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Chemistry answers :

Multiple choice

1. (B) Mg + 2HCl → MgCl2 + H2

2. (A) Zinc displaces copper to form zinc sulfate and copper metal.
3. (D) Gold

Fill in the blank

1. A displacement reaction is a chemical reaction in which one element displaces

another element from a compound.
2. The activity series is a ranking of elements in order of their decreasing
3. The more reactive element in a displacement reaction will displace the less
reactive element from the compound.


1. Displacement reactions can only occur between metals and non-metals.

(False) Displacement reactions can occur between metals and metals, metals
and non-metals, and non-metals and non-metals.
2. Displacement reactions can produce gases. (True) For example, the
displacement reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid produces
hydrogen gas.
3. Displacement reactions are always redox reactions. (True) Displacement
reactions involve the transfer of electrons, which is the definition of a redox

Short answer

1. Balanced chemical equation for the displacement reaction between iron metal
and copper sulfate solution:

Fe + CuSO4 → FeSO4 + Cu
2. Why displacement reactions occur: Displacement reactions occur because the
more reactive element has a greater tendency to gain electrons than the less
reactive element. When the more reactive element comes into contact with
the compound, it displaces the less reactive element from the compound and
gains the electrons that the less reactive element was holding.
3. Three applications of displacement reactions in industry:
● Extraction of metals from their ores: Displacement reactions are used to
extract metals from their ores. For example, iron metal is extracted from iron
ore using the following displacement reaction:

Fe2O3 + 3C → 2Fe + 3CO

● Production of batteries: Displacement reactions are used to produce batteries.

For example, the lead-acid battery uses the following displacement reaction:

Pb + PbO2 + 2H2SO4 → 2PbSO4 + 2H2O

● Corrosion of metals: Displacement reactions are also responsible for the

corrosion of metals. For example, when iron metal is exposed to air, it reacts
with oxygen in the air to form a rust layer, which is a compound of iron and

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