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GE 101
Advertising Media
Purposely designed to elicit a change in consumer action, belief and
It woos us to buy products we don’t need and trust wholly with
product claims that are puffery or exaggerated.
Entertainment Media
It can shape who we are as both public and private people.
A celebrity wears a certain clothes ensemble or mentions the designer, manufacturer
or store where it was purchased and almost immediately, sales for that item skyrocket.
Entertainment Media
Celebrity endorsers bring instant brand awareness and receptivity area even if
Online Media
Added significantly to media’s ability to influence consumers.
There are thousands of websites from both commercial and private sources hawking
everything for sale under the sun.
While consumers still retain a bit guarded concern on those commercial entities they
know are out for a buck, they tend to be swayed and a bit more open to entreaties
from bloggers and forum posts, which they typically view as unbiased third parties.
“Buyers beware”!
It is needed as the power of media to influence and inform and impact consumerism
continues grows exponentially, and more people have access to media, with fewer
controls in place to scrutinize what’s respectable or true.
What makes an ad effective or ineffective?
GOAL SETTING. Set specific goals for your advertising. Your advertising goal
should also include increasing brand awareness and preference with ongoing image
advertising that doesn’t include information about particular sale, feature or
REPETITION. Conventional advertising wisdom holds that you need to get your ad
in front of consumers three times to get optimal response rate because even people
who are interested in your product or service don’t always act the first time to see
your ad.
Effective messages
Build your ad campaigns around stopping consumers who are looking for a specific
benefit you offer and convincing them you have what they want.
Ineffective messages
Avoid making your product or service or a catchy or funny slogan the focal point of
your ads.
Focus groups of consumers often find that people remember catchy slogans but don’t
remember the company or product.
Role of consumers culture on our sense of self
and identity
People consume in ways that are consistent with their sense of self.
Consumers use possessions and brands to create their self-identities and
communicate these selves to others and themselves.
Relationship between identity concerns and their sense of self.
Relationship between identity concerns and consumption to look at the effects of
specific-related goals and of different aspects of self-identity on consumer behavior.
FILIPINO Identity: Political Self and Democratic
Identity emerges from set of values, traits, behavior and social norms.
Summary of all attributes that relates to being Filipino.
Filipino Traits
HOSPITALITY – warmed treatment towards guest or strangers.
RESPECTFULNESS – show consideration towards other people.
STRONG FAMILY TIES – Loyal and dependent to their families.
AMOR PROPIO – “self-love”; by not doing something shameful even to the point of
avoiding confrontation
Filipino Values on the other hand could be
broken down to:
Based on (1) constructed filipino identity and (2) political history and landscape.
Being exposed to democratic country controlled by few people.
Filipino politics has a long historical battle for control and power.
Politics is intertwined with Filipino values and traits – a surplus in political parties;
rich and powerful families claiming territories and life changing political situations.

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