graft composites such as col- teoblasts and marrow stem cells and is
lagen and ceramics and autograft), and surrounded by a vascular and cellular
bone morphogenetic proteins (human tissue bed creates a recipient site with a
proteins which facilitate and regulate biochemistry that is hypoxic (O2 ten-
new bone growth). These synthetic sions of 3 mm to 10 mm Hg), acidotic
grafts are engineered to enhance the (pH of 4.0 to 6.0), and rich in lactate.
advantages and to minimize the disad- The osteoblasts and stem cells survive
vantages of the separate categories of the first 3 to 5 days after transplant to
traditional grafting materials. the host site largely because of their
surface position and ability to absorb
Thus, the ideal graft material (such as nutrients from the recipient tissues.
autografts, usually) should transfer an The osteocytes within the mineralized
optimal quantity of viable osteocom- cancellous bone die as a result of their
petent cells—including osteoblasts and encasement in mineral, which acts as a
cancellous marrow stem cells—to the nutritional barrier. Because the graft is
host site. For the osseointegration of inherently hypoxic and the surround-
the implant into the grafted site to pro- ing tissue is normoxic (50 to 55 mm
ceed successfully, the host tissue must Hg), an oxygen gradient greater than
have sufficient vascularity to diffuse the 20 mm Hg (usually 35 mm to 55
nutrients to the cells before revascu- mm Hg) is established and, in turn, the
larization occurs and to bud new cap- macrophages are stimulated to secrete
illaries into the graft to create a more macrophage-derived angiogenesis fac-
permanent vascular network. Thus, tor (MDAF) and macrophage-derived
depending on the amount of new bone growth factor (MDGF).
that must be formed, donor sites are
selected based on their osteocompe- Within the graft, the platelets trapped
tent cell density. The graft also consists in the clot degranulate within hours
of islands of mineralized cancellous of graft placement, releasing platelet-
bone, fibrin from blood clotting, and derived growth factor (PDGF). There-

fore, the inherent properties of the attracted to the wound and are believed
wound, particularly the oxygen gradi- to seed into the graft and proliferate.
ent phenomenon and PDGF, initiate
early angiogenesis from the surround- During the first 3 to 4 weeks, this bio-
ing capillaries and mitogenesis of the chemical and cellular phase of bone
transferred osteocompetent cells. By regeneration coalesces individual os-
day three, buds from existing capillar- teoid islands, surface osteoid on the
ies outside the graft can be detected. cancellous trabeculae, and host bone
These buds penetrate the graft and to clinically consolidate the graft. This
proliferate between the graft and the process uses the graft’s fibrin network
cancellous bone network to form a as a framework to build upon via os-
complete network by days 10 to 14. As teoconduction. Normally nonmo-
these capillaries respond to the oxygen tile cells, such as osteoblasts, may be
gradient, MDAF messengers effective- somewhat motile via the process of
ly reduce the oxygen gradient as they endocytosis along the scaffold-like
perfuse the graft, thus creating a shut- fibrin. During endocytosis, the cell
off mechanism that prevents over-an- membrane is transferred from the re-
giogenesis. treating edge of the cell, through the
cytoplasm, to the advancing edge to
Although PDG seems to be the earli- re-form a cell membrane. During this
est messenger to stimulate early oste- process, the cell slowly advances and
oid formation, it is probably replaced secretes its product along the way—in
by MDGF and other mesenchymal tis- this case, osteoid onto the fibrin net-
sue stimulators from the TGF-β family. work.21,22 This cellular regeneration
During the first 3 to 7 days after graft phase is often referred to as phase I
placement, the stem cells and endos- bone regeneration. It produces disor-
teal osteoblasts produce only a small ganized woven bone, similar to frac-
amount of osteoid. Over the next few ture callus, which is structurally sound
days, osteoid production accelerates af- but not as strong as mature bone. The
ter the vascular network is established, amount of bone formed during phase
presumably because of the availability I depends on the osteocompetent cell
of oxygen and nutrients. The new os- density in the graft material. The bone
teoid initially forms on the surface of yield can also be enhanced by the cli-
the mineralized cancellous trabeculae nician’s compacting the graft material
from the endosteal osteoblasts. Shortly using a bone mill, followed by syringe
thereafter, individual osteoid islands compaction and then by further con-
develop between the cancellous bone densing it into the graft site with bone-
trabeculae, presumably from the stem packing instruments.
cells transferred with the graft mate-
rial. A third source of osteoid produc- Phase I bone undergoes resorption
tion is circulating stem cells, which are and remodeling, until it is eventually

replaced by phase II bone, which is less morphology and cortical outlines of
cellular, more mineralized, and more the mandible or maxilla over several
structurally organized. Phase II is ini- years. Preprosthetic procedures, such
tiated by osteoclasts that arrive at the as soft tissue grafts, can be performed
graft site through the newly developed at four months when a functional peri-
vascular network. BMP is released osteum has formed. Dental implants
during resorption of both the newly can also be placed at this point when
formed phase I bone and the nonvi- treatment is phased.
able cancellous trabecular graft. As
with normal bone remodeling, BMP
acts as the link or couple between bone Osseointegration of
resorption and new bone apposition.
Stem cells in the graft and from the lo-
Dental Implants
cal tissues and the circulatory system
The healing and remodeling of tis-
respond by osteoblast differentiation
sues around an implant involves a
and new bone formation. New bone
complex array of events. In this case,
forms while the jaw and graft are in
osseointegration refers to direct bone
function, developing in response to
anchorage to the implant body, which
the demands placed on it. This bone
can provide a foundation to support
develops into mature Haversian sys-
a prosthesis and can transmit occlu-
tems and lamellar bone that can with-
sal forces directly to the bone (Figure
stand normal shear forces from the jaw
1-9). This concept was developed and
and impact compressive forces that
the term coined by Per-Ingvar Brane-
are typical of dentures and implant-
mark, a professor at the Institute for
supported prostheses. Histologically,
Applied Biotechnology at the Univer-
grafts undergo long-term remodeling
sity of Goteborg in Sweden and the in-
that is consistent with normal skeletal
ventor of the well-known Branemark
turnover. A periosteum and endos-
implant system. During animal studies
teum develop as part of this cycle. Al-
of microcirculation in bone repair dur-
though the graft cortex never grows as
ing the 1950s, Branemark discovered a
thick as a normal jaw cortex, the graft
strong bond between bone and tita-
itself retains a dense cancellous trabec-
nium. Today, we know that a fully an-
ular pattern that is beneficial for plac-
chored prosthesis can provide patients
ing dental implants because its density
with restored masticatory functions
promotes osseointegration of the im-
that approximate natural dentition.
plant. It can also be beneficial for plac-
ing conventional dentures because the Several key factors influence success-
dense trabecular bone can easily adapt ful implant osseointegration, including
to a variety of functional stresses. Ra- the characteristics of the implant mate-
diographically, the graft takes on the rial (some appear to chemically bond

to bone better than others) and main- It is crucial to achieve initial stability
tenance of implant sterility prior to for successful osseointegration since
placement; implant design, shape, and a clinically mobile implant has rarely
macro and microsurface topography; been observed to osseointegrate.25
prevention of excessive heat genera- Once stability is lost, the implant can
tion during bone drilling; and place- only be removed.
ment within bone that has adequate
trabecular density, ridge height and Two crucial components in any discus-
width, and systemic health (particular- sion of osseointegration and implant
ly good vascularity). When recipient survival rates are Bone-to-Implant
bone or graft is deficient in height, the Contact, or BIC (a microscopic mea-
portion of the implant prosthesis that surement of the amounts of surface
is above the bone is greater than the contact between implant and bone),
length of the implant within it, possi- and Implant Stability Quotient (ISQ),
bly creating a destructive lever arm as- a 1-100 scale measurement of implant
sociated with bone resorption that will stability, ranging from high (greater
“loosen” the implant over time. A ridge than 70), to medium (60-70), to low
that is too narrow (less than 5 mm to (less than 60), with a general clinical
accommodate standard 3.75 mm di- range between 50 and 80 ISQ, with
ameter implants) will leave some of the mostly higher ranges in the mandi-
implant placed outside the bone or will ble. Regarding implant stability, BIC
force the clinician to use less desirable and ISQ measurements often diverge,
small-diameter implants to gain the based on bone type. For example, in
necessary osseointegrated surface area. dense bone, initial stability could be
Likewise, low-density trabecular bone relatively high (for example, greater
either will frequently fail to osseointe- than 75 ISQ), but such stability does
grate or lose its osseointegration over not necessarily mean there is high BIC.
time.23,24 Ideally, the marginal and api- Additionally, even if BIC (via osseo-
cal parts of the implant should be fully integration) increases over time with
engaged in cortical bone or in cancel- such an implant, the ISQ can remain
lous bone that has a high proportion of unchanged. By contrast, in low or
bony trabeculae support. The ingrowth medium-density bone, initial implant
of fibrous tissue between the bone and stability could be relatively low (say,
implant also decreases the chances for between 55 and 60 ISQ), but the BIC
long-term success and the ability to could be relatively high. As BIC in-
withstand mechanical and microbial creases via osseointegration, the ISQ
threats. In some cases these threats can rise correspondingly.
can be reduced by protecting against
micromobility and by protective bar- The healing process around an implant
rier membranes used during healing. is the same as that which occurs in
normal primary bone. Research with

titanium dental implants suggests the the buccal and lingual cortex to the im-
following three-stage process: the os- plant surface. This migration is likely a
teophyllic phase, the osteoconductive response to the release of BMP during
phase, and the osteoadaptive phase.16 implant placement and the initial re-
The osteophyllic phase commences sorption of bone crushed against the
when a rough-surface implant is placed metal surface. The osteophyllic phase
into the cancellous marrow space of lasts about one month.
the mandible or maxilla. Blood is ini-
tially present between the implant and The osteoconductive phase is initiated
bone, and a clot subsequently forms. once the bone cells reach the implant
Only a small amount of bone is in con- and spread along the metal surface via
tact with the implant surface; the rest osteoconduction, laying down osteoid.
is exposed to extracellular fluid and Initially, this is an immature connec-
blood cells. During the initial implant- tive tissue matrix, and the bone de-
host interaction, numerous cytokines posited is a thin layer of woven bone
are released that have a variety of func- called a foot plate (basis stapedis). The
tions, from regulating adhesion mol- fibrocartilaginous callus is eventu-
ecule production and altering cellular ally remodeled into bone callus (wo-
proliferation to enhancing collagen ven and, later, lamellar) in a process
synthesis and regulating bone metabo- similar to endochondral ossification.
lism. These events also correspond to This process occurs during the next
the beginning of the generalized in- three months (peaking between the
flammatory response to the surgical third and fourth week) as more bone
intrusion (Figure 1-10). By the end of is added to the total surface area of the
the first week, inflammatory cells are implant. Four months after implant
responding to foreign antigens intro- placement, the maximum surface area
duced by the surgical procedure. is covered by bone. By this point, a
relatively steady state has been reached
While the inflammatory phase is still and no further bone is deposited on
active, vascular ingrowth from the sur- the implant surface. The final, or osteo-
rounding vital tissues begins by about adaptive, phase begins approximately
day three, developing into a more ma- four months after implant placement.
ture vascular network during the first A balanced remodeling sequence has
three weeks following implant place- begun and continues even after the im-
ment. In addition, cellular differentia- plants are exposed and loaded. Once
tion, proliferation, and activation be- loaded, the implants generally do not
gin. Ossification also begins during the gain or lose bone contact, but the foot
first week, and the initial response ob- plates thicken in response to the load
served is the migration of osteoblasts transmitted through the implant to the
from the endosteal surface of the tra- surrounding bone, and some reorien-
becular bone and the inner surface of tation of the vascular pattern may be

detected. rial amplifies the influence of PDGF
and TGF-B, at least during the initial
stages of bone regeneration. The plate-
Autologous Blood lets degranulate within 3 to 5 days, and
their initial growth factor activity may
Concentrates, Bone expire within 7 to 10 days. The initial
Grafts, and Dental boost that ABCs appears to give to
Implants the process of bone regeneration can
be useful because ABCs “jump-start”
the cascade of regenerative events that
One strategy for trying to harness the
continue to form a mature graft.
benefits of growth and differentiation
Current research and clinical experi-
factors is to apply Autologous Blood
ence also suggest that adding certain
Concentrates (ABCs) to bone graft
growth factors to bone graft material
sites, including grafts used to rehabili-
may also increase the amount of phase
tate the alveolar ridge in preparation for
I bone that forms. In laboratory studies
dental implants. For example, the use
and some early human trials involving
of platelet-rich plasma in augmenting
graft enhancement, BMPs (particular-
the severely atrophic posterior maxilla
ly recombinant DNA-produced BMP),
has long been known to have obvious
TGF-β, PDGF, and IGF have shown
clinical benefits for reducing the heal-
promise in their ability to increase the
ing period for bone maturation, im-
speed and quantity of bone regenera-
proving graft handling, and accelerat-
tion.29 Clinical studies on adding plate-
ing soft tissue healing.26 Researchers
let-rich plasma (PRP) to graft material
and clinicians have also focused on
have demonstrated its ability to induce
the possibility of applying polypep-
early consolidation and graft mineral-
tide growth and differentiation factors
ization in half the time with a 15% to
to enhance bone regeneration more
30% improvement in trabecular bone
generally. Platelets are a rich source
density.10,30-32 It has been theorized
of PDGF, Transforming growth factor
that the enhanced presence of PDGF
beta-1 (TGF-B1), and Transforming
initiates osteocompetent cell activity
growth factor beta-2 (TGF-B2). Studies
more completely than that which in-
have shown that the cancellous marrow
herently occurs in the graft and clot
cells present in graft material harbor
setting alone. The enhanced fibrin net-
receptors for these growth factors.27 It
work created by PRP may also enhance
also has been shown radiographically
osteoconduction throughout the graft,
that adding ABCs to graft material can
supporting consolidation.
significantly reduce the time to graft
consolidation and maturation, as well
Because of factors involving its avail-
as improving the density of trabecular
ability and cost, platelet-rich plasma
bone.28 Applying ABCs to graft mate-

(PRP) has become an increasingly bleeding, edema, and scarring; and
popular clinical tool as an alternative decreases a patient’s self-reported pain
source of growth factors for several levels postoperatively.35-38 Some evi-
types of surgery, including oral bone dence even suggests that adding PRP
regenerative procedures. PRP is a con- to graft material leads to bone growth
centrated autologous source of several that is more dense than native bone, a
growth factors, particularly platelet- potential benefit that has not been re-
derived growth factor (PDGF) and ported in studies in which bone mor-
transforming growth factor- (TGF-1 phogenetic proteins or growth factors
and TGF-2), as well as vascular en- are applied singly.39 PRP growth fac-
dothelial growth factor, insulin-like tors are particularly attractive for cases
growth factor, and other growth fac- in which conditions typically reduce
tors possibly contained within plate- the success of bone grafts and osseoin-
lets. Once the clinician prepares PRP tegration.40
by extracting a small amount of a pa-
tient’s own blood and then sequester- Thus, growth factors perform a wide
ing and concentrating the platelets, range of functions. Platelet-derived
which is a process that requires 20-30 growth factor (PDGF) is considered
minutes in an outpatient clinical set- one of the principal healing hormones
ting, PRP can be used to enhance graft present in any wound. It initiates heal-
material to form a growth-factor rich ing of connective tissue, including
membrane or to enhance a traditional bone regeneration and repair. PDGF
membrane barrier. is a potent mitogen, angiogen, and up-
regulator of other growth factors. Mi-
Its fibrinogen component also makes togens trigger an increased number of
PRP an excellent hemostatic tool, tis- healing cells, while angiogens generate
sue sealant, wound stabilizer, and new capillaries. Upregulation of other
graft condenser through the creation growth factors promotes fibroblastic
of a gel-like substance that allows for and osteoblastic functions, cellular dif-
sculpting and excellent adherence in ferentiation, and accelerated effects on
defects. Researchers have shown ra- other cells, such as macrophages. There
diographically that adding PRP to graft is also evidence that PDFG increases
material significantly accelerates the the rate of stem cell proliferation.41
rate of bone formation and improves TGF-B1 and TGF-B2 are involved
trabecular bone density as compared with general tissue repair and bone
to sites treated with only autogenous regeneration. Their most important
graft material.33,34 Widespread clinical role appears to be chemotaxis and
reports and recent published research mitogenesis of osteoblast precursors
also suggest that PRP significantly and the ability to stimulate deposition
enhances soft tissue healing; reduces of collagen matrix for wound healing

and bone. These growth factors also graft material only. At two, four, and
enhance bone formation by increasing six months, the grafts containing the
the rate of stem cell proliferation, and PRP were consistently rated as having
they inhibit some degree of osteoclast reached maturity levels nearly twice
formation and thus bone resorption. their actual levels. Histomorphomet-
The fibrin component of PRP helps to ric assessment also revealed bone graft
bind the graft material and assists in densities in the PRP-treated group that
osteoconduction throughout the graft were 15% to 30% higher than the con-
by acting as a scaffold to support the trol group at six months.44
growth of new bone. In addition, PRP A 2015 study attempted to determine
modulates and upregulates the func- whether bone quality was enhanced
tion of one growth factor in the pres- before implant placement in extrac-
ence of the other growth factors. This tion sockets treated with mineralized
feature differentiates PRP growth fac- freeze-dried bone allograft (FDBA)
tors from other growth factors, which alone or when combined with growth
are single growth factors that only factors. One of the four randomized
function within a single regeneration groups in the study received FDBA/β-
pathway. TCP/platelet-rich plasma (PRP)/colla-
gen plug, and another group received
Research that focuses specifically on FDBA/β-TCP/recombinant human
the usefulness of ABCs for bone grafts platelet-derived growth factor BB (rh-
related to implants remains cutting PDGF-BB)/collagen plug. The study
edge. The results of the first clinical concluded that when implants were
study in humans appear promising placed, bone grafting had enhanced
and are in agreement with preclini- bone quality, that PRP and rhPDGF-
cal studies in animals. Results showed BB enhanced bone quality (removing
enhanced bone regeneration when D4 bone quality in the sockets), and
PDFG, TGF-B, or other growth fac- that using PRP or rhPDGF-BB could
tors were applied.42 Several orthopedic facilitate the healing of extraction
studies also have shown evidence of sockets while also decreasing the heal-
the benefits of autologous fibrin that ing time.45
was obtained containing PDGF and
TGF-B.43 Summary
In a controlled trial of patients under-
going bone augmentation for resected A general overview of the essential
mandibles, investigators radiographi- characteristics of human bone can pro-
cally assessed the sites that were treat- vide dental clinicians with the contex-
ed with graft material plus PRP and tual understanding that they need for
the control sites that were treated with grasping the more specialized applica-
tion of this understanding to dental

implantology practices. In addition to
providing such a synopsis, this current
study also attempts to show how bone
biology and physiology are crucial el-
ements of specific clinical practices
associated generally with dental and
maxillofacial protocols and particu-
larly with dental implantology. The
first part of this study—covering bone
cells and metabolism, bone’s macro/
microscopic and molecular structure,
and bone modeling/remodeling—
hopefully sets the stage for a more in
depth discussion of the applications to
dental implantology covered in part
two of the study, which discusses bone
formation/modeling with bone grafts,
osseointegration of dental implants,
and autologous blood concentrates,
including many resources for follow-
up. Of special importance to the den-
tal implantologist should be subjects
in part two of the study which discuss
the differences between native or graft-
ed bone concerning the placement of
dental implants, how osseointegration
and implant survival rates are related
to Bone-to-Implant Contact (BIC) and
Implant Stability Quotient (ISQ), and
how platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has be-
come an increasingly popular clinical
tool as an alternative source of growth
factors for several types of surgery, in-
cluding oral bone regenerative proce-
dures and dental implants.

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2 Introduction to
Augmentation Grafting
of the Maxillary Sinus

Placing implants in the edentulous grafting preferences include autog-

posterior maxilla poses several prob- enous bone or bone substitutes.10 Im-
lems, including inadequate ridge width plants placed in bone-grafted areas can
and close approximation of the maxil- have an even higher bone-to-implant
lary sinus floor to the alveolar crestal contact and greater pull-out resistance
bone (pneumatization of the maxillary than normal bone11 or at least compa-
sinus).1,2 Pneumatization of the sinus rable results with native bone only,12
typically occurs with aging, minimiz- demonstrating that bone grafting is
ing or eliminating vertical bone for generally recommended for placing
placing endosteal implants. Studies implants where bone volume or den-
have tried to determine the most effec- sity is deficient, particularly in sites
tive methods for implant placement in such as the maxilla that have a history
insufficient bone in the mandible and of implant failure.
maxilla3 because as little as 1 mm bone
can separate the alveolar mucosa and Grafting of the antral floor for implant
the maxillary sinus (Fig.1-1).4-6 placement was developed in the early
1970s, and the method is still widely
For nearly 20 years, increasing the ver- used today (Fig. 1-2).13-16 The alveolar
tical height and improving bone qual- crestal access to the maxillary sinus led
ity in the sinus floor have become in- to a modified Caldwell-Luc procedure
creasingly successful for patients with developed to approach the sinus by in-
a severely atrophic posterior maxilla;7-9 fracturing the lateral wall of the

Fig. 2-1

Sinus pneumatization often

minimizes or eliminates the
vertical bone available for
implant placement in the
auxillary sinus, necessitation
bone grafting of the sinus
floor to increase vertical
height and improve bone

Placing implants in the edentulous maxilla3 because as little as 1 mm bone

posterior maxilla poses several prob- can separate the alveolar mucosa and
lems, including inadequate ridge width the maxillary sinus (Fig. 2-1).4-6
and close approximation of the maxil-
lary sinus floor to the alveolar crestal For nearly 20 years, increasing the ver-
bone (pneumatization of the maxillary tical height and improving bone qual-
sinus).1,2 Pneumatization of the sinus ity in the sinus floor have become in-
typically occurs with aging, minimiz- creasingly successful for patients with
ing or eliminating vertical bone for a severely atrophic posterior maxilla;7-9
placing endosteal implants. Studies grafting preferences include autog-
have tried to determine the most effec- enous bone or bone substitutes.10 Im-
tive methods for implant placement in plants placed in bone-grafted areas can
insufficient bone in the mandible and have an even higher bone-to-implant

Fig. 1-2

a The classic window design

for augmentation grafting
of the maxillary sinus. A
rectangular or trapezoidal
osteotomy is created and
the superior portion is not
contiguous. The underlying
Schneiderian membrane is
left intact. A modified and
recommended technique is
presented later in this chap-

b The bony island is fractured

with an osteotome and mal-
let and elevated superiorly a
while simultaneously elevat-
ing the underlying Schnei-
derian membrane.

Fig. 1-3

Lateral wall of the maxilla.

Note the relationship of the
infraorbital foramen and
the sinus area. Also note
the position of the zygoma
in relation to the area for
the osteotomy; this will be
a landmark to use when
designing the osteotomy. It
is important to maintain the
window inferior to the zygo-
ma to minimize the chances
of damaging the infraorbital
nerve with the bur or the

Fig. 2-4

Sinus augmentation grafting

technique using rough-sur-
face implants and a modified
window shape and design.

a The ideal shape of the oste-

otomy should be ovoid and
a contiguous. In this manner,
the chances of Schneide-
rian membrane perforation
with sharp corners from a
rectangular or trapezoidal
osteotomy are minimized.
This also minimizes mem-
brane perforations due to
sharp edges arising from a
greenstick-fractured area

b Removal of the island of

b bone. This should be per-
formed gently to minimize
the chances of perforating
the underlying membrane.

c Sinus membrane elevation

using a specially designed
curette. Sharp curettes
should be used and the
membrane should be re-
flected off the bone as op-
posed to attempting to sim-
ply push it off the bone.

contact and greater pull-out resistance lar crestal access to the maxillary sinus
than normal bone11 or at least compa- led to a modified Caldwell-Luc proce-
rable results with native bone only,12 dure developed to approach the sinus
demonstrating that bone grafting is by infracturing the lateral wall of the
generally recommended for placing maxilla and using the wall to elevate
implants where bone volume or den- the maxillary sinus membrane (Fig.
sity is deficient, particularly in sites 2-3). The clinician can place an au-
such as the maxilla that have a history togenous bone graft in the area once
of implant failure. occupied by the inferior third of the
sinus. Templates can be used to place
Grafting of the antral floor for implant implants precisely during such a pro-
placement was developed in the early cedure,17 and non-drilling techniques
1970s, and the method is still widely for placing implants have also been
used today (Fig. 2-2).13-16 The alveo- used.18 Boyne and James (1980) de-

Fig. 2-4 (cont’d)

d Coronal view of sinus mem-

brane elevation. Note that
the inferior portion of the
window is approximately 3
mm above the sinus floor.
This allows the surgeon to
avoid some 1 to 2 mm sinus
septa during elevation of
the sinus window and al- a
lows for a small lip of bone
to help contain the graft
material. The superior por- d h
tion of the window depends
on the size of the implant
that will be placed. The su-
perior portion of the win-
dow should be measured
from the ridge crest and
should be at least the same
height as the implant that is
planned for the area.

e Sinus cavity grafted with the

amount of material needed
for future implant place-
ment. Note that this does
not obliterate the entire si-
nus cavity.

f Coronal view of the grafted

sinus cavity after some mat-
uration of the graft has oc-
e j

g Coronal view of the im-

plant site after the implant
is placed and surrounded by
sufficient bone.

f g

Medical History

Seasonal Allergies, Allergic Rhinitis or Sinus Stuffiness

Tobacco Use and Ability to Refrain Before and After Surgery

Impact of Nicotine on Bone Healing

• Peripheral Vasoconstriction
• Tissue Ischemia
• Decreased Osteoblast Activity
• Decreased Oxygen Tension


scribed a similar clinical procedure as either a one-step or two-step pro-

and demonstrated bone formation in cedure.1,30-44 Since 2000, a number
the maxillary antrum following place- of techniques, types of implants and
ment of autogenous marrow and can- grafting materials, and accompany-
cellous bone in the maxillary sinus.19 ing armamentarium have been used
Their techniques, with variations, have to accommodate the special needs of
been followed successfully for de- implant placement in the maxillary
cades.2,5,20 In 1984, Misch modified the sinus under a variety of patient condi-
technique, simultaneously combining tions.2,5,6,12,28,45-60 Bone grafts and im-
sinus augmentation and blade-vent plant placement can be performed at
implant placement.21 Innovations fol- the same time with sufficient alveolar
lowed.22,23 A further development by bone width and only partial pneumati-
Garg and Quinones (1997) combined zation of the sinus. Advantages to the
sinus augmentation and rough-surface one-step procedure include minimiz-
implants, modifying the window shape ing total treatment time by eliminating
and design along with recommended a second surgical procedure and of al-
instrumentation24 (Fig. 2-4). A num- lowing a coordinated consolidation of
ber of modifications followed, with the graft around the implant.1 Former-
different surgical approaches, type and ly, many clinicians thought that host
donor site of grafts, and implants.25-29 bone measuring less than 5 mm high
Notably, sinus lift grafting and im- was inadequate to place endosteal im-
plant placement can be accomplished plants, so they favored the two-step ap-

Fig. 2-5
Osteoclastic activity of bone

proach, in which implant placement is complications can be treated relatively

delayed until 4 to 6 months after graft easily with medical or surgical inter-
placement.31,32 However, success has vention. Bone response is excellent,
been reported using the one-step ap- and different graft materials produce
proach for posterior maxillary ridges bone that is demonstrable on histo-
measuring as little as 1 mm high,4,61-67 logic examination.61 The graft and new
the critical factor appearing to be ad- bone appear to remodel in response to
equate ridge width, not height. functional loading. The prosthetic al-
ternatives are also predictable; fixed,
Since few vital anatomic structures en- fixed removable, or removable pros-
croach upon the surgical site, the risks thetic reconstructions can be placed
with sinus lift grafting are negligible, over implants within the sinus graft.1
morbidity is low, and postoperative


3 Maxilary Sinus
Anatomy & Physiology

Maxillary bone is primarily medul- posing the medial wall (which is also
lary (i.e., spongy) (Fig. 3-1) and finely the lateral wall of the nasal cavity).71-76
trabecular. The quantity and osseous Septa may divide the sinus into two
density of bone in the maxilla is lower or more communicating cavities. The
than premaxillary bone or mandibu- sinus begins to form in the second to
lar bone. Adjacent cortices consist of third year of life, completing formation
compact bone, though generally very by age eight. It has a nonphysiologic
thin, providing minimal strength com- drainage port high on the medial wall
pared with the cortices surrounding (maxillary ostium) that drains into the
the mandible. Because of its spongy middle meatus of the nose (Fig. 3-2).
nature, medullary bone must estab- The ostium is considered nonphysi-
lish a stress-bearing surface next to an ologic because it serves as an overflow
endosteal implant for the functioning drain rather than as a dependent com-
implant to remain stable and to trans- plete drainage system. The bony walls
mit physiologic load to the supporting of the sinus are thin except for the ante-
bone.13,68-70 rior wall and the alveolar ridge in den-
tate individuals. In the edentulous, the
The maxillary sinus is an approximately alveolar bone is frequently atrophied
15-mL-volume air space, but the actual and may be only 1 mm to 2 mm thick,
size depends on bone resorption. The making it unsuitable as an implant site
sinus resembles a sloped paperweight, without sinus-lift augmentation.
with its largest and only flat side com-

Fig. 3-1

Different success rates of

implants in different regions
of the oral cavity have been
shown in the literature.

The maxillary sinus is lined with a maxillary artery. The sinus floor gets
pseudostratified columnar epithe- some of its blood from the greater and
lium, also called the Schneiderian lesser palatine vessels as well as from
membrane. Beneath the surface epi- the incisal artery, a terminal branch
thelium is a loosely cellular but highly of the sphenopalatine artery (yet an-
vascular thin tissue. Beneath this is a other portion of the internal maxil-
periosteum. The delicate mucosa of lary artery). These vessels penetrate
the sinus attaches to the periosteum the bony palate and ramify within the
on its osseous surface. However, this sinus floor and its medial and lateral
feature is not an important source of walls. Another vascular contributor
bone formation in sinus lift surgery. is the posterosuperior alveolar artery,
A thin layer of respiratory epithelium, which enters the maxilla in the supe-
which lines the Schneiderian mem- rior tuberosity area to supply most of
brane, cannot be differentiated from the posterior and lateral walls. The in-
the periosteum of the bones to which fraorbital branch of the internal maxil-
it is firmly affixed. lary artery helps to supply blood to the
superolateral sinus area. The anterior
The blood supply to the maxilla nor- ethmoidal artery, a terminal branch
mally is from three arteries—the su- of the internal carotid system (via the
perior labial, anterior ethmoidal, and, ophthalmic artery), supplies the super-
primarily, the internal maxillary. The omedial sinus area (Fig. 3-6).
area of sinus lift surgery is mainly sup-
plied by branches from the internal

Topography of Sinus Membrane

Sinus Membrane - aka Schneiderian membrane

Contains columnar ciliated epithelium, with mucus goblets

Has fewer (in comparison to other sinuses) blood vessels accounting

for paler color

Has fewer osteoblasts (which may account for continued enlargement

after tooth loss)

Has fewer elastic fibers, (making elevation easier). Thickness varies

between 0.3 - 0.8mm

The cilia beat towards the ostium (propelling debris trapped in

the mucous layer)

Maxillary Sinus ithelial lining (Fig. 2-3), which propels
bacteria toward the ostium. The sinus
Physiology also produces mucus-containing lyso-
somes and immunoglobulins. The rich
The maxillary sinus warms breathed vascularity of the sinus membrane also
air and provides resonance to the helps to maintain its healthy state by
voice. The sinus also assists the scalp allowing lymphocytic and immuno-
veins and intracranial venous sinuses globulin access to the membrane and
in dissipating the intense heat pro- sinus cavity. The healthy sinus contains
duced by the metabolically active hu- its own flora, of which Haemophilus
man brain. The sinus also lightens the species are the most common. Other
craniofacial complex. The maxillary common flora may include streptococ-
sinus is self-maintained by postural ci, anaerobic gram-positive cocci, and
drainage and actions of the ciliated ep- aerobic gram-negative rods.

Fig. 3-2
Drainage port located high
Drainage port on the medial wall (maxillary
ostium) that drains into the
middle meatus of the nose.

Fig. 3-3
Structure of a Ciliated Epithe-
Cilia lial lining in the sinus.

Simple columnar

Nucleus of cliliated
simple columnar cell

Fig. 3-4
Coronal aspect of a decalci-
fied histologic section of a
maxillary ridge and its rela-
tionship to the sinus cavity.
Note the spongy nature of
the bone in this area.

Fig. 3-5

a Blood supply to the sinus

starting at the common ca-
rotid artery.

b Venous drainage from the

facial area.


4 Mechanisms of
Bone Grafting and
Grafting Materials

A dynamic process, bone grafting Osteoinduction is the process of ac-

(transplanted osteogenesis), is accom- tivating osteogenesis through the re-
plished by cellular regeneration, which cruitment of cells from the surrounding
produces osteoid that becomes miner- natural bone, which then differentiate
alized. A graft is not a solid bone block into bone-forming cells. Osteoinduc-
that heals into place.77-79 Bone grafting tive grafts can enhance bone regenera-
is accomplished through osteogenesis, tion, sometimes even resulting in the
osteoinduction, and/or osteoconduc- extension or growth of bone where it is
tion.80-86 Osteogenesis refers to the for- not normally found. Osteoconduction
mation and development of bone by is the process by which the graft ma-
osteocompetent cells. Osteogenic graft terial acts as a nonviable scaffold onto
material, derived from or composed of which and within which the patient’s
tissue involved in the natural growth own natural bone grows. Osteocon-
and repair of bone, can encourage ductive grafts are conducive to bone
bone formation in soft tissues and can growth and allow apposition from ex-
stimulate faster bone growth in bone isting bone but do not produce or trig-
implant sites. ger bone formation themselves.

Maxillary Sinus Grafting
3 Goals

Create bone in the posterior maxilla

Achieve osseointegration in that bone

Maintain occlusal function under load in that bone

Bone-Grafting dard among grafting materials because

of its highly osteogenic, osteoinduc-
Materials tive, and osteoconductive properties, a
combination not found in the alterna-
Many materials have been used
tives.6,109 These properties allow bone
for sinus lift procedures, includ-
to form more rapidly and in conditions
ing autogenous bone,30-35 bone al-
where significant bone augmentation
lografts,36,80,83,85,87-93 and alloplasts (such
or repair is required. A 1993 histo-
as tricalcium phosphate , or TCP), re-
morphometric study of patients who
sorbable and nonresorbable hydroxy-
underwent maxillary sinus augmenta-
apatite,1,83,86,94-98 bovine-derived bone
tion described the bone composition
mineral,99-101 and bioactive glasses. An
of four different graft materials using
ideal graft is nontoxic, nonantigenic,
biopsies taken from graft sites at the
noncarcinogenic, strong, resilient, eas-
time of implant placement.104 Particu-
ily fabricated, able to permit tissue at-
lated autogenous chin grafts contained
tachment, resistant to infection, read-
59.4% bone; composite grafts of hy-
ily available, and inexpensive.28,102,103
droxyapatite and chin bone contained
44.4% bone; grafts of hydroxyapatite
alone contained 20.3% bone; and grafts
Autogenous Bone of demineralized freeze-dried bone
There is no official consensus as to alone contained 4.6% bone. A similar
which graft material or combination of study revealed that autogenous iliac
materials is best for augmenting the si- bone grafts contained 53% bone; and
nus antral void created by the sinus lift 50-50 composite grafts of autogenous
operation.1,104-108 Autogenous bone has chin bone and hydroxyapatite granules
long been considered the gold stan- contained 44% bone.109

Autogenous Harvest Sites

Posterior Iliac Crest Block and/or Particulate, 140 cc’s

Anterior Iliac Crest Block and/or Particulate, 70 cc’s

Tibia Particulate, 20-40 cc’s

Cranium Dense Cortical Block, 40 cc’s

Ascending Ramus Block, 5-10 cc’s

Anterior Mandible Block and Particulate, 5 cc’s

Tuberosity Particulate, 2 cc’s

Misc Bone Scrappers, Suction Traps, etc.

Fig. 4-1
Crestal Approach Kit - en-
ables safe sinus lifting using
specially designed reamer.

Fig. 4-2
Lateral Approach Kit - en-
ables to make sinus lateral
window in safe and speedy
way in case of 1-3mm residual
bone, perforated membrane
at crestal approach or place-
ment of multiple impants.

Fig. 4-3

a Preparing the patient for

bone harvest surgery

b Visualizing the mucogingi-

val junction

c Making a straight incision

through mucosa and muscle
a b down to underlying bone
from canine to canine ap-
prox. 5 mm below the mu-
cogingival junction

d Utilizing pressure and elec-

trocautery to cauterize any
small bleeding veessles

e 4 or 6mm trepine burs are

being used to harvest bone
from the intra mandilbe.
c d
f In this case, 4 separte cores
are harvested

g Close up of one of the cores.

It is easy to see on the left
the dense cortical bone and
on the right the much more
vascular and less dense
spongy bone.

h After closing the muscle and

e f periostium in the first layer,
the mucosa is closed in the
second layer.

g h

Cancellous particulated bone from osteotomy have also been used with
the iliac crest or the tibial plateau is success.32,36,37,83,112-114 Mandibular bone
an excellent source of autogenous grafts reportedly resorb less than do
graft material.110-111 Intraoral sites iliac crest grafts,32,37 and the procedure
such as the mandibular symphysis, can be easily accomplished in an of-
maxillary tuberosity, ramus, and ex- fice setting with the patient under par-
ostoses and debris from an implant enteral sedation and local anesthesia,

Fig. 4-4 immediate placement of 467 implants
Scanning electron micrograft into bone measuring 1 mm to 5 mm
of freeze dried bone allograft high, Khoury observed the best bone
showing its structure and po- regeneration in patients grafted com-
pletely with autogenous material com-
prising a percentage of cortical bone.4

The choice of donor site usually de-

pends on the volume and type of bone
desired. In extremely healthy patients,
patients with minimal sinus resorp-
tion, and patients who refuse to un-
dergo an extraoral bone graft harvest,
resulting in lower costs and better pa- expanding the volume of autogenous
tient acceptance. bone harvested intraorally by combin-
ing it with other graft materials, such
A disadvantage of intraorally obtained as allografts or alloplasts, may be ap-
bone grafts is that donor sites provide propriate. However, some recent stud-
a smaller volume of bone than that ies indicate that bone formed in autog-
which can be obtained from the iliac enous bone-grafted sinuses is retained
crest or tibial plateau. A typical sinus significantly longer than in sites graft-
requires approximately 4 mL to 5 mL ed with a combination of autogenous
of bone volume for grafting dental im- and demineralized freeze-dried bone
plants. The total graft volume required allografts (DFDBA).10,117 Lorenzetti
is naturally dependent on the amount et al showed that maxillary sinuses
of bone resorption (sinus pneumatiza- grafted with a combination of autog-
tion and ridge resorption) . Typically, enous bone and hydroxyapatite gran-
5 mL of bone can be harvested from ules were clearly distinguishable and
the anterior mandible, 5 mL to 10 mL surrounded by only a very thin layer of
from the ascending ramus, 20 mL to 40 bone.118
mL from the tibial head, 70 mL from
the anterior ilium, and approximately
140 mL from the posterior iliac crest. Allografts
The use of cortical and corticocancel- Bone allografts such as freeze-dried
lous blocks adapted to the sinus floor bone allografts (FDBA) or demin-
has also been reported, though healing eralized freeze-dried bone allografts
time is longer compared with that as- (DFDBA) may be cortical or trabecu-
sociated with particulated graft mate- lar. They are obtained from cadavers or
rial.115,116 In a 6-year follow-up investi- living donors other than the patients,
gation of 216 sinus lift procedures with processed under complete sterility, and

Alloplasts / Xenografts


Bioactive Ceramics Biogran


Polymers HTR Polymer



Hydroxyapatites Bio-Oss


Interpore 200

Calcium Sulfate
Tricalcium Phosphate

stored in bone banks. Fresh allografts is generally inadequate to account for

are the most antigenic; however, this osteoconduction. Demineralization
antigenicity can be reduced consider- removes the mineral phase and pur-
ably by freezing or freeze-drying the portedly exposes the underlying bone
bone, as is customary.87 collagen and growth factors, particu-
larly BMPs.80,88,89
Whether these grafts form bone by
osteoinduction, osteoconduction, Although the demineralization process
or some combination of both is the exposes growth factors, it also destroys
subject of continued debate. In the approximately half of the growth fac-
1960s, Urist suggested that allografts tors in FDBA. Additionally, the de-
form bone by osteoinduction because mineralization process removes the
they contain osteoinductive proteins mineral portion of the graft (hydroxy-
called bone morphogenetic proteins apatite), which is critical for maintain-
(BMPs).119,120 FDBA can be used in ing the matrix of the grafted site and
either a mineralized or demineralized providing for osteoconduction. Sev-
form. Both FDBA and DFDBA con- eral authors have since challenged this
tain BMPs; however, in the quantities theory based on unpredictable results
used clinically, the amount of BMPs with DFDBA, suggesting that these al-

lografts may contain inconsistent and gans. Technical problems include the
often inadequate levels of BMPs be- precision required to insert bulk al-
cause of handling and processing.121-126 lografts, the necessity for rigid fixation
One study suggested that using DFD- to the host bone to obtain successful
BA in combination with hydroxyapa- union, and the high rates of infection,
tite may somewhat improve its effec- nonunion, and graft fracture.80,87 Be-
tiveness.110 These concerns are valid; cause allografts are not osteogenic,
hence, the author recommends FDBA adding this material to autogenous
rather than DFDBA for bone grafting. bone means that bone formation will
proceed more slowly and result in less
Irradiated cancellous bone has also volume than with purely autogenous
been used as a substitute graft material grafts.83 Studies have shown that DFD-
for autogenous bone.90,91 However, us- BA for the maxillary sinus is often not
ing mineralized FDBA provides a local completely remodeled by the host and
substrate of mineral for the graft and no does not always produce sufficient or
BMPs are destroyed in the demineral- quality new bone, even when a protec-
izing process. Jensen and Greer found tive membrane is used.1,105,106
that radiated mineralized allografts
used in conjunction with maxillary
antroplasty, a screw-form implant, and
an expanded polytet rafluoroethylene Alloplasts
(e-PTFE) membrane barrier provid-
ed more predictable ossification than Alloplasts, which may be natural or
demineralized cancellous allograft.105 synthetic, heal only through osteocon-
They concluded that this graft material duction. The most commonly used al-
was the best option other than autog- loplasts are bioactive ceramics, which
enous bone. include synthetic calcium phosphate
materials (e.g., hydroxyapatite) and
Advantages of allografts include ready those derived from natural sources
availability, minimum autogenous (e.g., deorganified bovine bone). Ce-
bone harvested from the patient, re- ramics such as hydroxyapatite are safe
duced anesthesia and surgical time, and well tolerated but have little abil-
decreased blood loss, and fewer com- ity to encourage new attachments.94
plications.83 The disadvantages are Nonresorbable hydroxyapatite has
primarily diminished capacity to pro- also been criticized as being of modest
duce bone as compared to autogenous value for grafting the maxillary sinus
bone, and perhaps the theoretical for implants.127,128 Calcium phosphate
disadvantages associated with tissues ceramics act primarily as filler materi-
transplanted from another individu- als, with new bone formation taking
al80,83,96 Cadaver bone can be rejected place along their surface.95,96 They can
like other transplanted tissues or or- help provide a scaffold for enhanced

Fig. 4-5
The panoramic radiograph is the
main panoramic
radiographicradiograph is
tool for initial
the main ofradiographic
assessment tool
the maxillary sinus.
for initial assessment of the
maxillary sinus.

bone tissue repair and growth. Com- In animal studies involving maxillary
bining allograft or alloplastic grafting sinus augmentation,129,132,134 some au-
material with autogenous bone can de- thors have reported that this technique
crease the amount of harvested bone resulted in significant new bone for-
necessary for the sinus lift procedure,7 mation in the floor of the maxillary
but, as noted earlier, bone formation sinus and that the delivery system did
may be less complete or proceed more not induce any significant immune or
slowly than when autogenous bone is other adverse response.
used alone.

Biologic Growth Evaluation
Factors and Bone
Grafts Before sinus lift and grafting proce-
dures, a thorough medical history
The application of BMPs and other must be obtained. In particular, the
growth factors is the subject of in- patient should be evaluated for season-
creased research as a way to enhance al allergies, allergic rhinitis, or sinus
bone regeneration and possibly even congestion upon waking, all of which
to replace bone grafting altogether for may indicate sinus pathosis. A patient
inducing osteogenesis. For instance, with sinusitis, sinus disease, or invasive
Boyne et al and others have studied lesions should be referred to an appro-
the efficacy, safety, and technical fea- priate medical therapist for treatment
sibility of delivering human recombi- before surgery. The patient should also
nant BMP-2 via an absorbable collagen be asked about tobacco use and the
sponge implant in various vases.22,129-133 ability to refrain from use before and

Fig. 4-6
In some cases, the panoramic
radiograph can be supple-
mented with CT scans to help
determine the presence of
anatomic variations such as
septa and polyps.

The scanner takes images in a b

an axial, a sagittal, and a coro-
nal plane. This information
can then be reformatted by
the computer to provide im-
ages in a variety of formats.

c d

after surgery, as such use can severely gion intraoperatively. Postoperatively

impact the success of bone grafting. the wand can be used to evaluate the
Nicotine impairs bone healing, di- density of graft material in the sinus
minishes osteoblast function, causes prior to closure since it illuminates any
autogenous bone graft morbidity, and voids or uneven placement of the graft
decreases graft biochemical proper- material.
Interdental space is evaluated for the
To help the clinician determine the available space between the gingiva
available maxillary alveolar bone and the proper plane of occlusion,
height, the location of sinus floor con- which should be greater than 5 mm.
volutions (septa), and the surgical en- Less than 5 mm of vertical space for
try site, panoramic radiographs (Fig. prosthetic reconstruction requires a
3-4) are necessary and can be supple- gingivectomy, a vertical osteotomy of
mented with sinus radiographs and the maxillary posterior alveolar pro-
computed tomography (CT) scans cess, and/or correlation of the mandib-
(Fig. 3-6). An anesthesia light wand ular plane.13,21 If more than 20 mm of
may also help to illuminate the si- vertical space is available for prosthetic
nus and to guide placement of the si- reconstruction, ridge augmentation in
nus wall osteotomy.138-140 The wand is addition to sinus grafting should be
placed transnasally or in the palatal re- considered. The clinician must deter-

Fig. 4-7

A tomographic image in
which specialized software
was used to provide slices
perpendicular to the facial as-
pect of the maxilla. The ante-
rior maxillary ridge, posterior
maxillary ridge, and maxillary
sinus can be seen in the vari-
ous images.

Looking at the relative radio-

lucency of the maxillary sinus
in slice #3, and by looking at
the relative radiopacity of the
type 3 bone of the anterior
maxilla in slice #16, one can
compare the relative density
of the spongy bone in slice
#3. It is almost closer in ap-
pearance to the radiolucency
of the maxillary sinus than it
is to the type 3 bone.

Fig. 4-8

mine if any active disease or disorders tation.141-143 All remaining maxillary

(such as acute sinusitis, retained root teeth should be evaluated for signs of
tips, polyps, tumors, cysts in the antral periodontal disease extending from
cavity) exist in the sinus. Patients with the tooth into the maxillary sinus. In
periodontal disease have an increased the absence of such contraindications,
incidence of maxillary sinus disease, and after the relevant patient workup
which may have an impact on implan- has been completed, surgery can begin.


5 Surgery Technique for

Lateral Wall

Antibiotics effective against both aer- with a vasoconstrictor for hemostasis

obic and anaerobic bacteria should is infiltrated into the maxillary surgical
be administered preoperatively and site and any intraoral graft donor site.
continued for 7 to 10 days postopera- The surgery can also be performed
tively.10,144,145 The surgery can be per- with local anesthesia, posterosuperior
formed with the patient sedated with alveolar, and greater palatine nerve
intravenous medication unless the blocks combined with infiltration.
graft material is procured from the ili- The clinician could also use second-
ac crest, in which case general anesthe- division nerve block, entered from the
sia should be used. A local anesthetic greater palatine canal.

Fig. 5-1
A palatal incision is placed in
this case for a maxillary sinus

Lateral Wall Sinus ticipated opening into the maxillary
sinus (approximately at the level of the
Procedure zygoma).

A horizontal incision is made on the After the lateral maxillary wall has
crest or palatal aspect of the edentu- been completely exposed, a no. 8
lous ridge, with extensions beyond the round diamond bur should be used in
areas of the osteotomy and with con- an oval configuration at low speed and
sideration of the amount of attached high torque to make an oval osteotomy
gingiva on the alveolar crest. The inci- in the lateral wall of the maxillary si-
sion is carried forward beyond the an- nus (Fig. 5-2). If the maxillary wall is
terior border of the sinus (Fig. 5-1). A thick, a no. 8 round carbide bur can be
vertical releasing incision to the depth used to initiate the osteotomy (to cut
of the vestibule in the canine fossa area more quickly) and then exchanged for
helps to reflect the flap and expose the a diamond bur of the same size and
bone; it also ensures good soft tissue shape as the Schneiderian membrane
closer over the bone. The lateral wall is approached in order to minimize
of the maxilla is exposed by reflect- the risk of perforating the membrane
ing the mucoperiosteal flap superiorly with the bur. Slight variations in oste-
to the level of the malar buttress. El- otomy technique have been described:
evation of the periosteum adjacent to some authors30 create a U-shaped os-
the implant site should be minimized teotomy with the vertical arms of the
to preserve the blood supply to the al- osteotomy parallel to the facilitate in-
veolar crest. The periosteum should fracturing, and others1 make a trape-
be reflected superiorly just beyond the zoid-shaped osteotomy with a no. 1701
height of the superior aspect of the an- fissure cut bur. An oval-shaped oste-

Fig. 5-2
Large carbide burs, small car-
bide burs, or #8 round burs
are commonly used to begin
the maxillary sinus osteoto-

otomy is recommended to avoid sharp window, the window can be drilled
edges that may tear the Schneiderian down and obliterated so that the sinus
membrane.24 Similarly, the round dia- is separated into two or more smaller
mond bur is recommended to mini- chambers by the septum (Fig. 5-3).
mize perforations of the Schneiderian
membrane. A brush-stroke touch is At this point, the underlying Schnei-
used to penetrate the bone and avoid derian membrane is exposed. Ex-
the Schneiderian membrane. To en- treme care should be taken to reflect
sure that the bone has been penetrated the membrane superiorly without per-
all the way around the oval osteoto- forating it. A curette is gently intro-
my, the clinician should tap the bone duced along the margin of the created
gently, and any movement should be access window, with the curved por-
noted. The bone can be either pushed tion placed against the Schneiderian
in to serve as the roof of the graft or membrane and the sharp edges placed
removed to create a window for better against the bone (Fig. 5-4). The cu-
visualization and access. In cases in rette is slid along the bone, 360 degrees
which a septum is attached to the bone around the margin of the access win-
Fig. 5-3
When a large septum is pres-
ent the best option is to cre-
ate separate windows an-
terior and posterior to the

Fig. 45-4

a SLG1 - Sinus Lift Curette #1

a b SLG2 - Sinus Lift Curette #2

c SLG3 - Sinus Lift Curette #3

b d SLG4 - Sinus Lift Curette #4

e GAR3/5 3mm/5mm Plugger

Fig. 5-5

Lateral Wall Sinus Lift -

Conventional Technique

a Crestal incision slighty to

the palate.

b The buccal releasing inci-

sion is connected with the
a b
horizontal palatal incision

c The buccal releasing inci-

sion is connected with the
horizontal palatal incision

d Right side full-thickness flap


e Initial osteotomy using a

round diamond bur (I).
c d

f Initial osteotomy using a

round diamond bur (II).

g Final osteotomy. Notice the

vertical oval shape.

h Initial detachment of the

membrane using a sinus cu-

e f

g h

Fig. 5-5 (cont’d)

i While holding the curette in

permanent contact with the
bony floor of the sinus, light
pressure is exerted inwards
looking for the medial wall.

j Initial detachment of the si-

nus membrane completed.
i j
k Final detachment of the si-
nus membrane completed.

l The cortical-cancellous al-

logenic bone graft is poured
in a mixing cup (I).

m The cortical-cancellous al-

logenic bone graft is poured
in a mixing cup (II).

k l n The cortical-cancellous al-

logenic bone graft is poured
in a mixing cup (III).

o The PRP is added in the cup

and mixed with the bone

p The mix is progressive load-

ed in a tuberculin syringe (I).

m n

o p

dow. The Schneiderian membrane is
then carefully elevated from the floor
inferiorly, anteriorly, and posteriorly
through the osteotomy sites. In the
case of an extremely small window, the
process should be performed with a
sufficiently small curette. For the usual
sinus window, the largest possible cu-
rette should be used to minimize the
chances of perforating the Schneide-
rian membrane and to maximize the
efficiency of the membrane-reflection can be placed in the area to adapt to
process. the perforation, occlude it, and allow
it time to heal and repair itself.1 For
Perforation of the Schneiderian mem-
larger perforations, a longer-lasting,
brane during surgery most often oc-
stiff, collagen-based membrane should
curs if the lateral wall is being infrac-
be shaped into a dome and placed in
tured, but it can also happen when the
the sinus to occlude the perforation
membrane is being elevated from the
and contain the graft. The clinician
inferior and anterior bony aspects of
must ensure that all of the Schneideri-
the sinus. The most common areas of
an membrane has been reflected from
perforation are at the level of the infe-
the sinus floor so that the bone graft is
rior osteotomy, the level of the green-
lying on raw bone and not the epithe-
stick fracture if used, and the inferome-
dial portion of the sinus window.1 For
small perforations in the membrane, The sinus floor septa (convolutions)
a small piece of a collagen membrane are not necessarily altered. A vari-

able number of septa (also referred to the forgiving nature and rapid healing
as the Underwood septa) divide the of maxillary sinus surgery; however,
floor of the maxillary sinus into sev- the vascular system can produce a brisk
eral recesses and may complicate sinus intraoperative oozing usually related
lift procedures.146-149 Most of the septa to the patient’s systemic blood pressure
are located in the region between the or local inflammation and only rarely
second premolar and the first molar. to a bleeding disorder or coagulopa-
Septal formation may be caused by thy. Most hemostatic disorders have
the different phases of maxillary sinus already been diagnosed by the time a
pneumatization of the empty alveolar patient reaches the age when a sinus
process following tooth extraction. To lift would be required, or else such
minimize the chance of complications disorders are noted by the clinician
from a septum, the clinician should while obtaining a thorough preopera-
create the inferior portion of the os- tive history. For patients who claim to
teotomy at least 3 mm above the sinus be “bleeders” or who have a suspicious
floor and avoid it. If a septum is pres- history of bleeding problems, a simple
ent and is higher than 3 mm from the battery of screening blood tests will
floor (something that should be noted identify 98.5% of bleeding disorders.
preoperatively because it will affect the This series of tests includes a complete
surgery), the oval-shaped osteotomy blood count (CBC) with a platelet
should be split into three by the clini-
count and differential, a bleeding time
cian’s making vertical cuts through the
test, a prothrombin time, and a partial
bony window just anterior and just
posterior to the septum. This process thromboplastin time.
will create bony windows over the left
and right compartments that are lifted If brisk intraoperative oozing devel-
off and a bony window over the sep- ops, the patient’s systemic blood pres-
tum that is not lifted off but rather is sure should be checked. Hypertension
ground down with the drill and dia- control is usually established by rein-
mond bur. forcing the local anesthesia, verbally
reassuring the patient, and using ad-
ditional sedation if necessary. It is rare
Intraoperative but possible that a procedure may have
Bleeding to be stopped because of uncontrol-
lable hypertension. Locally brisk ooz-
Because there are no major vascular ing is best controlled by temporarily
structures in the surgical area, any in- packing the wound (Fig. 4-6). Saturat-
traoperative bleeding that does occur ing the packing with 2% lidocaine with
usually comes from capillary soft tis- 1:100,000 epinephrine or 4% liquid
sue or bony ooze. The interconnecting cocaine will sometimes assist hemo-
vascular contributions to the maxilla stasis, particularly if the oozing is from
and maxillary sinus likely account for soft tissue. If the oozing is from bone

Fig. 5-5 (cont’d)

q Initial grafting of the sinus


r Bone is delivered into the

distal part of the sinus cavity.

s Delivery of graft in the cen-

tral part of the sinus cavity q r

t Delivery of graft in the cen-

tral part of the sinus cavity

u Sinus cavity fully filled

v A PRP membrane ready for


w Coverage of the graft with a

PRP membrane. s t
x Flap repositioned in place
by single interrupted su-

u v

w x

and cannot be controlled with tempo- pares the implant sites, the top of the
rary packing, pressing bone wax into syringes should be cut off with scissors
the area is usually effective. In addi- and the graft mixture injected into the
tion, microfibrillar bovine collagen maxillary sinus and packed against the
(Avitene, MedChem Products, Wo- intact medial wall.
burn, MA) is an excellent resorbable
and compatible agent that initiates clot After the clinician grafts the medial
formation. Two additional “leave-in” portion of the sinus, the implants are
agents, Gelfoam (Pharmacia and Up- placed. Bone is then packed against the
john, Kalamazoo, MI) and Surgicel anterior and posterior maxillary walls,
(Johnson & Johnson, New Brunswick, molding the bone against and over the
NJ), also assist in clot formation and implant to a height of 10 mm to 12
hemostasis. However, the most effec- mm. The clinician must maintain the
tive means is to use Avitene for slower- implant in the proper position to avoid
paced bony oozing and bone wax for compromising subsequent prosthetic
more rapid oozing. restoration. Next, the lateral portion
of the surgical site should be firmly
packed with the bone graft. If the di-
Grafting Procedure ameter of the implant is greater than
the width of the alveolar crest, bone
During the sinus lift grafting proce- should be placed and secured outside
dure, autogenous bone is harvested the sinus against the lateral surface of
from the preselected site and, if appro- the implants. The area of the access
priate, mixed with other graft materi- window should then be covered with
als. This mixture is then packed and a membrane barrier to prevent soft tis-
compacted into 1-mL or 3-mL syring- sue ingrowth, the mucoperiosteal flap
es and set aside. As described earlier, a should be repositioned, and the inci-
one-step procedure can be performed, sions should be closed with interrupt-
with the graft and implant placed si- ed sutures. The graft can mature while
multaneously. When this approach the implant is integrating.
is selected, essential surgical modifi-
cations will be necessary, including a
wide lateral window opening, a bone If a two-step surgical approach is used
mill to homogenize the graft material, (i.e., separate grafting and implant
meticulous condensation of the graft, placement surgeries), adequate graft
and clinical measurements to ensure material is placed in the maxillary si-
implant parallelism.61 The implant nus to accommodate the length of the
sites should be drilled with a surgi- implant. The window is then covered
cal stent as a guide. It is important to with a resorbable membrane barrier, as
protect the sinus membrane during with the one-step procedure. The mu-
this procedure. After the clinician pre- coperiosteal flap is repositioned, and

Fig. 5-6

Three Principle Benefits

Gauze Saturated With Hemostatic Agent Decreases Oozing or Bleeding

Provides Additional Reflection of Schneiderian Membrane

(Approximately 10-30 Percent)
Do NOT overpack

Approximation of Reflected Sinus Volume

the incisions are closed with interrupt- col prescribed for that system and al-
ed resorbable sutures. After the bone lowed to integrate.
has matured (approximately 4 to 12
months depending on the graft materi- Clinical Cases
als used, the graft size, and the patient’s
systemic health), it is evaluated to en- Figures 5-7 to 4-30 present several cas-
sure that there is sufficient bone height es demonstrating the lateral wall pro-
for implant placement. The implants
can then be placed in the mature graft
material following the surgical proto-

Fig. 5-7

In this case of a missings-

ingle tooth, a lateral wall
sinus lift is performed.
With the septum present a
chamber is created anteri-
or and a separate chamber
posterior to the septum.

Fig. 5-7 (cont’d)

FDBA bone is mixed with

bone shavings and PRP
and grafted into the sinus

Fig. 5-8
Partially Edentulous in Posterior
Maxilla Bilaterally.

Bilateral sinus graft is performed.

Fig. 5-9
Bilateral Sinus Grafts
Tibial Bone Harvest
IV Sedation
Staged Placement of 10 Implants

Fig. 5-9 (cont’d)
Bilateral Sinus Grafts
Tibial Bone Harvest
IV Sedation
Staged Placement of 10 Implants

Fig. 5-9 (cont’d)
Bilateral Sinus Grafts
Tibial Bone Harvest
IV Sedation
Staged Placement of 10 Implants

Fig. 5-10

Single Tooth Sinus Grafts

FDBA with Thick Carboxylmethyl

cellulose Bone Binder

a Right side full-thickness flap

reflection and initial osteot-
a b omy using a round diamond

b Final osteotomy using a

round diamond piezo tip.

c Initial detachment of the

membrane (I).

d Initial detachment of the

membrane (II)

c d e Final detachment of the


f Gauze strip ready for use.

e f

Fig. 5-10 (cont’d)

g The gauze saturated with

hemostatic agent is gently
packed in the sinus cavity to
control the bleeding.

h The gauze also increases the

reflection of the membrane
and provides an approxima-
tion of the reflected sinus g h

i The FDBA is mixed with car-

boxymethyl-cellulose bone
binder to improve the han-
dling of the graft.

j Initial filling of the sinus cav-


k Graft material is gently com-

pacted in all directions.
i j
l Partial filling of the sinus

k l


Fig. 5-11

a Crestal incision slighty to

the palate (I).

b Crestal incision slighty to

the palate (II).

c The buccal releasing inci-

sion is connected with the a b
horizontal palatal incision.

d Full-thickness flap refection.

e Initial osteotomy using a

round diamond piezo tip.

f Final osteotomy. Notice the

vertical oval shape.

g Removal of the central bone

of the osteotomy.
c d

h Initial detachment of the

membrane using a trumpet
piezo tip.

i Initial detachment of the si-

nus membrane completed.

j The antral cavity will be

grafted with a cortical-can-
cellous allogenic bone graft e f

g h

i j

Fig. 5-11 (cont’d)

k The graft is delivered into

the sinus cavity using a tu-
berculin syringe.

l Initial filling of the sinus cav-


k l m Graft material is gently com-

pacted in all directions.

n Antral cavity fully filled.

o The central bone of the os-

teotomy is repositioned in

p Trimming of the membrane.

q Coverage of graft material

m n with a resorbable xenogenic
collagen membrane.

r Flap repositioned in place

by single interrupted su-

o p

q r


Fig. 5-12

a The buccal releasing inci-

sion is connected with the
horizontal palatal incision.

b Full-thickness flap refection.

c Final osteotomy. Notice the

a b vertical oval shape.

d The sinus membrane will be

detached with an specifical-
ly designed angled curette.

e Initial detachment of the si-

nus membrane.

f Final detachment of the si-

nus membrane.

c d g The antral cavity will be

grafted with a cortical-can-
cellous allogenic bone graft.

h The graft is poured in a mix-

ing cup.

e f

g h

Fig. 5-12 (cont’d)

i The PRP is suctioned into a


j The PRP is added to the


k The PRP is mixed with the

graft in the mixing cup. i j
l A PRP membrane is also
obtained from the patient’s
own blood.

m The mix bone/PRP is deliv-

ered into the antral cavity.

n Antral cavity fully filled.

o The PRP membrane com-

pressed and ready for use. k l

p Coverage of the graft with a

PRP membrane.

q Flap repositioned in place

by single interrupted su-

m n

o p


Fig. 5-13

a Radiographic pre-operative

b Clinical pre-operative view.

c Initial osteotomy. Notice the

vertical oval shape.
a b
d Final osteotomy and mem-
brane detachment.

e Antral cavity fully filled with

cortical-cancellous allogen-
ic bone graft.

f Coverage of graft material

with a resorbable xenogenic
collagen membrane.

g Implant placement after a

c d
6-month healing period.

h Radiographic post-operative
view after crown cementa-

i One-year clinical post-oper-

ative follow-up view.

e f

g h

Fig. 5-14

a Full-thickness flap refection.

b Round diamond bur used

for the osteotomy (I).

c Round diamond bur used

for the osteotomy (II).
a b
d Initial osteotomy. Notice the
round shape.

e Removal of the central bone

of the osteotomy.

f Final osteotomy.

g Initial detachment of the

membrane using a trumpet
curette tip (I).

c d h Initial detachment of the

membrane using a trumpet
curette tip (I).

e f

g h

Fig. 5-14 (cont’d)

i Initial detachment of the

membrane from the upper

j Initial detachment of the

membrane from the mesial
i j
k Initial detachment of the
membrane from the sinus

l Completed detachment of
the sinus membrane.

m The antral cavity will be

grafted with cortical-cancel-
lous allogenic bone mixed
with PRP. k l
n The PRP Kit provides large
membranes of a consistent
thinkness and texture..

o Initial filling. The graft is de-

livered into the sinus cavity
using an insulin syringe (I).

p Graft material is gently com-

pacted in all directions with m n
a bone packer.

o p

Fig. 5-14 (cont’d)

q More graft material is added

in the central part of the si-
nus cavity.

r A large sinus curette is also

q r used to gently spread the
graft into the sinus cavity so
that not empty voids are left.

s Antral cavity fully filled.

t PRP membranes ready for


u Coverage of graft material

with a PRP membrane.

s t
v Flap repositioned in place
by single interrupted su-

u v


Fig. 5-15

a Radiographic pre-operative

b Clinical pre-operative view.

c Sinus cavity is evident after

flap reflection.

a b d Initial osteotomy. Notice the

vertical oval shape.

e Final osteotomy and mem-

brane detachment.

f Bone is grafted into the an-

tral cavity using a Molt cu-

g Graft material is gently com-

pacted in all directions.

h Antral cavity fully filled with

c d cortical allogenic bone graft.

e f

g h

Fig. 5-15 (cont’d)

i Coverage of graft material

with a resorbable xenogenic
collagen membrane.

j Radiographic post-operative
view of grafted sinus im-
mediately before implant
i j
k Clinical post-operative view
of grafted sinus immediately
before implant placement.

l After a slightly to the palate

incision, the flap is released

m Initial implant placement.

n Final position of implant.

o Radiographic post-operative
view after crown cementa-
k l

p One-year clinical post-oper-

ative follow-up view.

m n

o p


Fig. 5-16

a Radiographic pre-operative

b Radiographic close-up view

of the area of the sinus to be

c Clinical pre-operative view.

a b
d Full-thickness flap refection.
Translucency of sinus cavity
is evident.

e Final osteotomy and initial

membrane detachment.

f Final detachment of the

membrane after reaching
the medial or internal bony
wall of the sinus.

g Bone is delivered into the

sinus cavity using an tuber-
culin insulin syringe.
c d

h The use of the syringe

speeds up the placement of
the graft material and thus
the entire grafting process.

e f

g h

Fig. 5-16 (cont’d)

i Graft material is gently com-

pacted in all directions.

j Final load of the graft using a

Molt curette.

k Antral cavity fully filled with

cortical allogenic bone graft.
i j
l Coverage of graft material
with a resorbable xenogenic
collagen membrane.

m Radiographic post-operative
view of grafted sinus im-
mediately before implant

n Clinical post-operative view

of grafted sinus immediately
before implant placement.

k l o Radiovisiography of pilot
drill at implant osteotomy
after a 6-month healing pe-

p Initial implant placement.

m n

o p

Fig. 5-16 (cont’d)

q Cheking parallelism of im-


r Implants in place.

s Status of soft tissues around


t Implant abutments before q r

cementation of crowns.

u Crowns cemented in place.

s t


Fig. 5-17

a Radiographic pre-operative

b Clinical pre-operative view

of right side.

c Sinus cavity is evident after

flap reflection.
a b
d Final detachment of the

e Bone is delivered into the si-

nus cavity using a tuberculin

f Partial filling of the sinus


g A large sinus may require

several syringes in order to c d
be fully filled.

h Antral cavity fully filled with

cortical allogenic bone graft.

e f

g h

Fig. 5-17 (cont’d)

a Clinical pre-operative view

of left side.

b Sinus cavity is evident after

flap reflection.

c Initial osteotomy. Notice the

a b horizontal oval shape.

d Initial detachment of the


e Final detachment of the


f Bone is delivered into the si-

nus cavity using a tuberculin

c d g Syringe after syringe of

bone, the sinus cavity is
completely filled.

h Coverage of graft material

with a resorbable xenogenic
collagen membrane.

i Clinical view of root tips of

tooth #17.

e f j Root tips are extracted.

g h

i j

Fig. 5-17 (cont’d)

k Sockets are grafted with cor-

tical allogenic bone.

l The graft is covered with a d-

PTFE membrane.

m Some sutures stabilize the

membrane in place.
k l
n Clinical view of tooth # 10
and # 11.

o Teeth are extracted for sock-

et preservation.

p Sockets are grafted with cor-

tical allogenic bone.

q The graft is covered with a d-

PTFE membrane. m n

r Some sutures stabilize the

membrane in place.

s Clinical view of membrane

on socket of teeth # 10 and
# 11 immediately before re-

t Mature connective tissue

has formed under it after a o p
4-week healing period.

q r

s t

Fig. 5-17 (cont’d)

u Clinical view of membrane

on socket of tooth # 17 im-
mediately before removal.

v Mature connective tissue

has formed under it after a
4-week healing period.
u v w Radiographic post-operative
view of grafted sinuses and
sockets immediately before
implant placement.

x CBT slice of grafted sinus(I).

y CBT slice of grafted sinus(II).

z Clinical post-operative view.

Right side.

aa Clinical post-operative view.

Left side.

x y

z aa

Fig. 5-17 (cont’d)

ab Implants in place. Right side.

ac Implants in place. Left side.

ad Status of soft tissues around

implants immediately be-
fore taking the final impres- ab ac

ae Occlusal view of the final

screw-retained full-arch res-

af Occlusal view of the restora-

tion in place.

ag Achieved final result.

ah One-year radiographic post-

ad ae
operative follow-up view.

af ag



Fig. 5-18

a Radiographic close-up view

of left sinus.

b Radiographic close-up view

of right sinus.

c Radiographic pre-operative
a b
d Clinical pre-operative view
of left side.

e Sinus cavity is evident after

flap reflection.

f Large horizontal oval shape

osteotomy view.

g Membrane detachment

d e

f g

Fig. 5-18 (cont’d)

h Bone is delivered into the

sinus cavity using an tuber-
culin syringe.

i Delivery of graft in the distal

part of the sinus cavity.

h i j A large sinus may require

several syringes in order to
be fully filled.

k Delivery of graft in the cen-

tral part of the sinus cavity.

l Antral cavity fully filled with

cortical-cancellous allogen-
ic bone graft.

m Coverage of graft material

with a resorbable xenogenic
collagen membrane.
j k
n Clinical pre-operative view
of patient’s right side.

o Sinus cavity is evident after

flap reflection.

l m

n o

Fig. 5-18 (cont’d)

p Large horizontal oval

shape osteotomy view.

q Membrane detachment

r Bone is delivered into the

sinus cavity using a tuber-
culin syringe.
p q

s Delivery of graft in the dis-

tal part of the sinus cavity.

t Antral cavity fully filled

with cortical-cancellous al-
logenic bone graft.

u Radiographic post-opera-
tive view of grafted sinuses
after six months of healing
and immediately before
implant placement. r s
v Right flap reflection im-
mediately before implant

w Implants in place. Notice

the complete healing of
the sinus window with

t u

v w

Fig. 5-18 (cont’d)

x Left flap reflection immedi-

ately before implant place-

y Implants in place. Notice the

complete healing of the si-
nus window with bone.
x y
z Status of soft tissues around
implants immediately before
taking the final impression.

aa Occlusal view of two cast


ab Achieved final result.

ac Occlusal view of the restora-

tion in place.

z aa

ab ac


Fig. 5-19

a Radiographic pre-operative

b Clinical pre-operative view

of upper maxilla.

c Clinical pre-operative view

of right side.
a b
d Sinus cavity is evident after
flap reflection.

e Initial osteotomy. Notice the

horizonal oval shape.

f Enlarged osteotomy and fi-

nal detachment of the mem-

g Bone is delivered into the si-

nus cavity using a tuberculin
c d syringe.

h Partial filling of the sinus


e f

g h

Fig. 5-19 (cont’d)

i Antral cavity fully filled with

cortical allogenic bone graft.

j Coverage of graft material

with a resorbable xenogenic
collagen membrane.

k Clinical pre-operative view

of left side. i j
l Sinus cavity is evident after
flap reflection.

m Final horizontal oval shape

osteotomy and final detach-
ment of the membrane.

n Bone is delivered into the si-

nus cavity using a tuberculin

o Antral cavity fully filled with k l

cortical allogenic bone graft.

p Coverage of graft material

with a resorbable xenogenic
collagen membrane.

m n

o p

Fig. 5-19 (cont’d)

q Radiographic post-opera-
tive view of oseointegrated
implants immediately after
healing abutment connec-

r Status of soft tissues around

implants immediately be-
fore taking the final impres-
q r sion.

s Occlusal view of the final

screw-retained full-arch res-

t Buccal view of the final

screw-retained full-arch res-

u Achieved final result.

s t v One-year radiographic post-

operative follow-up view.

u v


Fig. 5-20

a Radiographic pre-operative

b CBT slice pre-operative view

of right sinus.

c Clinical pre-operative view.

a b
d Full-thickness flap refection.

e Final osteotomy. Notive the

vertical oval shape.

f Sinus membrane detach-

ment completed.

g An aloplastic graft material

is delivered into the sinus
cavity using an insulin sy-
c d
h Initial filling of the sinus cav-

e f

g h

Fig. 5-20 (cont’d)

i More graft is added to the

cavity using a Molt curette.

j Antral cavity fully filled.

k Coverage of graft material

with a resorbable xenogenic
collagen membrane. i j
l Radiographic post-operative
view of grafted sinus im-
mediately before implant

m Implants osteotomies com-


n Implants in place.

o Radiographic post-operative k l
view of oseointegrated im-
plants immediately before
healing abutment connec-

p Status of soft tissues around

implants immediately be-
fore taking the final impres-

q Bridge cemented in place.

m n

o p


Fig. 5-21

Lateral Wall Sinus Lift with

the SCA Kit

a Radiographic pre-operative

b Phlebotomy to obtain pa-

tient’s own blood (I). a b
c Phlebotomy to obtain pa-
tient’s own blood (II).

d Phlebotomy to obtain pa-

tient’s own blood (III).

e Phlebotomy to obtain pa-

tient’s own blood (VI).

f Clinical pre-operative view.

g Full-thickness flap refection. c d

h The bur is designed to trim
the bone only, leaving the
membrane intact, which is
proven using it against the
surgeon’s gloves.

e f

g h

Fig. 5-21 (cont’d)

i The osteotomy consists in

using the specifically de-
signed bur to progressively
remove the buccal cortical
plate (I).

j The osteotomy consists in

using the specifically de-
i j signed bur to progressively
remove the buccal cortical
plate (II).

k The osteotomy consists in

using the specifically de-
signed bur to progressively
remove the buccal cortical
plate (III).

l The osteotomy consists in

using the specifically de-
signed bur to progressively
k l remove the buccal cortical
plate (VI).

m The process continues until

the translucency of the si-
nus membrane is evident.

n Initial detachment of the

membrane from the sinus

o Initial detachment of the

membrane from the distal
m n side.

p Initial detachment of the

membrane from the mesial

o p

Fig. 5-21 (cont’d)

q Initial detachment of the

membrane from the upper

r Final detachment of the


s Obtention of a PRP mem-

brane from a lab tube by q r
centrifugation of patient’s
own blood.

t The PRP membrane is ready

to be used to cover the graft
before closing the flap.

u An insulin syringe with its

tip trimmed off is used to
speed up the placement of
the graft material and thus
the entire grafting process.
s t
v The graft mixed with PRP is
progressively loaded into
the tuberculin syringe (I).

w The graft mixed with PRP is

progressively loaded into
the tuberculin syringe (II).

x The graft mixed with PRP is

progressive loaded into the
tuberculin syringe (III).

u v

w x

Fig. 5-21 (cont’d)

y Initial filling.The syringe is

used to deliver the bone
into the sinus cavity (I).

z Initial filling.The syringe is

used to deliver the bone
into the sinus cavity (II).
y z aa Initial filling.The syringe is
used to deliver the bone
into the sinus cavity (III).

ab Partial filling of the sinus


ac Graft material is gently com-

pacted in all directions.

ad Reload of the syringe in or-

aa ab der to repeat the process
until the cavity is fully filled.

ae Last load of graft material.

af Antral cavity fully filled.

ag Coverage of the graft with a

PRP membrane.

ai Flap repositioned in place

ac ad by single interrupted su-

ae af

ag ah


Fig. 5-22

Lateral Wall Sinus Lift us-

ing Special Burs

a Clinical pre-operative view.

b Full-thickness flap refection.

a b c Dome shaped diamond bur.

d Diamond bur with 0.5 mm

stopper (I).

e Diamond bur with 1 mm

stopper (II).

f Initial Osteotomy using 1

mm stopper.

g 1 mm stopper in place.

c d h Initial Osteotomy using 1

mm stopper (I).

e f

g h

Fig. 5-22 (cont’d)

i Initial Osteotomy using 1

mm stopper (II).

j 2 mm stopper in place.

k Initial osteotomy using 2

mm stopper (I).
i j
l Initial osteotomy using 2
mm stopper (II)

m Final osteotomy using 2 mm

stopper (III)

n Initial detachment of mem-

brane using special cur-

o Initial detachment of mem-

brane from the mesial.
k l
p Initial detachment of mem-
brance from the distal.

m n

o p

Fig. 5-22 (cont’d)

q Final detachment of the si-

nus membrane completed.

r The cortical-cancellous al-

logenic bone graft is poured
in a mixing cup and is mixed
with the patient’s PRP.
q r s Mixed graft gently packed
into sinus cavity.

t Sinus cavity fully grafted.

u PRP membrane ready for


v Coverage of graft with PRP


s t

u v


Fig. 5-23

a Clinical pre-operative view.

b Full-thickness flap refection

c The PRP membrane as it is

obtained from the blood
test tube.

a b d The PRP Membrane Kit is

designed to reduce the
thickness and to increase
the size of the original PRP

e Dome shaped diamond bur.

f Diamond bur with 0.5 mm


g Initial osteotomy.

c d

e f

Fig. 5-23 (cont’d)

h Initial detachment of Sinus

membrane using special

i Enlargement of the initial

osteotomy using the same
bur (I).

j Enlargement of the initial h i

osteotomy using the same
bur (II).

k Enlargement of the initial

osteotomy using the same
bur (III).

l Final detachment of the si-

nus membrane completed.

m The cortical-cancellous al-

logenic bone graft is poured
in a mixing cup and is mixed
with the patient’s PRP (I).
j k

n The cortical-cancellous al-

logenic bone graft is poured
in a mixing cup and is mixed
with the patient’s PRP (II).

o The mix is progressive load-

ed in a tuberculin syringe.

l m

n o

Fig. 5-23 (cont’d)

p Initial filling.The tuberculin

syringe is used to deliver the
bone into the sinus cavity.

q Antral cavity fully filled.

r PRP membranes ready for

p q use.

s Coverage of the graft with a

PRP membrane.

t Flap repositioned in place

by single interrupted su-

r s


Fig. 5-24

a Phlebotomy to obtain pa-

tient’s own blood.

b Clinical pre-operative view.

c Crestal incision slighty to

the palate.
a b
d The buccal releasing inci-
sion is connected with the
horizontal palatal incision.

e Full-thickness flap refection.

f The PRP membrane as it is

obtained from the blood
test tube.

g The PRP Membrane Kit is

c d designed to reduce the
thickness and to increase
the size of the original PRP
membrane (I).

h The PRP Membrane Kit is

designed to reduce the
thickness and to increase
the size of the original PRP
membrane (II).

h f

Fig. 5-24 (cont’d)

i The new kit for lateral wall

sinus approach provides
stoppers for a large bur: the
1.0 mm stopper.

j The 1.5 mm stopper.

k The 2.0 mm stopper.

i j
l The 2.5 mm stopper.

m The osteotomy starts by us-

ing the large bur with the 1.0
mm stopper.

n The large bur with the 1.5.

mm stopper goes next.

o Then the large bur with the

2.0 mm stopper is used.
k l
p The large bur with the 2.5
mm stopper is used the last.

m n

o p

Fig. 5-24 (cont’d)

q The bur is designed to trim

the bone only, leaving the
membrane intact.

r To start with the initial de-

tachment of the membrane,
a specially designed curette
is used.
q r
s In order to enlarge the os-
teotomy, the process is re-
peated next to the first one.

t The complete detach-

ment of the membrane is
achieved by using the con-
ventional sinus curettes.

u Final detachment of the


s t v The PRP is added to the cor-

tical-cancellous allogenic
bone graft and mixed in a
cup (I).

w The PRP is added to the cor-

tical-cancellous allogenic
bone graft and mixed in a
cup (II).

x The PRP is added to the cor-

tical-cancellous allogenic
bone graft and mixed in a
u v cup (III).

w x

Fig. 5-24 (cont’d)

y The PRP is added to the cor-

tical-cancellous allogenic
bone graft and mixed in a
cup (IV).

z The mix is progressive load-

ed in a tuberculin syringe (I).

aa Initial filling.The syringe is

y z
used to deliver the bone
into the sinus cavity.

ab The bone packer tip is used

to gently compact the graft-
ed bone.

ac The graft is gently packed to

the distal part of the sinus

ad More bone is delivered into

the mesial part of the sinus aa ab

ae More bone is delivered into

the mesial part of the sinus

af The graft is gently packed to

the mesial part of the sinus

ac ad

ae af

Fig. 5-24 (cont’d)

ag PRP membranes ready for


ah Antral cavity fully filled.

ai Coverage of the graft with a

PRP membrane.
ag ah
aj Flap repositioned in place
by single interrupted su-

ak The complete New Kit for

Lateral Wall approach: burs,
stoppers and sinus curettes.

ai aj



Fig. 5-25

a Phlebotomy to obtain pa-

tient’s own blood.

b Radiographic pre-operative

c Clinical pre-operative view.

d Full-thickness flap refection.

e The large diamond bur with

the 1.0 mm stopper (I).

f The large diamond bur with

the 1.0 mm stopper (II).

g initial osteotomy after using

the large diamond bur with
the 1.0 stopper.
a c

d e

f g

Fig. 5-25 (cont’d)

h The PRP membranes as they

are obtained from the blood
test tube.

i The PRP Membrane Kit is

designed to reduce the
thickness and to increase
the size of the original PRP h i

j The kit provides expanded

membranes of a consistent

k The initial osteotomy is then

enlarged using a round dia-
mond bur.

l Initial detachment of the

membrane from the distal j k

m Initial detachment of the

membrane from the sinus

n Final detachment of the


o The PRP is added to the cor-

tical-cancellous allogenic l m
bone graft and mixed in a

n o

Fig. 5-25 (cont’d)

p The mix is progressive load-

ed into the sinus cavity and
gently packed in all direc-

q More bone is added to the

central part of the sinus cav-
p q ity.

r Antral cavity fully filled.

s PRP membrane ready for


t Coverage of the graft with a

PRP membrane.

u Flap repositioned in place

r s by single interrupted su-

t u


Fig. 5-26

a Radiographic pre-operative

b Clinical pre-operative view.

c Full-thickness flap refection.

d Initial osteotomy. Notice the

horizontal oval shape.

e Final osteotomy and mem-

brane detachment.

f Implants osteotomies com-

a pleted.

g Bone is delivered into the

sinus cavity using a Molt cu-

b c

d e

f g

Fig. 5-26 (cont’d)

h Bone is packed against the

medial wall to create the
palatal bony wall of the im-

i Future palatal bony wall of

implants complete.

j implants placement. h i
k The lateral wall of the sinus
has become the new roof of
the grafted sinus

l More bone is added and

gently packed between the

m Antral cavity fully filled with

cortical Coverage of graft
material with a resorbable
xenogenic collagen mem-
j k

n Status of soft tissues around

implants immediately be-
fore taking the final impres-

o Clinical view of the cement-

ed implant bridge.

l m

n o


Fig. 5-27

a Radiographic pre-operative

b Radiographic close-up view

of left sinus.

c Clinical pre-operative view.

d Full-thickness flap refection. a b

Sinus cavity is evident.

e Initial osteotomy. Notice the

horizontal circular shape.

f Enlarged final osteotomy

and membrane detachment.

g Implants osteotomies com-


h Bone is packed against the

medial wall to create the
palatal bony wall of the im-
c d

e f

g h

Fig. 5-27 (cont’d)

i Future palatal bony wall of

implants complete.

j Implants placement.

k The lateral wall of the sinus

has become the new roof of
the grafted sinus.
i j
l Bone is added using a tuber-
culin syringe.

m A tuberculin syringe can

carry a significant amount of
bone all at once(I)

n A tuberculin syringe can

carry a significant amount of
bone all at once(II)

o A tuberculin syringe can

carry a significant amount of
k l bone all at once(III)

p Bone is gently packed be-

tween the implants.

m n

o p

Fig. 5-27 (cont’d)

q More bone is added in

the buccal aspect of the

r More bone is added in

the buccal aspect of the

s More bone is added in q r

the buccal aspect of the

t Bone is gently packed over

the buccal aspect of the im-

u Antral cavity fully filled with

cortical allogenic bone graft.

v Coverage of graft material

with a resorbable xenogenic
collagen membrane.

w Radiographic post-opera-
s t
tive view of oseointegrated
implants immediately after
healing abutment connec-

x Status of soft tissues around

implants immediately be-
fore taking the final impres-

u v

w x

Fig. 5-27 (cont’d)

y Radiographic view of im-

plants immediately after
bridge cementation.

z One-year radiographic post-

operative follow-up view.

y z


Fig. 5-28

a Radiographic pre-operative

b Radiographic close-up view

of the area of the sinus to be

c Clinical pre-operative view.

d Full-thickness flap refection.

e Final osteotomy. Notice the

horizontal oval shape.
f Initial detachment of the
membrane using a sinus cu-

g Large perforation of the si-

nus membrane.

b c

d e

f g

Fig. 5-28 (cont’d)

h The perforation is repaired

using a resorbable xenogen-
ic collagen membrane.

i The membrane is lifted fur-

ther to create appropriate
space for the graft.
h i
j Bone is delivered into the si-
nus cavity using a tuberculin

k A large sinus may require

several syringes in order to
be fully filled.

l Coverage of graft material

with a resorbable xenogenic
collagen membrane.
j k
m Radiographic post-operative
close-up view of grafted si-
nus immediately before im-
plant placement.

n Radiographic post-operative
view of implants immediate-
ly before healing abutment

l m o Status of soft tissues around

implants immediately be-
fore tacking the final im-

p Implant abutments before

cementation of crowns.

q Clinical view of the bridge

cemented in place.

n o

p q


Fig. 5-29

a Radiographic pre-operative

b Radiographic close-up view

of the area of the sinus to be

c Clinical pre-operative view.

a b
d Full-thickness flap refection.
Sinus cavity is evident.

e Initial osteotomy. Notice the

vertical oval shape.

f Initial detachment of the

membrane using a sinus cu-

g Small perforation of the si-

nus membrane.

c d h The osteotomy is enlarged,

the membrane is lifted fur-
ther to create appropriated
space for the graft, and the
perforation is repaired us-
ing a resorbable xenogenic
collagen membrane.

e f

g h

Fig. 5-29 (cont’d)

i Bone is delivered into the

sinus cavity using a Molt cu-

j Graft material is gently com-

pacted in all directions.

k Antral cavity fully filled with

cortical allogenic bone graft. i j
l Coverage of graft material
with a resorbable xenogenic
collagen membrane.

m Radiographic post-operative
view of grafted sinus imme-
diately before implant place-

n Radiographic post-operative
close-up view of grafted si-
nus immediately before im-
plant placement.
k l
o Clinical post-operative view
of grafted sinus immediately
before implant placement.

p Implants in place.

m n

o p

Fig. 5-29 (cont’d)

q Radiographic post-operative
close-up view of implants
immediately before healing
abutment connections.

r Status of soft tissues around

implants immediately be-
fore tacking the final im-
q r pression.

s Radiographic post-operative
follow-up view.


Fig. 5-30

a CBT of Chronic odontogen-

ic sinusitis caused by tooth
# 3.

b Radiographic frontal view

of the compromised right

a b c After the extraction of tooth

# 3 communication between
the socket and the sinus is

d A resorbable xenogenic col-

lagen membrane is used to
pull apart the sinus from the

e The collagen membrane

rebuilds the bottom of the

f The socket is grafted with

cortical allogenic bone and
c d covered with a d-PTFE mem-

g Some sutures stabilize the

membrane in place.

h Clinical view of membrane

on socket of teeth # 3 imme-
diately before removal.

i Mature connective tissue

has formed under it after a
4-week healing period.

e f

g h

Fig. 5-30 (cont’d)

j After eight weeks the wound

is almost completely healed.

k CBT slice of the right si-

nus immediately before
the sinus augmentation

l CBT slice of the right si-

nus immediately before
i j
the sinus augmentation

m CBT slice of the right si-

nus immediately before
the sinus augmentation

n CBT slice of the right si-

nus immediately before
the sinus augmentation

o Clinical pre-operative view.

k l
p Full-thickness flap refection.

q Initial osteotomy. Notice the

vertical oval shape.

m n

o p

Fig. 5-30 (cont’d)

r Initial detachment of the


s Final detachment of the


t Bone is delivered into the si-

nus cavity using a tuberculin
r s syringe.

u A large sinus may require

several syringes in order to
be fully filled.

v Antral cavity fully filled with

cortical allogenic bone graft.

w Coverage of graft material

with a resorbable xenogenic
collagen membrane.

t u x Radiographic post-operative
view of grafted sinus im-
mediately before implant

v w

Fig. 5-30 (cont’d)

y Radiographic post-opera-
tive close-up view of grafted
sinus immediately before
implant placement.

z CBT slice of grafted sinus

immediately before implant
y z
aa CBT slice of grafted sinus
immediately before implant

ab CBT slice of grafted sinus

immediately before implant

ac Clinical post-operative view

of grafted sinus immediately
before implant placement.

ad Full-thickness flap refection.

aa ab
ae Implants in place.

af A resorbable xenogenic col-

lagen membrane is used to
increase the amount of soft
tissue around the implants.

ac ad

ae af

Fig. 5-30 (cont’d)

ag Status of soft tissues around

implants immediately be-
fore tacking the final im-

ah Clinical view of the cement-

ed implant bridge.

ag ah ai Radiographic post-operative
follow-up view.

aj CBT slice one year post-op-

erative follow-up view(I)

ak CBT slice one year post-op-

erative follow-up view(II)


aj ak



6 Surgery Technique for

Crestal Approach

cedures described in this chapter.

tion of the sinus membrane. Augment-
ed bone is packed deep into the sinus
site with the use of concave osteotome.
Crestal Approach The area is now stable enough for the
dental implant.
The use of osteotomes eliminates the
raising of a large flap to allow access Innovative Approach
to the lateral antral wall for surgical
access. It is a less invasive procedure An innovative approach to a crestal
while allowing greater stability of im- sinus lift procedure, the Crestal Ap-
plants. proach Kit, combines elements of
traditional drilling with a specially
With some similarities to the Lateral designed set of instruments with a spe-
Wall technique, the Crestal Approach cifically designed bur to cut the bone
begins with a crestal incision followed but whose tip is designed to prevent
by a full-thickness flap raised to ex- perforation of the Schneiderian mem-
pose the alveolar ridge. Osteotomes of brane. This drill offers the clinician a
increasing sizes are introduced to ex- more controlled, less traumatic, and
pand the alveolus. This improves bone more methodical approach for cut-
density. A flat osteotome penetrates ting the bone—instead of greenstick
the alveolar bone to the same relative fracturing the sinus floor; the drill, in
depth depending on bone thickness. combination with specially designed
The convex osteotome bores into the curettes, also allows for a more effec-
sinus cavity carefully avoiding perfora- tive separation of the membrane from

the sinus floor prior to grafting. The drilling. Fig. 6-1
Crestal Approach Technique is a sur- Crestal Approach kit
4. The Sensor Gauge is used to check
gical technique which is minimally in-
if sunus is perforated.
vasive and allows for the placement of
implants in the maxillary sinus region 5. The Depth Gauge is used to mea-
simultaneously. sure the depth of the drilled hole.
The Crestal Approach Kit is comprised
of: 6. The Bone Syringe is used to scoop
ground bone and graft.
1. The 2mm Guide Drill forms a
7. The Bone Packer is used to push
guide hole making accurate point
bone material into sinus.
before using the reamer.

2. The Diamond Reamer is used to 8. The Stopper helps over perforation.

cleanse residual soft tissues after
extraction and can also be used to
Clinician should identify the location
be an initial guide when bone is
of the sinus and its anatomy. The usual
protocol for an osteotome technique
3. The SD- Reamer is used to perfo-
should be used to elevate the flap and
rate the sinus wall. Its conical de-
to use a round bur to mark the de-
sign helps safe membrane lifting at

sired position of the implant. The site An anti-inflammatory medication
should be prepared with a 2 mm drill, and an antihistamine can also be used.
and drilling should stop when the drill Preoperative prophylactic antibiotic
tip is 1 mm to 3 mm short of the sinus therapy, such as 500 mg Augmentin
membrane. The prior step should be (GlaxoSmithKline, Research Triangle
repeated using the 3.2 mm Start Drill. Park, NC) or a similar suitable anti-
If desired, the clinician may use an in- biotic, should be used and continued
termediate sized drill prior to using the postoperatively three times a day for 7
calibrated 3.2 mm drill. to 10 days. A nasal decongestant such
as Sudafed (Warner Lambert, Morris
The Crestal Approach Kit eliminates Plains, NJ), 30 to 60 mg per day, should
the need for osteotomes when fractur- be prescribed, and Afrin (Schering-
ing the sinus floor, and this new sur- Plough, Kenilworth, NJ) nasal spray
gical technique provides a much less should be used as needed for nasal
traumatic experience for the patient congestion.
and greatly minimizes the possibility
of rupturing the sinus membrane.
Depending on the graft materials and
the host osteogenic potential, 3 to 12
months should be allowed for the bone
Postoperative graft and implants to integrate before
Considerations the prosthodontic phase begins. Dur-
ing this period, the patient can wear a
Postoperative considerations for the conventional prosthesis that has been
maxillary sinus grafting procedure are relined with a soft material. If an in-
similar to those for most oral surgery traoral donor site has been used, it is
and sinus manipulation procedures. usually well tolerated and recuperation
After the first week, a chlorhexidine normally takes 1 to 2 weeks.
mouthrinse should be used twice daily
for 2 weeks to reduce the chance of Potential Postoperative
infection. Blowing the nose, sucking
liquid through a straw, and smoking
cigarettes, all of which create negative Possible complications that can oc-
pressure, should be avoided for at least cur after this procedure include sinus
2 weeks after surgery. Coughing or congestion, infection of the graft, poor
sneezing should be done with an open wound healing, and the formation of
mouth to relieve pressure. Pressure at insufficient quality or quantity of bone
the surgical site, ice, elevation of the in the grafted site.150,151 Sinus conges-
head, and rest are also recommended. tion and pain should be treated with
Analgesics should be used to control decongestants and analgesics. If the
postoperative pain and discomfort. graft becomes infected (which is rela-

Fig. 6-2
The Stops are critical to the
procedure as it prevents un-
controlled insertion of the
drill into the membrane lin-
ing when the bone gives way.

Fig. 6-3
After each 1mm additional
depth, a nostril pressure test
is used to make sure the si-
nus membrane has not been

Fig. 6-4
Succeeding increases in di-
ameter safe ended burs used.

tively uncommon), the graft material quality or quantity of new bone to sus-
should be completely removed, the si- tain implants, the sinus void can be re-
nus membrane should be removed in grafted. After the lateral aspect of the
a radical sinus antrectomy procedure, sinus has been exposed, the graft ma-
the area should be well irrigated, and terial is removed, the surgical defect
antibiotic therapy should be pre- inspected, and the sinus regrafted with
scribed. A nasal antrostomy proce- a different combination of materials.1
dure is generally not required. The Trauma to an implant during the heal-
sinus can be regrafted after the crestal ing process or pathologic loading from
soft tissue has healed and radiographs the restoration can also cause prema-
show the sinus to be clear. ture loss of implants. The loss of max-
illary implants can create oro-antral
If the blood supply to the tissue is in- openings that may require surgery for
terrupted or impeded, there may be closure.36
poor wound healing and an early loss
of the bone graft or implant. If the in-
cision does not close properly, the re- Clinical Cases
maining graft should be removed, the
membrane inspected for perforations,
and the sinus void irrigated. Appro-
priate antibiotics should be prescribed,
and the wound should be allowed to
heal by secondary intention.

If the graft fails to produce sufficient

Fig. 6-5
Crestal approach utilizing the
Implant Vision Crestal Kit

Fig. 6-5 (cont’d)

Fig. 6-5 (cont’d)

Fig. 6-5 (cont’d)

Fig. 6-5 (cont’d)

Fig. 6-5 (cont’d)


Fig. 6-6
Crestal Sinus lift utilizing the
Implant Vision kit and PRP gel
as a graft material with simul-
taneous implant placement.

Fig. 6-6 (cont’d)

Fig. 6-6 (cont’d)



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Arun K. Garg, DMD, is a nationally recognized dental educator
and surgeon who for over 20 years, served as a full-time Professor
of Surgery in the Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and as
Director of Residency Training at the University of Miami Leon-
ard M. Miller School of Medicine. Frequently awarded faculty
member of the year by his residents, Dr. Garg is considered the
world’s preeminent authority on bone biology, bone harvesting
and bone grafting for dental implant surgery and has written and
published nine books and a dental implant marketing kit which
have been translated in multiple languages and distributed world-
wide. He has been a featured speaker at dozens of state, national
and international dental association conventions and meetings
including the American Academy of Periodontology, the Ameri-
can College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons and the Interna-
tional Congress of Oral Implantologists. Dr. Garg is the recipient
of numerous awards including outstanding educator by the ICOI
and an award for best article published by the Implant Dentistry
Journal. Dr. Garg earned his engineering and dental degrees from
the University of Florida and completed his residency training at
the University of Miami Jackson Memorial Hospital. He is also the
founder of Implant Seminars, a leading dental continuing educa-
tion company that offers a variety of class-based, hands-on, and
live patient programs in the United States and abroad.

Gustavo Mugnolo, DDS, PhD, is a board certified Oral sur-

geon and Master in the International dental Implant association
who graduated first in his class from Cordoba National University
in Argentina in 1990. In 1992 he completed a residency program
in Oral Surgery at the Deutsche clinic in Santiago (Chile) and
started his long carrier as a well known Oral surgeon. In 1995 he
obtained his Ph. D in Biomaterials at Cordoba National University

In 1998-1999 he completed a Fellowship in Oral Implantology at

Jackson Memorial Hospital University of Miami School of medi-
cine under the direct supervision of Professor Arun K. Garg,

With a private practice limited to oral surgery and Implant Den-

tistry, he is regarded a most prominent Oral Surgeon in Argentina
with a subspecialty in Implants and related Bone Grafting.

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