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Functional text, yang terdengar di mata kita adalah iklan, undangan, pengumuman, dan sebagainya. That's
right! Functional text adalah teks-teks pendek yang memiliki tujuan tertentu dalampenggunaannya. Berikut
ini adalah penjelasan jenis-jenis functional text, deskripsi, dan kemungkinan soal yang muncul setelahnya.
Iklan atau advertisement’ merupakan jenis functional text yang pasti selalu ada dalam ujian. Sebuah iklan
mengandung banyak informasi di dalamnya dan kita harus jeli dalam membaca informasi-informasi dalam
iklan tersebut!
1. Possible Questions with Examples:
• What is the primary purpose of an advertisement?
• Can you give an example of an advertisement for a popular product?
2. How to Answer:
• The primary purpose of an advertisement is to promote and persuade potential customers
to buy or engage with a product, service, or idea.
• Example: An advertisement for the latest smartphone might showcase its features,
benefits, and a limited-time offer to entice potential buyers.
Announcement artinya pengumuman. Sebuah pengumuman harus mengandung informasi yang penting
bagi pembaca seperti apa (what), siapa (who), kapan (when), di mana (where), mengapa (why), dan
bagaimana/berapa (how/how many).
An announcement is a public statement or message that provides information about an event, change, or
important news. It is intended to inform a specific audience about specific details.
1. Possible Questions with Examples:
• What is the difference between an advertisement and an announcement?
• Can you provide an example of a public announcement?
2. How to Answer:
• An advertisement is designed to promote and persuade customers to purchase or engage
with something, while an announcement provides information about an event, change, or
• Example: A school announcing a change in the exam schedule would be a public

Notice adalah pemberitahuan yang ditempel di tempat umum dan strategis dengan harapan agar orang
membaca dan memperhatikan pemberitahuan yang dibuat. Sedangkan sign adalah gambar yang memiliki
informasi tertentu yang wajib kita perhatikan. Berikut ini adalah jenis-jenis dari notice.
C.1. Notice
A notice is a formal written or printed announcement that provides information or instructions. It can be
used in various contexts, such as in schools, workplaces, or public places
1. Possible Questions with Examples:
• How is a notice different from an announcement?
• What are some common types of notices in schools?
2. How to Answer:
• A notice is a formal written or printed communication that provides specific information
or instructions, while an announcement is a public statement about an event or news.
• Examples: Notices in schools might include exam schedules, upcoming events, or
important announcements.
C.2. Caution
A caution is a warning or alert about potential risks, dangers, or hazards. It is intended to advise people to
be careful or take necessary precautions to avoid harm.
1. Possible Questions with Examples:
• What is the purpose of a caution sign?
• Can you provide an example of when a caution is necessary?
2. How to Answer:
• The purpose of a caution sign or notice is to warn people about potential risks, dangers,
or hazards and advise them to be careful or take necessary precautions.
• Example: Caution signs near construction sites warn pedestrians of potential hazards and
advise them to stay alert and avoid the area if possible.
C.3. Warning/Danger
A warning or danger notice is a more severe form of caution that indicates immediate risks, threats, or
hazards that could cause harm or danger. It is crucial to take immediate action to avoid potential harm.
1. Possible Questions with Examples:
• What distinguishes a warning from a caution?
• Can you give an example of a situation where a warning or danger notice is crucial?
2. How to Answer:
• A warning or danger notice indicates immediate and severe risks, threats, or hazards that
require immediate action to avoid potential harm, while a caution advises people to be
careful or take precautions.
• Example: A warning sign near a high-voltage area alerts people to the immediate danger
of electrocution and advises them to keep a safe distance and avoid contact with the


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