HRPR302 Case 2

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HRPR302 Case #2 (20% of Grade)

Due: Dec. 7, 2021 by 11 pm (on Moodle in PDF format only)

Title: Oh No – Why Did it have to Happen to Us?
You are the OH&S specialist at Lordco (an auto parts dealer in Prince George). Bob, the
operations manager just reported to you that Susan who works in the parts warehouse just
hurt her leg in the warehouse this afternoon. She’s currently at the University Hospital of
Northern B.C. (UHNBC – Prince George’s regional hospital) having her leg injury assessed by
Bob wants to ensure that Lordco does everything possible to determine the nature of the injury
sustained as well as how it happened so that it doesn’t happen again.
Part 1
Bob instructs you to put together a plan for how you will determine how the injury/incident
occurred. The plan must be realistic and include details that apply to this type of workplace.
Ensure that the plan has clear steps of what you will do and in what order and how it will be
applied to the Lordco organization. (1/2 marks for theory only, full marks for application to
Part 2
Answer the following questions in Part 2, making sure you restate the questions, before you
answer them in the same order you see below. Ensure that your answers are specific to the
Lordco organization.
1) What are the purpose and steps for conducting this incident investigation?
2) What are the legal requirements that you need to meet to investigate this incident?
3) Since you don’t know exactly what caused this incident, which factor(s) (agency), do you
think are most closely related with the cause of this incident?
Other instructions for this case
- You may work with other students up to a maximum group size of three (3)
- A title page is required which will include the following:
o Title of Case
o Appropriate non-copyrighted image
o Full names and student number of your group members
o Date of submission

- See next page for additional details

- Reference section
o Since you will likely need to look at some information to help you provide
answers, you will both need to provide citations in the body of your answers as
well as a full properly formatted reference section (using APA format for both)
o Any usage of materials from the textbook also need to be cited and referenced
using proper APA format

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