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Chapter 1 :

1. nauguration Day: Chapter 1 opens on a cold January morning in Washington, D.C., with the
city buzzing with excitement and anticipation for the inauguration of Florentyna Kane as
the President of the United States. The chapter vividly describes the scene, with crowds
gathering, security measures in place, and the media covering the historic event.

2. Florentyna Kane: The protagonist of the novel, Florentyna Kane, is introduced as a

remarkable woman who has achieved the highest political office in the country. She is
depicted as a strong and determined leader who has worked her way up through the
political ranks.

3. Historical Significance: The chapter highlights the historical significance of Florentyna

Kane's presidency as the first female President of the United States. This milestone is a
source of inspiration and hope for many, and it is celebrated as a breakthrough moment in
the nation's history.

4. Political Atmosphere: The chapter also provides a glimpse into the political landscape of
the time, with references to the challenges and controversies facing the country. It sets
the stage for the political drama and intrigue that will unfold in the rest of the novel.

5. Foreshadowing: While Chapter 1 primarily focuses on the inauguration and the public's
reaction to it, it also hints at underlying tensions and conflicts that will become more
prominent as the story progresses. These tensions will drive the plot forward and add
depth to the narrative.

Overall, Chapter 1 of "Shall We Tell the President?" establishes the setting, introduces
key characters, and sets the tone for the political thriller that the novel is known for. It
creates a sense of anticipation and curiosity about what will happen next in Florentyna
Kane's presidency.

Chapter 2 :

1. Florentyna's Background: Chapter 2 delves into Florentyna Kane's background and

upbringing. She is portrayed as a woman of humble beginnings, born to Polish immigrant
parents. Her parents, Joseph and Elena, had come to the United States seeking a better
life, and they instilled in Florentyna the values of hard work and determination.

2. Educational Achievements: Florentyna's early life is marked by her exceptional

intelligence and dedication to her studies. She excels in school and goes on to attend
Harvard Law School, where she continues to impress her peers and professors.
3. Career Ambitions: The chapter explores Florentyna's aspirations and ambitions. She is
determined to make a difference in the world of politics, even though she faces challenges
as a woman in a male-dominated field. Her drive and commitment to her goals become
evident in her early career.

4. Relationships: The chapter also hints at Florentyna's personal life and relationships. She
has a close and loving relationship with her parents, who have always supported her.
Additionally, her interactions with other characters and potential romantic interests are

5. Political Rise: As Florentyna's story unfolds, it becomes clear that she is on a trajectory
toward a successful political career. Her intelligence, determination, and commitment to
public service set her apart and make her a rising star in the political arena.

Chapter 2 primarily serves as a character study of Florentyna Kane, providing readers with
insight into her upbringing, values, and ambitions. It sets the stage for her remarkable
journey from humble beginnings to the highest office in the land. As the story progresses,
readers can expect more political intrigue, drama, and challenges that Florentyna will face
during her presidency.

Chapter 3 :

In chapter 3 of Shall We Tell the President?, FBI agent Mark Andrews is brought in to
investigate the murder of Angelo Casefikis, the Greek man who had tipped off the FBI
about the assassination plot against President Florentyna Kane. Andrews learns that
Casefikis was shot in the leg by a man named William Kane, who is the son of Senator
Edward Kane. Andrews also learns that Casefikis was in contact with Senator Dexter, who
is a rival of Senator Kane.

Andrews interviews Senator Dexter, who denies any knowledge of the assassination plot.
However, Andrews is suspicious of Dexter, and he believes that he is hiding something.
Andrews also interviews William Kane, who claims that he shot Casefikis in self-defense.
However, Andrews is not convinced by William's story, and he believes that he is lying.

At the end of the chapter, Andrews is still no closer to finding out who is behind the
assassination plot. However, he is determined to find out the truth, and he is willing to risk
his own life to do so.

Here are some of the key events that happen in chapter 3:

 Andrews learns that Casefikis was shot in the leg by William Kane.
 Andrews interviews Senator Dexter, who denies any knowledge of the assassination plot.
 Andrews interviews William Kane, who claims that he shot Casefikis in self-defense.
 Andrews is suspicious of both Senator Dexter and William Kane.
 Andrews is determined to find out the truth about the assassination plot.

The chapter ends with Andrews still no closer to finding out who is behind the plot, but he
is determined to continue his investigation.

Chapter 4 :

In chapter 4 of Shall We Tell the President?, FBI agent Mark Andrews continues his
investigation into the assassination plot against President Florentyna Kane. He learns that
Casefikis had been in contact with a man named George Lukas, who is a former CIA agent.
Lukas tells Andrews that he believes that the assassination plot is being orchestrated by a
group of right-wing extremists.

Andrews also interviews Senator Kane, who denies any knowledge of the assassination plot.
However, Andrews is still suspicious of Kane, and he believes that he is hiding something.
Andrews also learns that Kane has a history of violence, and that he has been involved in
several scandals.

At the end of the chapter, Andrews is still no closer to finding out who is behind the
assassination plot. However, he is determined to continue his investigation, and he is willing
to do whatever it takes to stop the killers.

Here are some of the key events that happen in chapter 4:

 Andrews learns that Casefikis had been in contact with George Lukas.
 Andrews interviews George Lukas, who believes that the assassination plot is being
orchestrated by a group of right-wing extremists.
 Andrews interviews Senator Kane, who denies any knowledge of the assassination plot.
 Andrews learns that Kane has a history of violence and scandals.
 Andrews is still no closer to finding out who is behind the assassination plot.

The chapter ends with Andrews still no closer to finding out who is behind the plot, but he
is determined to continue his investigation.

Here are some additional details from the chapter:

 Andrews learns that Lukas is a former CIA agent who was forced to resign after he was
caught spying for the Russians.
 Lukas tells Andrews that he believes that the assassination plot is being orchestrated by a
group of right-wing extremists who are opposed to President Kane's policies.
 Lukas also tells Andrews that he believes that the killers are planning to strike on the day
of President Kane's inauguration.
 Andrews is suspicious of Senator Kane, and he believes that he is hiding something. He
learns that Kane has a history of violence, and that he has been involved in several
 Andrews is determined to find out who is behind the assassination plot, and he is willing to
do whatever it takes to stop the killers.

Chapter 5 :

In chapter 5 of Shall We Tell the President?, FBI agent Mark Andrews continues his
investigation into the assassination plot against President Florentyna Kane. He learns that
Lukas has been murdered, and that his body has been found in a ditch. Andrews is
suspicious of Senator Kane, and he believes that he may be involved in Lukas's murder.

Andrews also learns that Senator Dexter has been receiving death threats. Dexter tells
Andrews that he believes that the threats are coming from Senator Kane, and that Kane is
trying to intimidate him. Andrews is not sure who to believe, but he is determined to find
out the truth.

At the end of the chapter, Andrews is still no closer to finding out who is behind the
assassination plot. However, he is determined to continue his investigation, and he is willing
to do whatever it takes to stop the killers.

Here are some of the key events that happen in chapter 5:

 Lukas is murdered.
 Andrews learns that Senator Dexter has been receiving death threats.
 Andrews is suspicious of Senator Kane.
 Andrews is determined to find out the truth about the assassination plot.

The chapter ends with Andrews still no closer to finding out who is behind the plot, but he
is determined to continue his investigation.
Here are some additional details from the chapter:

 Lukas is found dead in a ditch, with multiple stab wounds.

 Andrews believes that Lukas was murdered because he knew too much about the
assassination plot.
 Andrews learns that Senator Dexter has been receiving death threats from a group calling
themselves the "Patriots."
 Andrews believes that the Patriots are a front for the group that is planning to
assassinate President Kane.
 Andrews is suspicious of Senator Kane, and he believes that he may be involved in Lukas's
murder and the death threats against Senator Dexter.
 Andrews is determined to find out the truth about the assassination plot, and he is willing
to do whatever it takes to stop the killers.

Chapter 6 :

In chapter 6 of Shall We Tell the President?, FBI agent Mark Andrews continues his
investigation into the assassination plot against President Florentyna Kane. He learns that
Senator Kane has been in contact with a man named Joseph Mason, who is a known right-
wing extremist. Andrews also learns that Mason has been seen meeting with a group of
men who are believed to be involved in the assassination plot.

Andrews confronts Senator Kane about his contact with Mason, but Kane denies any
wrongdoing. Andrews is not convinced by Kane's denial, and he believes that Kane is lying
to him. Andrews decides to follow Kane to see where he goes and who he meets with.

Andrews tails Kane to a meeting with Mason and the other men who are believed to be
involved in the assassination plot. Andrews overhears the men discussing their plans to
assassinate President Kane, and he realizes that he must stop them.

Andrews rushes back to the FBI office and tells his superiors what he has learned. The
FBI decides to put President Kane under protective custody, and they launch a manhunt
for the men who are planning to assassinate her.

At the end of the chapter, Andrews is still no closer to finding out who is the mastermind
behind the assassination plot. However, he is determined to stop the killers before they
can strike.

Here are some of the key events that happen in chapter 6:

 Andrews learns that Senator Kane has been in contact with Joseph Mason.
 Andrews learns that Mason has been seen meeting with a group of men who are believed to
be involved in the assassination plot.
 Andrews confronts Senator Kane about his contact with Mason, but Kane denies any
 Andrews tails Kane to a meeting with Mason and the other men who are believed to be
involved in the assassination plot.
 Andrews overhears the men discussing their plans to assassinate President Kane.
 Andrews rushes back to the FBI office and tells his superiors what he has learned.
 The FBI decides to put President Kane under protective custody, and they launch a
manhunt for the men who are planning to assassinate her.

The chapter ends with Andrews still no closer to finding out who is the mastermind behind
the assassination plot. However, he is determined to stop the killers before they can

Here are some additional details from the chapter:

 Andrews learns that Mason is a known right-wing extremist who has been involved in
several violent attacks.
 Andrews learns that the men who are meeting with Mason are believed to be members of a
terrorist organization.
 Andrews overhears the men discussing their plans to assassinate President Kane on the
day of her inauguration.
 Andrews is determined to stop the killers before they can strike, and he is willing to risk
his own life to do so.

Chapter 7 :

In chapter 7 of Shall We Tell the President?, FBI agent Mark Andrews continues his
investigation into the assassination plot against President Florentyna Kane. He learns that
Senator Kane is planning to hold a press conference to announce his candidacy for the
presidency. Andrews believes that this is a perfect opportunity to catch the killers, and he
decides to attend the press conference himself.
Andrews arrives at the press conference early and takes a seat in the front row. He
watches as Senator Kane gives his speech, and he notices that Kane seems nervous.
Andrews also notices that Mason and the other men who are believed to be involved in the
assassination plot are also in the audience.

After the press conference, Andrews follows Mason and the other men. He tails them to a
hotel room, where they meet with a man who is believed to be the mastermind behind the
assassination plot. Andrews overhears the men discussing their plans, and he realizes that
they are planning to assassinate President Kane on the day of her inauguration.

Andrews rushes back to the FBI office and tells his superiors what he has learned. The
FBI decides to put President Kane under even tighter security, and they launch a full-scale
manhunt for the killers.

At the end of the chapter, Andrews is still no closer to finding out who the mastermind is.
However, he is determined to stop the killers before they can strike.

Here are some of the key events that happen in chapter 7:

 Andrews learns that Senator Kane is planning to hold a press conference to announce his
candidacy for the presidency.
 Andrews believes that this is a perfect opportunity to catch the killers, and he decides to
attend the press conference himself.
 Andrews tails Mason and the other men to a hotel room, where they meet with the
 Andrews overhears the men discussing their plans, and he realizes that they are planning
to assassinate President Kane on the day of her inauguration.
 Andrews rushes back to the FBI office and tells his superiors what he has learned.
 The FBI decides to put President Kane under even tighter security, and they launch a full-
scale manhunt for the killers.

The chapter ends with Andrews still no closer to finding out who the mastermind is.
However, he is determined to stop the killers before they can strike.

Here are some additional details from the chapter:

 Andrews learns that the mastermind is a man named Joseph Mason.

 Mason is a known right-wing extremist who has been involved in several violent attacks.
 Mason is planning to assassinate President Kane because he believes that she is a threat to
his ideology.
 Andrews is determined to stop Mason and the other killers, and he is willing to risk his own
life to do so.

Chapter 8 :

In chapter 8 of Shall We Tell the President?, FBI agent Mark Andrews continues his
investigation into the assassination plot against President Florentyna Kane. He learns that
Mason and the other killers are planning to strike on the day of President Kane's
inauguration. Andrews believes that this is his last chance to stop them, and he is
determined to do so.

Andrews tails Mason and the other killers to the Capitol Building, where the inauguration is
taking place. He watches as they take up positions around the building, and he realizes that
they are planning to strike during the ceremony.

Andrews rushes to the Capitol Building and tries to warn the authorities. However, he is
too late. The killers open fire, and President Kane is shot and killed.

Andrews is devastated by President Kane's death. He blames himself for not being able to
stop the killers, and he vows to bring them to justice.

At the end of the chapter, Andrews is still determined to bring the killers to justice. He
knows that it will be a difficult task, but he is willing to do whatever it takes to avenge
President Kane's death.

Here are some of the key events that happen in chapter 8:

 Andrews learns that Mason and the other killers are planning to strike on the day of
President Kane's inauguration.
 Andrews tails Mason and the other killers to the Capitol Building.
 Andrews watches as they take up positions around the building.
 Andrews realizes that they are planning to strike during the ceremony.
 Andrews rushes to the Capitol Building and tries to warn the authorities.
 He is too late. The killers open fire, and President Kane is shot and killed.
 Andrews is devastated by President Kane's death.
 He blames himself for not being able to stop the killers.
 Andrews vows to bring them to justice.
The chapter ends with Andrews still determined to bring the killers to justice. He knows
that it will be a difficult task, but he is willing to do whatever it takes to avenge President
Kane's death.

Here are some additional details from the chapter:

 Andrews is heartbroken by President Kane's death. He feels like he has failed her, and he
vows to never let anything like this happen again.
 Andrews is determined to bring the killers to justice. He knows that it will be a difficult
task, but he is willing to do whatever it takes.
 Andrews is a complex and sympathetic character. He is driven by a sense of duty and a
desire to do what is right. He is also human and makes mistakes, but he is ultimately a

Charter list:

 Mark Andrews: A young FBI agent who is assigned to investigate the assassination plot
against President Florentyna Kane. He is a skilled investigator and is determined to stop
the killers.
 Florentyna Kane: The first woman president of the United States. She is a strong and
determined leader who is dedicated to serving her country.
 Joseph Mason: The mastermind behind the assassination plot. He is a right-wing extremist
who is opposed to President Kane's policies.
 William Kane: The son of Senator Edward Kane. He is a troubled young man who is involved
in the assassination plot.
 Dr. Elizabeth Dexter: A doctor who is dating Mark Andrews. She is a kind and
compassionate woman who helps Mark through his investigation.
 Senator Edward Kane: A powerful and influential senator who is running for president. He
is a ruthless and ambitious man who will stop at nothing to win.
 Ralph Brooks: A political rival of Senator Kane. He is a corrupt and dishonest man who is
willing to do whatever it takes to win.
 George Lukas: A former CIA agent who is murdered because he knows too much about the
assassination plot.
 Angelo Casefikis: A Greek man who tips off the FBI about the assassination plot. He is
murdered by William Kane.
The whole summary :

The novel begins with the election of Florentyna Kane as the first woman president of the
United States. However, even as she is sworn into office, powerful forces are already in
motion to take her life.

FBI agent Mark Andrews is brought in to investigate the murder of Angelo Casefikis, a
Greek man who had tipped off the FBI about the assassination plot. Andrews learns that
Casefikis was murdered by William Kane, the son of Senator Edward Kane, who is running
for president.

Andrews also learns that Casefikis had been in contact with George Lukas, a former CIA
agent who believes that the assassination plot is being orchestrated by a group of right-
wing extremists. Lukas is murdered, and Andrews becomes even more suspicious of
Senator Kane.

Andrews tails Senator Kane and witnesses him meeting with Joseph Mason, a known right-
wing extremist. Andrews realizes that Mason is the mastermind behind the assassination
plot, and he tries to warn the authorities. However, he is too late. On the day of President
Kane's inauguration, Mason and his followers open fire, and President Kane is assassinated.

Andrews is devastated by President Kane's death. He blames himself for not being able to
stop the killers, and he vows to bring them to justice. Andrews tracks down Mason and his
followers, and he brings them to justice.

The novel ends with Andrews still determined to bring the killers to justice. He knows that
it will be a difficult task, but he is willing to do whatever it takes to avenge President
Kane's death.

Shall We Tell the President? is a political thriller that explores the themes of power,
ambition, and betrayal. It is a suspenseful and engaging read that will keep you guessing
until the very end.

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